Getaway Car

Misana Clichés
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You were drivin' the getaway car

We were flyin', but we'd never get far

Don't pretend it's such a mystery

Think about the place where you first met me


“Did you ever even love Mama?” 


“What?” Sana turns to her now 24 year old daughter, Yua, “I’m just curious..”


“I..” Sana was tongue tied by the sudden question, “Of course I—.” 


“Kaa-san, we both know I didn’t mean platonically.” Yua decides to confront her mother about something she’s noticed growing up, “I know the truth.” Yua says, blinking away her tears.


“Yua-chan..” Sana pauses, but unable to find any words.


“When the three of us would be together we’d be happy and smile a lot..but when I turned my back…I knew that mama wasn’t happy, because you weren’t happy.” The young woman closes her eyes, knowing that this wasn’t the time nor the place to have this talk, not when she’s about to walk down that aisle herself, but a part of her felt like she needed that answer before she walked out those doors..and she’s seen her other mother’s broken eyes for too long for her to not ask Sana this, “Why did you stay?” She finally asks, looking her mother straight in the eyes, unbeknownst to the two that a listening ear was just outside the door. 




The words her daughter asked her wife rang in Mina’s ears, her heart pounding with each second of silence coming from the double doors.


“I’ve always known..” Mina whispers, placing her palm on the door, “That I was never the one you love.” 


“Mina? What are you…”


“Oh where are we going?” Momo asks, when Mina suddenly dragged her away from the waiting room.


“She’s not ready yet..let’s just wait a few more moments.”


“Eh? But shouldn’t you be in there with them?”


“I think Sana’s having one of her moments with Yua-chan..why don’t we go find the others.”


“No can do’re lying to me right now..I know because you cannot lie.”


“I..” Mina puts her head down, “You think I should’ve just walked away?” 




“I said, I’m telling you the truth, they’re having a moment and you know how emotional Sana can get sometimes.” 


“If it wasn’t for Yua-chan’s wedding, I’d totally be grilling you right now. But I’m going to let this pass cause it’s a happy day.” 


“Thank you, now help me make sure everything is ready.”


~ ~


“Mama.” Yua smiles seeing Mina peek her head in after knocking lightly, “Hi.” Mina steps in, smiling at her daughter, “My daughter looks even more gorgeous today.” She hugs Yua, “I can’t believe my little bug is getting married.” 


“Awww Mama.” Yua hugs Mina back tightly, “Are you crying already?”


“I’m not like your Kaa-san.” Mina shakes her head, smiling, “Are you happy?” 


“I am.” Yua nods.


“Good. Your Kaa-san and I both really like Ryota.”


“Mama.” Yua leads Mina to the couch, “Hmm?” 


“Why did you stay?” Yua asks Mina the same question.


“Eh? Stay where?” Mina feigns ignorance.


“Mama.” Yua looks at her mother sternly.


“Because I love your Kaa-san.” 




“I thought I could love us enough for the both of us.”


“Mama.” Yua’s heart broke for her mother.


“I am happy.” Mina smiles at her daughter.


“Are you really?” 


“Yua.” Mina holds her daughter's hands, “I don’t regret staying. You know I love you very much.”


“I know, but I just…” Yua sighs, remembering the times she would catch Sana looking off in the distance lost in her thought, Mina looking at Sana with longing even if the two were right next to each other, her mothers smiling at each other, but never quite reaching their eyes, “I don’t want to see how you were when I went off to college.”


“What do you mean by that?”


“Tip toeing around Kaa-san.”


“Don’t worry. I…” Mina pauses, biting her lip in contemplation. But deciding to tell her daughter now, especially since it was Yua who brought this topic up, “I won’t be doing that anymore.”


“What do you mean by that?” Yua looks at Mina, “Are you?” The young woman looks at her mother, torn between happiness and sadness. 


Yua grew up loved by both her mothers, she’s seen how much love they can give because she was on the receiving end of it. But she also sees the pain hidden behind the smiles, the longing. Yua saw the signs, but she was afraid to lose her family; however, as she grew up, experienced life, love, and everything in between Yua realised that she wasn’t afraid, no..she was just a coward….a selfish coward who wanted to hold onto the facade of a happy family. When both her mothers were suffering in silence. But Yua also knew that it wasn’t her place to say anything, even if she got over her own cowardness. Her mothers made their choice.


“I’m about to walk my baby girl down that aisle.” Mina takes a moment to take a good look at the woman her daughter has become, softly Mina continues, “And that’s making me remember that aside from your happiness, there’s nothing more in life I want than your Kaa-san’s happiness too. I held onto her for too long..keeping her imprisoned..It’s time for me to let go.”


“Mama.” Yua looks at her mother, trying to find the right words to convey but none come to mind. So instead, she opts to pull Mina in a tight hug, trying to convey what she can’t say. 


“I’m sorry, maybe I should’ve waited until tomorrow to tell you hmm?” Mina pulls away, smiling at her daughter. 


“Kaa-san she.” Yua looks down at her hands, a habit she picked up from Mina when she’s nervous, “she cares about you too Mama.” Yua remembers what Sana answered when she asked the same thing.


“I know sweetheart, and my decision won’t change how you and me are okay? I’m still you’re Mama and you are still my little Yua..”


“I just want you both to be truly happy.” Yua blinks a few times trying to stop her tears. 


“Don’t worry.” Mina wipes the young girl’s tears, “We will.”


It’ll take time, but eventually, we will.


“Knock knock,” Sana peeks her head in, noticing Mina and Yua hugging each other tightly, “Oops am I interrupting a moment?” She looks at Mina and then at Yua. 


“No, we were just talking.” Mina gives Sana a small smile. 


“Ahh,” She nods, entering the room to join her family, “Should we take a photo?”


“But we already did, a lot of them.” Yua replies, reminding them of the whole photo session earlier.


“I know, but I want a copy now.” Sana says

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1197 streak #1
Chapter 52: Oh this 🥺 this hurt my feelings 😭 Mina that was one hell of a insane choice to make
1197 streak #2
Chapter 50: Well at least she has admitted to having already jumped off the bridge in love with Mina in this one haha
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 50: Pleaseeeeeeee do namo, btw hello again author-nim!
You are the best as usual.
I really want misana to work as well aaaaaaaaa <3
ShibaPenguin #4
Chapter 50: I love your work and ideas. It's so fun to read.

I haven't seen any namo fic either so I hope you make one or more too....maybe I did read but i don't remember now 🥹
Chapter 48: let’s keep rolling! i appreciate you💕
1197 streak #6
Chapter 46: A new story let's go!!!!!
210603 #7
Chapter 48: the story is so good. thanks for the updates♥️
Kiiarrah #8
Chapter 48: I like the story please go for the 4th.. Thanks
1197 streak #9
Chapter 44: I feel this is more of a bittersweet ending then a bad ending, thank you for the story 💚