Not an update


Hey so just a heads up to anyone who might be confused. I got over 500 karma now which I've been waiting for so I can change my name. To what I'm not sure yet but it's gonna happen in the next few days. 😊

Okay it's done Goodbye Gingervip hello TiffanyTUL

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Apparently all I needed was a little free time to finish all those chapters I was working on.


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Chapter 41: I'm so sorry for your loss, take whatever time you need
Nanakanan221 #2
Chapter 40: ahhh the end made me tear up... poor shu😭
Chapter 40: A sad but beautiful chapter, and Shuhua with a tattoo...uow
Chapter 39: You're back! Excited for the wedding. πŸ’œπŸ’
Chapter 39: You came back! I can't wait for the wedding
Chapter 37: Don't worry, I totally understand what you're going through! Writing has to be fun and not an obligation, take time for yourself, rest, inspiration will come back when you least expect it
Chapter 36: Cute even drunk! My Jichuuu
Chapter 35: I loved that they are all together celebrating
Chapter 34: Shu's tattoo gave me an idea. This is so cute, but kinda nostalgic considering we only got to see Jin's rainbow tattoo properly once. πŸ’œπŸ’
Chapter 33: A rubber ducky tattoo suddenly doesn't sound so bad now. Am planning to have one similar to Soojin's though. That cute little heart she's got. πŸ’œπŸ’