
Clue &/ Note

Minho wasn't sure how long he had been sitting here in this cold but bright room. He could hear some voices outside of the room from time to time, but it felt like a few days before anyone ever came in, and the first person he was greeted by was Jinki.

“I'm sorry that you had to wait a few hours. I'm sure you must be hungry by now, right? That's why I brought this for you,” The elder one said as he carefully placed a plastic container of cheese sandwiches and a bottle of water in front of the suspect.
“Only a few hours? How long has it been?” Minho asked in surprise. He couldn't imagine that it had only been a number of hours instead of a whole day or night.
“About three to four hours. But now that I'm here, it shouldn't be too long before we can get the ball rolling!” Jinki exclaimed almost enthusiastically, and Minho's mouth twisted unsurely.

He knew very little about why he had been brought in...well, he knew a bit.

He had been dating Jonghyun for a while now, and apparently, Jonghyun was the main suspect in a murder which took place not too long ago. This was what shocked Minho the most, even more than when he had been informed that he himself was also a suspect now - Jonghyun was a little on the freaky side when it came to for sure, but he certainly wasn't capable of hurting someone or killing them.

“I didn't know anything, and I'm sure you've got the wrong man, anyway. Jonghyun wouldn't hurt anyone,” He said with a gruff look on his face as he leaned back in his chair. He folded his arms in annoyance, making a point to not eat or drink what was offered to him, and Jinki subtly took note of the golfer's broad muscles. If anyone would have the strength to overpower a woman and kill her, it would be him for sure.
“I'm not here for that. I'm here to ask you about Taemin,” Jinki waved it off lightly.

Now Minho was even more confused.

“Taemin?” He frowned deeply, but his interest was piqued, “what about him? Doesn't he work here? Why not just ask him yourself...?”
“Because there are some things which I can't approach with him or his friends. You're the only one that knows him really well, and that's why I need your help. And considering what position you're in, I doubt you'll have any issues with that...” Jinki continued. Minho nodded, then opened the bottle of water to take a sip - now that Jinki was more revealing about his intentions (which wasn't to get the golfer convicted for a crime he had no part in), he was more welcoming to answering the captain's ideas or questions.
“Alright, then. What do you want to know about him?”

“You and Taemin started dating about a year ago, right? I'm sure you've gotten to know him pretty well,” Jinki started and locked his hands together on the table in front of the taller man who carefully ate the sandwiches.
“Yes, I guess you could say that,” He said, “but why are you asking me about things like this?”
“I want to know what he's like when he's at home. Everyone has a different side to them when they're at work and when they're at home, and you're the only one who knows that side of him. So tell me, what's he like when he's at home? I'm sure he must have some faults since you've been dating Jonghyun as well,” Jinki added on in a matter-of-fact tone.

Minho stared at the other man for a few seconds, then sighed as he caved in.

“I'm not proud of it, okay? So don't misunderstand me...Taemin isn't the same person he is when he's here. Like you explained it, he has different sides of himself. Here, he seems like a good guy, someone who has no problem helping others...but at home, he's someone else entirely,” Minho said quietly, as if he was afraid his boyfriend was listening in on them, “he was always so caring when we first started dating, it was hard for me to even leave for work in the mornings just because I wanted to stay with him all day. No matter what I wanted, he got for me or made it happen somehow. He was just...perfect. I don't know how else to explain it,”
He paused to take a sip of water and collect his emotions.
“But around 6 months into the relationship, things began to get weird,”
“What do you mean?” Jinki asked and frowned.
“He became possessive, very possessive. He also seemed to become very insecure which was surprising because I'm sure I would've noticed that earlier. But because he felt like this, he often got angry whenever I said I would be going out with friends, or when I spoke to someone on the phone when he was home. He would fly into fits of rage, but whenever I asked what the issue was, he couldn't give me an explanation that made sense. He'd scream and yell at me for the simplest of things, like posting a photo with someone else, or not taking me with him everywhere I went. It was terrifying, and if I'm honest, I thought he'd kill me in one of his tantrums one day,” Minho admitted, staring at his bottle of water. His hands were closed around the plastic, his fingers rubbing along the warm texture, and soon, Jinki opened his mouth to speak again.
“So if he had to kill someone, would you be surprised?” It was a crude question, but Minho shook his head immediately.
“No. If he felt threatened by someone, I'm nearly entirely sure he'd try to hurt them or kill them. He has a very violent temper. He's insanely jealous, and if he thinks someone is trying to flirt with me, I don't doubt he'd get to them somehow,” Minho said - now that he was explaining it to someone else other than Jonghyun, he wondered to himself why he'd stay with someone like this. He knew he deserved much better.

“Okay. I only have one last question, and then I'll be out of your hair,” Jinki stated. When Minho nodded as a sign for him to go ahead, the captain cleared his throat.
“Does Taemin usually wake up early? Or go out early in the morning for things like donuts or cupcakes?” Jinki asked, “and has it happened recently?”
“Taemin? No. Are you sure we're talking about the same person?” Minho laughed as if Jinki had asked the silliest question in the world.
“He never leaves the house early. As it is, he hates leaving for work on winter mornings because it's cold. But even in summer, he doesn't wake up until his alarm wakes him up, or he needs to for some reason, like when he's hungry or needs the toilet. He's never gone out earlier than 7 AM while we've been dating. And no, he hasn't ever gone out for donuts or cucpakes or anything like that on his own. He either expects me to go get them, or we go together. Why?” He asked at the end, and Jinki shook his head with hard eyes.
“He just said he went out the other morning at around 4 or 5 AM to buy some desserts for you guys,” He answered.
“Then I think he mistook himself for someone else, or he dreamt it, because he never left the house at that time, and he never mentioned anything like going out for desserts either,”

Jinki left the room after that, and he was surprised to see Irene outside the room.

“Would you mind explaining why you're looking into one of our detectives, sir?” It seemed very direct and a bit disrespectful considering their positions within the police department, but Jinki admired this sort of attitude. Maybe it was because he trusted his subordinates, or maybe it was because he had nothing to hide, but he had no issues explaining any of his actions to them.
“I can't tell you too much right now since I'm not sure whether my ideas are taking me anywhere or not, but all I can tell you for now is that Taemin is more of a suspect right now than Minho and Jonghyun are,” He nodded solemnly, the sadness and disappointment evident on his face amongst the enthusiasm that he was getting somewhere with the case. He hated that he had to look into one of his own, and now it was beginning to seem as if he was the main suspect after all, but a murderer was still a murderer, and Jinki couldn't turn a blind eye to it just because it might've been one of his very own detectives.

He went to the interrogation room which Jonghyun was in, which was about three to four rooms down from Minho's, and he had just stepped in when he was bombarded with questions.

“I heard Minho is here. Is he alright? Has he eaten? He eats a lot, so he can't be left to starve!” Jonghyun exclaimed before Jinki was fully inside; he didn't even care who was coming to see him at this point, he just needed to know if Minho was okay.
It was a change from his usual behavior - which was pessimistic, aggravated, and snappy - and Jinki was mildly surprised when he noticed the worried but caring tone of voice coming from the suspect.

“Don't worry, I took some sandwiches to him with water just a few minutes ago. He's eating well,” Jinki assured the shorter man, and he relaxed into his seat; at least some of his fears were soothed. Now all he needed was to get out of here.
“You care a lot about him, don't you? More than Taemin, I presume,” Jinki said after a while as he sat down in front of Jonghyun similarly to how he sat by Minho.
“I don't hate him, if that's what you mean. We just didn't work out,” Jonghyun quickly said.
“And why is that?”
“He was too jealous, too clingy. I loved him, but he became too overbearing eventually, so I left,” Jonghyun stated simply. It was almost identical to Minho's story, just a bit more summarized.
“He was good to you at the start, am I right? He was nearly perfect. He did whatever you asked, or got you anything you wanted,” Jinki said, and before Jonghyun could ask how he knew that, the elder man explained that Minho had already told him how Taemin treated the golfer in their relationship.
“How did you and Minho meet?” Jinki asked.
“At one of his games. I followed Taemin there a few months after we broke up because I wanted him back. I thought that even though he was very possessive, almost obsessive, it was all just out of love. But by the time I got there, I saw him cuddling up to Minho, and it didn't take me long to figure out they were dating. Minho approached me after the game and told me he noticed me constantly glancing at Taemin, so he wanted to tell me that Taemin was already taken. That's how we met. I told him Taemin was my ex, and since he was interested to know what his current boyfriend would be like, he asked me about Taemin, so I told him the truth. At first, he didn't believe me, but he was too curious to ignore it, so he came back eventually so we could get to know each other more. Then we started dating when things with him and Taemin began going downhill,” Jonghyun explained carefully, often pausing to make sure Jinki understood.
“But why is this important, anyway?” Jonghyun asked, and the captain sighed with a grimace.

Having two men confirm Taemin's behavior behind closed doors was beneficial to the case, but bad for his reputation. Jinki was still neutral - he didn't want to believe anyone was a suspect at this point - and so he'd organize a polygraph test for both suspects just to make sure they weren't trying to throw Taemin under the bus to get away with murder.

“It looks like Taemin is more of a problematic man than I once thought. I'll only ask one more thing of you, and then I think you'll be ready to leave...”

A polygraph test for both Minho and Jonghyun was organized the same day when Jinki insisted it was the key to cracking the case.
They were asked about the things they had said to Jinki regarding Taemin's behavior, if it was true that they were both together on the night of the murder, if Jonghyun truly hadn't gone over to Sooyoung's house, and other similar things. The results came back an hour later.

“What is that?” Irene asked when she walked into Jinki's office, noticing her superior glancing through the tests.
“The polygraph tests for Minho and Jonghyun. All their answers came back as true. I don't think they're involved in this murder at all,” It was hard to fool a polygraph test, nearly impossible, and Jinki was sure they would've messed up on at least one or two questions, but everything came back clear. Even the question of if it was true that Jonghyun hadn't been at Sooyoung's house that night.

“Then who's the murderer?”
“From the sounds of's Taemin,”

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 2: So Taemin first on scene - no Minho at home - and secretive Captain hmmm 🤔
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 1: What a start! Secrets worth murdering for...
961 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad I finally read this story.
I like the plot and the twist.
Thank you so much for sharing.
meerable #4
Chapter 16: Aewww... Taemin is still so wise as he was. He is so observant also.

Woahhh I love the plot of the story.
So good
meerable #5
Chapter 15: Jinki with Bamie. Jonghyun with Ming
meerable #6
Chapter 14: Wowwww Taeminah.
Not a Taeminie anymore. He is Taeman😱😱😱

How could he
meerable #7
Chapter 13: Oh my God. Taeminie.. 😭😭😭😭😭
meerable #8
Chapter 11: Jinki you're so cool. You're our Sherlock.
Hope you're with Kibum when you investigate it. But. 🤧
meerable #9
Chapter 10: Stay with Jinki , Bamie ya...

Taemin will get other lover.
meerable #10
Chapter 8: Ahem. They're dating or working 😂

They're both so in love but can't say a word.