
Pacify her.
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ACT 1:  You don’t love her


People say that Yu Jimin is twisted. She doesn’t like to think much of it, what other people think about her doesn’t matter to her. And what Uchinaga Aeri thinks about her matters the least. Jimin can tell that Aeri notices the way Jimin’s gaze lingers on Minjeong for too long, sometimes her eyes even flickering down at the older girl’s lips.


Jimin also notices the way Aeri’s gaze remains at Jimin’s hand under the table. How does that woman even know Minjeong bought that watch for Jimin? Well, obviously Jimin didn’t say it outloud but she knows Aeri can tell.


“Oh, don’t be bitter.” Jimin mutters under her breath. “Cause I’m fitter.”


“And that– ladies and gentlemen– was how I cracked the deal!” Minjeong’s voice cuts through Jimin’s train of thoughts. The older woman was sitting in front of her on the dinner table. Jimin smiles as she watches Minjeong brag, like she should. Minjeong deserved all the praise in the world.


“You really are our company’s CEO, huh?” Yeonjun says and grins.


“I feel so relieved that our company is under Minjeong’s hands.” Yena says and dramatically lets an exhale of relief, everybody else laughs. 


Jimin just chuckles, her eyes not once leaving Minjeong. 22 year old Jimin when she wasn’t working under Kim Corp. would’ve been embarrassed to admit this but, the 23 year old Jimin who is working under Kim Corp. as 31 year old CEO Kim Minjeong’s secretary was absolutely smitten by the older woman.


It wasn’t an exaggeration to say Jimin was head over heels for Minjeong.


Jimin remembers telling her friends when her affair with Minjeong just started, and they kept explaining to her how Minjeong was only using her and would leave Jimin after she’s done with her and go back to her wife, Aeri.


They told Jimin to stay away from things that weren’t hers.


But was Minjeong really Aeri’s when the former seemed to want Jimin so bad, in the way Jimin wanted her as well?


Stolen kisses in the office, sneaking out and lying to their co-workers and waking up late in Minjeong’s penthouse while cuddling. There was no way Minjeong had any interest left in Aeri, Jimin was sure of it.


And Minjeong would go back to Aeri after using Jimin? Jimin wants to scoff. Minjeong doesn’t love Aeri. Jimin has tried to tell Minjeong that every time they meet, ‘You don’t love her. You don’t love Aeri.’ And in response, Minjeong would only give her an unreadable smile.


(At those times, Jimin desperately tries to find a look in Minjeong’s eyes, something that would tell Jimin that the latter agrees. Something that would tell her that Minjeong agrees she doesn’t love Aeri.)


“Alright. Jimin, you’re done eating, right?” Jimin's eyes flicker back to Minjeong when the older woman speaks. “Yes.” She replies a bit too eagerly.


“You wanna head back to the company now? We still have some work left.” There’s a different kind of glint in Minjeong’s eyes. It gets Jimin excited, because Minjeong was initiating a meet-up. Whenever they would have their ‘ meet-ups ,’ it would usually be Jimin because she was clingy. 


It sometimes feels like Minjeong doesn’t want Jimin as much as the latter wants her, but at times like this Jimin can tell that’s not exactly the case.


“Yeah– yeah, we should.” Jimin replies, not bothering to hide the smile on her face. Her stare lingers on Minjeong when the woman turns to Aeri and cups her cheeks. Jimin’s smile immediately fades away.


Aeri is jolted out of her thoughts when Minjeong touches her, and she immediately intertwines her hand with Minjeong’s hand that was on her cheek. It was as if Aeri was trying to desperately keep Minjeong beside her and desperately trying to keep Minjeong away from Jimin.


Jimin’s jaw clenches at the sight of the skinship between the couple.




“Yeah?” Aeri’s eyes completely trained on Minjeong’s fatal smile, giving the latter all of her attention. “Me and Jimin need to head back to the company and–” Jimin notices the way Aeri’s grasp on Minjeong’s hand tightens. “But I should probably walk you back to your car first.” Minjeong says and stands up, taking her coat resting on her chair in her hands.


“It’s cold outside as well.” Minjeong says and places the coat on Aeri’s shoulder. Jimin’s stomach twists. This wasn’t the first time Jimin has felt jealous of Aeri.


Jimin finds herself unconsciously looking back at Aeri, her eyes pleading for the woman to say No to Minjeong. “No, it’s fine. I’ll just stay here with the others.” Jimin sighs in relief, she can’t stand sitting there at that table while knowing that Minjeong is out alone with Aeri, even if it’s only for a few seconds.


Minjeong beams at Aeri before saying, “Alright. I’ll pick up something for breakfast tomorrow so you wouldn’t have to cook and we can just sleep in. Sounds good?” Jimin unconsciously grips the dinner table. Aeri smiles in response, and Minjeong slowly starts to lean down to her.


Jimin averts her eyes to the window at the restaurant, seemingly finding the dark empty view outside more interesting than whatever was happening at the company dinner table.


Everyone at the table howled and clapped. “You guys are too much for my single lonely self!” Chaewon jokingly said.


Aeri - 1, Jimin - 0


“I love you.” Minjeong says after pulling away from the kiss. Jimin makes a mental reminder to remind her later that she doesn’t love Aeri. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow at the company, take care.” Minjeong says and smiles, Jimin gets up and walks out of the restaurant with Minjeong following behind, the latter’s hands ghosting around Jimin’s back. Jimin leans into the touch.


Jimin looks back, to find Aeri’s gaze already on her and Minjeong. She smirks before leaving the building.


Aeri - 1, Jimin - 10


The two don’t say anything as they make it back to Minjeong’s car. But Jimin immediately tugs at Minjeong’s collar and pulls her towards her as soon as Minjeong sits down in the driver’s seat. “I missed you.” Jimin whispers as she connects her lips with the older woman.


Minjeong chuckles after pulling away from the kiss, “We were literally in the same room two minutes ago.”


“But you weren’t sitting beside me. Or holding my hand under the table.”


“It’s because Aeri was there beside me.” Minjeong replied before trailing kisses on Jimin’s neck, Jimin whimpered in response. Good thing Minjeong’s car’s windows were heavily tinted. 


Jimin tries not to melt at Minjeong’s smooth voice or her highly addictive kisses as she pretends to be mad by saying, “Th– that basic . She’s been getting on m– my nerves so much these days.”


“Really? How so?” Minjeong says with a breathy tone as her lips at a specific spot in Jimin’s neck, one that always riles Jimin up.


“I absolutely can’t sta– stand her whining! Why does it bo– bother her if you’re out late and– and not spending enough time with her!” Jimin says, trying not to moan at the sensation on her neck as she musters up all of her self control to slightly push Minjeong away from her.


“It’s because she’s my wife.” Minjeong replies after pulling away, her lips swollen and Jimin thinks the woman looks adorable. Still, that doesn’t distract her from the statement Minjeong just made, that gave her heart a painful twist. “You don’t have to remind me.” Jimin replies and huffs as she turns to look out the window.


Minjeong chuckles as her hand grazes over Jimin’s wrist. “She’s my wife.. yet you’re the only one I want.” Minjeong says as she pulls Jimin’s wrist up to kiss it. “If I had the choice, I would’ve time traveled back in time and not get married to Aeri. Then, in the future, I would’ve married the one I desire. I would’ve married you.”


Jimin feels her heart leap at the thought of her being Minjeong’s wife. Waking up next to Minjeong in bed, cooking for her, taking care of her, going on dates in public with her, having kids with her. 


Jimin turns to look at Minjeong again as she replies, “Then do it. Marry me, and make me yours.” 


Minjeong smiles in response before her hands reach out to cup Jimin’s chin. “You’re adorable, but it’s not that easy. I still owe her father money.” Jimin huffs again as she replies, “You’re a millionaire, yet you owe her father money?”


“Not just money but a lot of.. other things . He’s a director at our company too, remember? Don’t worry though, my love. I’m working on it. I’ll get it done and officially kick off Aeri from the Financial Manager position in our company as well.” Jimin’s eyes widened, Minjeong was already taking necessary steps to get rid of Aeri? That’s her beloved! 


“And then.. you and I.. we can finally be together.” Minjeong grins as she starts to lean in towards Jimin, and if Minjeong was like a magnet, then Jimin was like metal. Jimin instinctively feels herself leaning as well.


Their lips are ghosting against each other, and Jimin can feel Minjeong’s warm breath on her. “You.. you told her you loved her today.” She muttered. “I did? I don’t remember.” Minjeong replied. “You don’t love her, okay? You love me. Only me.” Minjeong only grins in response before pulling Jimin into a deep kiss.


After a few minutes or so, Minjeong finally pulls back while panting. “Let’s go back to my penthouse?” Jimin smiles and nods.




Jimin remembers the first time she and Minjeong had . Believe it or not, it was Minjeong who first initiated it. Jimin, obviously, gave her consent in it. 


She doesn’t exactly remember what they had done to get in the position they were in back then, but Jimin was sitting on a kitchen counter (Minjeong was quite a foodie, so she needed a kitchen in her office.) in Minjeong’s large office’s corner while Minjeong was standing in front of Jimin, with her hands on the latter’s waist.


“What am I to you, Jimin?” Minjeong had asked her back then.


Everything. You’re everything to me.


“This– this is wrong, Minjeong. You have a wife.” She replied yet her hands wrapped around Minjeong’s neck didn’t budge. “Really? You seemed very bothered with the fact that I have a wife yesterday, when Aeri was feeding me at lunch.” Minjeong said and slightly tilted her head. “No.. I– This isn’t right. This isn’t okay.”


“Oh, really? So, you’ll be okay with the fact that the only person I’ll ever kiss is Aeri, not you?” Minjeong said as she placed a kiss on Jimin's neck. “You’ll be okay with the fact that the only person I’ll ever touch like this is Aeri, and not you?” She continued as she slid her hands under Jimin’s waist, to her hips. The younger girl whimpered against her touch.


“And you’ll be okay with the fact that the only person I’ll ever love is Aeri, and not you?” That was Jimin’s last straw, as she instantly pulled Minjeong towards her, roughly kissing her before moving onto her neck and intentionally leaving marks, because Minjeong was hers.


“You’re– you’re mine, okay? You’re only mine.” Jimin’s voice came out more as a whisper as Minjeong slid her hand even lower.


All of a sudden, the door to the office flung open. Wait, what’s happening? This isn’t what happened though.


Aeri enters the room. Why is she here? The woman scans the entire room before her eyes finally land on the two figures in the room, she walks towards them without saying anything and immediately pulls Minjeong away from Jimin, before turning the girl around so Jimin can only see Aeri’s back from the counter, while Minjeong was facing Aeri.


What is this? Is this a dream?


Jimin watches from behind as Aeri’s hands reach out to her shirt’s buttons, undoing them one by one. Aeri pulls her shirt apart and Jimin watches Minjeong’s jaw drop. There’s a pit forming in Jimin’s stomach, and it isn’t a nice feeling.


Minjeong immediately comes forward, towards Aeri as her hands roam around the latter’s chest before she pulls her into a kiss.


Jimin didn’t realize it, but there were tears forming in her eyes. At that moment she realized, this wasn’t a dream, this was a nightmare.


Jimin wakes up while panting, her body covered in sweat. Aeri haunting her dreams with Minjeong, that woman really is the worst. She spent a few minutes thinking and trying to calm herself down until she felt some shuffling from beside her. Looks like Minjeong just woke up. 


“Hey, gorgeous.” Minjeong says and yawns as she wraps her arms around Jimin’s body. Jimin turns around to her left, to face Minjeong. “Good morning.” She said as she placed a kiss on the woman’s forehead. 


“What’s your plan for today, hmm? Why don’t you just stay with me? We can.. continue what we were doing last night.” Jimin asks and grips Minjeong’s arm, the nightmare from before scared her and she doesn’t think she can handle seeing Minjeong around Aeri any time soon.


Minjeong chuckles before shaking her head, “As much as I'd like to sleep in and be with you, I need to go pick up breakfast for Aeri and make up an excuse on why I didn’t come home last night.” Jimin’s grasp on Minjeong unconsciously tightens. “And then, I’ll go visit her father. To talk about, you know what.” And all of a sudden, Jimin finds herself grinning.


“Alright, alright.

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im sorry for everyone who has been waiting.. i thought i published the chapter along with the foreword like a month ago but i only realized today that i accidentally left the chapter as a draft and never uploaded it im gonna cry i hate everything im so sorry 😭😭


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Chapter 1: I'm speechless...
tipine #2
Chapter 1: Damn Minjeong…
This story is complex but so amusing to read
(I don’t support cheating)
ryeo_garin #3
Chapter 1: Omg. Minjeong-ssi, i have no words !!
Chapter 1: Am I weird for saying that I found it somewhat amusing? I mean cheating is not good but it's amusing how they're just ing playing with themselves. All of them just toys to someone else's perspective and they are all getting into it. I love it.

I am weird for finding this story amusing
oofiee 1081 streak #5
Chapter 1: oh... this is sad
Chapter 1: woah, demasiado oscuro que resulta atractivo. buena historia con un final en loop que sorpresivamente no molesta!
coatedcherry_08 #7
Chapter 1: I've no words Kim minjeong >:(
Chapter 1: minjeong...
Chapter 1: Minju really does play an important role.
I'm sad, i didn't expect the whole story to be like this.
Not my usual type of story but i love and enjoyed it 🤧