


                    At her young age, she knew she would follow her father and become an architect like him, or just be an illustrator/painter like her aunt Remedios. She aspired, used the old catholic churches as her first drafts to show to her father who would always look at her with pride written on his brown orbs as he looked at her.


                    However, she knew it would be impossible at first as she was a woman, and women in her time were expected to stay at home, learn sewing and anything only women were allowed to do, have a lover, marriage and child. She badly wanted to change that.


                    She attended Ateneo Municipal de Manila, her excellence in Latin, Spanish and Philosophy gained her recognition. She had the chance to take Education but chose to go with Arts, remembering how she wanted to become like her Father before.


                    Her life was going well until her distant uncle, José Alejandrino came back from Spain and talked to her family about the propaganda movement he joined. Emilia was not blind, she was aware of the oppression that was happening, she saw how soldiers bullied her countrymen, she also knew about the GomBurZa and Cavite Mutiny from her Mother even though her Father had strictly told her to not meddle and focus on her studies.


                    “Emilia.” her uncle, José, called her out one day while they were at their backyard, having finished their daily practice of martial art, specifically wherein Emilia is required to have a firm grip and be able to discard her enemy no matter what weapon they are holding.


                    Either a dagger or a rifle, the enemy needs to lose their weapon and fall on their knees.


                    Po?” Emilia could barely hear herself as she lay on their land, her heart beating so fast and loud. Discarding knives and daggers were easy, but discarding guns, from revolver to rifle, was a challenge.


                    “How are your studies? Still doing well?”


                    “Yes.” She nodded. 


                    “That’s great, don’t neglect them.” Alejandrino grabbed his hat, staring at it before continuing. “You don’t, and never, neglect your duties, young lady.”


                    “Like I can.” She sarcastically snickered.


                    “I heard from a friend of mine, an organization is in the making.” Alejandrino cleared his throat. “Would you join them?”




                    “Armed resistance, and overthrow the Spanish government.” 


                    Emilia paused, overthrowing the government? Wouldn’t that mean war?


                    “That will result war.”


                    “We know.”


                    “Do you agree with it?”


                    “I agree with the intent of freeing the country and our countrymen from oppression.”


                    She frowned.


                    He agrees with that intent, he spoke as one person.


                    “Is it just you, you know, with that intention?”


                    Alejandrino was silent for a while before shrugging. “Our intentions vary, we have different visions, but despite the differences, we’ll end up on one result if properly executed.” He glanced at her. “Freedom.”


                    “Shouldn’t everyone’s intentions be just the same?”


                    “You really are still a little sprout.” Alejandrino chuckled. “It is a rare occurrence for Filipinos to agree with one another, my child.”


                    Emilia never clearly understood her uncle’s words that day, but she knew that she wanted the same to happen, to free everyone.



                    She wondered why her uncle’s almost daily visits became thrice a week, until it become once a week, until it became sudden visits without letters (he used to send letters to have them know that he’ll be arriving in their mansion soon) and yet his sudden visits are short, mostly spending them with his Father inside his office.


                    Turned out, he was busy with the propaganda movement he joined and helping the growing organization somewhere in the lands of Manila.


                    However despite his absence, Emilia continued on excelling in her studies with Arts, Philosophy, and Literature. Her excellence had her end up as one of the top students during her graduation and was even sent a letter from Universitat de Barcelona which she kindly rejected, deciding to stay in her country and joined her uncle who taught her fencing, gunmanship, armament and tactics in war.


                    She knew her Father disapproves, and she regrets not being able to achieve her very first dream of being an Architect like him or an Illustrator as she promised her late aunt Remedios, but she was at the age where she knew and pinpointed freeing her country and overthrowing the Spanish government as her very goal in life.


                    “If I am given the opportunity next time, I will be an Architect, papa.” she promised the old man.


                    She used to promise the old man.




                    I just realized, we literally grew up together.She snapped out of her daydreaming when Julio suddenly spoke. They stopped on a vacant nipa hut to have their dinner and let their horses rest, they’ve been out in the open for a while anyway.


                    “Right, I remember welcoming the both of you.” Patrocino scoffed. “You both looked like lost children in the middle of the camp.”


                    “Not our fault no one told us where we were supposed to go.”


                    “Mang Manalo literally told you to go to General Jacinto?”


                    “I didn’t know him at that time!”


                    She just shaked her head when Patrocino, the eldest of them three, started teasing Julio.




                    They met at Santo Tomas. She was with her uncle and were supposed to meet some officials of the organization when he told her to stay still as he went to check if the said officials had already arrived. He was planning on properly introducing her to them and recommend her as a scout and marksman.


                    They both knew there was little to no chance of her ending up as one and probably (like other women) end up as part of the red cross.


                    Young Emilia was there waiting until she noticed how a boy around her age was standing alone, looking like a sheep who lost his master in the middle of the crowd, and of course, she was taught to always help people so she naturally stepped up.


                    I’m looking for Emilio Jacinto.


                    She was puzzled, she knew the General but only by name.


                    They stayed there, waiting for her uncle, which she eventually got tired of and prompted her to walk around until another boy, seemingly around their age approached them.


                    Lady, I’ve noticed that you both have been going around in circles.” he said that in Spanish, so Emilia naturally stepped back. “Are you and your friend lost?


                    Yes.she cleared .I’m sorry for the inconvenience sir but do you know the way back to the Plaza?


                    Certainly, do you want my assistance?




                    But of course, Emilia didn’t say that out loud.


                    Yes, only if it’s alright with you of course.


                    Of course it is. the stranger beamed a smile.However, I have a question, just a simple one.


                    What is it?


                    Are you José Alejandrino’s niece?Her eyes widened, in both shock and a bit of horror. For some reason, her body felt numb and her heart started beating loud and fast.


                    Loosen up, lady, your uncle is looking for you.The stranger chuckled, this time spoke using their native language, offering her his hand.As well as the Father of that boy you are with, Julio Baustista are you?





                    “You looked like you were about to piss yourself!” Patrocino’s laughter resounded. 


                    “That’s because my Father told me to be wary of everyone!”


                    “And besides, you knew we could speak Tagalog but you still chose to go with Spanish.” Emilia rolled her eyes.


                    “I was bored that time alright? And Sir Alejandrino never clarified that his niece is fluent and had grown up in the Philippines, from his stories I assumed that you were born in Madrid.”


                    “Stories?” she frowned.


                    “Yeah, he told us stories about how you excelled in Philosophy, Spanish and Literature, and how you mastered fencing, war tactics and excellent gunmanship, I was excited to meet you y’know? For all the time I stuck with my family and their planning, I was never told of any women who excelled in such fields, most of them were in medicine.”


                    She scoffed. “Women could do much more than that and sewing, but of course that is overlooked.”


                    “Right, just look at you.” Julio nodded. “You know I’ve been thinking, if you were a man I bet you’d be a General by now.”


                    “And the old geezers would be full of envy and say it’s because of her connections with Sir Alejandrino and Sir Mabini, Filipino men really.” Patrocino sighed, brushing his hair back. “I’m proud of what you became, Elia.”


                    “Hm, I wonder if my Father is too.” 





                    She remembers, it was clear in her memory.


                    How her Father looked displeased, neutral (how she convinced herself). 


                    How her brother Elias looked envious.


                    It was when she was appointed as Captain after the battle that occurred at the outskirts of their town, as reward of excellence and loyalty, not leaving despite the lack of men she was with.


                    It was funny, really.


                    And also unexpected.


                    That was the first time she ever despised her comrades.


                    How dare they leave while on duty?


                    She felt the judging stares, the rumours that started from one house to another about her sudden uprising. She didn’t understand because she only did what a soldier should do.


                    Why is she hearing rumours about her connections being the reason when her uncle was barely in their city that time?


                    Trinidad!She was busy fixing her hat to avoid eyes as she walked around the town to have a short stroll. 


                    you, I’m so proud of you!She turned around and saw both of her friends, probably her only friends, Patrocino and Julio running towards her as they fixed their hats. 


                    If she wasn’t a woman, she knew they would have jumped on her with the beaming happiness and pride written in their eyes. 


                    Her heart swelled, at least these two idiots are proud of her.


                    We should celebrate your upbringing, Kapitan Trinidad.Patrocino teased. There will be a festival soon in San Miguel, in Tarlac, my uncle’s residence, we should go.


                    And when is that soon huh?


                    Next week! I’ll send them a telegram, I am not taking rejections from the two of you.Patrocino put his arm around Julio’s shoulders who, with him, was appointed up as Lieutenant.


                    And for once that week, after her uprising, Emilia felt happy.



                    Heneral Bustamante will be with you.Emilia was starting to think that she would end up living her life with Patrocino and Julio to her very last breath when they were sent to the fortress of Tarlac with their then superior, Col. Julian Bello.


                    Emilia, now as a Major, Julio a Captain and Patrocino a Lieutenant.


                    He would have been a captain now if only he wasn’t reckless.


                    Juanito Bustamante, he was a General, already in his 40s and recently suffered from the loss of his comrades and city. 


                    General, this is Col. Bello, Maj. Trinidad, Capt. Bautista and Lieutenant Salvador.” Aguinaldo introduced them. "You all will be stationed in Tarlac for now."


                    Emilia felt an unfamiliar feeling when she came to realize that she will be leaving her city, Pampanga. Of course she cannot stay there anymore, she had a tearful farewell with her Mother who then tried to persuade her or even the President for her to stay.


                    I already supported my child with her choices, my wants for her in life are no longer possible to happen but there is still one. I want her to have a peaceful death, a death that old age caused, not because of violence or bullets, Sir!


                    She understood why, anyway.


                    She almost died during the battle in the outskirts of Pampanga, if it wasn’t for Julio who successfully came to her aid and pulled her down when a rifle’s bullet grazed her cheek and hit her clavicle.


                    Oh, she felt like she was at the doors of hell by then.


                    But she cannot just leave her duties, and so she promised her Mother that she will come back in one whole piece, alive and breathing.


                    Her father was then away, somewhere in Manila to meet his client while her brother simply assured her that he will be looking after their beloved Mother.


                    Seems like it’s written in our fates to step foot in Tarlac after all.Julio commented as they rode their horses on the way to Tarlac.There’s also the festival Patrocino mentioned just last week.


                    Festival?Bello asked, unlike the three, he was in a caravan.


                    Yes, I have relatives in Tarlac and they invited me to come so I thought of bringing these two with me, Sir.


                    Festivals and celebrations in Tarlac are nice.


                    And so are the women.Patrocino chuckled while Emilia merely smiled. I know someone around your age, Sir, if you are interested just say so.


                    Hey, instead of trying to set another person up, why don’t you set up yourself first huh? You’ve been single since birth!” Julio butted in.


                    Excuse you, I had girlfriends before I went to Pampanga!


                    How about you, Komandante?her head turned to their superior.Have you ever been interested in anyone?


                    Not at all, Sir.


                    We wish Sir!Her friends butted in.We tried introducing her to some relatives of ours but she just won’t take interest in them!


                    Maybe because they are just not the great and deserving people you both think they are.Emilia made a face.


                    There was nothing wrong with them, they were as her friends said, nice.


                    But them being subtle at doubting her accomplishments and being misogynic did not pass through her.


                    She was so disappointed.


                    Welcome to our town!She heard some of the civilians as their horses near the gate of the city. 


                    She doesn’t know how long they will stay but she hoped that compared to Pampanga, it would be much more peaceful and that the soldiers are well-disciplined.




                    This is the mansion of the Belarminos, one of the richest here in Tarlac.Gen. Bustamante said. It’s only been half a day since they came and the town was, well, alive with the colourful decorations and feasts.


                    It was like there wasn’t an on-going revolution.


                    They will be one of our resources, let’s say hello before we continue on.” 


                    Patrocino and Julio cleared their throats and fixed their hats.


                    Emilia almost scoffed, of course her friends were not that different from other men.


                    They always try to impress a woman once a while.


                    Don Santiago! Long time no see.She was still at the staircase following after them when she already heard their General greet the Don of the house.


                    Coming from a wealthy family herself, Emilia acknowledged that the Belarminos are indeed, one of the richest, it’s the prettiest house she’s seen ever since she set foot in the town.


                    How are you Juanito? It’s been almost a month since you came here!


                    You know, fighting for freedom with a hard task.” the old man laughed. “These are my aide-de-camp, Col. Julian Bello, you’ve heard of him from the Battle of Lazaro, Capt. Julio Bautista, his friend Salvador, the reckless kid.


                    Don’t introduce me like that Sir.Patrocino whined.


                    The rest of them only chuckled.


                    And of course, oh, where is she?The General stopped after realizing that his Major was not with them.


                    Who?Don Satiago asked.


                    Emilia Trinidad, you must have heard of her. The female Major and captain recognized by Mabini himself- oh, here she is!


                    Sorry, I was just fascinated with the interior, Sir.Emilia sheepishly smiled as she removed her hat.


                    It’s fine, this is Maj. Emilia Trinidad. To be honest I was giddy when I first met her, I first imagined she’d look like someone who is aggressive because of the stories about her.


                    Don’t believe stories Sir, people love to exaggerate them.Emilia snickered.


                    Well, the stories I heard about you reflect on your achievements, hija.Don Santiago smiled.Meet my daughter and wife. Felicita, Mariana my youngest and Isabel who is my eldest but she is still at the market with their cousin Gabriela so I apologize that you cannot see her as of the moment.


                    The General started talking but Emilia couldn’t hear anymore as she started hearing Patrocino and Julio bantering subtly with each other while glancing at Mariana who was standing beside her Mother with her fan covering half of her face.


                    She's pretty man.


                    I know, I can see it .


                    Dibs on her.


                    Shut up head, I saw her first.


                    She shaked her head at their banter as she turned her gaze to the said woman.


                    Indeed, Mariana Belarmino is a pretty woman. She seemed like she was around their age, her jetblack hair properly tied up to keep her hair from covering her beautiful features, and Filipiniana that seemed like it was made solely for her, for her beauty to stand out.


                    Who wouldn’t be enchanted with her?


                    You should come later for dinner, I will introduce you and your aide-de-camp to my eldest and their cousin.


                    Oh I would like to but, are you okay with it?The General asked, turning his eyes on them which made her friends clear their throats and look at her.


                    Wait, at her.


                    Why are they looking at her?


                    I regret to say that I cannot join, Sir. I already agreed on joining an old friend of mine.Julian declined and smiled.


                    How about you, Emilia?


                    These bastards, Emilia thought as she communicated with Patrocino and Julio with her eyes.


                    Both urging her to say yes.


                    There’s an on-going revolution, they should focus more on liberation than wooing women!


                    Of course we can, Sir, I would like to know more about this town as well.But at the same time, she is a supportive friend.


                    Having a nice dinner and meeting other people wouldn’t hurt.


                    Settled then! Felicita, make sure that our dinner tonight will be fantastic.Don Santiago ushered. Would you like to stay in our study and have a chat?


                    I’m afraid we can’t, we have to meet with the troops. I still haven’t properly introduced Julian and Emilia to them.Juanito shooked his head.Some other time my friend.He turned to his comrades and noticed Julio and Patrocino’s eyes.


                    Oh, that is a shame, but well. If you plan to come by, just tell us ahead and I’ll have the study ready.


                    Stand properly, bastards.Emilia subtly kicked their ankles as they bid their farewell to the family.




                    Hijos, finding a woman is nice but let’s not forget that we are in the middle of revolution as well.Juanito laughed.


                    You two were so obvious.Emilia added and chuckled, turning her eyes up to the sky as she noticed that the sun was already setting.


                    The moon slowly appearing in the sky.


                    It’s that time of the day again, she thought.


                    The time of Luna.





(new) characters:


Yeji - Corazon Mariana Cuenca y Belarmino

Beomgyu - Eliseo Jose Magdangal y Trinidad

Giselle - Gabriela Belarmino y Garcia




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