
I Just Wanted To Hear Your Voice

Doyeon couldn’t help but cry when she woke up from her nightmare, she was shaking uncontrollably and had sweat pouring down her body. She didn’t know what to do, usually she had Yoojung with her. Yoojung would comfort her until she felt okay enough to go back to sleep. However, tonight Yoojung wasn’t there. She had gone away to visit her parents for the weekend.

Doyeon rubbed her eyes. She grabbed her phone and checked the time ‘3:00AM.’ She sighed, part of her wanted to call Yoojung but she also felt guilty for even thinking of calling her because it wouldn’t be fair to wake Yoojung up over a nightmare. However, she didn’t realise just how much she relied on Yoojung, until she noticed her thumb hovering over Yoojung’s name in her contact list. Without even realising, Doyeon had pressed the call button.

“,” she muttered to herself. She wanted to hang up, but the phone had already started ringing which meant that Yoojung would already have heard her phone ringing, and would have already been disturbed.

Doyeon was soon pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the phone stop ringing. It was silent for a moment until she heard Yoojung yawn.

“Doyeon, it’s 3am. Are you okay?” Despite Yoojung’s voice being raspy because she had just woken up, there was still concern laced in her tone.

“I’m sorry,” Doyeon sighed. “I just… I had a nightmare, and I didn’t know who else to call.”

“Hey, you don’t need to apologise.” Yoojung told her softly. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Doyeon paused for a moment. She didn’t want to talk about the nightmare. She didn’t even know why she had called Yoojung. She could feel tears forming in her eyes, she felt so selfish.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to, Doyeon.” Yoojung assured her. “We can talk about something else or if you’d prefer we can just stay on the phone without talking, just knowing that you’re on the other side of the phone is enough for me.”

“Thank you,” Doyeon replied with a shaky voice. She had tears rolling down her cheeks. She was trying her best to hold herself together, so that she wouldn’t worry Yoojung any more than she already had.

“Doyeon, it’s okay.” Yoojung murmured softly. “It’s okay to cry.”

“How did you know I was crying?” Doyeon sniffled, as she wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her pyjama shirt.

“Because I know you, Doyeon.” Yoojung replied sweetly. “And I also know that you’re feeling guilty for calling me; but Doyeon, I don’t want you to feel guilty, okay? I’m actually really happy that you called me. I mean, I’m not happy that you had a nightmare, of course, but still you know what I mean.”

Doyeon stayed silent for a moment. She felt so lucky to have Yoojung in her life. She knew that most people would probably just ignore her calls at 3am, or tell her to try and go back to sleep but not Yoojung. Yoojung was different. She cared about Doyeon, and made her feel safe.

“I’m so lucky,” Doyeon finally spoke up when she realised that she had been quiet and deep in thought for a few moments.

“Hm? Lucky?” Yoojung hummed curiously.

“I’m lucky to have you in my life, Yoojung.” Doyeon told her. “You make me feel so… Safe, and you’re not even physically here with me.”

“I’m glad that I make you feel safe,” Yoojung replied sincerely. “All I want is for you to feel safe and happy, Doyeon.”

“You make me feel both,” Doyeon said before adding; “when I woke up from my nightmare, I didn’t know what to do. My first thought was to call you, because to be honest, I just wanted to hear your voice.” She admitted.

“I really am glad that you called me, I don’t think you realise how much it means to me that you trust me enough to call me when you’re feeling this vulnerable.” Yoojung paused trying to figure out what else to say. “You make me feel safe and happy too.”

“Honestly Yoojung, you’re the person who I trust most in my life. We’ve been friends for so long, and you’ve never hurt me or left me. You’ve stayed with me through thick and thin, and we’ve been through so much together… I just,” Doyeon hesitated. She could feel herself getting emotional again. “I’m just so grateful to have you in my life.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Doyeon. I’m going to stay with you until you tell me to leave… Which I hope will never happen, because I enjoy having you in my life. I trust you the most too, and I can’t imagine having this type of friendship with anyone else.” Yoojung admitted.

“I will never tell you to leave,” Doyeon assured her.

“Good. In that case, you’re stuck with me forever.” Yoojung said with sincerity laced in her voice.

“There’s no one else, I’d rather be stuck with.” Doyeon smiled.

It was crazy to Doyeon how just a few minutes ago, she was crying, shaking and feeling alone; but now she was smiling, and feeling safe and no longer alone despite Yoojung not physically being there with her. It was just the effect that Yoojung had on her.

“Yoojung,” Doyeon spoke up again.

“Hm?” Yoojung yawned.

“Thank you, for everything.”

“There’s no need to thank me, Doyeon. I told you, I’ll always be here no matter what.”

“I love you.” Doyeon told her. “And I want you to know that I called you because I just wanted to hear your voice because it makes me feel safe, and less alone.”

“I love you too. And you’ll never be alone, not when I’m in your life, because even if I’m not with you physically I’ll always be just a phone call away. I want you to remember that, okay? You can call me no matter what time it is, I’ll always answer.”

“Same for you,” Doyeon yawned. “I’ll always be here for you, no matter what. Come rain or shine, I’ll be here.”

“I know,” Yoojung replied. “You just yawned, are you tired? Do you want to try and go back to sleep?”

“Yeah, I’m kind of sleepy.” Doyeon admitted.

“Goodnight Doyeon. I will check up on you tomorrow to make sure that you’re okay.”

“Thank you. Goodnight Yoojung.”

With that Doyeon ended the call. She took a deep breath and smiled to herself. She was truly lucky to have Yoojung as her best friend. She took one last look at her phone’s lock screen which was a picture of her and Yoojung, before she fell back into a peaceful sleep.


Author's Note

Hello! It has been a while since I have wrote a Dodaeng fanfic, I hope that you enjoyed this! :)

I have also posted this on AO3. Under the same username.

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751 streak #1
Chapter 1: Most of my friends call me when they have nightmares.