Chapter 2 : Fresh Start

Sweet Lies


Chapter 2


“I’m your principal, Kim Junmyeon.” said him while smiling dashingly. If you weren’t shock from realizing that this older man which aren’t even that old was your principal, you probably would faint from seeing his eye blinding smile. But the real reason that cause you to be really shocked from the man statement is he was quite young to be a principal and in the back of your mind the first time you saw him stepping out of the huge office you thought that he was just a student teacher.


“I’m so so so sorry, I truly didn’t know, Sir.” said you while bowing profusely with your face turning red from embarrassment.


“It’s fine, Sena-ssi. I’m used to people mistaking me for a normal teacher.” said the man chuckling in amusement after seeing your panic face.


“Maybe we should continue this conversation in my office.” said him with his hand gesturing you to enter his office first before quietly shutting his office door close. As he walk towards his leather chair behind a big desk with tons of paperwork on top of it, you can hear a ruckus being made outside in the waiting room.


“So, how are you liking this academy so far?  It must’ve been hard moving alone so far away to Seoul by yourself.” said Junmyeon clearly trying to divert your attention as the sound from the waiting room are getting slightly louder.


“I really like the school atmosphere and the school building design isn’t like anything I’ve ever seen before. And to answer your second question, It wasn’t really that bad after all I’ve been living by myself quite a while now.” said you quietly.


“As your principal, it’s my duty to make sure all of my student well being is being taken care of, if you ever come across anything that is giving you a hard time during your schooling here you can always reach out to me.’ said him with a soft voice dripping with concern.


“I’m thankful for your concern, Sir.” said you while staring on your hand that are placed on top of your lap refusing to make any eye contact with the caring principal. 


“Here is your schedule and locker key.” said him while handing you a locker key and a schedule.


“As you are still new in this school, I already have a student waiting to show you sround the school. Don’t want you to be lost now wouldn’t we.” said him again with a joking smile on his lip.


“Kai, you can enter now.”  said him through his intercom.


Walking into the room was a tall tanned skin guy that are wearing the school uniform messily and not even bothering to tuck his shirt in properly. At the first glance you already know that everything about this guy just screams boy. 


“Hyung, why did you take so long that old hag secretary of yours is so annoying. I mean how could she try to flirt with me wasn’t it clear to her that I was a freaking student. One of these days , trust me she’s gonna be on the news as a registered offender.” said the tanned skin guy or Kai with a disgusted look on his face.


“Kai, I have a fellow sudent with me here. We’re in school so call me Principal Kim, would you?” said Junmyeon with an annoyed look.


“Alright, Principal Kim.” said Kai while rolling his eyes before diverting his attention to you with a smirk.


“Now now now, look at who we have here. What’s your name, pretty lady?” said him flirtatiously not even caring about Junmyeon who are watching his every move.


“Her name is Choi Sena , she just moved here from Gyeonggi-do. Now move along would both of you, you still have time for a little tour before getting into your first class.” said Junmyeon clearly trying to get Kai out of his office.


“Fine,  I’m getting out of your boring office.” said Kai with his hands up as if he was surrendering.


As Junmyeon nudge you slowly to follow Kai out of his office. He suddenly did a sign for you to open the palm of your hand and sneakily putting a few sweets into your hand as if he was trying to make sure Kai didn’t see your little interaction. With a confused look you move your attention from the sweets on your hand, you look at Junmyeon winking at you before finally waving you goodbye as he closed the door. Following behind Kai’s back like a lost puppy, you were wondering aout what Kai’s relationship with Junmyeon are after seeing them being so carefree with each other. 


“Sena?” said Kai after you weren’t answering him.


“Yes? Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” said you smiling sheepishly while scratching your nape looking apologetic.


“It’s okay, I was just asking you what class are you in?” said Kai smiling while looking at you with amusement.


Looking at the paper that were given by Junmyeon earlier, you notice your class number on top of the page of the class sschedule.


“I’m in class 2-3.” said you feeling a little bit sad that you weren’t in the same class as Yoshi and his friend but at the same time you were kinda getting anxious that the first day of your school is finally starting.


“Nice, you are actually in the same class me and some of my brothers.” said Kai again while he continue walking and showing you around the school.


After he finally finished showing you all around the school, you finally arrived at the school basketball court the final destination your tour. The school basketball court bleacher was fool with students as they were watching two teams in a play off. You were amazed to see that the team was on a tie, and among the athletes that are playing the game one person stood out the most to you with his bright blonde hair, he was also quite the giant and quite taller than Kai. The guy was pale and have a prominent dark circle under his eye that really fits him in your opinion.


“Got your eyes on someone, huh.” Kai smirks as he saw you looking at the blonde guy.


“I’m much more handsome than him tough.” said Kai pouting sadly.


“That actually is one of my brother if you wanna know.” said Kai again after not getting any reaction from you.


“Wait, really? You kinda don’t look like siblings though.” said you finally breaking the silence as you take a glance towards Kai before looking back to the blonde guy that are trying to shoot a shot. 


“That’s because we’re half brothers.” said Kai looking at the blonde guy and after getting the attention from the blonde he immediately wave his hand jokingly.


“Oh sorry, if I seem to be a little nosy.” said you afraid that Kai weren’t comfortable talking about his family.


“It’s okay , I don’t really mind it.” said Kai after seeing you feeling guilty.


As you both continue your conversation the basketball game finally came to an end, without Kai and you realizing tall build man were walking towards you and him.


“You almost blew my ing game, Jongin.”

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749 streak #1
Chapter 4: So glad I ran across this story, I’m really enjoying it so far. I can’t wait to see whose voice that is at the end.
thank you for the story!
Chapter 4: Wow this story is really interesting.. I am looking forward to the more updates..
Your story is really very catchy!!
keep it up🤗