Episode 29 - Are You Happy With Him?

Rollin' in the Deep

     Jinyoung, Gongchan, Baro, and Shinwoo left the hospital room as Sandeul’s parents and sister came to smother him in joyous and tearful hugs and kisses. Sandeul seemed to be even more confused as to why everyone was so emotional, but didn’t seem to question it too much, giving them a smile. 

     Gongchan was the last to look through the crack of the door before he shut it to give the family some privacy. “At least Sandeul seems happy. And he’s actually back to normal! So… Jin–” Gongchan turned, looking for the bandleader, but only saw Shinwoo and Baro standing next to him in the hall. “Where did Jinyoung go?”

     Shinwoo shrugged as Baro pointed in one direction, “He ran off that way. I think he’s going to look for where they store the…” he gulped, “blood donations for a snack. I’m just glad he’s not going after me anymore,” Baro admitted, holding his neck as he imagined his friend’s fangs sinking into him. 

     Gongchan shook his head in disappointment, “I wanted to ask him why he told those lies to Sandeul and the nurse. How are we going to book a performance in less than a week when no one remembers B1A4? And what if Sandeul goes zombie on us again? I’m worried for him after what the nurse had to say. What if he turns back into a zombie, just because we lied?”

     “Calm down, little one,” Shinwoo said while patting Gongchan on the back, mocking him in a friendly way. “We’ll interrogate Jinyoung when he returns. For now, let’s head back to my place. Jinyoung knows the way back.”

     Baro led the way out of the hospital, turning his head back to say, “I’m curious to see what Jinyoung has in store for us. I’m sure he wouldn’t have made up something without a plan!”

     The three returned to Shinwoo’s apartment after a lengthy walk in the fresh, cool air. Right as Shinwoo pulled out the ingredients to make supper, Jinyoung entered. He finally felt safe enough to remove his disguise, revealing his face that looked much healthier than before. He took the TV remote out of Baro’s hand, and turned off the show he and Gongchan were watching on the couch. “What are you two doing? We have a lot to get done before our first performance!”

     Gongchan shot up and spoke before Baro could, “You have explaining to do!” his tone was filled with irritation. “First, what performance were you talking about? Why did you lie to Sandeul? He’s going to be heart broken when he finds out the truth! You saw how excited he was when you said WM has something planned for us!”

     Jinyoung remained calm, saying, “And you also saw how disappointed Sandeul was when he found out there was no concert. I didn’t want to let him down. And this time… we won’t let him down. Shinwoo,” he entered the kitchen where the member with glasses was chopping vegetables, “I’ll finish the cooking. You three can go out and split up to look for concert fliers. You can call the event managers and ask for B1A4 to perform a song or two for the opening act.” Jinyoung crossed his arms in satisfaction that his idea sounded even better aloud than in his head. 

     Shinwoo set down his knife and looked up at Jinyoung with a smirk, “So, that’s your master plan? I guess it could work. Baro! Gongchan! You heard him! Let’s go before it gets dark!”

     Gongchan, Baro, and Shinwoo divided on the streets of Seoul, gathering as many concert and event fliers and posters as they could, calling any phone number they came across. 

     They kept each other, including Jinyoung, updated. But so far, each call was a no go. As the sun sunk beneath the city’s horizon, Gongchan spotted one last poster in a window, just before he decided to turn back. He peeled the tape off to take it with him, but as he held it, he noticed the date. This concert was for Saturday, but that was also the date… of the next full moon. 

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 50: Oh, the story has ended? Wasn't expecting that. But also glad that they all got that happy ending they deserved. Anyway, I had fun reading this and maybe some day see me again in any of your other stories. Good luck for your future endeavours. Take care!

PS you didn't Mark this story as completed. Just letting you know ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 49: Ooh, you got me there!! For a moment I thought Sandeul is turning into a zombie again. Also, I'm glad they are having a good time with gigs and all. And if that's Jinyoung at the end, then I'm curious of why he's back. I mean if he's back for good? Anyway, will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 48: Sandeul is permanently cured? He really won't turn into a zombie again? Wonder how they managed to do that. Also, how did Sandeul know where Jinyoung and Baro was or up to? Wasn't he a zombie already when those decided to do what they did? Anyway, Gongchan and Shinwoo having fun at the grocery store was cute. But them spilling out the entire orange bin, did they face any repercussions? I'm curious of that. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2033 streak #4
Chapter 47: Oh no no... What's wrong? That cliffhanger is illegal. Anyway, I'm kinda glad that Shinwoo and Gongchan had each other in times like these. Can't wait to see how things would go further. And now that I've caught up with all the chapters, I'll be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 46: Aww poor Shinwoo! But at least Gongchan is with him. I mean they are there for each other. Anyway, can't wait to see how this develops further. Will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 45: That was the hospital where he's getting treatment? And I wonder what Baro did this time. Also, where's Gongchan and what he's up to? Can't wait to see how this develops further. Will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 44: Sandeul chewing on things, I mean other people's arms/shoulders and even his own hands is kinda funny. And I get where Jinyoung is coming from. Just hope there might be another way to handle this situation. Anyway, can't wait to see how things would develop herein. But will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 43: Oops, it did turn out like that in the end? At least the organiser took it as a special event and it's ready to do any future recommendations. That's a good thing right? Also I'm curious, was Sandeul biting on Shinwoo all the while they were talking to that manager? If so, what did she think about that? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 42: Ah, I thought I had caught up with all the chapters and was waiting for an update. My bad! Anyway, I'm glad that their planned performance went without any hitch and the crowd seemed to be enjoying their music as well. But they are gonna extend their performance now? I mean the members are all not in their best condition. So it's kinda making me anxious. Hope, that would go smoothly as well. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #10
Chapter 41: It was nice to see what each of them felt while waiting for their performance to begin. But since it is just starting, my anxiety is still over the roof, wondering about everything that could go wrong. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^