2 Years

2 Years


Knock Knock


“Oh? Jihyo-unnie! Come on in!”


“Hey Chaeyoung.” The two women hug each other. Jihyo then follows her inside her apartment.


“What’s going on?” Chaeyoung was preparing her tea as Jihyo walked towards her couch. “I made green tea, want some?” She says.


“No no, I’m good. Sadly I won’t be here for too long, I have a radio schedule soon. Gosh it’s been a while, how are you? How is life?” Jihyo asks.


Chaeyoung shrugged. “I’m feeling okay, I think it’s the first time in a while where I’m not so stressed out about work and stuff.” She sits next to Jihyo and takes a sip of her tea.


Jihyo smiles. “I see that, I mean just by looking at these paintings you’re a busy woman.” She says, admiring Chaeyoung’s artwork around the living room.

“I miss everyone. Everyone went their separate ways, but I’m glad we still stay in touch.”


Chaeyoung slightly winces, but composes herself quickly. She sets her tea down on the coffee table.

“Yeah, we all stay in touch.” She replies softly, then sighs. “Have you talked to.. Mina?” 


Jihyo frowns. “I have and that’s why I stopped by. I was told to give you this as a last favor. I.. dropped her off at the airport about 30 minutes ago." Chaeyoung arms stiffened for a second before relaxing again. She listens to Jihyo as she spoke. "She’s going back to Japan. I think her plane had taken off already.”

Jihyo takes out an envelope and shows it to Chaeyoung, her name nicely written in cursive on the front. “Here.”


Chaeyoung hesitates for a brief moment, but she takes it.


“I have to go. Now I know you two haven’t talked for two years or whatever. I know that, because… Mina told me. Well we all noticed it. Anyway, I think it might be best if you read it. You just never know.” She smiles and hugs Chaeyoung.

“I love you Chaeyoungie. If you need anything, call me.” She stands up and leaves Chaeyoung’s apartment.


Nothing but complete silence in the living room.


Chaeyoung stares blankly at the envelope, debating if she should open it or not.

Damn, has it really been two years?


Breathe in, breathe out.


She opens the envelope and finds a letter; she begins to read it….




2 years.

2 years since we last talked, Chaeyoung.

2 years since I last fell in love with someone.

2 years.

Have you ever wondered how I’m doing?

I’ve wondered about you, but never had the courage to ask.

Do you miss me?

Maybe I’m starting to miss you again.

But that doesn’t matter right?

It’s like we both never met or talked.

It’s been 2 years.


I should have already moved on.

I keep asking myself, did I really love you?

We had interesting conversations, I laughed at your funny stories.

You told me your problems and I listened.

I was never good at giving advice, but I was very good at listening.

You would show me your drawings, and I loved them.

When you would smile or pout,

I felt my heart wanting to explode from how amazingly cute you looked.


You liked it when I surprised you with food, so did I when you did the same.

We were happy, or so I thought.

We had our bad moments, we tried resolving them.

Suddenly you were far, I guess that’s one of the reasons why it did not work.

Something changed, we were doing so good.

Started with small things, that they suddenly became bigger.

Did you notice the shift like I did?

You suddenly became busy, too busy.

Tried to be understandable; but it was eating me up inside.


Our conversations were shorter and I felt like you did not want to talk to me anymore.

I wanted to bring it up somehow, but I was afraid.

Told you we should go on a break, and you agreed.

I was completely shocked with how fast you agreed.

You said I deserve someone better but the truth is, you were the one.

We agreed to stay in each other’s lives.. It’s crazy, knowing that it’s been 2 years.

A break.. An eternity.


I stopped following you everywhere, you blocked me.

Kinda harsh if you ask me, but I mean that’s what exes do right?

Was I too much for you?

It was you, or maybe I’m wrong.

I said give me a day, hell - it’s been 2 years.

That’s crazy.


Have you met someone? Are they better than me?

Are you happy?

I hope you are doing what you enjoy.

I told Jihyo to give this letter to you, but it’s up to you if you want to read it or not.

Whatever you are doing now, I hope it’s going well for you.

If anything, I’m still here.


2 years.

2 years is too long.

Take care.



Chaeyoung’s vision was blurry, she did not notice she was crying.
She read the letter again, and then closed her eyes. She puts the letter over her chest.

“Why didn’t you say anything Mina..” She says out loud. “Why didn’t you call me?”

She stood up and grabbed her phone from the kitchen counter; she dials..






“Oh Chaeyoungie, what’s up? I’m about to begin my radio schedule. Make it quick.”


“Give me Mina’s number, please.” 


Jihyo laughs. “I knew it, give me two seconds. I’ll send it to you.”


“Thanks, bye.” Chaeyoung hangs up.


She was sitting on the couch when she heard a notification alert coming from her phone. Jihyo had sent Mina's number.

She looks at the message and laughs quietly. “All this time, and yet you have not changed your phone number.” She begins to type on her phone.


It’s now or never. She thought to herself. She sends a message.


~ Chaeyoung: Hi, is this Mina?


2 minutes later..



Chaeyoung checked her phone and could not believe what she saw. Mina had replied to her.


But her reply was…


~ Mina: Yes, who is this?




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iro_ori #1
Chapter 1: Ooh