One Month Left

A War Of Fangs & Pacifiers

Xia told her that to keep her fighting skills fresh she would have to regularly spar with her. Yejin had to be able to defend herself. Something about her needing it just in case. So far Xia hadn't made her take a pregnancy test. Although this would only put her at a month along. Yejin wasn't sure if she wouldn't even have any symptoms at this point. If Xia didnt then she would have to much later on. He'll maybe after Xia left would be better. She didnt handle Yongbok forgetting the so learning whether or not he did knock her up could send her over the edge.

"Grab the knives. I refuse to let you use guns."

Yejin nods, "Guns aren't always an option but something to stab with is."

"...who taught you that?"

"Doesn't matter cause he's dead."

Xia charges at her startling her. A smack to the back of the head her only warning.

"Blades up. You have to come at me like you mean it. Magic isn't reliable. Skills like this are. Blades up."

Yejin takes a deep breath before holding them up at the ready. Once more Xia charges, Yejin swipes right with her left hand. She tries to spin to get Xia with the right hand only to be knocked on her . The shorter vampire chuckling at the sight.

"Too slow."

"Of course I am! You've a thousand and thirty-some-odd years on me!"

"And? Blades up. Focus!"

"Is this more punishment? Huh?"

Xia rolls her eyes, "You got knocked on your once. Get the up and stop ing."

" you!" 

As Yejin shouts Xia flies backward crashing into the far wall. The stunned taller vampire covers in horror before running over to Xia. The shorter vampire chuckles sitting up slowly. She claps smiling at her. Yejin couldn't understand how this was something to be happy about. She knocked Xia into a wall!

"Come on. Try to ing smile."

"I could have seriously hurt you!"

"And I could've caught myself. So back to training."

Yejin looks down at her feet. "No..."

"...excuse me? ...what did you say?"

"I'm not gonna hurt you!"

Xia sighs, "It's not hurting me. It's me trying to respect your wishes. said you didn't want to be the weak woman who had to tie herself to a man for strength. To become the woman who only got strong because she hides behind a man..."

Yejin nods.

"Being able to fight without relying on that black magic , is being strong. You sent me flying with it but it didnt tire me but it did give you an upper and in the right that you just lost."

Yejin's eyes widen. Xia charges forward with deadly purpose. Yejin tries to run and when that fails she puts her arms up to block. Xia's size allows her to reach under Yejin's arms and grabs her by the neck. Xia slams her down onto the concrete. Yejin tries to call on something to protect herself. Her possible condition suddenly in her mind.

"Now lets try again."

Yejin shouts, "Hold on! Hold on!"

She stands up taking a deep breath. Her eye color slowly fading till her eyes were completely black. She takes a strange stance. Xia charges surprised to see Yejin easily deflect her. Yejin's movements having an odd tick or delay with her like this. She however easily deflects Xia's attacks. Neither one able to land a blow. Xia only becoming the winner once the sparring match lasts longer than an hour. Yejin's nose bleeds just before she passes out.

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Chapter 6: This story gets more interesting, can't wait to read further! You can do this author-nim!