❄️ chapter 27: fever and nightmares

Spring Snowflakes
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chapter soundtrack:
crystal flower - 2nd moon




They only had one day left before they depart to London, and Youngro clearly felt anxious with the royal wedding preparation. How could she leave the preparation when the wedding was just few weeks away? Kangmoo had reassurred her a lot of times that day, that everything would be fine even when she was away with Sooho. However, the girl still felt heavily responsible with the preparation so there she was that night, at the Crown Prince's study room, staring non-stop at her laptop screen.

"Youngro, it's late. You should go to sleep."

That was Sooho, who sat across her, with his own laptop.

"We still have some more stuff to check, Sooho-ssi." Youngro replied. "Let me check the updates from the operational team one last time..."

"It's almost midnight and we have a flight schedule tomorrow morning." The man responded, his voice sounded somehow more stern than usual. "You've been working a lot since yesterday. You have to get enough sleep, Youngro. Let me check the documents. We can even check it tomorrow. Come on, let's get you sleep." 

The girl huffed, her eyes moving away from her laptop screen for a while. "It's alright, Sooho-ssi. Look, I have finished my second cup of coffee. I can stay up late for tonight, and I'll get a good night sleep after this so I will wake up fresh tomorrow." She insisted, even when Sooho could notice her heavy eyes. "It's okay. I'm even more worried about you. You should get more sleep than I do."

If she could be honest, Youngro was so sleepy that night. She didn't understand why, but the caffeine she had from the second cup of coffee didn't kick in her system. She even felt sleepier than before. Did Sooho added some sleeping poisons to the coffee? 


"Don't hold back your yawns, Youngro. You're sleepy. You have to sleep, come on..." This time, the Crown Prince got up from his seat and approached the girl on her seat. "Come on, let me take you to your room." He sounded so soft... or maybe it was because Youngro could feel herself losing her consciousness very slowly... 

When Youngro peeked up to see the Crown Prince who was standing next to her, she wondered how could he look so fresh and not sleepy at all at this hour? He hadn't even finished his cup of coffee but it seemed like he could stay awake for more hours, while Youngro was dying right at that time. He was still wearing his day outfit, a clean and tidy black shirt with long black pants, and as usual, his hair was slicked back. He still looked perfect. On the other hand? Youngro was already in her pink pajamas—

Her own pajamas.

Boonok had prepared another piece of nightgowns but since Youngro would have to stay awake that night for a working session with Sooho, she thought it would be better to wear a two-piece long sleeved pajamas so she could be more... covered.

Because, remember the last time she wore nightgowns when she was with the Crown Prince?

She couldn't fully remember everything that was happened that night but for sure, it could be dangerous for them if Youngro wore the nightgowns that were prepared by Boonok.

"Ugh, Sooho-ssi." Youngro grumbled as she felt the man tapping on her shoulders, asking her to stand up from her seat.

"Come on now, close your laptop." His other hand was reaching out to her laptop screen, slowly pushing it down. And Youngro let him did that.

Maybe she really needed to sleep that time. She could feel her eyes getting heavier and heavier, she didn't even realize Sooho had already pulled her up from her seat. She just obediently followed him.

"There you go. Let me get your laptop." He said as he pushed Youngro slowly away from her seat. His left hand took her laptop with him, while his other hand was reaching out to touch the girl's shoulder. "Alright. Let's go to your room, okay?"




Since their engagement day, Youngro had been staying at the Crown Prince's mansion for some nights. Since the Crown Prince let her stay there, she gladly accepted the offer. That way, she thought that she could easily and effectively helped to prepare the royal wedding. At the same time, she requested Youngu to take care of their parents while she was away. Youngro didn't let Youngu pick up the fruits from the village that month. He was fully responsible to take care of Hong Aera, and Eun Changsu at the hospital, and Youngu did as ordered.

The invitation to London that was shared by Kangmoo some days ago really surprised her. She didn't expect that she would have to go abroad while she's preparing for the wedding. However, Sooho looked as if it was really fine for her to go, and it was okay for them if they left the wedding preparation for a week, as ordered by His Majesty the King.

"Sooho-ssi, is it really okay if we're going to London tomorrow? Can I just stay here to prepare everything? You can go alone by yourself for three days only, right?" Youngro muttered, her eyes were half closed. Next to her, Sooho was guiding her to her bedroom. 

"It's okay, Youngro. Don't worry. Just like what Kangmoo said before, let's see this as a short getaway for us before the wedding... and before we're going back to college."


"It's okay. Believe me." The man cut her mid way, giving her a reassuring smile. "I would like to thank you so much for being so considerate with our wedding, but let's get more relaxed for a while, okay? You need to sleep." As the man caught the girl rubbing her own eyes, a soft smile plastered on his face. "Here's your bedroom, go inside and have a good night sleep. Don't forget to brush your teeth, alright?"

Like an obedient kid, Youngro nodded slowly and gave Sooho a sweet smile— with her eyes half closed. "Good night, Sooho-ssi. Ah, don't forget to bring more rolls of film for me."

"Of course I will. I have it in my bag already. Good night, Youngro. See you tomorrow."







Incheon International Airport, 08.00 KST


"You're yawning again."

"I'm still... a bit sleepy, Sooho-ssi." Youngro mumbled as she left out another yawn. "I think I'll sleep during the whole flight." 

Her sleepy eyes shifted their gaze to the Crown Prince next to her.

He was looking good as usual. Charming. Handsome.

He wore a cream colored turtle neck, with some layers of outerwears to keep him warm. A dark sage denim jacket with a black wool long coat as the outer layer of his outfit. If someone told Youngro that the Crown Prince used to be a model, she would believe it. His visual and posture could pass as one. And don't get Youngro started with his slicked back hair... it always looked perfect on him.



On the other hand, Youngro wore a complete set of outfit with similar dark tone with the Crown Prince, and some bright colors to complete her looks. She hoped it could help her tone down her pale looking face. She wore a tidy black silk blouse on the inside— in case they would have some indoor occassions, with long black skirt, and completed with a thick black jacket on the outside. To keep her warm, she also threw on some thick cream colored scarf and a red beret hat that covered her head. 



"Alright," he said softly as his head moved forward a bit so he could take a clearer look of Youngro. "Are you feeling okay?" A concerned look was flashed on his face as he caught Youngro's heavy eyes.

"Just a bit dizzy." She answered shortly. "I took some medicine this morning and I'm feeling better. But now I feel so sleepy." Her tiny hands then pulled up the scarf slightly so it could cover her face up to her nose.

"Just sleep, then. We will be arrived at the airport shortly. As soon as we board on the plane, you can continue your sleep rightaway."

"Thank you, Sooho-ssi."




As usual, Sooho would take the private route to the royal family private jet so they would avoid the press and paparazzi. Sooho took Youngro with him closely, even closer than usual. He had noticed the girl was feeling unwell that day, so he had the urge to make sure she's staying closely to him.

As soon as they were seated inside the private jet, Sooho requested for an extra blanket to the flight attendants. He wouldn't want her to feel cold during their long flight. That would also be Youngro's first long flight too. Her getting sick was the last thing he wanted.

"Is this okay? Are you feeling cold?" He asked as his hands were busy unfolding the blanket and helped the girl covering her body with the extra blanket. When he heard her soft giggles, his eyes darted to her face. She somehow looked a bit pale, yet she looked glowing with her bright smile.

"It's warm. Thank you for the extra blanket."

When the girl shook her head and snuggled comfortably on her seat, the Crown left out a relieved exhale. "That's good." One of his hand raised to reach her forehead, he let his palm rested on her forehead for a while. "I think you have some fever. Have some rest. I'll wake you up when it's time to eat so you can get your medicine. Kangmoo Hyung, could you please prepare some medicines? Youngro has a bit of fever."

Youngro blankly stared at the Crown Prince that was seated next to her with her hooded eyes. She had been feeling unwell since that morning, but she didn't tell anyone but Boonok. Boonok was the one who prepared her medicine before she departed to airport with Sooho. The young maid even helped her preparing more medicines to take. Youngro thought it would be just a light flu she was having, but it turned out that it got worse. She even had fever now.

"I'm going to sleep, Sooho-ssi." The girl poked the man's shoulder with her finger.

When the man felt her poking him, he immediately checked on her. "Oh? Of course. It will be a 14 hours flight. Have enough sleep, Youngro. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

The girl was already closing her eyes as she gave him a nod. "Okay..."






Heathrow International Airport, 17.00 UK Time

It was Youngro's very first time going abroad, outside of South Korea. And she didn't expect the destination to be as far as London.

She had some countries on her wishlist, and UK was actually one of it. She never imagined going to the mentioned country though, since it was so far away and she would have to work herself out so hard to get a lot money to get the flight tickets and visa. The accommodation as well. And more money to stay alive on her trip-- for food, drinks, and other basic needs.

But there she was, at the Heathrow International Airport, with the Crown Prince. She didn't even have to worry about her passport and visa since it had been all settled by Kangmoo.

And the transport? She would love to take those bus and underground trains, but Sooho already got them a ride for their stays in London. Youngro was pretty sure the car they were getting on later was a Bentley. And there were some other cars and motorcycles parked in front of them.

"Greetings, Your Highness! Welcome to London!"

A super tall man in his 30s (at least from Youngro's point of view), with a blonde hair and bright blue eyes, warmly greeted the younger couple who just stepped out of the international airport. Behind him were a dozen of black suited staff, some of them were women, that were lining up neatly.

"I'm Jonathan Clinton, staff of South Korea's ambassador in UK. Jonathan, at your service. It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness Crown Prince Im Sooho and Miss Youngro, and also Sir Kangmoo, it's nice to finally meet you in person, Sir." He was talking to them in English with a thick British accent. Youngro could imagine herself being tested for her English listening skill while listening to the man in front of her. The man took a bow curtly to Sooho, Youngro, and Kangmoo at once.

"Hello, Jonathan. It's nice to meet you." Sooho replied, his hand reached out to the older man, the man called Jonathan happily shook his hand.

Youngro smiled warmly to the man, and gestured for a handshake as well.

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SOBS. I’m SO sorry for being ia! I’m having a big project at work (Oct - early Nov) + an exciting project coming up. Therefore, I can’t be active that much. I have the story drafted, so I might be updating when I’m able to! I’ll miss you. See you really soon! Take care 🤍


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taniawirdar #1
Chapter 50: I Still checking for new chapt. I wantt to know how my crown prince and princess 👑
gladsfur #2
Chapter 50: I bet I am not the only one reading this in 2024 😭 is this really incomplete? 😭😭
jisoosversion #3
Chapter 18: i keep checking here. Please come back :(
😢😢😢 i miss this story.. authornim please come back we miss you 😭😭
markinghina #5
Chapter 50: I keep going back to this story and re-reading it again and again although there's no update. Haven't seen you for a long time even on twitter either, but I still have this slight hope for you to update this story. Wherever you are I hope you are doing fine, kak! 😊
goodhouse12345 #6
Chapter 50: Please update!!!
yeoladdict #7
Chapter 41: I miss your story...cant wait for your next update...
Astrid_soo #8
I'm kinda miss you
Unnie 😭😭😭
Please comeback😭
We missed you..
Ranyzahra #10
Chapter 50: Missing this story sm.. hope you update soon🤍