They Never Know


The school managed to keep the situation quiet and away from the eyes of the other students which was surprising considering how loud the whole scene was. Sehun and Jongin were dragged to the head office as soon as their clothes were on again - though Sehun suggested that they jump out the window and hide out while they were getting dressed - and needless to say, they endured what felt like an hour-long lecture but was only twenty minutes in length. They were reprimanded about their actions and forced to read out the rules a few times, not that it helped a lot. As soon as they said it, they forgot what they said; they knew they'd get into more trouble than just being yelled at and lectured and forced to read the rules a few times.

“I'm scared,” Jongin whispered his little confession, and Sehun glanced at him with a grave expression. He had to agree that the outcome of this didn't look good at all, but he had to stay strong for the both of them. If he showed he was scared too, it would only make things worse.
“You don't have to be. I'll tell them it was all my idea. You'll still be punished probably, but it surely won't be as bad. It'll all be alright,” Sehun assured the shorter one...or tried to anyway.
“What?! You can't do that! You'll get expelled for sure! Do you think that's worth it? Do you think I want to go to this stuck-up college without you?” Jongin's voice took on a panicked edge as he shook Sehun by his shoulder; just the thought of attending classes all day long without any Sehun to come back to was madness! The only reason he gave his all in this prestigious school wasn't for his parents' approval - although that was certainly a factor - but rather to follow Sehun's example of being a very good student. Diligent, hard-working and smart, every teacher's dream student. Jongin wanted to be just like him in that regard. This wasn't to say he couldn't do it on his own, but it did help his academic performance having someone he could compare it to.

Sehun grimaced as he pressed his lips together; he knew Jongin was right, but he couldn't think of anything else. Sacrifice himself and keep Jongin in this good college, or get them both expelled? The answer was as clear as day.
He slumped in the leather chair with a sigh; the headmaster would be back soon from calling their parents.

In about ten minutes, he returned, and as expected, he interrogated the boys about where the weed came from as well as who's idea it was.
Jongin opened his mouth to speak, but Sehun was faster.
“It was all my idea. I was the one that brought the cannabis after jumping the fence last night to buy it, and I'm the one that initiated everything else,” He kept a brave face on, but he was a little embarrassed to admit they had . It was obvious the moment the teachers burst into their room, but it still felt more real after being said, maybe because both of them had been in such a hazy state of mind when it happened.
Jongin stared at him with a dumbfounded expression, his lips parted and his eyebrows furrowed deeply. How could Sehun do such a thing?

“And Mr. Kim Jongin here had no idea you were planning any of this?” The headmaster made it evident that he didn't believe this story, both with his narrowed eyes and tone of voice.
“No. I knew he'd be against it,” This wasn't much of a lie, “so I knew if I surprised him, he wouldn't be able to refuse,”
“Is this correct?” The headmaster turned his strict gaze to Jongin now who nodded glumly. He wanted to backtrack and say it was his idea, but he knew that if their stories collided too much and didn't make sense, they'd both get kicked out anyway. Maybe if they cooperated, the headmaster would calm down enough and simply suspend them both without expelling either of them. However, Jongin couldn't be too sure what his reaction would be.
“So you have been breaking more than just a few rules, Mr. Oh Sehun,” The headmaster seemed to have come to a conclusion, “this has been happening for a few months, am I correct?”
“Yes, sir. Jongin had nothing to do with any of it,” Sehun still kept a firm voice and a firm expression. He wouldn't let any other emotions show, not now.
“Do you have anything to add onto this?” The headmaster questioned Jongin who opened and closed his mouth desperately.
“I-I let him stay in my room so that he wouldn't get caught,” He managed to speak through the lump in his throat, and even though this wasn't much of a hefty contribution, he still felt a little relieved since he could add something. Hopefully it would lessen Sehun's punishment.
“I see. In that case, Mr. Kim Jongin, you are to return home for your suspension of three weeks. Mr. Oh Sehun, for your blatant disregard of the college rules and policies, I must inform that you have been expelled with immediate effect. Your parents have been notified and you will be off the school premises by sunset,” As always, the headmaster had a very efficient way of making decisions and talking, as if he were talking about the simplest things in the world. He was kicking them out - like trash, as much as it was deserved, in Sehun's mind - and his voice hadn't wavered one bit.

There was a shock that came with such a big announcement, and both of the men wandered out of the office with dazed expressions. Jongin had been on edge the whole time, expecting the worst, but he hadn't thought it would really come true. He thought a suspension would've been the outcome for them both! Not this!

“We can...we can tell our parents to do something, can't we? There has to be something we could try. They can't just kick you out like that,” He said in distress when they reached his room again, beginning to shake his boyfriend by his shoulder again. It was evident that Sehun wasn't himself after the news though.
“What do you expect them to do, Jongin? Really. I'm one of the biggest problems here, breaking rules left and right. You don't think they've had their suspicions until now? They're probably jumping for joy now that I'm leaving for good,” Sehun shook his hand off as he stepped up to the window with a twisted expression. He sighed as he folded his arms across his chest, and soon Jongin spoke again.
“That's not true!”
“How would you know anyway?! I've always been the bad one! I've protected you until now and you don't think they've haven't caught onto that?” Sehun exclaimed as he turned to his boyfriend, “this was the best result we could've hoped for,”
“It isn't!” Jongin cried out, “why is it supposed to be something I should be grateful for if you aren't here with me?”
He could get an education anywhere else he wanted - in another country if that's what he desired. He didn't need this silly college, no matter how prestigious it was!
“You get to carry on the course, that's why you should be grateful!” Sehun snapped, and Jongin began hitting his shoulders like a child throwing a tantrum.
“I don't care about this stupid course, I want to be with you! It's all I've ever wanted! To be with you and only you no matter where we went or what we did,” He whimpered as he hugged Sehun instead and buried his face in the other one's shoulder; he didn't want their final hours to be remembered as a fight, and he had very little eagerness to see his parents any time soon.
“I don't want to be without you, Sehun. And the moment you leave, I'll have to marry someone else! You don't get how much is on the line right now. We have to speak to the headmaster again, we have to do someth-”
“What do you mean you'll ‘have to marry someone else?’ What are you saying?” Sehun pulled away as soon as he heard those words - he didn't remember Jongin had said something similar when they were both high.
“My parents have been looking for a match for me for a long time now, and I think it's been decided this year. I'm sure they'll even tell me they've found someone when I go home now...I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to be sad. I thought I could get out of it somehow,” He explained as he sat down on the bed tiredly - as if this couldn't get any worse!
“You're not mad, right?” Jongin whispered when Sehun remained silent for some time. He was trying to come to terms with what news he had just heard; it felt like a punch to the chest that he had to accept this, and he gulped against an imaginary object in his throat that felt as if it was stifling him.
“Sehun?” Jongin whispered again, feeling more and more tension build up in his stomach the longer he didn't get a reply from his boyfriend. He got up to hold the taller one, but Sehun shook his arms off like before. There were so many feelings inside of him right now, all fighting for the dominant position. Right now, sadness and shock were the main ones rearing their ugly heads.
“Don't be mad at me. I was thinking of when would be the right time to tell you, really!” Jongin said and tried to hug Sehun again only a few seconds after his original rejection. This time, the taller one let him.
“I...don't know what to say. That's all,” It was rare for Sehun to be at a loss for words, but the rug had been ripped out from beneath him now; he had thought him and Jongin were one of the most stable couples in the college, and yet...
Jongin pressed his cheek against the other one's broad shoulder while holding him around his waist. If he could all of the sadness out of the taller man, he surely would've.

“Do you have any idea who it is?” Sehun questioned after a while of saddened silence; he wasn't sure he wanted to know, but maybe if he did, he'd know what sort of competition he had.
...competition? Competition?! He was 𝑂ℎ 𝑆𝑒ℎ𝑢𝑛, he had no competition! And besides, he wasn't sure what was going to happen between him and Jongin now, but he'd be damned if he let Jongin slip away so easily. He didn't spend a year with this man, even contemplating something serious like marriage, just for him to be snatched away by some...some...old man, probably!

“No. And I don't really want to know either. It's less stressful that way,” Jongin answered; he'd see his husband on the day when it happened, and that was the best way he could think to deal with it. He knew he'd be terribly sad knowing who the man was, and although not knowing wasn't much better, he'd at least not drive himself up the wall in madness trying to find out what type of man was to be his husband via Google searches.
Sehun absorbed this news, unsure of how to react. In a way, he was glad. But in the same way he was worried it was someone who'd sweep Jongin off his feet entirely.
They spent the remaining hours in Jongin's room and on his bed, talking and chatting and laughing (curtly) about the things that had happened during their stay at the college. They reminisced about the day they finally agreed to begin dating and all the mischief that came with that. They spoke about their first time together earlier that day - a somewhat sour memory now considering what happened after that - and although they couldn't remember much of it, they could remember the intense feelings that came during the activity. It was an attempt at trying to keep everything light-hearted and end things on a good note, but it was too obvious they were both terribly miserable about what was to happen.

“You can't fall asleep now. It's almost time to leave,” Sehun murmured when it neared sunset and he noticed his boyfriend beginning to doze off on his shoulder.
“Do you think that if I fall asleep here then everyone will leave us alone?” Jongin asked, then laughed softly at his own silly question. He wished he could fall asleep like he was a child again, and that everyone who wanted to disturb them simply wouldn't since he was resting. Nowadays, they woke him up if they needed something.
“I wish it could be that easy,” The taller man answered as he kissed Jongin's head softly, his hair with slim fingers.
“We'll still talk, right? At home. We'll talk over the phone, and we can meet up sometimes...” This was the only thing they could do, and Jongin was desperately grasping at anything and everything he could to keep them together even as they were being ripped apart so roughly. He was clinging onto the pieces he could to try making them whole again, but they knew things would change too much in the coming future for them to be the same again.
“We could try. But I'm sure my parents will take my phone away,” Sehun frowned now thinking of how much they saw him as a child for this to be one of his punishments, “but we have the house telephone. It'll be sparse, but we could try talking like that,”
He stood up to find a piece of paper and a pen to write down the number.
However, as much as they both tried to deny it, they knew Jongin wouldn't be around as often once he was married, and he definitely wouldn't be able to date Sehun. If the tabloids and news had to find out such a high-profile man (Jongin) was having an affair, the family would never hear the end of it. Not to mention their reputation would be stained for a very long time.

They separated to pack their things, and since it took Sehun so long considering he left majority of his things laying around, Jongin went to stay in his room until he saw his parents car coming up the driveway of the college.
“They're here!” Jongin exclaimed, but it wasn't the joyous type as usual whenever vacation came around.
As always when he was in a panicked or distressed state, he rushed to Sehun's side to hold him in a tight hug.
“You have to go. They know about me already I'm sure. If they catch you here like this, then they'll...lock you up in your room or something,” Sehun spoke, flustered at the sudden hug, but Jongin refused to move.
“I don't want to go,”
“You have to. I promise we'll talk as much as possible on the phone at home, okay? But for now, you have to go to your room,” The taller man sounded so stressed now as he began peeling his boyfriend's arms off of him and cupped his face to give him a hasty kiss. Jongin didn't like it; it was too rough and too short for the amount of desperation in it, like this was their last kiss.
“B-But what if we don't get to talk anymore? I don't want to be alone...” Jongin whimpered as his eyes began to fill with uncontrolled tears, and he grabbed Sehun's shirt to hold onto.
“Just trust me. But now, you have to go,” Sehun continued - if Jongin's parents found him wandering away from the other one's room, they'd put two and two together, and that wouldn't be good for anyone.
“I love you,” Jongin said as he gave Sehun one last hug by the door, as tight as he possibly could with his heart pounding in his ears and his eyes blinded with tears, closing them tightly as his boyfriend hugged back.
“I love you more,” The other one breathed as he kissed Jongin's head, and all too soon, the hug was over. He had to fight the urge not to chase after Jongin now as he watched the other one rush down the hallway, sniffing and sobbing loudly.
Even though Sehun would try his best to keep his promise that they'd talk often, he knew his own parents would be watching him like hawks now - he didn't know whether they'd find another college for him or simply shove him into the fashion industry, but regardless, he knew his relationship with Jongin was closer to being over than fixed now. Especially since Jongin was supposed to be getting married. Of course, he didn't want to mention his worries and upset the shorter one even more.

Once again, Sehun was carrying the silent burden all on his own - sad, heartbroken, and somewhat lost, he returned to his empty room to await the massive scolding and endless punishments from his parents.

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969 streak #1
Chapter 10: I'm so sad for Sehun. You're right, Sehun should find a way to be happy with his wife.
I guess if you cannot change the situation, you need to find the positive aspect of it as Jongin did.
It is good that Jongin found love with Kyungsoo. He definitely deserves to be happy.
Thank you so much for sharing.
969 streak #2
Chapter 1: Just started reading this fic.
It's quite interesting.