
If I could go back...

Shuhua sat up groaning at the light coming in from the window. She was in an somewhat familiar room. "Did I...?" Soyeon came out of the bathroom with a toothbrush still in . "Good morning party animal. No you didn't sleep with someone. Well not that way. We did share the bed and you did try to hug me but I put a stop to that easily." 


Shuhua blushed a bit. "Sorry unnie. What happened anyway? How did I end up here?" Soojin came into the dorm humming. Shuhua shot up. "Soojin!" She hugged the girl. Soojin looked surprised to see her awake and hugged her back. "Well hello there sleepy head. How are you feeling?" Shuhua hugged her waist still. "My head hurts. Soyeon unnie was about to tell me what happened." 


Soyeon looked at Shuhuas hands on Soojins waist distracted a weird look on her face. Soojin didn't notice but Shuhua sure did. "Ah well Soyeon and I wanted to go out drinking to celebrate me coming home. When we got to the bar you were already passed out at a table. We kept an eye on you while we danced for a bit but after a little while some creeps approached you. Then Soyeon did her thing and scared them off. We could've kept dancing and watching you but we decided to bring you back here where we could be sure you were safe." 


Shuhua looked at Soojin then at Soyeon. She reached out her long arm suddenly pulling Soyeon into a hug with her and Soojin. "Yah! Yeh Shuhua you know I don't like hugs!" Soyeon protested. Shuhua held her tighter. "But unnie you saved me from creepos I gotta hug you!" Soyeon wiggled free looking at the pouting Shuhua. Soojin just laughed fondly. 


"Yuqi has been calling you all morning. But we couldn't answer without your password. You better let her know you're safe." Almost on queue her phone began to ring again. a cheesy sounding Chinese trot song played loudly from her phone. She quickly picked it up. "Yuqiiiiiiii" Soyeon smirked as Shuhua pulled the phone away from her ear the girl on the other end could be heard yelling in Chinese. 


"Yuqi please don't yell at me I've got a headache!" She tried to calm her down. "Yes yes I'm safe. I know I'm sorry. Soyeon unnie and Soojin unnie. Yeah I know I didn't know either. I don't know?" Shuhua looked at Soyeon. "Yuqi wants to know why you didn't call her and tell her you had me." Soyeon looked at her straight faced. "I don't have her number saved." 


Shuhua repeated what she said to Yuqi. The Chinese girl began yelling again. Shuhua hung up on her. "Welp guess I have to go deal with her. Thanks for helping me out last night I owe you one maybe I can take you out to lunch tomorrow?" Soyeon shook her head. 


"I've already got a date." Soojin looked at her. "With who you didn't tell me about any date?" Soyeon looked at them with a deadpan face. "Yuqi." She went back to the bathroom finishing her teeth. Shuhua looked shocked. "Well then I guess it's just us?" Soojin nodded. 


"It's a date." Shuhua said smiling. She turned and left missing the way Soojin blushed. Soyeon popped out of the bathroom again. "Oh no no no don't go catching feelings again Soo please." Soojin sighed. "To late I caught them again last night when I saw her adorable helpless face at the table. If you hadn't stepped up I would've broken those guys knees." Soyeon rolled her eyes. 'Stupid Soojin why do you do this to yourself?'


Shuhua walked back to her dorm stopping by the cafeteria and grabbing a pair of muffins. She walked into the room holding one up to Yuqi as a peace offering. "Forgive me?" Yuqi rolled her eyes. "I was so worried I even went to the bar to find you." Shuhua tilted her head. "Momo didn't tell you who took me?" Yuqi shook her head. "She had already left for the night." Yuqi looked annoyed but hugged her tightly. "Don't do that anymore." 


Shuhua got a call from Miyeon and answered it. "Hey I got a call from Yuqi last night she left a voicemail I just now woke up. Did she find you? Are you okay?" Shuhua smiled a bit. "Yeah unnie I'm fine I just went home with someone." Miyeon could faintly be heard grumbling. "Be more careful Yeh Shuhua." Shuhua smiled. "Thank you for caring unnie I have to eat something before this hangover kills me I'll talk to you later okay? Bye." 


Shuhua sighed. "What you thought I went and confessed to Miyeon because I was drunk?" Yuqi shrugged. "Anything can happen Shu I was just covering my bases before I called the cops." Shuhua laughed at her. "Thank you Yuqi." They sat on Shuhuas bed and began to eat their muffins as Shuhua told Yuqi the full story of last night.  


"So you shared a bed with Soyeon unnie? Wow she'd kill anyone else if they tried to hug her..." Shuhua widened her eyes incredulously. "That's what you took from that? Not her obvious feelings for Soojin unnie?" Yuqi shrugged. "I've always known she has feelings for Soojin unnie. She's obvious. She doesn't like skinship but for Soojin unnie she'll do it. She doesn't like having a roommate but she did it for Soojin unnie." Shuhua nodded slowly. 


"So You're going on a date with Soyeon unnie?" Yuqi furrowed her brows. "I mean I wouldn't call it a date were both hopelessly in love with someone else. I just invited her out cause I figured she could join the single losers club. And you're going on a date with Soojin?" Shuhua blushed. "Well I did say date. Maybe I should treat it like a real date. Soojin unnie has liked me for a long time and I was hung up on Miyeon. I know Soojin unnie would treat me well. Maybe it's time to move on and give Soojin unnie a chance." She nodded her mind made up. 


Yuqi just watched. She wondered how things would turn out for them. She did want her friend to be happy maybe Soojin could finally do that for her. 



Note: I'm feeling a little better atm so I'm using this opportunity to edit and post as much of this as possible. Don't be surprised if I get several chapters out today. 

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Lizreilover #1
But the thing is who does Minnie love?
Chapter 11: So good! Thanks for the story, author-nim!
Chapter 11: oh my god finally its completed and i can read it at once. thanks for the fic :)
BabyJensoo #4
Chapter 4: Thank you so much for writing this story. I love MiShu so much❤️‍🔥
twiceonce999 #5
Chapter 11: Wow....!!!
Finally, took they long enough...
Thanks author-nim, hope to read more Mishu au written by you
twiceonce999 #6
Waiiiiiittttt, hold on..... Are you for real?!!! I saw a "complete" sign? T_T
You're the best author-nim, thank you so much.... You are too generous to be true <3
twiceonce999 #7
Chapter 1: Omg,! Thanks for upload your masterpiece here, I badly needed the Mishu au, they're so underrated ship T_T, and love how it hurt me for the very first chapter lol

Fighting author-nim, can't wait to read more of your works xoxo