
The waitress

Soojin laid beside Miyeon. The older woman was still asleep but Soojin didn't mind. She was admiring the woman's beauty. To her everything about her was angelic. Even with her messy untamed morning hair and her slightly swollen lips. Soojin hummed in satisfaction as she saw the light bruises on the girls neck and chest as well as some remnants of her lipstick from the night before. She laced her hand with Miyeons and gently kissed her knuckles. "I'm so in love with her..." She mumbled. 


They had been together for nearly ten months now and hadn't said those three words yet. At least not while the other could hear. Both women were a bit nervous wondering if it was to fast to say it. What the younger woman didn't know was that Miyeon had woken up a few moments before. And had simply not opened her eyes yet. 


Miyeons eyes opened finally. She looked directly into Soojins eyes. The younger woman not knowing any better simply smiled at her. "Good morning beautiful." She nuzzled into Miyeons neck leaving a few soft kisses. "Did you sleep well?" The older one just nodded. But on the inside...'She said she loves me? Like for sure me? Oh my god I can't wait to tell everyone!' Soojin took it that she was still a little out of it from just waking up. She chuckled softly. "I'll go make breakfast you should shower you've got a little lipstick... 

Everywhere." Miyeon blushed softly and kissed the other woman's cheek. Soojin stood up and slipped on Miyeons shirt from the night before as well as a pair of shorts. She couldn't risk Shuhua walking in and seeing her half . Not again. 


Miyeon went to the bathroom as soon as she closed the door she did a little happy dance. "She said she loves me! Me!" She the water humming a happy tune to herself. 


Soojin peeked out the window to see if Minnie's car was there. If it was then Shuhua and her were home and would want food as well. She saw it and hummed approvingly. She began to walk around the kitchen making breakfast for the four of them. After so long in this relationship she knew her way around the older womans house very well. 


Minnie came out of Shuhuas room a hoodie and some shorts on. Clinging to her back like a koala was a half asleep Shuhua wearing one of Minnie's hoodies that she had claimed for her own. "Morning love birds." Soojin smiled at them. Minnie smiled back. "Morning." She began to set the table for the four of them. 


Miyeon came out of the bedroom in a pair of sweats with one of Soojins shirts. It was obvious none of the women in this house has any qualms about stealing each others clothes. The older woman rested her head on Soojins shoulder watching her cook. "Smells really good." Minnie gently unwrapped Shuhua from around her and sat her in her usual spot at the table. Minnie grabbed plates for them and waited for Soojin to finish cooking. Once it was ready she made herself a plate then a bigger one for Shuhua. "Thank you for breakfast." She took them to the table. "Come on Shu you gotta get up you can't sleep and eat at the same time." She gently kissed her cheek rubbing her shoulders. "You kept me up to late..." Shuhua mumbled. 


Miyeon looked at them glaring. "You what?" Soojin chuckled knowing well how overprotective her girlfriend was. Minnie widened her eyes. "We were playing Mario kart! She said we couldn't go to bed til she won!" Miyeon glared for a second more trying to catch her in a lie before nodding. 


Shuhua looked up at the other women in the room. "I don't know why you act like we dont have . We've been dating longer and you do it." Miyeon looked horrified. "Don't look at me like that I'm the one who should be traumatized I had to come to the kitchen last night...Why would you call Miyeon daddy? She's to small to be anyone's dad." Soojin turned bright red from embarrassment. 


Minnie gently patted the younger girls shoulders. "Okay Wolfie it's to early to be going for your sister's throat. Besides what did we talk about last night?" Shuhua nodded and looked at Miyeon. "Unnie I'm moving out. I'm gonna move to Minnie's apartment." Minnie looked happy her smile on full display. 


Miyeon nodded and quietly walked back into her room. She locked herself in the bathroom. Soojin and Minnie looked worried. "Maybe we should wait Shu..." Shuhua shook her head. "She'll react the same whether we wait or not." She stood up and carefully pulled a bobby pin from Minnie's hair going to Miyeons bathroom. 


Miyeon heard the knob turning and knew who it was. Only Shuhua could pick locks. The younger girl walked into the room locking the door behind her. She sat beside Miyeon and leaned her head on her shoulder. 


Miyeon looked so small curled up with her knees tucked against her chest. Shuhua could tell she was panicking thinking of every possible thing that could go wrong. "Unnie you knew it was gonna happen eventually." Miyeon nodded but didn't look up. 


The older woman mumbled. "What if I'm not around to protect you?" Shuhua hummed. "It's not just your job anymore Unnie. We've made our own family now. Minnie Soojin even Yuqi and Soyeon." She nuzzled the older woman. "I know it was just the two of us for a long time. But unnie...We can't just stay in this house forever. I know it's safe. But it's not big enough. What happens when you and Jin Unnie decide to have kids? I know you've always wanted kids." 


Miyeon finally looked up at Shuhua. Both women had been crying and it was obvious. Shuhua wiped her tears with the sleeve of her hoodie. "Even if I don't live with you doesn't mean you're not my Unnie. And I'll always be your annoying baby sister." 


Miyeon laughed softly. "Besides you know Minnie lives right next to Byul and Yongsun unnies right? They'll help protect me especially Yong unnie. I'll be safe and not even that far away." Miyeon hugged her tightly. "When did you grow up like this? Where's my clingy baby sister?" Shuhua hugged back. "I've been grown you just tried to pretend I wasn't. I love you unnie." Miyeon smiled. "I love you too." 


The older woman stood up and held her hand out to Shuhua who took it. They both stood up and cleaned their faces trying to hide the fact that they'd been crying. "Ready? I'm sure Jin Unnie is worried to death out there." Miyeon nodded.


"Oh Unnie idea. Why don't you ask her to move in here with you?" Miyeon blushed and nodded. "I think I will." They went back into the kitchen. 


As soon as they entered the room Soojin all but tackled Miyeon. The older woman caught her stumbling back a bit into the wall. "Are you okay? You've been crying of course you're not okay." Soojin whined softly to herself. "What can I do to help?" Miyeon puckered her lips. 


On the other side of the room Minnie was looking down at Shuhua worriedly. "If it's going to be too hard we can wait. I just thought it would be better cause we can wake up together every day. Cause I really like waking up next to you. And we could go to work together and it'd save gas." She was babbling until Shuhua cut her off a finger pressed softly against her lips. "I'm moving in with you. As long as you still want me." Minnie picked her up holding her tightly. "Of course I do." She whispered. 


After breakfast Minnie and Shuhua offered to clean the dishes. Miyeon took Soojins hand. "Come on lets get dressed." Soojin hummed. "Where are we going again?" Miyeon smiled sweetly. "The mall. I want matching sweaters!" Soojin knew that that was not the only thing they'd end up getting. But she didn't mind as long as she was with Miyeon. 


The older woman skipped excitedly into the mall. She wore a grey tube top Black cargo pants and a white button down that was open at the front. Soojin followed after her smiling adoringly at the woman. Soojin had worn a sundress with cherries all over it. 


"First we can go to..." Miyeon planned their path through the mall. The younger woman wasn't actually listening as she was distracted looking at her and she was just planning to follow her anyway. 


Suddenly they heard a loud voice from several yards away. "Hey! Seo Soojin!" A Small woman waved at her. Soojin recognized her and smiled. She took Miyeons hand and led her to the woman. "Bora unnie!" Soojin hugged the woman. "How are you? it's been so long!" Bora smiled at her. "I'm good! Siyeon got a great job offer in Busan so we moved there but we're just recently back. Who's this cutie by the way?" Soojin smiled and took Miyeons hand pulling her forward and resting her other hand on her waist. "This is my girlfriend Miyeon. Miyeon this is Bora the woman who trained me." Miyeon bowed. "Nice to meet you." 


Soojin wrapped her arms around Miyeons waist holding her close. "So where's Siyeon unnie? And Nari? She must be grown by now. Bora laughed. "They're inside that game store right there. And no she's still my baby. Just recently six years old." Soojin smiled. "Wow it really has been a while." 


Miyeon looked at the store and saw a tall woman with long blue hair coming out with a little hyper girl holding her hand. "Mommyyyyy they didn't have it." The little girl poked her bottom lip out in a pout. Bora smiled and picked the girl up. "We will look for it online later okay? Now look so you remember her?" She pointed to Soojin. "JinJin!" Nari dove out of her mother's arms twords Miyeon and Soojin. The two managed to catch her Miyeon shifting the girl so Soojin could hold her. Soojin laughed softly. "Hey cutie did you miss me that much?" 


Nari nodded enthusiastically. "Of course I missed my favorite auntie!" Soojin hummed approvingly at the title. She turned so the little girl could see Miyeon. "Can you say hi to auntie Miyeon?" Nari looked at the new woman. "Hmm no she's not my auntie." Miyeon pouted. "Nari-" Siyeon was going to tell her something but decided to wait till later. "Nariah this is my girlfriend. So if I'm your auntie she's your auntie too right?" The little girl pouted. "She looks like she smells weird..." 


Miyeon tried not to be offended by the child. Siyeon spoke up. "Nuh uh missy what do we say?" Nari crossed her little arms. "Sorry..." Miyeon just ruffled her hair. Soojin smiled. "She doesn't smell weird she smells like vanilla. And sometimes oranges. You like oranges right?" Nari nodded. "see so she smells good." The little girl leaned closer to Miyeon sniffing her shoulder. "She smells like nilla." Nari had trouble saying vanilla. 


They talked for a bit until Nari looked bored. She leaned over dramatically draping herself over Soojins arm looking at Miyeon. "I died of boredom bleh." Miyeon couldn't help but laugh. "You remind me a bit of someone." Nari didn't respond she was playing dead. 


Bora looked at her daughter and rolled her eyes playfully. "She really is just like me huh?" Everyone laughed. They heard a noise coming from the girls stomach. "And I think she's hungry." Nari who was committed to playing dead whispered. "I died of hunger and boredom." Bora took her laughing. "Okay come on drama queen we will go get your favorite chicken at the food court." The girl sat up cheering. All the adults laughed again. "Here Jin here's my number so you can text me. I'll make sure to come by the restaurant to make sure you don't need to be retrained." She joked.  


The couple separated from the small family. They walked around the small comfortably hand in hand for a few hours. They were getting ready to leave when suddenly... "Hey! Wait please." they saw a man behind them. He caught up and smiled charmingly at Miyeon. "Hey so my friend and I saw you two coming out of that store...He's a little shy but we were wondering if we could have your numbers." 


Soojin raised an eyebrow. "You want our numbers? Sure my number is five five five off. You saw us but you didn't happen to see us holding hands? Or the giant red lip print on her cheek. God men are dumb." The man was surprised. 


Soojin turned pulling Miyeon with her careful not to hurt her as she walked away annoyed. "JinJin." Miyeon whispered in her ear soothingly. Soojin looked at her a bit embarrassed. "Sorry..." Miyeon smiled. "Nothing to be sorry for...That was kinda hot. I love you." The younger woman eyed opened wide. "Y-you do?" Miyeon nodded. Soojin jumped into her arms and hugged her tight. 


They got home Soojin hadn't let go of Miyeon the entire time and Miyeon didn't mind except she carried everything. Once they got back they saw Shuhua and Minnie were gone probably at Minnie's apartment. "Jinah how about we have a nice dinner and watch the notebook tonight. I know you love the notebook." 


Soojin tilted her head. "Are you trying to seduce me? Cause if you are then it will work-" Miyeon laughed. "No silly I just wanted to have a romantic night with my girlfriend who I love." Soojin blushed not used to hearing it. "Say it again?" Miyeon smiled and kissed her cheek. "My girlfriend who I love. The love of my life. I'm so in love with you. I love everything about you." Soojin hugged her tightly. 


"So ordering in or am I cooking?" Miyeon pouted. "I could cook!" Soojin raised an eyebrow. "Fine well order." She pouted and pulled out her phone. "What do you want? We could try that Thai place that literally made Minnie cry cause it was so good." Soojin nodded. "Ooh that sounds good." 


She held Miyeon from behind kissing her shoulder. "I love you." Miyeon smiled and joked. "You love me cause I'm ordering us dinner?" Soojin pouted. "No I love you cause of lots of reasons. Your protectiveness. You're clumsy. You're such a dork. You're very loving. You're always here when I need you. And you don't push me away when you need me. I could keep going I've got plenty of reasons." 


Miyeon blushed and hid her face in her hands. "N-no please I'll die and you'll miss me." Soojin chuckled and kissed her cheek. "When will food be here?" Miyeon hummed. "About forty minutes?" Soojin nodded and pulled her into the room. 


Thirty minutes later the two of them came out of the room wearing each other's shirts. Miyeon was in her favorite sweats while Soojin had on a pair of shorts. Miyeon got herself a glass of water and took a long sip before passing it to Soojin. "Tired?" The younger woman teased. Miyeon went behind her and pulled her to her. "For now but later ill..." She was cut off when the door bell rang. 


The older woman went to the front door opening it. She took the food and paid for it before running back to the kitchen. "Dinner is served!" Soojin got them plates and utensils out. They both got some food on their plates and began to eat. "It tastes so good." Soojin spoke after her first bite. Miyeon hummed. "Almost as good as you." Soojin nearly choked. "Hey not while my mouth is full are you trying to kill me?" 


Miyeon rolled her eyes playfully. "Yes cause my plan was to meet a beautiful woman. Fall for her. Tell her I love her. And then just before I ask her to move in with me...Death by thai food!" Soojins eyes widened as she stared at Miyeon. 


Miyeon was confused but soon realized what she'd said. "Oh...I was supposed to wait til it was romantic enough to ask..." Soojin wiped . "You want me to come live with you here?" Miyeon nodded. "It's okay if you don't want to it might be to soon I don't know really I..." 


Soojin cupped her cheeks getting her attention. "Hey...I want to I really really want to. I am so in love with you and I would love to be able to sleep next to you every night and eat all my meals with you." Miyeon sniffled she had been nervous. "Really?" Soojin smiled. "Yes of course!" She leaned in and kissed her softly. 


She pulled back after a moment smiling at her. "I already spend more time here than at my own place anyway. It's to quiet there. There's no you and Shuhua and Minnie to make it lively. And there's no one to cook for." Miyeon chuckled. "I knew you liked cooking for us." She kissed the younger woman again. "I love you. This weekend then? We can make a day of it moving Shuhua out and you in." 


Shuhua ran in just as Miyeon was pulling Soojin into her lap. "Minnie bought me puppies!" She held two small poodles trying to wiggle free. Miyeon smiled. "Look our new niece and or nephews." Shuhua smirked. "Both." She let the puppies down and they ran clumsily to the table smelling food. 


Minnie similarly to the dogs smelled the food and came to the table. She looked at the food then at the women then at the food then at the women. "The rest is on the counter pull up a chair." Minnie smiled at them. "Thank you!" 


Note: I actually wrote This right after the first part but I wasn't really feeling it and thinking of deleting it. I reread it while cleaning out my book and tahdah. 

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Chapter 2: Am really glad you went on publishing this second chapter Author, it would be a waste if you decided to delete it. I really love me some MiSoo stories. I hope you make more MiSoo stories Author! And SooMin too! I pretty much ship Soojin to every member though. Thanks for the update by the way! 💜🍒
Chapter 1: This deserves a part 2 Author, no kidding. This is so good, add the fact that there are cameos here and there of other gg members. Part 2 please! 💜🍒