Chapter Ten

Sweet Temptation
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[CONTENTID1]13 beaches[/CONTENTID1] [CONTENTID2]"It hurts to love you, but I still love you. It's just the way I feel. and I'd be lying, if I kept hiding. The fact that I can't deal. And that I've been dying. For something real"[/CONTENTID2] [CONTENTID3]

Tzuyu was in the middle of paperwork when she heard a light knock at her door

"Come in," she said out loud, not looking up from the paperwork in front of her.

"Chou Tzuyu" she heard her husband’s voice say and she looked up slowly placing her pen down and meeting his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him crossing her arms on her chest and leaning back on her chair

"Why are you acting this way? I didn't treat you any differently when you drank yourself to oblivion with Mina just the other day!" Ten rebuttals getting louder

"I’m upset because of what Mark-gégé said, not at you Ten! You think I wanted my best friend to cry herself to sleep again when it took me 30 minutes to calm her down enough before leaving to the damn bar you guys were at?!" She yelled at him getting up from her seat

"That doesn't pertain to us, Tzuyu. I’m talking about Lee Taeyong! I know you still love him, I know you guys kissed at Mina's party.

Do you know how confused I am about what you feel for me? You think I don't assume you guys found something to do before getting home the other night!?" He yelled back Tzuyu was taken aback

"Ten I didn't-" "Maybe seeing you coming home in his arms was my push, because I hate when he's close to you or even just the thought alone of Taeyong coming to you when I am not present as well.

I see the way you look at him, Tzuyu, and vice versa.” He cut her off and he looked down away from her

"I don't even know what I feel for you" she responded quietly

"I know that, which is why I stayed quiet for so long" he sighed and went to sit down in front of her desk.

She went and stood in front of him and he slowly hugged her waist and pressed his face to her stomach as she ran her hand through his hair

"I'm sorry I yelled," he said muffled

"And I'm sorry for hurting you" she whispered

"I did tell you I would wait. I guess I'm being a little impatient" he laughed nervously.

And she closed her eyes, she hated herself knowing she had hurt this man that loved her more than anything.

He looked up at her and she couldn't help but grab him from his face and kiss him.

"Can I have the passcode now?" He asked her as she sat on his lap

"Yeah in a moment," she told him and snuggled up against his chest

Suddenly Mark barged into the office "Tzuyu what was all that yelling? " he asked his momentum dying down as he spotted them

"Sorry I didn't-" "Oh you! We need to talk" Tzuyu said loudly

"Ya! Don't be so loud your husband is close by" Mark reprimanded

"Don't you dare!" Tzuyu said pointing a finger at him and standing up abruptly

"You need to get out of here, buy your wife the biggest bouquet of roses you can find, and apologize for calling her a !" She instructed

"I'll just apologize when I see her at home. Besides you locked out Ten from your house so you have no room to talk this much ," Mark snapped

"Actually Mina's going home with me for a little while which is why my husband was locked out last night. But since I know he needs clothes and he didn't call me out of my name last night at the bar, he'll be allowed back home. He was just guilty by association last night." she responded

"Mina isn't going home?" Mark repeated incredulously

"Of course not Mark-gégé, you hurt her and she feels even worse about the whole situation that happened prior to last night. She wants to give you space, she's told you she is sorry plenty of times but I guess you like being an to her about it all," Tzuyu said frustrated

"Stay out of it Chou Tzuyu," Mark said through clenched teeth

"It becomes my business when she's crying in my arms gégé" she responded dangerously

Ten grabbed her wrist as she slowly inched towards Mark


Mark ran his hand through his hair trying to rail in his temper "Have her call me then" he spat as he walked out of her office slamming her door.


Tzuyu jumped up at the sound of her door even though she anticipated it.

Ten pulled her towards him and she sat on his lap again

"It's ok honey, married couples have fights sometimes" he cooed and kissed her forehead.

She sighed and closed her eyes feeling his lips on her face "I know, but I’m sad for my friend" she whispered pouting cutely and met his eyes slowly

"The door’s passcode is 0-6-2-4," she told him as she wrapped her arms around his neck<

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736 streak #1
Chapter 11: Hopefully things work out!
736 streak #2
Chapter 10: What a cliffhanger!
736 streak #3
Chapter 9: Dang it! Things got tense!
736 streak #4
Chapter 8: And she finally said those sweet words. ;)
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Chapter 7: Ten is the man she deserves! ^^
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Chapter 6: The poor girl needs a break! -_-
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Chapter 5: Well, things got steamy! ;)
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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Hopefully, things turn out good!
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Chapter 3: The more I read, the more I dislike Taeyong. -_- He is a total jerk, unlike Ten who really turned out to be caring and sweet!

Ten should have kicked his !
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Chapter 2: Taeyong has gotten my nerves! It was not a cool move!