With You -10-

Misana Clichés
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The next call came a little past 4am.


“She’s awake.” Nayeon’s voice came clear, pulling Sana out of her sleepy state. 


“She is?” Sana’s tears begin to fall.


“Yeah, she is..She’s awake.” Nayeon’s voice cracked, “She’s awake.”


“I can’t come now can I?”


“It’s not visiting hours yet.”


“Did you call the others already?”


“No, you’re the first one I called.”




“Because Mina would probably want you to know first. Anyways, I’ll text the others. Don’t rush here okay? I can’t handle anymore of you guys coming here injured.” Nayeon’s voice had a light tone, something that’s been gone since Mina got hurt. 


“Yeah yeah. Now go make sure my MIttang is okay.” Sana playfully orders.


“Okay, I’ll make sure your precious Darling is okay.” The nickname slipping out.




“Nothing, I'm just teasing you. Gotta go bye.” Nayeon ends the call, “That was close.” 


~ ~ ~ ~


Unlike the other days, there was an extra bounce in Sana’s steps today. At exactly 9am she checked in and got her visitor pass.


“You’re chipper today Ms. Minatozaki, good news?”


“Very.” She smiles at the older woman working the desk, skipping off.


When Sana arrived in front of the room she paused, gripping the handle tightly. 


“Why am I nervous?” She shakes her head.


“Yeah why are you so nervous?” A voice asks right next to her ear and Sana quite literally yelps, “Tsk you.” She playfully glares at Chaeyoung, “I’m here to administer her meds, so if you still need a few more minutes to finish whatever drama you’re filming here be my guest, but do it in front of that room, it’s empty.” The shorter girl teases.


“You’re so insufferable.” Sana side steps.


“Tzutzu doesn’t think so.” Chaeyoung chuckles, sliding the door open before Sana could retaliate, “Dr. Myoui, I'm here and I brought a stray.” She happily announces. 


“I can see that.” Mina smiles softly, her eyes catching the brunette, “Alright, before you two have a tearful reunion, let me get this into your line.” Chaeyoung quickly gets to work, wanting to give the two their much needed privacy.


“Are you just gonna keep standing near the door or?” Mina speaks up after a few beats of silence pass by the two of them. 


“Yeah..” Sana makes her way towards Mina, taking slow careful steps, “Hi, good morning.” Mina smiles at Sana, “Hi..” Sana’s eyes were teary, “Good morning.” She sits on the edge of Mina’s bed. 


“Did you sleep okay last night?” Mina talks like she hasn’t been asleep for days, like they just talked last night, like she didn’t almost leave her.


“No..not really. I haven’t been sleeping well for days.” Sana admits, there’s no point in hiding it anyways, she knows Mina would’ve seen through her lie. 


“I’m sorry.” Mina apologises, pressing a button on her bed to make her sit up a bit more, “For worrying you and everyone else.”


“Don’t apologise,” Sana shakes her head, “It’s not your fault, I’m just glad you’re okay. Really.” She places a hand over Mina’s, holding it tightly. 

“Can’t get rid of me that easily Honey, you promised me a date remember? Can’t die before then, but after may…owww.” Mina winces when Sana slaps her leg, “Not funny.”


“Too early?” Mina chuckles, “Very.” Sana glares, “Sorry.” Mina smiles softly, “But I’m here right? I promise I won’t be going anywhere.” 


~ ~ ~ ~


“Dr. Myoui, you must meet my grandson.”


“No no, she’ll meet my grandson.”


“How about my granddaughter?” 


The elderly patients at the hospital all chimed in while Mina laughed lightly. The weather outside was too good for Mina to stay in her room and Sana had to be onsite for work today, so she decided to visit the hospital’s indoor garden and she somehow found herself making friends with some of the patients, or rather the elderly patients swarmed her. Some recognized her as one of the doctors at the hospital.


“I’ll meet whoever shows up first.” The young doctor jokes, “Oh I win, my granddaughter is here, let me call her.” 


“Oh..uh..alright.” Mina was flustered, she didn't expect that answer, “There you are!” Nayeon marches towards Mina, “Didn’t Dr. Murayama say not to push yourself too hard yet? What if your stitches open up huh? Let me see.” Nayeon begins to fuss, “I’m fine Nayeonnie. There was a wheelchair in my room and I got one of the nurses to wheel me over. It’s too nice of a day for me to be stuck in the room.”


“Tsk, next time don’t just go off without telling me.” 




“Obaa-chan!” A young blonde woman runs to her grandmother, catching the two doctor’s attention, “Saku-chan!” 


“Why did you call me here?” The girl asks, eyes bright.


“I wanted you to meet someone.” The old lady gestures towards Mina and Sakura wheels her grandmother over, “Dr. Myoui.” Grandma Miyawaki smiles, “This is my granddaughter Miyawaki Sakura. Saku-chan, this is Dr. Myoui Mina, she’s about 2 years older than you.” 


“Uhm Hello,” Sakura introduces herself, bowing politely.


“Oh.” Nayeon steps away, looking at Mina with a teasing smirk, “I’m telling.” She mouths, quickly running off.


“Uhm hi.” Mina bows back, “Why don’t you go push Dr. Myoui around? I’m sure she’s tired of listening to all of us oldies here.”


“Oh I..” Mina begins.


“It’s okay Dr. Myoui, my Saku-chan is a great driver right?” 


“Right.” Sakura nods, looking at Mina slightly apologetically. 


“Alright.” Mina agrees, knowing how pushy Grandma Miyawaki can be.




“I’m sorry about my grandmother.” Sakura apologises, the two deciding to just grab a light lunch together at the cafeteria, “She can be a bit pushy but she means well.”


“I understand, it was partially my fault for going along with them earlier.” Mina laughed softly, and the conversation between the two began to flow naturally. Mina found out that Sakura is a pro-gamer who loves to knit – two things that Mina enjoys. 


She misses her switch. Maybe I should get one of the girls to bring it here..not Nayeon though cause she’ll scold me for playing too much, so not Momo too. Jihyo’ll be the safest, I’ll text her later.


“I actually brought my switch with me if you want to play?” Sakura offers and Mina lights up, “Can I? But it’ll be more fun if we play together.”


“I brought mario kart.”


“Oh it’s on.” Mina laughs and Sakura pulls the switch out. 


~ ~ ~ ~


“Knock knock.” Sana slides Mina’s door open, “Good morning.” Mina smiles, knitting needles pausing mid-stitch, “Good morning, cute hat.” Sana comments, “Did you knit it yourself?”


“It was a gift.” 


“Ooh, from?” Sana asks, sitting in her spot next to Mina, using her moveable table as a desk.


“A new friend, I think you’ll like Saku-chan, she’s very cute.” Mina chuckles, continuing her knitting, “Saku..-chan?” Sana raises a brow at this.


“Hmmm, the grandmother’s all want me to meet their grandchildren, and Saku-chan happened to be here so things just happened, what do you think?” Mina asks, showing the finished scarf.


“Cute.” Sana replies, voice monotonous. 





“Why don’t I believe you?”


“The scarf you're giving your new friend is very cute Mina.” Sana replies with an obviously fake smile.


“Who said it was for anyone else? It’s obviously for you.” Mina tilts her chin in confusion, she knits it with lilac yarn.


“Really?” Sana’s mood brightens, “Hmm, I know it’s still fall but I wanted to give it to you now, it’s a little bit not your style right? I’ll just make you something else. I can just give thi..”


“No no,” Sana snatches the scarf quickly, “You made this for me, this is mine and it’s cute and soft and cuddly.” She immediately wraps the scarf around her neck, “Thank you Mittang.” Sana stands hugging Mina lightly, “Mittang?” Mina swallows.


“Mhm, my Mittang.” She boops Mina’s nose, “I’ve decided to call you that.”


“Whatever you say Honey.” Mina does her best to hold back her smile, because it’s been so long since Sana called her by that nickname and just like that first time it made Mina feel things. 


We’re almost there. Finally.


“Dork, now let me get this email sent. I wanted to stay here until dinner but I have to meet with Dahyunnie tonight, so I do have to leave after lunch.” Sana pouts. She’s been so busy at work that she hasn’t been able to come by and see Mina as often. Sure they text all the time, talk on the phone a lot, facetimes too, but it’s different when she’s physically with Mina. That’s why even though she has a lot of work, Sana decided to work from Mina’s hospital room even if it’s just for a few hours.


“Ah, the date went well then?” 


“It did, but we decided to remain as friends.” Sana nods, focusing on her computer.




“We just didn’t click like I thought we would. We work better as friends.” Sana half lies. Half because she and Dahyun do work better as friends. 


“Well, that means I just moved up the list then.” Mina smiles proudly.




“Well I don’t know if you know this Ms. Minatozaki, but you are insanely beautiful, so there’s no way that others out there aren’t vying for your affection. I know the competition will be tough, but once I’m all healed up, I’ll take you on that promised date and you’ll find out.”


“Find out what?”


“What it means to jump and fall, knowing that I’m right there ready to catch you.” 


“That’s a foul Mittang, it’s too early for you to be cheesy.”


“I like to call it romantic, but I just want to put it out there.” Mina’s tone turns serious, and Sana feels her heart thumping in her chest,

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1198 streak #1
Chapter 52: Oh this 🥺 this hurt my feelings 😭 Mina that was one hell of a insane choice to make
1198 streak #2
Chapter 50: Well at least she has admitted to having already jumped off the bridge in love with Mina in this one haha
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 50: Pleaseeeeeeee do namo, btw hello again author-nim!
You are the best as usual.
I really want misana to work as well aaaaaaaaa <3
ShibaPenguin #4
Chapter 50: I love your work and ideas. It's so fun to read.

I haven't seen any namo fic either so I hope you make one or more too....maybe I did read but i don't remember now 🥹
Chapter 48: let’s keep rolling! i appreciate you💕
1198 streak #6
Chapter 46: A new story let's go!!!!!
210603 #7
Chapter 48: the story is so good. thanks for the updates♥️
Kiiarrah #8
Chapter 48: I like the story please go for the 4th.. Thanks
1198 streak #9
Chapter 44: I feel this is more of a bittersweet ending then a bad ending, thank you for the story 💚