Letters (2)

Misana Clichés
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“Minari~” Nayeon happily skips over to the counter, a wide bunny smile on her lips.


“The usual?” Mina asks, not phased over Nayeon’s unusually high energy..like higher than normal high.


“Yes please!” Nayeon leans her chin on her hands, silently begging Mina to ask her why she’s in such a good mood.


Mina, of course, already knows this, “Got it. Go sit down, I’ll bring it to you in a minute.” She gestures for the empty table next to the window, Nayeon’s usual spot.


“Ahhh Mina-yahhh…” Nayeon whines when Mina doesn’t give in to her silent pleas.


“And why is this bunny whining so loudly on a weekend?” Jeongyeon comes out from the back, refilling the coffee grinder.


“Jeongyeon-ah!! Mina’s ignoring me!!” Nayeon whines like a child. Jeongyeon ignores her, leaning closer towards Mina, “What’s going on with her?”


“I don’t know and she wants me to ask.” Mina whispers.


“Ahh so we both don’t ask, yes?”


“Exactly.” Mina says with a click of her tongue, shooting a finger gun towards Jeongyeon.


“Aishh I hate it here. This is Nayeonphobic.” Nayeon huffs, stomping to her usual spot.


“I give her 1 minute before she comes bugging you again.” Jeongyeon chuckles.


“You think she’ll last a minute?” Mina laughs along.


“Absolutely not.”


And just like Mina predicted, seconds later Nayeon was back in full sulky child mode.


“I told you I’d bring you your order.” Mina holds back her chuckle, her best friend can be so cute sometimes. Keyword: sometimes.


“Are you seriously going to act like this?”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“Heol..wow, WOW. Okay I see how it is.” Nayeon glares, “Jeongyeon-ah you’re my best friend now.”


“I refuse.” Jeongyeon deadpans and Nayeon really looks like she’ll cry any moment now.


“Okay okay.” Mina finally relents, “Go sit down and I’ll come over for my break.”




“Yes, yes. No go, you’re disturbing the other customers.”


With one last look over her shoulder, Nayeon finally sits down and patiently waits for Mina.


The cafe was busier than usual and with only Jeongyeon and Mina closing for the evening it took her a bit longer than usual to go on her break. But Nayeon was still patiently waiting, she understands and if she’s good, Mina will probably bring her a free slice of cake.


“Sorry it took so long.” Mina finally sits down on the empty chair in front of Nayeon, “Here have some cake.” She slides the plate over to her best friend who smiles triumphantly, “I knew you couldn’t resist me.”


“I just wanted you to finally stop whining.”

“Tch…well?” Nayeon encourages and Mina rolls her eyes before asking, “What happened?”


“I ran into Momo and Sana earlier at the library. And Momo recognized me from that one time and she said hello and offered the empty chair to sit with them. The empty seat was also the one right next to Momo in front of Sana and OMG Mina I was hella panicking. She was so cute while focused on her work and she even made small talk too.” Nayeon sighs dreamily, resting her chin on her palm.


“You like her that much huh.” Mina stares at the cup of tea on the table.


“Hmm..I do.” Nayeon nods, “Which is why we need to keep sending her the letters.”


“We?” Mina snaps her head up, “What ‘we’?”


“C’mon Mina please…just until I finally get the courage to tell her how I feel.”


“Nayeon…I don’t think that’s a good idea..my words aren’t yours…Think about how she’ll feel when she finds out it was me writing for you.”


“She doesn’t have to know it was you. It’s signed anonymously right?”


“Yes, but.”


“I know it’s selfish of me to ask you this, but please Mina?”


“Ugh fine.” Mina agrees, knowing she’ll regret it down the road.


“Yes! You are the best Minari.” Nayeon fist pumps, giving Mina two thumbs up with a wide smile on her face.


As long as she’ll be happy. That’s all that matters.


~ ~ ~ ~


“Mina!” Sana happily runs over to Mina, who was very surprised to see the girl at her workplace without Momo next to her.


“Hey, how can I help you?” Mina asks. The last 2 weeks have been crazy for Mina. With writing letters to Sana and the two becoming somewhat closer because of their project together. It’s odd but Mina finds that she likes it. Being friends with someone that’s literally a ball of sunshine is nice.


“Hmmm the oat milk latte you made me last time please oh oh and make it for here.” Sana adds, because usually her and Momo would drop in, chat with Mina for a bit and take their drinks to-go.


“Okay sure..just take a seat, I’ll just bring your drink over. Do you want anything else?” Mina asks, noticing Sana eyeing the fruit tart on display.

“Hmm for now, I think that’s it.” She beams and Mina rings her up with a smile.




“Here you are.” Mina places the vanilla oat milk latte and the fruit tart on Sana’s table.


“I..thank you.” Sana smiles.


“Enjoy, if you need anything just let me know.” Mina returns Sana’s wide smile.


“Actually, do you want to share this? I just ate and I’m not sure if I can finish it all.” Sana asks, gesturing at the fruit tart.


“Hmm..” Mina scans the cafe, it’s not that busy, so it should be fine, “Sure, but let me let my friend know.”


“Okay!” Sana beams, watching as Mina quickly talks to the tall girl behind the counter, who just nods her head.


Mina and Sana ate silently, Sana making small talk..but Mina can tell there was something bothering the girl.


“Are you okay?” Mina asks while Sana was recounting her day.


“Huh?” Sana was caught off guard, she wasn’t expecting Mina to ask her that, “I’m fine.”


“Hmm really?” Mina raises a challenging brow.

“Is it that obvious?” Sana asks with a slight pout.


“For me, yes. You just..I don’t know I can sense it I guess. But if you don’t want to talk to me about it, that's totally fine.”


“You’re right.” Sana frowns slightly, “I just..it’s kind of stupid.”


“If it’s making the literal personification of sunshine feel sad, I don’t think it’s stupid.” The comment seems to have boosted Sana’s mood a bit, but not up to her usual level.


“Okay well….you’ll be the second person I mention this to.” Sana leans forward, speaking in a hush tone. Mina, subconsciously leans closer, “So the past 2 weeks I’ve been getting these anonymous letters.” Sana begins, “They’re both so sweet but so painful at the same time. Like this last one I got.” She reaches for her bag, grabbing the white envelope and handing it to Mina, “Here read it.”


Mina nods, doing as she’s told even though she knows the exact content of the letter.


It rained the other day, and I thought of you. I don’t know why..especially since you always shine brighter than the sun. But it was raining, the clouds were grey and I saw your smile. Even amidst all the gloom your smile was still so bright in my mind. I’m reminded once again what you mean to me. To me, your existence means a brand new start. Be it in the past or the present you have made me think about my own purpose in life. I’m trying hard to become a better person. And If one day, when I’m brave, you discover that I’m different from the person that you that I was…if I fall short of your expectation..I hope you can look back on these letters and give me a second chance.





P.s Today’s lunch recommendation: Ramen.


“I..uhm..” Mina didn’t know what to say.


“I know…it’s so ugggghhhhh. Why doesn’t this person just come out and talk to me already?” Sana whines cutely.


“Maybe they’re shy?”


“Ahh so frustrating.” Sana pouts cutely.


“Do you want them to stop?” Mina asks.


“No…I want them to just talk to me in person and not through these letters that make me want to hug them until they see how wonderful they are.”


“Maybe they’re afraid that’s what you’ll do.”




“This person clearly likes you if they’ve been consistently sending letters, but I can tell..” Mina looks out the window, “they know it won’t be them you choose in the end…you’ll comfort them, be their friend..but for this person that isn’t enough.”


“That’s..how can they think that when we haven’t even talked properly?”


“They said it themselves, when they’re ‘brave’..meaning they’re afraid to show themselves.”


“So what should I do then?”


“You either wait or you try to catch the person sending the letters.”


“I guess I can wait. I mean I don’t want to force them too.”


“I think that’s smart. Just give them time, I think the fact they even sent you letters means they’re working up the courage to talk to you.” Mina assures Sana, ignoring the guilt.


“Thank you Mina. I feel better.” Sana’s smiles warmly, her shoulders visibly relaxing.

“Good..now, I’ll take this and head back to work. Let me know if there’s anything else okay?” Mina grabs the empty plate, before getting back to work.


~ ~ ~ ~


“I think I’ll talk to her.” Nayeon finally says after a month of sending Sana letters. And also, getting somewhat closer to both Sana and Momo, thanks in part to the project Sana and Mina are working on.


“You will?” Mina turns her head towards Nayeon.


“Mhm..yeah..I think I

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1197 streak #1
Chapter 52: Oh this 🥺 this hurt my feelings 😭 Mina that was one hell of a insane choice to make
1197 streak #2
Chapter 50: Well at least she has admitted to having already jumped off the bridge in love with Mina in this one haha
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 50: Pleaseeeeeeee do namo, btw hello again author-nim!
You are the best as usual.
I really want misana to work as well aaaaaaaaa <3
ShibaPenguin #4
Chapter 50: I love your work and ideas. It's so fun to read.

I haven't seen any namo fic either so I hope you make one or more too....maybe I did read but i don't remember now 🥹
Chapter 48: let’s keep rolling! i appreciate you💕
1197 streak #6
Chapter 46: A new story let's go!!!!!
210603 #7
Chapter 48: the story is so good. thanks for the updates♥️
Kiiarrah #8
Chapter 48: I like the story please go for the 4th.. Thanks
1197 streak #9
Chapter 44: I feel this is more of a bittersweet ending then a bad ending, thank you for the story 💚