I'm In Love With A Criminal - Part 16 (Epilogue)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"Some of them ran to the back door!"

"Don't let anyone get away!"

Minjeong hissed when the enemy grazed her arm with his sword, but that won't slow her down at all. She was getting annoyed by them trying to run away every time. She ducked when he was about to advance towards her again, she grabbed his wrist and elbowed his nose.

"No one gets away from me." She whispered before slicing through his stomach two times before stabbing him in the same spot and pulling out the sword swiftly.

She snapped her head when she heard Ning's scream, she saw Giselle running fast from upstairs and jumping down the stairs quickly to get to Ning. Minjeong wasted no time and followed Giselle.

When she was getting closer, few more yakuza members came out and ran towards her. Ugh.

Minjeong dashed forward and used the sword to go against them, fighting fearlessly while still being careful. She heard loud screams from outside as well, but she knew Irene and her team were handling the enemies outside so they had to deal with the ones inside the abandoned building. There was many of them, yet it doesn't scares them at all.

They need this closure, to kill all of them for causing Karina's death. It's a silent vow, they swore to avenge Karina's death until the end.

It took around 10 minutes for Minjeong to kill the enemies before she could run to see how Ning and Giselle were doing. She saw Yunjin was struggling halfway, but the girl just shouted at her to go and help Ning and Giselle instead.

"I can handle this!!" Yunjin grunted and fought harder.

Minjeong nodded, she knows Yunjin is strong enough. She ran forward and finally entered the dark room where she saw Ning and Giselle had just taken down the enemies.

"You guys okay?" She asked.

"I'm drained. Oh god." Ning panted heavily.

When Giselle was about to walk towards her, two blades flew right in front of her face causing her to halt. Both Ning and Minjeong immediately looked up and saw a shadow flying fast towards the corner upstairs.

"What was that?" Giselle whispered, but kept her eyes on where they last see the shadow.

"Shurikens. This one is different. I can sense it." Minjeong whispered back.

"Focus and be careful." Minjeong told them, her hand gripping tight on her sword.

"Minjeong..." Ning's heart was beating out loud.

"Pay attention." Minjeong warned.

"Ning, watch out!!" Giselle yelled when the shadow suddenly launched down and went straight for Ning. She rushed to help Ning when the person flipped Ning off and smacked her down to the floor.

Minjeong was about to help as well, but two enemies appeared and attacked her so she had to deal with them first. Giselle distracted the person to keep her away from attacking Ning as they fought with their own swords. Giselle groaned when she also, got tackled by the person's knee as she skillfully took her down and kicked her sword away. Giselle glared up at the masked person, but somehow the eyes seemed familiar to her.


Giselle looked at Ning who was struggling to get up as her back hit the floor hard. The person left them and dashed towards Minjeong instead. Giselle quickly went to Ning and held her arm.

"Darling, come on." Giselle helped her up.

They frowned and was confused to see the person now was helping Minjeong killing the enemies. For a second, they thought Minjeong wouldn't be in a trouble, but they thought wrong when the person charged against Minjeong after dealing with the two enemies.

It was a close fight, and Minjeong's eyes were on fire as she fought against her. When their swords clashed, only then, Minjeong was able to look straight into the person's eyes. Minjeong's eyebrows furrowed when she stares into a familiar, beautiful eyes that she knows by heart. The person tilted her head before pushing Minjeong off and snatched her sword from her.

Minjeong stumbled back, but did not move as she stood frozen, still staring at her.

"Wait." Giselle whispered and held Ning's arm when she was about to go and help Minjeong.

The person dropped Minjeong's sword while still holding her own sword in her right hand. She took slow steps towards Minjeong and Minjeong only stayed, never keep her eyes off her. The air was tense, and Minjeong got hypnotized by the person's eyes that her feet stuck into the ground.

"I finally see you again."

It was a low and tiny whisper, but Minjeong heard her voice loud and clear despite of her heart pounding crazily in her chest. Minjeong gulped, her eyes started to get teary. Let this not be a dream, please.

The person only keeps still and waited for Minjeong to move or say anything. Minjeong raised her shaky hand and gripped the edge of the person's cloth mask. She stopped and looked into her eyes, before she slowly tugged down the mask. The person let her, until the mask was completely off her face.

And Minjeong, she badly wants to cry the moment she saw the smirk she had been missing for seven months now.

"Hi, baby. It's me." Oh, Minjeong almost fall to her knees hearing her soft voice calling her so dearly like that after a long time.


"I'm here." Karina whispered and cupped her face gently. Minjeong's vision got blurred by her tears and there, she finally let herself broke down as she saw pitch black and lost conscious.










"I'm sorry for your loss."

Minjeong nodded sadly. Irene sighed sat beside her as they watched the sea together.

"I tried to help as soon as I received the call, but we got ambushed as well." Irene said.

"I'm sorry, we couldn't be there." Irene apologised again.

"No, we've all done our best. I just- I should've held her tight and never let her go." Minjeong said weakly.

"The scene keeps replaying in my head. I keep seeing her falling. When I dream of the same thing, my heart-" Minjeong bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes.

"My heart breaks all over again." Minjeong whispered.

Irene looked down on her feet. she heard everything from Johnny, and she regretted of not being able to be there and save Karina. She was fueled with anger and frustration for what had happened.

"You've killed everyone." Irene said.

"As I should." Minjeong said, gritting her teeth.

"Thank you."

Minjeong looked at Irene. She smiled at Minjeong and squeezed her hand.

"Because I would do the same for Karina. We shouldn't allow them to stay alive, at all." Irene told her.

"No. We don't. No one will get away."






"Minjeong? let me go."

"No, Karina."

"It's okay to let me go."

"I can't. Please."

"You will listen to me, okay? Let me go."

"No, Karina, No!!!"

Minjeong gasped as she jumped out of her bed. She was sweating and her heart was beating furiously. She clenched her chest and dropped to the floor as she rest her head on the edge of the bed.

"Karina..." Minjeong sobbed. It was that dream again. It had been haunting her for months. She couldn't forget about Karina. No, that's why she needs to kill everyone.






"Why are you not sleeping yet?"

Minjeong looked blankly at the moon outside.

"Is it the dream?" Ning asked.


Ning sighed, she wished she could help her best friend, but there's nothing she can do.

"You need to rest. We're going to have the last mission tomorrow."

"Okay, you can sleep first."

"Will you be okay though?"

"Yeah, I'll sleep after this."


When Ning left her alone again, Minjeong looked up at the dark night.

"Will I feel better after killing everyone?" Minjeong asked herself.

"I can't rest. I don't have anywhere to come home to, except for your home." Minjeong whispered.

She was heartbroken for losing Karina, moreover, that they couldn't find her body. Minjeong was stressed that they couldn't find her body at all. She just wanted Karina back, even if she's not breathing anymore. She just wanted to hold her for one last time.






Minjeong frowned with eyes closed when she felt someone was touching her cheek.


Minjeong groaned and turned away.

"Wake up, baby."

Minjeong opened her eyes slowly, and a sight of a smiling Karina greeted her.

"Did you sleep well? I've been waiting for you to wake up."



She blinked her eyes. Oh, she missed her so much. 

"Are you awake now, Minjeong ah?" Karina asked and chuckled at her.

"Am I dreaming?" Minjeong whispered.

Karina rolled her eyes and pinched her cheek.

"I'm here." Karina said.

Minjeong cried, and Karina frowned, asking her what happened.

"Please, be real."

"I'm here, Minjeong ah."

"You're not. This isn't real."

"Then wake up, and see me. I am here, my love."

But Minjeong shook her head as she cried harder. Her heart started to ache and she had a hard time to breathe. She punched her own chest and struggle to find the air. She thought that she was going to die...










Minjeong gasped sharply as she opened her eyes and sat bolt upright in bed while trying to catch her breathe. She buried her face into her palms and before holding her head as she could feel her headache is coming.

She woke up with her body sweating a lot, again. She sighed. It's the dream again.

She went to wash her face and covered her body with a robe. She went out to see if the girls would be outside in the living room. She raised her eyebrows when there was none of them. She went back in her room to get her phone and frowned when she saw the date.

"No. We're supposed to do the attack last night-" Minjeong paused when she tried to remember what happened. She gulped and tilted her head in confusion. She remembered, but at this rate, she couldn't tell if it was real or still a dream.

"I-" Minjeong quickly called Ning and was sweating again as she felt restless.


"Ning... I..."

"Minjeong, are you okay? Hey, breathe. Try to breathe."

Minjeong closed her eyes and followed Ning's words, once she feels okay, she cleared .

"Ning, last night... Did- Did we finish the mission?"

"We did. We did it, Minjeong ah. We managed to avenge Karina."

"Karina... She's in my dream again." Minjeong said and there was silence from Ning.

"Ning, what happened last night? Did I faint?"

She heard a soft sigh from Ning.

"Minjeong ah. Are you still in your room?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Can you get out of your room? Go outside."


"I'll talk to you later. But, just come outside. Okay?"


Minjeong hung up and shrugged off why Ning was suddenly asking her to come outside. She went out again, and this time, she went to the kitchen to get some water. However, she was not prepared for what she saw.


Karina turned around and stares at her fondly. Minjeong started to breathe heavily, but she tried to calm herself down. Why? Why I keep getting haunted like this. Is this another dream? 

Karina saw her struggles and let her calm down for a while, but Minjeong's tears rolled down and she stood there quietly as she stares at Karina. She took a step back when she saw Karina was about to walk towards her causing Karina to stop.

"I know this is a dream." Minjeong whispered and Karina frowned.

"But like usual, you seem too real." Minjeong said.

Karina opened to talk, but Minjeong shook her head and raised her palm.

"Don't- Don't tell me you're real. My heart, My heart can't take it anymore." Minjeong cried and clenched onto her chest.

"But..." Minjeong slowly took a step towards her this time.

"Why can I just stay in this dream? Let me be with you. Please."

Karina let her tears fall, her heart aches seeing how broken Minjeong looks. Karina approached her carefully. She cupped Minjeong's face gently, Minjeong leaned against her touch and closed her eyes. 

"I want to be with you too, Minjeong ah. That's why, I fought hard to come back to you."

Minjeong opened her eyes and looked into Karina's eyes. Karina took her hand and put it on her chest, she could feel her heartbeat. Karina smiled and leaned closer, resting her forehead on Minjeong's forehead.

"I have to let you know, that I am real. This time, I am real. I'm here, breathing and alive. I came back for you, baby." Karina whispered lovingly.

She then ed her white shirt and moved Minjeong's palm to trace her body, letting her touch all of the scars.

"Feel me, baby. So, you will believe me, that I am real."

Minjeong pulled away a little to look at Karina carefully. She followed her words and touched her skin, feeling her skin, her scars, her heartbeat. She looked up at Karina who has been staring at her. Karina looked a little different, she cut her hair shorter, a wolf cut. She lost some weight too, but her body is still fit and strong.

Minjeong wrapped her arms around Karina's waist and hugged her tight. Let this not be a dream. She silently wished in her head and closed her eyes. Karina hugged her and rubbed her back softly. Just like that, Minjeong saw pitch black again.










Karina's friends were shocked to see her, but was relief that she was alive. Karina told them everything. How her body got swept away by the strong waves and she still felt like it was a miracle that she was saved by the retired detectives, Amber and Krystal. They both knew about the war and saved Karina when they found her.

Amber and Krystal helped to hide her body as they knew everyone was going after her and wanted to make sure that she was dead. They left the organization upon finding out the dark truth behind the higher up. They knew the higher up was not innocent and cares about money more than justice. It was hard to save Karina, she was badly injured and bleeding too much.

Amber and Krystal managed to bring her to their private penthouse. It was fortunate that they got the power to sneak in some intensive care treatment stuff they need to help Karina, and a private doctor who is willing to keep a secret and operate Karina. They used a lot of money in order to bring Karina back to life. Karina was unconscious for four months.

When she woke up, she couldn't move a lot and Amber suggested her to recover completely before she shows up for everyone again.



"If something happens to my girl, I'm coming after you two." Karina threatened them, but Amber and Krystal was not afraid of her.

"Have some faith, would you? Your girl is doing fine. The entire enemies will be wiped out by her." Amber said.

Karina looked at her grimly.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because you killed Jeno."


"He was the reason why our friends got killed. He helped our enemies to track them. Our friends' enemies were the organization's higher up. We had been hiding ever since and retired when our identities almost get exposed."

"Who are you?"

"Amber Liu and Krystal Jung."

Karina raised her eyebrows. Ah, it's that detective. She knew, she heard of them. They were the second best after Minjeong.



So, the retired detectives helped her recover properly until she can stand on her own again and strong enough to fight again. She almost killed them for hiding her from her friends, especially Minjeong. She fought with them, but was not able to win the fight as she was still injured. She remembered Amber telling her that she can't help Minjeong with her condition like that.

That's why, she tried to recover carefully while trained herself to become stronger before coming back and showing up. She knew she needed to at least to get better and healthy enough before showing up. After all, her enemies are going all out.

Still, she couldn't stop worrying about Minjeong and her friends. However, Amber and Krystal assured her that they are going to be fine as they kept their eyes on them for Karina.



"Who do you work for?" Karina asked.

"No one." Amber answered.

"We will get our freedom now. Thanks to your girl." Krystal said.

"What do you mean?"

"As you know already, she killed the higher up, our greatest enemy."



She was surprised when Amber and Krystal finally brought her out of their penthouse and even flew her to LA. She was about to protest, but they told her that Minjeong might need her help this time.

She was glad that she listened to them, because she could see the girls were struggling and exhausted already when they fought with the Yakuza gang. Amber and Krystal helped them secretly while Karina looks after Minjeong from far. She smiled seeing just how strong she has become and proud of her.

Once she found the opportunity, she finally decided to make her appearance known to the girls. She honestly missed her friends too, so she wanted to play a little and to see if they have improved or not. She made sure not to do too much and hurt them more than necessary. When Giselle looked at her properly, she knew her best friend might find out that it's her. 

So, Karina ignored her and went to Minjeong. Like, finally.



She smiled to herself, Minjeong is strong alright. She had a hard time defeating her too. She decided to end the fight as she did not want to tire Minjeong out. Her heart skipped a beat seeing how Minjeong stared at her. She recognised Karina, and Karina's heart feeling touched.

Karina let Minjeong took off her mask. Her heart swelled seeing her teary eyes. She wanted to hug her girlfriend and never let go, but she did not want to overwhelm her.

"Hi, baby. It's me."


"I'm here."

Karina managed to catch her in her arms right before Minjeong fainted.



Ning and the girls told her everything as well. What Minjeong had gone through after losing her. Karina clenched her jaw and wished she could catch, torture and kill her enemies instead, for what they did to her and Minjeong. She felt Minjeong's pain. She couldn't imagine if the situation was reversed. Oh, she would flip the world upside down if she were in Minjeong's shoes.

She couldn't imagine how would it be to lose Minjeong. 

"It must have taken a toll on her body now that the war has ended." Ning said.

"Yeah, she hasn't taken a break at all. She continued watching the enemies like a hawk and killing nonstop. Minjeong was gone the moment we lost you." Giselle said.

Karina looked at the calm face of Minjeong as she was asleep. She was sitting beside her on the bed and holding Minjeong's hand.

"So, she goes by the name Winter now?" Karina asked.

"Yeah. I thought no one was as cold as you, but she proved us that she can get colder than you." Yunjin said.

"We'll catch up some other time and leave you first." Giselle said.

"Thank you." Karina said and looked at them.

"No. Thank you for coming back." Giselle said, almost crying again.

"We'll talk again okay." Yunjin said and Karina nodded.

Giselle and Yunjin left first while Ning stayed.

"Karina, now that you're here, bring back my best friend to life. She may be alive and breathing with us, but deep down, she was dead inside."

"I won't leave her ever again." Karina replied.

"Welcome back." Ning smiled at her before excusing herself.

Once Karina was left alone with Minjeong. Karina looked at her face lovingly. 

"Did you have a hard time? I'm sorry for being away for so long. This time, I won't let anything take us away from each other again." Karina whispered and leaned down to kiss Minjeong's forehead.










Minjeong gasped and woke up from a dream, again. She sighed and sits up. She was drained physically, mentally and emotionally. She does not know what to do. Ning asked to go and see doctors, but she said it would be useless. She just need-

Her head turned towards the door when it opened. For a few seconds, the two of them stares at one another.

"You... Are you real?" Minjeong asked carefully.

Karina gave her a small smile and gets closer. She sits beside her and took Minjeong's hand to put it on her cheek. 

"You're- here..." Minjeong whispered.

"I am." Karina whispered back.

Minjeong sobbed and cupped Karina's face with two hands this time.

"You are real."

"Yes, I am, baby."

"You're not lying to me, right?"

"I am here, I am real." Karina told her again and wiped off her tears. She gets into the bed and held Minjeong close to her chest, comforting Minjeong as she let her cries in her arms.

"It's okay. You can cry."

"I'm tired. I don't want to sleep, don't let me sleep." Minjeong cried as she tried to fight her heavy eyes.

"I understand, but you need to sleep some more. Ning told me you haven't slept properly."

"No." Minjeong shook her head and clutched Karina's shirt.

"I promise, baby. I will be right here when you wake up."


"I'm here."

"Don't ask me to let you go again."

"I won't."

"I want to hold onto you."

"Okay, baby."

"Let me hold you."


Karina kept caressing Minjeong's hair and whispering sweet things, letting her sleep while holding onto her. Karina hugged her closer and kissed her head. She didn't know that Minjeong would love her this much. She feels loved, it's overwhelming, but she loves it.






Minjeong blinked her eyes opened and felt that she just had a good sleep. She didn't dream of anything, just simply a peaceful sleep after a long time. She blinked and looked at her side, she stares at Karina who was sleeping beside her. Minjeong gulped and bit down her lip, she touched Karina's face and her heart beats fast. She's real.

Minjeong crawled on top of Karina to stare at her closely. She looked at Karina's eyebrows, her eyes, her nose, her lips and her mole. She poked her mole. She leaned down and closed her eyes as she felt Karina's breathing hit her face. She then moved to put her ear on Karina's chest. She's breathing.

She felt strong arms hugged her body and squeezed her gently.

"Are you fully awake now, hm?"

Minjeong lifted up her head and looked at Karina who opened her eyes already.

"Karina." She frowned.



Karina smiled and caressed her cheek.

"I'll explain to you everything, but can we go and shower first? Then, we need to get you some food and medicines."

"Oh. Okay."

Karina sighed in relief seeing that Minjeong is finally awake and being calm this time. She was being careful around her, afraid if she would trigger her emotion. Minjeong have been unstable ever since she was gone, she needs to take care of her.










"Welcome back, boss. We are happy to have you back."

"How is everyone doing?"

"We're ready for you, boss!"

Karina hummed and looked at her people. She had summoned them all to see her after a month, after she made sure Minjeong is recovering mentally and emotionally. She was glad that Minjeong was recovering faster than she thought. 

"I only need you with me. I'll be fine as long as you're with me."

That was what Minjeong told her, and ever since, she let Minjeong stuck with her and clings onto her wherever she go.

"I want to express my gratitude for your loyalty and service. Thank you for staying by Winter side." Karina said. She glanced at Minjeong behind her. Minjeong decided to use the name Winter as her new identity in the underworld and Karina approved of that.

"I am back, but nothing will change. Winter is still your current leader, with me." Karina announced and reached out a hand to Minjeong which she accepted and let Karina pulled her beside her.

"Obey her, means you obey me. Go against her, and you will face my wrath." Karina said.

"Yes, boss!"

Mark smirked and bounced on his feet in excitement. Everyone is. The underworld getting claimed by Black Mamba, that were led by the most powerful couple, the deadly couple. Karina and Minjeong, together, they would become unstoppable. Now that Karina even called all of her hidden members out to serve her again, oh nothing can drag them down.

Not only that, Ten and Taeyong are holding the highest position in the organization now. They got Minjeong's back all the time, it's a silent promise made without the need for them to say it.

All of the underworld's people witnessed how Minjeong was able to wipe out all of the important people both in the organization and the underworld for daring to mess with Karina is enough proof that no one should repeat the same mistake, because Minjeong did not leave anyone who is involved alive. No pity, no mercy, not a chance at all.


Minjeong blushed and turned to Karina.

"I love you." 

And Minjeong smiled.

Every day, she still find it hard to believe that Karina had survived and still alive. She was grateful to have her back. She made a promise, she won't let it happen again. If there will be a day where Karina will slip out of her hand, she would jump for her and follow her, even if they had to die together.

"I love you more." And I would follow you anywhere. 





The End.










The ending was not supposed to be a sad one, but well, I would like to blame on the sad songs I've listened to while writing the final chapter huhu.

I didn't expect it would make you guys sad though. I thought it wasn't that sad :')

So! Here's an epilogue for you guys. Enjoy!




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Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #1
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #2
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #3
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #7
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #8
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story