CH 15

Never Too Late

Hyejin freezes as Kihyun stands before her. Why was he here? She waited for an insult. He smiles holding out his hand. Her eyes widen. When she doesn't take his hand, Kihyun takes her hand. For the rest of the day, Kihyun rarely left her side. The day turned to a week. Hyejin tried to scare him away. Kihyun didn't leave the whole week. The week turned into a month. Her attempts to scare him off dwindled until Hyejin went to him and thanked him. It was Kihyun's turn to freeze before her. Hyejin pours her heart out to him, by the end of it she calls him her first real friend.

From that moment on... Kihyun truly worked to become her friend. Anyone who tried to had to face him. Everyone tried to too. Kihyun welcomed their taunts. He had to when Hyejin would greet him with such a beautiful smile.

At the end of the semester Kihyun met up with Hyejin. He'd plan to confess to her. He wanted it to be note than a rumor that he was Ghost Girl's boyfriend. His plans were crushed as she brought Daesung with her. He was an upperclassman who had been held back a few times. The whole school knew about him. Kihyun clenches his fist. Daesung had been with most girls in school. In fact, some said he'd even dated some teachers.

"I'm leaving Korea with Daesung."

Kihyun couldn't move.

"His family agreed to let me come. ...I'll be going and staying with my father while there."

Kihyun scoffs running a hand through his hair.

"Don't make this hard for Hyejinnie."

Kihyun wanted to wipe that smirk off Daesung's face.

"I don't know when I'll be back. ...I didn't think it was fair to not tell you."

Kihyun jerks awake. He rubs his eyes wondering why he was thinking about the past now of all times. He had to get ready. He had that meeting with the person his mother talked about. Problem was... Disguise or no disguise? The more he tried to focus the more his mind drifted back to them. Why was it so hard to forget that day? Why couldn't he bury it away? Maybe it was the look in her eyes. Almost seemed like... Hyejin wanted him to stop her.

"That's stupid..."

The more he thought about it the more he got mad at himself. Why was he doing this to himself? He got dressed hurrying out the door. Kihyun couldn't let himself think. If he did then all sorts of thought entered his head. Hyejin use to be so scared of Daesung. She avoided him so actively. She never seemed interested in guys before randomly showing up with Daesung.

"...why did it have to be him?"

Kihyun sighs. Sweet innocent Hyejin wanted that guy. She loved him. His mind flashing to Ahn. Kihyun grips the sterring wheel tighter. He looks up to see he was already there. He head inside and talk to the woman.

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And yes we gonna gloss over Ahn calling Kihyun for now heh heh heh


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2033 streak #1
Chapter 16: Poor Hyejin! Also, I'm sorry, some things are still confusing for me. Like is Ahn Daesung's child? And he has r*ped some of his exes but not Hyejin? And he threw things at her but never hit her directly? Hopefully he gets what he deserves. Anyway, now that I've caught up with the chapters, I hope to see an update soon ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 15: Oh, wonder which woman he was meeting with! Also, in the flashback, why was Hyejin afraid Kihyun was gonna insult her too? Was it because she thought he was a bully too like the others? I was wondering about that in the beginning but now that I've written it, things makes sense. LoL... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 14: Hmmm... Not sure if the Mother and Son wait until Hyejin opens up to them or charge straight to Daesung and beat the out of him. Anyway, can't wait to read more but will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #4
Chapter 13: She went to a convenience store right? Won't there be a security guard there? And what about other people shopping there? Also, who was the one looking for a five bedrooms house? Is it Kihyun's mother? XD anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 12: I can actually imagine how you portrayed the police here. Poor her! And not sure how to take her drunken self. LoL XD and that kiss though! Not gonna take that into account yet :P jokes aside, I hope she gets to find a solution soon to keep her ex away. And I'll be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 11: Okay, Hyejin is now falling for Kihyun. Wasn't really a surprise since we were already expecting that XD and what kinda song did she sing? LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
PS I have a question for you. Are you by any chance from Germany? Just curious...
2033 streak #7
Chapter 10: Sounds like something ominous is on the way! Hopefully, it's nothing big. Also, I wonder who your bias is from Monsta X. Just curious. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 9: Hahaha Ahn blowing raspberry at the end cracked me up XD anyway, was this a pre-planned shoot? Like he was already doing the show when he took in Hyejin and Ahn? Or was it a newly scheduled one? Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 8: Hahaha Ahn called him daddy? That's cute. And the accidental kiss though!! Anyway, this chapter was nice and I'll back later to read more and see if she was dreaming about the kiss or if it was purely by accident.
2033 streak #10
Chapter 7: Hehe the two were being cute and flirty. It was nice.... And sweet of him to do the dishes since she cooked. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^