I'm In Love With A Criminal - Part 17 (Special Chapter)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"You came."

Karina turned her head to look at Irene. She nodded her head and accepted the drinks that Irene handed to her.

"I heard your business is going well. Giselle is taking over the global audiences too. Impressive."


Irene took a seat on the single sofa beside Karina as they both were sipping on their drinks quietly. Irene glanced at Karina and looked at where she was looking at. Minjeong was listening to whatever Ning was saying, Ning seemed to be telling her something interesting by the huge expression she was giving and with her hands kept moving as she spoke.

Irene's lips raised slightly at the corners as she glanced at Karina. Who would have thought that Karina would be falling in love and would be this whipped. Irene thought it was impossible before, since how heartless Karina was. She couldn't deny that Minjeong has her own charms, and it is understandable that Karina is falling for it.

"You got it bad." Irene muttered, and Karina looked at her again.

"You're going to keep her forever." Irene said, looking at her.

Karina only hummed and looked at Minjeong again. She just couldn't get enough of her. Ever since she came back alive, she made sure to shower her with her love and affection. She had to make sure that Minjeong will keep falling for her, and her only.

"I heard you killed the new yakuza's leader." Irene said.

"I'm not taking chances, Irene. Not again."

Yes, Karina became more cruel now, after what had happened. She was being a little careless before, and she won't let it happen again. Just a sign that someone might become a threat to her or Minjeong, she immediately executes them. She won't give anyone a chance to even grow or build a power to defeat them in the future. No, not a single mistake is going to happen. Not under Karina's watch.

"What about the minister?" Irene asked.

"We'll let him be, as long as he don't get involves with anyone from the underworld. No one is allowed to make any deal with anyone outside of our world."

"You've announced that if someone gets caught, you won't let them live another day."

"Yes. I told you, no more mistake."

"Then, we'll follow your rules."


Just then, a woman wearing a revealing dress approached Karina and said hi. Irene raised her eyebrows and squinted her eyes at the new face.

"Hello, hottie. I've been watching you. I would like to know if you would want a company?" The woman asked, biting her lip suggestively.

Irene was about to tell her off when she saw someone is coming over from the corner of her eyes. It's Minjeong. Karina ignored the woman in front of her and tilted her head to look at Minjeong who were taking her time to walk towards them.

"You know..." The woman speaks again and put her hand on Karina's arm which made Karina stood up at once. No one is allowed to touch her, but Minjeong.

However, Minjeong got in between them, squeezing herself and leaned her back against Karina's front. Karina's right arm wrapped around her waist naturally. Minjeong gave the woman a cold and judging stare from head to toe.

"You're new." Minjeong mumbled and hummed as she observed the woman again. She scoffed before turning around to face Karina, she grabbed her face down and kissed her passionately. Karina was still in dazed when Minjeong pulled away.

Minjeong glared at Irene and Irene raised up her hands.

"It's your party, fix it." Minjeong told her, before pulling Karina with her.

Irene sighed. Minjeong was really not the same person anymore and she did not want to get on her bad side. Maybe, she can still deal with Karina, but not Minjeong. Minjeong does not care at all. Like Karina said, disobey her, and you will face not just Minjeong's, but Karina's wrath. That's a double kill alright, and Irene does not want to deal with the two of them.

"You. Follow me." Irene said sharply to the woman. It's one of her new recruits.

She glanced at her right hand, Seulgi. Seulgi got the hint right away before disappearing. Wendy who saw the whole thing from the corner just shook her head. She knows that some blood are about to be shed. 

"Hey, have you seen your fiancee? I need to thank her for holding this party. I'm having so much fun!" Wendy chuckled at Joy, her assistant.

"Stressing out much?"

"Yes, we need this once in a while."

"Right. Irene is a bit busy, she'll be back soon."

"Oh, okay."






Karina chuckled seeing how everyone cleared the way for them when they walked past them, she was guessing that Minjeong was giving her straight, cold face. Johnny was even confused to see them leaving early, but Karina gestured him to not say a word.

"We're going home." Minjeong said.

"Yes, ma'am." Johnny bowed and opened the car's door for them.

"Drive fast, would you? We don't want Winter to explode on the road." Karina whispered and Johnny nodded firmly.

Minjeong let out a loud and heavy sigh as soon as they were inside the car, she crossed her arms and closed her eyes. Karina smiled subtly, she enjoyed seeing Minjeong like this. It's amusing, really.

Karina then shared eye contacts with Johnny through the car's rear-view mirror and raised her eyebrows. Johnny cleared his throat as he stepped on the gas. They reached Karina's mansion in less than 10 minutes. Karina patted Johnny's shoulder as she got out of the car.

"Everyone's dismissed. I'll see you tomorrow." Karina said, before she followed Minjeong inside.

Johnny rubbed his chest and shook his head.

"What happened?" Renjun jogged towards him.

"I don't know. We're dismissed. Make sure everyone keeps their guards on." Johnny told him.

"Got it."

Johnny then followed Renjun to check all of the surrounding before he can take a rest.






"Do you know that you look hot when you're mad?"

Minjeong turned around to glare at Karina, but Karina quickly scoops her in her arms and carried her.

"She ruined my night." Minjeong said, circling her arms around Karina's neck.

"Mhm. Don't worry about it. It'll still be a beautiful night." Karina smirked while Minjeong rolled her eyes.

"I love you, Karina."

Karina grinned and entered their bedroom. She put Minjeong down before kissing her lips as she hovers above her.

"I love you, baby."

"You're mine." Minjeong pouted. Karina smiled, there she goes. Her sweet and shy Minjeong. She missed that side of her. Minjeong was being tense and alert all the time nowadays.

"Of course, baby. Only yours." Karina replied and her hands started to caress Minjeong everywhere.

"Karina..." Minjeong whispered her name while Karina only hummed.

When Karina was getting distracted as she was busy showering Minjeong with soft kisses all over her skin, Minjeong cupped her face and pulled her up. Karina stares into her eyes sweetly and raised her eyebrows.

"You're beautiful." Karina whispered and caressed her cheek, causing Minjeong to blush.

"My beautiful baby." Karina smirked and leaned down to kiss her lips once again.

"You know, you should be fair." Minjeong said.

"Hm? When am I not being fair?" Karina asked.

"Just a while ago." Minjeong frowned and pouted again.

"No one is allowed to look at you, to touch you, especially to have a desire to have you." Minjeong said in a warning tone. Karina blinked before a low chuckle came out of . Ah. She's using my rules.

"Then, I'm going to have to kill a lot..." Karina pecked her cheek.

"A lot of people, my love." Karina continued.

"Oh. Don't worry, let me take care of them." Minjeong told her.


Her phone suddenly rang, and Minjeong excused herself to go to the bathroom first. Karina answered the call as she waited on the bed.


"Jiminie. Where's Minjeong? She didn't reply me. Tell her that everything's done."

"She's in the bathroom. And what's done?"

"Oh? the girls in the club previous night, remember? The one who tried to seduce you and who tried to drug you."

"..." Karina blinked her eyes again, she remembered almost choking the girls to death until Yunjin stopped her and asked her to leave while they took care of the girls.

"Their biggest mistake was to never find out who you are before flirting with you. Minjeong found out about it, and the girls worked for some guy. I don't know, but the conclusion is... Minjeong showed them hell. And we cleaned everything up for her."

"Huh. I see."

"Uh huh. Congrats, Jiminie. You've created another you. Gosh, you both are so insufferable. I gotta go, say hi to Minjeong for me. Bye!"

Karina put down her phone and chuckled in disbelief.

"Who makes you smile like that?"

Karina looked up and her smirk widened seeing Minjeong's straight face. She stood up and walked towards her.

"Aeri said everything's done." Karina notes Minjeong's face showed a satisfaction as she told her that.

"That's nice."


Minjeong looked at her and shrugged her shoulders. Karina scoffed, she gripped Minjeong's chin and bends down to look at her closely.

"I thought there will be no secret between us." Karina whispered dangerously. Minjeong gulped and froze on her feet. She clenched her fists and Karina glanced down at her fists before looking back into her eyes.

"What should I do, baby? I told you, to always tell me everything."

"I have no choice, but to surrender then." Minjeong mumbled and Karina raised her eyebrows.

"Punish me, Karina. Like you mean it." Minjeong said, challenging her.

"You asked for it."

"I am."

"We're not going to get out of this room until I'm satisfied." Karina whispered before she grabbed Minjeong by her waist.










"Where is our favourite couple?" Yunjin asked.

"Don't ask." Giselle said.

"We won't be seeing them for a while." Ning said.

"Yeah, they don't even reply to any of my texts or calls." Irene said.


Wendy laughed and asked everyone to just order their food already.

"Wait, we're really having this dinner without them? I thought it's supposed to be our monthly dinner together?" Yunjin asked again.

"Well, you can try and call Karina to come." Giselle said nonchalantly.

Yunjin listened and frowned as she tried to call Karina.

"What?" Irene asked.

"It says the call is unreachable." Yunjin answered.

Ning giggled while the others rolled their eyes.

"Ugh, Karina is too much." Giselle mumbled.

"Leave them be, Yunjin. They'll come and see us on their own." Wendy said this time.






Johnny quickly closed the door and wiped his sweat, he just finished carrying all of the stuff that Karina bought online and asked him to put them all inside once the stuffs have been delivered.

"You look pale." Mark mentioned as Johnny approached him.

"Remind me to blast a song with maximum volume through my earpiece when I need to enter the mansion." Johnny said.

Mark looked confused and Johnny looked at him blankly.

"Did you-"

"Pray that Karina will still let me live after hearing Winter-" Johnny paused and looked around as he coughed awkwardly.

"Just pray for me." Johnny whispered and Mark shivers as he couldn't not imagine Johnny's experience now.

"Remind me to never ask anymore or I will need to pray for myself as well." Mark said.

Johnny closed his eyes and started praying that Karina wouldn't get angry if ever she found out.

". This is like my first big mistake. Oh god." 










Minjeong opened her eyes and let out a small yawn. She was about to get up when Karina came in, she carried her to the bathroom and prepared a warm bath for Minjeong.

"I don't think I want to go out yet." Minjeong told her.

"Okay, baby." Karina agreed and kissed her head.

"I'm starving." Minjeong pouted.

"Want me to cook for you?"

"Yes, please."

"Okay, after you finish your bath."

"No, go now. I want to eat once I'm done."

"You sure?"


Karina agreed again and kissed her before leaving her alone. Minjeong took around half an hour to wash up. She wore her comfortable clothes and went downstairs to check on Karina when she bumped into Johnny who just got out of the kitchen.

"Johnny." Minjeong frowned seeing him pressing a hand on his stomach.

"Are you okay?" Minjeong asked.

"Yeah. I'm good. I just- uh, put the groceries inside." Johnny said and smiled tightly at her before excusing himself.

"Babe, what's wrong with Johnny?" Minjeong asked once she saw Karina in the kitchen.

"He'll be fine. Just gave him a warning."

"What did he do?" Minjeong asked in curiosity.

Karina glanced at her before continuing to prepare the food.

"Sit down, baby. Food is ready soon."

"You said no secret."

Karina sighed and approached her. She lifted Minjeong up and put her on the counter.

"I don't like the fact that he heard you yesterday."

"Heard me- wait, what? was it when we-"

"Just outside the bedroom? Yes. It's lucky that we just got upstairs. I don't think I'll let him live if he saw you."

Minjeong blushed, but giggled as she pinched Karina's cheek.

"I told you to wait until we get inside the bedroom."

"Well, I can't wait, so you can't blame me. And I can't stop myself, not when you're looking like that in front of me yesterday." Karina said which make Minjeong to roll her eyes.

"Spare him." Minjeong said.

"Fine. I'll lock the door after this." Karina said, furrowing her eyebrows as she still felt annoyed. Minjeong chuckled and pulled her into a sweet kiss. She's a criminal, but she's mine. I've become just like her, but I don't care. As long as I get to be with her, I'll be anything. 










And with this, I'm done with I'm In Love With A Criminal. Aren't you guys so cute?? Thank you for your endless support guys, glad that everyone enjoyed the story. Here's a special chapter for you guys. Until next story!




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0 points #1
Thanks for the update author-nim and get well soon we love you and your story ( ◜‿◝ )♡
0 points #2
Chapter 147: Omg hahaha the have what- se-... 😂 finally powerfull winter vampire 😍

Get well soon author 🫶
90 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 147: My powerful duo 😩 thanks for the update while recovering! Get well soon 🙏
Taitai84 1235 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: They jumped into the ocean so many times 🤣

Also the literal way of being the queen is to get laid 🤣🤣

Sorry to hear about you are feeling unwell. Hope you get to rest more and get well soon!
730 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 147: get well soon! ❤️‍🩹
0 points #6
Chapter 147: love this chap 🥹
0 points #7
Chapter 147: 💙💙💙
915 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 147: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
0 points #9
Chapter 147: 🫶
winjnng_01 0 points #10
Chapter 147: Thank you sm for the ud otornim!!! I hope u feel better now and take care too.