

Yoohyeon's POV.




Lee Siyeon, the girl I'm fixated on.


Whenever her name is referenced and mentioned, my body turns to jelly in a flash and my throat is stuck with muffled and sinful cusses. I'm certain beyond a shadow of a doubt she'll find me slipping.


She gets me each and every time I breathe in the air blended in with her perfume. That damn scent is enough for me to lose my mental stability, not give a   to everything and give up to my needs.


(If you've read "The Shift", you've seen this sentence before.)


She has me feel an excessive number of things that simply thinking about her can make the fortress that I repeatedly reinforce disintegrate in a brief instant. Her alluring gaze and voice gives me a cardiovascular failure.


I ought to not be overthinking of this despite the fact that it's essentially difficult to move on. I'm past being obsessed with her. This isn't that great for my psychological well-being. Nevertheless, screw that bull.


Since when did I by any chance think often about myself with the exception of when she's in my surroundings or when my friends continually bother me for going crazy over her? They're really suspicious I must say.


I'm as of now, preventing myself from tugging her shirt and pulling her towards me. Those lips are so incredibly kissable. I want to whisper words that make her legs go frail.


Being the greatest nitwit and the clumsiest individual of the entire universe, I somehow trip over my own feet. I'm sure that I may be meeting the entryways of heaven (hell, as a matter of fact).


I definitely deserve that. A taste of your own medicine as certain individuals on the internet said. Hands hold on my arms, legs tangling around mine's, and a body colliding into my back.


I swear I could actually faint on the spot with how brutally expedient my heart is pulsating. I feel somebody's cool breath on my neck, gradually getting behind my ear. This is too intimate for my liking (that's false).


, I can hear my heart produce stunning sounds so goddamn boisterously. A voice I know too damn well lets me know that she got me. I wish that words she in all likelihood, said'll be the truth (I'm not to sure about that).


Beads of sweat continue to bother my already heating and wet body. I mumble out a thank you to her. I'm about to apologize for causing problems when Handong clears as if to speak.


"Since we're all dying of boredom and we don't got much to do, might as well play an interesting game. It's not exactly a game but rather I guarantee you all it's nerve wracking and fun."


"What are we exactly playing?" Bora placidly questions, downing what's left in her coffee mug. As we look at the younger girl again, she startlingly gazes at me and Siyeon.


She then, at that point, states something that makes both me and Siyeon choke on our own saliva. My nervousness arrives at its breaking point and I begin hyperventilating, not having any desire to be close to her.


Why? Because I could pass out at any moment and I didn't want to make things even worse. She sees me visibly shaking and perspiring that she uses her free hand to soothe me by the back.


Her hand some way or another calms my nerves down. I'm still having the hardest time in breathing however, nobody has looked into what's going on with me. Obviously, I'm disproved.


Siyeon turns me around to face her. She worryingly instructing me to repeat holding my breath for some time then letting it out. It works and I'm not suffocating to death.


"They look like two pretty best friends." Gahyeon jokes, getting her arm hit by Minji. The younger sends faces of demise at her, the latter anxiously laughing and asking the others for help.


We ignore what the others are talking about, me grinning widely at Siyeon as she appears to do exactly the same thing (it sort of looks like a smirk to me though and that catches me off guard).




A lie detector. An actual lie detector test and not the jolting beast of a machine that people for the most part use for the sake of entertainment. Well, that is nerve wracking for sure and I'm basically screwed.


It doesn't help that I'm the one sitting on a chair, palms wetting the tables that're close to me. How did they even get me to this thing? This is more terrifying than an electric chair.


For hell's sake, I'd prefer kicking the bucket right now (die, in short) than to be awfully humiliated in 4k in this seat. So much so with my hunger for excitement (and you guessed it, Siyeon). I'm a complete .


After everything around me is set up, I see the monitor (in front of me) displaying my heart rate. I'm being interrogated than being asked fun questions. Yubin snickers at said display.


I'm currently clinging on the armchairs for dear life like it's Judgement Day. Before I go insane because of the silence in this pretty cold room, Gahyeon fake coughs making me look at her.


What she asks to me places me in profound shock and frenzy. "Do you have an obsession with any of us?" My head went blank, not knowing how to reply. That damn smirk annihilates me.


How in the genuine did she consider that to ask me? In dismay, my mouth stays open, pulse unthinkably accelerating. I could feel something draining the life out of me.


I can't simply say that "Definitely, I'm infatuated with girl named Lee Siyeon and I want to believe that she feels the same to me." because that is ing idiotic. I don't even know if she thinks of me 'that' way.


I shake my head a few times, attempting to take a few seconds to get back some composure and endeavoring to keep myself quiet. I'm looking stupid. This isn't how I'm supposed to deal with such a daring question by her.


"Huh? I see what you're going for, Gah." I pretend to laugh (although it clearly didn't sound and appear as one). My pulse is so perceptibly strange after checking the screen out.


Sounds of my heart obstructs each and every other clamor that come to my ears, even the giggles of my friends. Strangely enough, I could still comprehend Siyeon's faint whispers to Gahyeon.


My face is presumably red as an apple (more like blood) and I probably won't have the option to escape this seat (place) in peace. "If I said yes, that would probably creep y'all out like crazy." I start off.


I'm feeling like vomiting all of a sudden however, screw my mental stability. "Assuming I said no, that'd be a blatant falsehood." My cryptic or whatever-the-hell-I-just-said answer did not even get registered by my brain.


"Perhaps I really do have the obsession, but not to a certain extent where y'all would think I'm behaving like a stalker.  I just like being with y'all." My stomach and throat are literally hurting.


Fortunately, nothing appears to turn out badly once I said all of that , concealing everything what I'd really want to tell all of them (particularly Gahyeon and Siyeon). But that's just the beginning.


All of them asked me the most ridiculous and unexpected things (mostly about my evident desire of Lee Siyeon). Bora had the 'one of a kind' question that threw me off the chair.


The detector machine made sounds that just had me so ing embarrassed I fought the tears that were about to make all of them cackle (I didn't know why this was happening).


In the end, I felt myself black out several minutes after I walked out of the room for air (perhaps the headache that I got from apprehension and that monster of a machine were the reasons). There wasn't anyone beside me.


Furthermore, I likely fell face down after I fainted. What an incredible game to play, as indicated by Handong. That damned girl will get googolplexian cusses and punches by me.

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Another nonsensical story by me that I've planned for a whole week.


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