
unnie, i love you

When Joohyun was a child, she used to hear the words “I love you” every single day. Her parents would say it constantly. To her. To each other. When she’d wake up, when she’d fall asleep. But when her father left one night at the age of 7, well, so did the daily “I love you”. Her mom was too heartbroken… too betrayed to even say those words to her daughter again. So Joohyun pushed the phrase aside. She never uttered it to anyone, and she never longed for it to be said again.


Then, when she’s 11, she meets Yerim.


The hyperactive, loud, and slightly demonic 5-year-old daughter of her neighbor. And though they mean well, Yerim’s parents are young and clearly didn’t think it through when they had a child. So, when Joohyun is successful in taking care of Yerim for a couple of nights in a row, it somehow feels like they’ve dumped the little girl on her. Joohyun gets paid and honestly, Yerim is fun to be with so Joohyun doesn’t mind.


She finds that it’s easy to care for the younger girl. She’s inquisitive (she asks waaaaay too many questions that sometimes Joohyun doesn’t have the answer too) and gutsy (she managed to climb a tree all on her own, though getting her down was a whole other challenge) and she’s got Joohyun wrapped around her little finger. And maybe it’s because Joohyun enjoys spoiling the almost 8-year-old so much that she decides to throw her a birthday party.


She plans everything from the venue to the invites, the cake and even gives Yerim’s parents a list of things Yerim might want for her birthday. The duo works together to make special invitations for the party, they add stickers, glitter, and all of Yerim’s favorite things on it, while Joohyun dutifully writes down the name of her friends and classmates. The next day, Joohyun makes sure to put a face to each of the names she’s written as Yerim hands out the invitations to her classmates. It must be amusing for the parents, seeing a determined 13 almost 14-year-old greeting them as they enter the designated party area, showing them where to leave gifts, where the kids can play and even hosting for a little bit. Yerim’s parents drop by (they paid for it after all) and stay until the pictures are taken and the cake is cut. But it was clear to everyone in attendance that this would not have been possible without Joohyun’s hard work.


Joohyun watches as they play games and the laughter makes her heart swell. Seeing the biggest smile on Yerim’s face is enough for Joohyun to know that this is all worth it. The day starts to wind down, the sun beginning its descent, when the kids gather together for one last picture.




“It’s okay, Yerimie!”


Joohyun expects Yerim to protest, she’s stubborn that way. But what she doesn’t expect is to hear the other children protesting as well.












Joohyun laughs at the kids and their antics, and the parents are encouraging her to join in the photo as well. She feels like a celebrity, with all the kids trying to get close to her. But in the end, the birthday girl claims ownership, with her arms fully wrapped around the older girl.


“Okay, everyone say: ‘Happy Birthday, Yeri’!!”


Long after the party is over, Yerim is already lying in bed, still excitedly talking about her party. She goes on and on about her friends, her gifts, and how happy she is that she also got to win a couple of the games.


“Did you see Chaeyoung’s dance? It was so cool! She taught me that dance too!”


“You have to show it to me sometime, then. Maybe for my birthday?”


“Okay! I can ask Miss Hwang to take a video of us dancing! Oh, oh! Saeron said you’re really pretty!”


“Well, tell Saeron I say thank you. She’s really pretty too.”


“Thanks for the party, Joohyun unnie!”


“Anything for you, Yerimie. Which reminds me!” Joohyun pulls out a paper bag from her backpack. “I haven’t given you your gift yet.”


Joohyun barely has time to cover her ears as Yerim squeals in excitement, and then even louder once she sees what’s inside.


“It’s the unicorn I wanted!!!”


“Yup! I hope you like it, Yerim-ah.”


“I do! I do! Thank you!!” Yerim envelopes the older girl in the biggest hug she can properly muster.


“You’re welcome. Now, go to bed. Your parents want to take you out tomorrow.”


“Good night, Yerim-ah. I’ll see you on Monday, okay?” Joohyun ruffles Yerim’s hair, not even getting a slight protest from the child.


“Joohyun unnie?”


“Yes, Yerimie?”


“I love you.”



Then she meets Seungwan.


And the moment they meet, she already knows she’s found a true friend. After all, the girl practically radiates sunshine and openness. And the more time she spends with Seungwan, the more it’s confirmed that she definitely made the right decision.


Seungwan is like a beacon of light and makes friends quickly. Joohyun, on the other hand, would rather not be a beacon of anything. She knows people try to approach her, but she doesn’t really trust them and so she sticks with the friends she already has. In other words, she sticks to Seungwan. But despite their difference in… well… general aura, Joohyun and Seungwan could never be more alike. They’re both very loyal and fierce friends, they’re the moms of the group (and it can get difficult when they’re insisting to take care of the other), both at the top of their year levels and both very introverted (though Seungwan’s isn’t as obvious).


And it’s because they’re so alike that Joohyun knows. She knows that Seungwan’s hiding something behind that bright smile and kind words.


She first notices something’s off a week before midterms. Since Seungwan is a year younger, they only see each other in-between classes, over lunch, or once class ends for the day. But, after three days of not seeing the bubbly girl at all, Joohyun starts to worry. She checks the classrooms, the library, the bleachers, and still, no sign of Seungwan. It’s only when Joohyun is let out of class a little earlier does she spot Seungwan’s retreating figure heading for the stairs.




“Oh, hi Joohyun unnie!” Seungwan says as bright as she can manage but continues to walk up the stairs.


“Where are you going?”


“Just… to study. Don’t worry about it!” Seungwan says, and before Joohyun can tell Seungwan that she’s already really worried, the younger girl has disappeared.


But Joohyun decides to give Seungwan space. Because if that were her, she’d ask for space too. She figures after midterms, Seungwan will be back to normal.


Except, it gets worse. Her friends who used to say that Seungwan was just busy studying were also starting to worry.


“Unnie, she’s been extra quiet in class.” or “Unnie, she hasn’t eaten lunch with us in almost three weeks…”


Joohyun tries and tries to find Seungwan’s hiding place and she’s almost close to giving up when Miss Kwon asks to see her once class lets out.


“You called for me, Miss Kwon?” Joohyun bows as she enters the office.


“Yes. Now, please, relax. Take a seat.”


Joohyun does as she’s instructed. Well, part of it. She takes a seat across from her teacher but there’s no way she could let her guard down and relax. After all, even though Miss Kwon liked her, she was also the teacher that could make your life incredibly difficult if you got on her bad side.


“You know, Joohyun, you’re a good student. A bit soft-spoken and shy, but overall we’re lucky to have you.”


“Thank you, Miss Kwon.” Joohyun waits for a couple moments more, but Miss Kwon is just watching her, slowly drinking her tea and glancing at the clock behind her. “Uhm… Miss Kwon… is there anything— “


Her teacher raises her hand to silence her and Joohyun snaps shut.


“Just listen.”


Joohyun tilts her head in confusion and is about to ask another question when she hears it. She hears the soft melody of the piano coming from the music room beside her teacher’s office.


“You’re a good student, and I know you’ve been trying to be a good friend but sometimes it can be difficult when the other person won’t let you in.”


“Miss Kwon?”


“Dismissed, Joohyun.” Miss Kwon smiles knowingly.


“Thank you, Miss Kwon.”


She exits the office with a bow and her heart is thumping in her chest as she takes a peek into the music room and sure enough, Seungwan is inside, her head bowed low as she plays the piano. A part of her thinks to leave, that maybe Seungwan still needs space. But when she hears Seungwan slam the piano keys down in frustration and a sob escaping from her chest, Joohyun doesn’t need to think twice.


She opens the door abruptly and ignores the look of pure shock on Seungwan’s face before quickly trying to wipe her tears with the sleeves of her shirt. “Unnie! What are you doing— “


Joohyun wraps her arms around Seungwan, and whatever tears Seungwan tried to hide is all out in the open now. The younger girl is soaking Joohyun’s shoulder while Joohyun gently rubs circles on her back.


Once Seungwan’s breathing is back to normal, she sighs, “It’s my parents again.”


And Joohyun remembers another similarity between the two. Pressure. For Joohyun, it’s pressure she puts on herself. She knows that she wants to study in Seoul for university. She knows that to simply get in isn’t enough. She doesn’t want to owe anyone - even her mother - anything. She knows that in order to get away, she needs to make sure she’s the best in whatever she does. For Seungwan, it’s her family. Her sister is a prodigy - riding on state funded scholarships even now as she studies in another country for university. A musical genius. Top 1% in the entire country. And Seungwan? Seungwan has always been smart, can play tons of different instruments, has a voice of an angel and is athletic to boot but somehow, never really enough for her parents.


“I’ve been studying here because well, no one really enjoys the climb up the fifth floor, so I was sure I’d be alone… and being around the piano helps keep me calm. But ugh… the midterm results came back and well… I’m not doing as good as they liked. It’s so hard, unnie! I try, I really do. But I just… I can’t measure up. Every single mistake I make on an exam feels like another step further away from my sister. I feel so dumb— “


“Seungwan-ah, please, stop. You’re not your sister. Even if your parents keep insisting that you have to be like her. You’re brilliant in your own ways, and you’re an amazing person and extremely talented. I’m sorry your parents don’t see that. They’re really missing out on how great you are.”


“I understand why they do it… they’re my parents after all…”


“You’re always trying to understand everyone. You’re way too nice like that. Yes, they may want the best for you but it’s ruining how you see yourself. You’re great the way you are. Wannie, please, don’t listen to them.”


Seungwan sighs. “It’s hard…”


“I know it is. But you don’t have to deal with it alone. I’m here. We’re all here. We’re going to reassure you anytime you need it. Okay?”




“Good. Just remember I’m here for you, right? If you need help with anything… grades, family, hiding a dead body… whatever it is.”


“I know, unnie.”


“Now, come on, I feel like you lost ten pounds from all that studying and moping. How about some bingsu? My treat.”


And finally, finally, Seungwan flashes Joohyun a genuine smile before giving her another hug. “Thank you, unnie. For everything. I love you.”



If Joohyun clicked with Seungwan instantly, it was the exact opposite with Sooyoung. She didn’t hate the girl; she could just never understand why Sooyoung seemed to bask in attention seemingly to the point of seeking it out. So, Joohyun never really does anything to befriend the freshman even when they’re paired up as MCs for the annual talent show. They share respectful bows and general small talk before disappearing with their own group of friends during a break in rehearsals.


When the dance team rehearses on stage, Joohyun is too busy cheering her friends to notice the curiosity in Sooyoung’s eyes as she watches her. As soon as the routine ends, Joohyun jumps up and down, waving excitedly to her friends. She waves and waves and waves until—




“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!!” Joohyun rushes to kneel beside her partner. “Can I take a look?”


Sooyoung slowly opens her eye and Joohyun gently blows inside. “Is that better? I’m sorry!”


Sooyoung blinks a few times to make sure and then flashes Joohyun a grin. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to get rid of me.”


“Wh-what?? Why would you think that??”


Sooyoung shrugs, “You don’t really like me that much, do you?”


“I guess I just don’t really know you… We seem like very different people.”


“But like you said, you don’t really know me. And I don’t know you too. I just hear what people say.” Sooyoung extends her hand, “Why don’t we start over? I’m Park Sooyoung. Class 1B.”


“Bae Joohyun. Class 3A.” Joohyun says, taking the bigger hand in hers.


“Did you know that you can be really intimidating, Joohyun-sunbaenim?”


Joohyun just laughs, “Yeah, that’s what everyone says.”


“But I have a feeling that actually, you’re really nice.”


And Joohyun becomes forever grateful for her over-excited wave (and injury) that brought them together. As soon as they have an actual decent conversation, their dynamic changes instantly. When they stand on stage together, the entire school goes wild with how well they play off of each other, the crowd laughing at their jokes, and cheering their hearts out when it ends with a performance from the duo.


Sooyoung is so sure of herself and so good in front of an audience that Joohyun encourages the taller girl to audition for the annual school play with her.


Though Joohyun gets the lead role, Sooyoung is still as excited and supportive. She screams and pulls Joohyun into a hug (leaving Joohyun tiptoeing a bit) and proudly declares, “We’re going to rehearse every day! I’ll help you be the best leading lady ever!”


Joohyun laughs at the taller girl’s declaration and says, “And I promise that when I graduate and you get the lead, I’m going to help you too. Even if I’m all the way over in Seoul.”


So, it comes to no surprise when a couple of years after that promise, Joohyun gets a call right before her Introduction to Financial Management lecture and hears a high-pitched, “Unnie!! I’m going to play Belle!! I got the lead!!!”


Which Joohyun replies with a simple, “Of course you did! Now, send me the script. We’re going to rehearse every night.”


Joohyun arrives right before the lights in the school auditorium dim, sitting in the usual row her friends occupy. As soon as the curtains come up, she spots Sooyoung - well, Belle - in her blue dress, a huge smile across her face and Joohyun can already feel like her face is going to hurt from how big she’s smiling too. Sooyoung’s voice is like honey and Joohyun can hear how much she’s grown from the first time they stood on stage together. The entire time the play unfolds, she has her eyes locked on the younger girl. Her heart swells and she feels like it’s about to burst in pride when the curtains go down and the audience jumps to their feet, cheering for the cast and of course, for the leading lady.


“UNNIE!! YOU CAME!!” Sooyoung crushes Joohyun into the biggest hug she can manage, running up to the older girl the moment she spots her in the crowd.


“Of course, I did. I’m so proud of you, Sooyoung-ah. You were amazing.”


“I couldn’t have done it without you. All those online rehearsals were intense. You’re scarier than my mom and the director put together!”


Joohyun laughs, remembering Sooyoung’s complaints every time she’d tell the high schooler to repeat a line over and over again. “Oh, these flowers are for you. There’s a card too. Uh… you can read it later at home.”


“No way! Joohyun showing emotions? I’m reading it right now to embarrass you!”




Before even watching your play, I already know that you will do an amazing job.

You worked so hard. You deserve all the praise.

You are going to do great things, Sooyoungie.

And unnie will be by your side every step of the way.


All the best,



“Yah! Sooyung, are you crying??”


“It’s your fault!!” Sooyoung says pulling Joohyun into a hug once more, tears now flowing freely on her face. “I know it’s hard for you to say it. But let me, okay? Unnie, thank you. I love you.”



So that leads her to right now. Yerim calls her, her voice nervous, asking Joohyun to come to the apartment she shares with Seungwan and Sooyoung as fast as she possibly could. And for those girls, no question about it, Joohyun would do anything. She gets into the first cab she sees, even begs the man waiting if she can please get ahead and prays it’s nothing bad. Her mind is racing, are they in trouble? Should she have called the police? Maybe an ambulance?? Their parents????


The slow ascent of the elevator does not nothing to calm her nerves either. She presses the button repeatedly to their floor hoping it’ll make a slight difference. As soon as the elevators doors open, she’s already running to their door, keys turning the lock—


She pushes the door open with a bang and the sight that greets her leaves her utterly speechless.


There’s no Yerim.


No Sooyoung.


No Seungwan.


Instead, she’s greeted by their very spacious living room that is lit only by strings of fairy lights and in the center of it all stands a beautiful girl with a bouquet of flowers in her hand.


The girl in question is grinning madly, her eyes in the form of beautiful crescents and Joohyun can feel her face mirror the girl’s expression.




She steps closer to the younger girl and there’s really only one way to express what she’s feeling now.




Joohyun is 8 and her father has been gone for more than a year now, and her mom has been distant for the same amount of time. Though very young, Joohyun can confidently say she knows the neighborhood pretty well. She walks around on her own and buys snacks at the convenience store, plays on the swings in the park, and all the resident ahjummas love her. In fact, she enjoys spending time with them, watching them do the laundry or cook and talk about their kids that are now in college or working or starting their own families.


She’s on the way home after spending time with one of her favorite ahjummas and a box of tteokbokki in her tiny hands when she hears the sound of a kid laughing from one of the houses. She knows every house on her street, (she even knows that her neighbors have a two-year-old!) so she takes a peek at the gate only to see a little girl with a bear headband painting on their front lawn. Joohyun tiptoes a little bit more to try and see what the girl is drawing only to be taken aback by a force that jumps against the gate.


Staring her down with its teeth bared is a brown dog with sharp ears and a pointy nose, his bark getting louder by the minute, terrifying Joohyun and freezing her in place. Joohyun closes her eyes instead, tears starting to fall on her face, while her arms clutch tightly to the box of food in her hands, hoping the dog doesn’t manage to escape from the gate.


“Mongoon-ah! Bad doggie! Stop barking! Stop it! We don’t bark at friends!”


When the barking stops, she hears the gate open and before she can open her eyes, she feels small hands on her cheeks, wiping the tears off her face. “I’m sorry! Mongoon didn’t mean it! I promise, he’s a good boy! Don’t cry please!”


Joohyun opens her eyes to see the little girl with the bear headband on her head, concerned look in her eyes as she now holds Joohyun by the shoulders. “Oh, I know! Wait here, okay?”


The girl runs back into the house and emerges moments later with a cookie in her hand, her smile wide as she offers it.


“Here you go! My mom just made it!” she says, before scarfing down her own cookie. “It’s good, right?”


Joohyun nods shyly at the girl.


“You don’t talk a lot, huh? But that’s okay! My mom says I talk a lot sometimes and it annoys my brother. But he’s stinky so it’s okay.”


Joohyun laughs and her companion jumps with her little fist in the air, “Yay! You’re laughing! What’s your name?”




“Nice to meet you, Joohyun! I’m Seulgi!”


Seulgi gives Joohyun the bouquet of flowers and pulls her into a hug while the older girl blinks repeatedly to make sure the tears don’t fall. Similar to when they were kids, Seulgi just reaches up and catches that one lone tear that manages to escape and kisses the top of Joohyun’s head.


“Happy birthday, Joohyun-unnie.”




Seulgi turns her around to see her three friends emerging from the hallway, a cake in their hands as they sing her happy birthday. It’s only when they finish their song and Joohyun blows out the candles that she realizes what Yerim’s done.


“HEY YOU! YAH! YOU HAD ME REALLY WORRIED!!!” She says, slapping Yerim on the arm.






“YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE SPECIFIC!!” Yerim counters, now on the verge of grabbing Seulgi by the neck.


And usually, Joohyun is the type to stop the bickering between the two. But she can’t help but watch them with an unmistakable feeling of warmth in her chest.


“Okay, everyone say: ‘Happy Birthday, Yeri’!!”


As soon as the picture is taken, Joohyun calls out to her friend watching from the sidelines. “Seulgi-ya! Come here! Join us too, please!”


Seulgi tries to protest, but with the combined pout and puppy dog eyes of Joohyun and Yerim, she quickly gives in. Yerim pulls her favorite unnies close to her, and another kid ends up climbing Seulgi’s back, but the girl doesn’t seem to mind.


On their walk back home, Joohyun relaxes at the familiarity and comfort of it all. When Joohyun starts babysitting Yerim and spending less time with Seulgi, it was Seulgi who volunteered to join Joohyun. They go to the same school anyway and Seulgi’s home is on the way to Joohyun and Yerim’s so at the very least, there is an extra pair of eyes watching the hyperactive child and Joohyun figures that there’s nothing wrong spending even more time with Seulgi.


On most days, Yerim skips ahead, pointing out things she wants to eat or walks in between them, excitedly telling the older girls about her day as she holds Joohyun’s hand. But now though, after all the excitement at the party, Yerim is secure on Seulgi’s back, and Joohyun is pulling all of the little girl’s gifts on a trolley.


“You were a great host, Seulgi-ya! The kids loved you!”


“Thank you, thank you!” Seulgi fake bows.


“You were really funny, and you should see how Yerim looks at you! It’s like you’re her most favorite person on earth.”


“Ah, so how I look at you then?” Seulgi teases then quickly adds, “I still think it’s so unfair that all the kids were calling you Yerim’s pretty unnie! What about me?”


Joohyun laughs, pinching Seulgi’s cheek. “Hmm. I think you can be Yerim’s cute unnie. With the cutest eye smile too.”


“Unnie!! Stop teasing me!!”


“What? I’m telling the truth. But really, Seulgi, thank you. I know you didn’t have to-“


“What do you mean I didn’t have to? You kind of threatened me and said you’d withhold snacks.”


“I’m sorry-“


“I’m just joking! You know I’d do anything for you and Yerim.”


“Okay, cause next year, she says she wants a magician. So, start learning those magic tricks, okay?”


Dinner comes along perfectly, it’s honestly a little too perfect which makes Joohyun feel a little suspicious. With energies like Yerim and Sooyoung’s it’s never peaceful for long. Not even counting the fact that Seungwan can get very hyper very quickly and Seulgi always seems to agree to what Yerim has planned.


But now, they’re just eating and laughing without Yerim’s complaints that Sooyoung is crushing her when she leans over to get food, nor is Sooyoung insulting Yerim’s height yet. In fact, they didn’t even make fun of Seungwan when she accidentally tipped her glass over with her huge gestures as she told them about work.


“Don’t worry.” Seulgi whispers, as if reading Joohyun’s mind. “Seungwan promised to bake them anything they wanted for the next two weekends if they behave for dinner.”


“And? What did you promise her?”


Seulgi sighs, “I promised Seungwan I’d do her laundry for a month if she kept those two in check.”


“You? Do laundry?”


“Well, we can do it together? You know… a little bonding activity.”


“You mean I do it while you watch.”


Seulgi pouts, “But I’ll be with you every step of the way!”


As soon as Joohyun and Seungwan emerge from the school building, they’re greeted by matching grins and shouts of, “Joohyun unnie!!”


“Seungwan-ah, how are you?” Seulgi asks, putting her arm around her same-age friend.


“I’m better now. Thanks.”


“That’s great!” Seulgi grins and then calls for the girl still hugging Joohyun. “Seungwan, this is Yerim. Our neighbor. Yerim, this is Seungwan-unnie. She’s one of our best friends.”


“Hi, Seungwan unnie! Are you joining us for bingsu? Joohyun unnie is treating me because I did well on my exams!”


“Yup! I did really well too so Joohyun unnie is buying one for me also!” Seungwan replies.


“I don’t think she’s buying for Seulgi unnie though.” Yerim fake whispers, but definitely loud enough for everyone to hear. “Seulgi unnie said she barely passed her math test!”


“HEY! I TOLD YOU THAT IN SECRET!” Seulgi shouts but Yerim’s already pulled Seungwan away, running off in the direction of their favorite bingsu spot.


“It’s okay, I’ll still buy one for you.” Joohyun says as she links her arms with Seulgi.


“You will??”


“It’s the least I can do. You picked up Yerim for me and waited for us…”


Seulgi shrugs, “I told you, unnie. Anything for you.”


The peaceful dinner is forgotten the moment their plates are in the sink and the rest of the drinks are out. Yerim grabs Joohyun quickly and takes a seat on the couch, declaring the eldest as her partner for any and all games that will be played for the night. Seulgi sulks from her place on the floor, annoyed that she’s been beaten to Joohyun by their youngest.


“I swear she’s your favorite.” Seulgi grumbles and Yerim sticks her tongue out at the older girl.


“Yup! That’s true! Joohyun unnie loves me the most!” Yerim brags, her arms still firmly around Joohyun.


“You wish, you brat! Joohyun unnie took me shopping the other day!” Sooyoung says, pulling on the sleeve of Joohyun’s free arm.


“What?! Why her? Unnie! What about me?” Yerim whines.


Joohyun rubs her temples, “Yah… you’re both so old already.”




Seungwan puts her glass down, usually a universal sign for everyone to shut up but instead, she joins in. “Yeah, well, unnie made me macarons!”


Yerim pulls Joohyun closer once more, “What! I didn’t get any macarons!”


“Oops. Those were for you?” Sooyoung asks, casting a glance at Seungwan.




“Well, whatever! Joohyun unnie has taken care of me since I was a kid, so I obviously win!”


“Yeah cause you’re a big baby!” Sooyoung argues, her strength allowing her to pry Joohyun away from Yerim.


“So, are you sure you chose the right place to sit?” Seulgi smirks and Joohyun just throws a pillow straight to her face.


“Okay, break it up you crybabies, I wanna congratulate Sooyoung too.”


“Seulgi unnie! You made it! Did you like the show? Wasn’t I a gorgeous Belle?”


“Yah, of course I did! Who do you think brought Joohyun unnie all the way here?”


“Still whipped for unnie, I see.”


“SOOYOUNG!” Seulgi yelps, and Joohyun would laugh at how red her face is if she didn’t feel her own face heating up.


“What?” Sooyoung shrugs, “I’ve already told Joohyun unnie that you guys would be cute together.”


“When was this??”


“Seulgi-ya! Stop asking questions!” Joohyun sighs.


“Why not? I wanna know!”


“First day we started talking. Right, unnie?” Sooyoung smirks, then cackles at the look Joohyun is sending her. “I mean, it’s okay if you don’t believe me. Yerim seems to agree with me anyway. Oh look! There she is with Seungwan unnie! Yerim-ah! Get over here!”


“I regret introducing them.”


“I liked it better when she was crying.”


Yerim skips over and sees her two unnies, their faces still red from Sooyoung’s teasing. “Wait, what’s going on? Are you two finally dating?”


“NO!” they both answer.


“Eh, give it time.” Yerim replies.


“Yeah, I’d give it another 3 years at most.”


“Seungwan-ah! Not you too!” Seulgi shrieks, hiding her face in her hands.


Looking at the scene before her, Joohyun thinks she’s incredibly lucky. Sure, Seungwan is really drunk and is only speaking in English. Yerim is trying to drunkenly wrestle a tipsy, but still functioning Sooyoung. But to have these three people love her like they do? It’s incredible to her.


But for the universe to give her one more person? Joohyun has no idea what she’s done in her past lives to deserve it.


“How did we get here?”


“What do you mean? You took a cab?”


“You’re lucky you’re cute.” Joohyun sighs. “I mean… here. To this time. To this level of comfort? To those three fighting over who I love the most. I didn’t think I’d get here…”


“Well, first of all, they’re all wrong because I know that you love me the most. And what’s not to get? You’re an amazing person, Bae Joohyun. Of course, you’ll find people who love you as much as we do.”


“I didn’t think I’d be good at it.”


“Good at what? You’re good at everything.”


“This love thing.”


Seulgi snorts and stands up to fumble her way into Joohyun’s arms. “You’ve loved us since forever. You just didn’t know it yet.”


“I need to talk to you.”


“What’s wrong, Joohyun unnie?”


“I think I like Seulgi.”


“I’m pretty sure she likes you too? Like… since high school? Also… didn’t she confess…” Seungwan says, obviously confused by her friend’s dilemma.


“Let me rephrase. I think I’m in love with her.”




“What do I do?”


“Why are you asking me?! I’ve been single since forever! Why don’t you go ask Sooyoung?”


“Because Sooyoung is going to annoy me about it! Plus, you’re the smart one!”


“Says the girl about to graduate valedictorian. But fine, fine. What are you feeling?”


“Terrified. Seungwan… I can’t. You know I don’t do this. I don’t like this feeling… I feel… exposed. So vulnerable… breakable.”


“But it’s Seulgi. She’s known you since you were eight. She’s been with you through everything. If anyone’s seen all your sides, it would be her.”


“That’s why I’m afraid, Wannie! It’s Seulgi. What if I do tell her I love her and then wake up one day and I don’t? I’m gonna hurt her…”


“No, you won’t!”


“How do you know that? How can you be so sure I won’t change my mind?”


Seungwan reaches for Joohyun’s hands and commands the older girl to look at her.


“Just answer these questions for me, okay? Just yes or no. Would you purposely hurt Seulgi?”




“Would you purposely make her cry?”


“Of course not!”


“Would you abandon her?”




“Do you want to make her happy?”


“More than anything.”


“Then, there you have it. Unnie, listen to me. I know you’ll take care of our Seulgi. If you don’t feel ready to say those three words, then don’t. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you say or not because we already know you do. I know… I know your dad hurt you and your mom. I know your mom hurt you too. I know that they messed up what love really is… what love should be. But it’s a choice, unnie. If you get into a relationship with her, you have to work hard to choose her every day. Even on days you don’t want to. It’s the act of choosing her and the act of showing her you love her that makes the difference. Not the words. Sure, the words are special, but Seulgi knows you. She knows your hesitation. She wouldn’t force it out of you… she just wants you, unnie.”


“See… this is why I went to you and not Sooyoung.” Joohyun smiles.


“I am pretty good at this, huh?”


“Thanks, Wannie. I gotta go. And uh… Seungwan… I-“


“Nope. If you’re gonna say it for the first time in literal years, it’s not gonna be to me. And besides, I know you do. We all do. Now go get your bear.”


Joohyun is sitting up on the couch, a smile on her face as she watches her friends now in deep sleep on the various mattresses scattered across the living room.


“You look like you’re deep in thought.” Seulgi says, taking the spot beside Joohyun and wrapping her arms around her waist.


“Do you remember the first time I told you I love you?”


“So suddenly?”


“Just play along, Seul. But do you remember?”


“Yeah. You were talking to yourself in the mirror and I just happened to pass by your room when you said it. Then I had to coax it out of you for another hour and a half.” Seulgi says, kissing Joohyun’s cheek.


“I was just thinking about my feelings at that time. It was so hard to say. I was so happy then. It was like my heart was about to burst.”


Joohyun can feel Seulgi’s hold stiffen behind her. “Why are you speaking in past tense?”


“Seulgi-ya, I don’t mean it like that.” Joohyun says, adjusting her position so that she’s now facing her girlfriend. “When I first said I love you, I was incredibly happy. I didn’t think I could get any happier than that. But I am. You make me so happy, Seulgi-ya. They make me so happy too. And I hope I make you happy too.”


“You do! You always make me happy. You make time for each of us, even when you’re busy. You’re our biggest supporter, our best friend. The day Mongoon barked at you, it changed my life, you know? Seeing you laugh, it made me so incredibly happy and seeing you happy now? It still gives me the same feeling.”


Joohyun sighs into Seulgi’s embrace. “I love you, Kang Seulgi.”


“I love you too, Bae Joohyun.” Seulgi cups Joohyun’s face in her hands leaving a kiss on her forehead.


“I love you, unnie.” A kiss on her nose.


“I love you so so much.” Seulgi's smile is bright, and Joohyun’s heart is soaring as her girlfriend gives her the softest, most tender kiss.


“Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, do not start making out.”


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here's a little fluff for our leader's birthday!! i hope you all enjoyed :) do let me know what you think in the comments or on twt/curiouscat @iccampfire. take care everyone and happy birthday irene!!


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Chapter 1: looks like the closing was ended by a drunk sooyoung 😂
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
72 streak #3
Chapter 1: ❤👉👈
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
ithink-im-gay #5
Chapter 1: This is so good 😍 I'm glad I found your stories
came back here to reread
Chapter 1: this is so nice and soft and light and wholesome and beautifully written. i was feeling anxious a while ago and decided to read something that could somehow help ease my mind and now here i am feeling emotional and happy. i love this! thank you authornim for writing this 🥺
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 1: 🥹🥹🥹🥹 this is so nice! Super soft right now. I love how you weaved the characters in. I thought… She would be the last member to show up. But but 😭 she’s always been there 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 1: I upvoted even before reading it because I know whatever you publish is gold 😌 Thank you for another masterpiece!!!
Chapter 1: This is so wholesome