The firstborn of the Park family

She looks like you

I'm not fluent in English, so please bear with me and if you find any errors, please keep in mind that not all translations are 100% true to their original language. I write: Brazilian Portuguese > English. Thank you very much in advance.


2:00 am 


"Wake up. Please wake up!"

The Taiwanese woman finally wakes up after a hard push on her arm, she sits up in bed and looks at the sweaty woman beside her. 

"What's it?" She turns on the lamp so she can get a good look at her wife. "Are you okay?"

"Tzuyu, I'm in a lot of pain." The pregnant woman complains, Tzuyu helps her to sit up. "I think-!" Jihyo doesn't finish her sentence, she widens her eyes and freezes with a sharp breath. One of her hands from her flies to her back. 

The first contraction. 

The taller one gets up quickly from the bed, she put on your slippers on and runs out of the room, slamming both hands hard on the guest room door.

"Unnie! Wake up!" She knocks a few more times before the door opens and a sleepy Jeongyeon appears.

"What's up? There's no reason to wake me up this late." Jeongyeon sighs angrily, Tzuyu looking towards her room from her before taking a deep breath.

"It's Jihyo! She went into labor!" The taller one announces before running back to Jihyo, who is red-cheeked from how fast she's breathing. Tzuyu changes clothes again and starts putting baby's and Jihyo's bags near the door. Soon after, she helps Jihyo wear into something comfortable, as her nightwear is damp with sweat.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Jeongyeon was running around, changing out of her nightwear for a more presentable outfit. Nayeon, who was ready and looking unbelievably calm, took out her cell phone and sent a voice message to Jihyo and Tzuyu's family to share the news. 

"Unnie, signings are coming in faster waves, we need to go to the hospital." The Taiwanese scream, helping Jihyo out of bed, slowly leading her to the bedroom door. 

Nayeon immediately goes to Jihyo's side, helping to support the pregnant woman. 

"Keep an eye on contractions Tzuyu, Her water broke?" Jeongyeon asks, taking the bags from the couple's bedroom and running through the house to the garage, putting them in the trunk of the Taiwanese's car. "If the signings get even faster we will call an ambulance."

"No, no signs of amniotic fluid around here." Jeongyeon laughed at the technical names Tzuyu insisted on saying. Tzuyu warned, checking Jihyo's clothes. "I've got my eye on her."

"It's happening, it's happening." Jihyo repeated like a mantra.

As the pregnant woman sits in the back seat of the car, with Tzuyu at her side, a tired smile appears on her lips. 

"My sunshine?" The pregnant woman calls to her wife by gently poking her cheeks. "We're going to have a baby."

Tzuyu holds Jihyo's hand in her and lovingly kisses the back of her hand. She smiles before leaning in and kissing her lips quickly. 

"We're going to have a baby!"

3:45 am

It had been some time since they arrived at the hospital, Jihyo was referred to maternity ward to check maternal heart rate and fetal blood pressure and heart rate. The baby is already in the right position to be born in the next few hours and Jihyo is nervous, but very excited to meet her baby. But there's nothing to worry about as Tzuyu was beside her the entire time, holding her hand and rubbing her back in an attempt to ease some of the pain.

In short periods of time, doctors assess the progress of the pregnant woman's dilation, encourage her to walk in circles a little, around the bed. Tzuyu helps her walking through the hospital room  because she knows it could avoid a possible unnecessary cesarean (since Jihyo opted for a natural birth). Fetal beats are normal, but Tzuyu's is out of control. 

The parents of both women are already in the maternity waiting area, the friends are too. Every now and then Tzuyu goes out to break news and get some emotional support from her mother. 

At that moment, Tzuyu thinks she might die.

"My cute cupcake, it's okay, just take a deep breath, okay?" Mother Chou asks as she holds Tzuyu's hands in hers, wiping nervous tears from her daughter's brown skin.

Tzuyu takes a deep breath, mentally preparing to watch her wife give birth to the human being who will be the most important thing in the world until the end of her life. Jihyo won't mind sharing Tzuyu's love.

Oh, Jihyo. Tzuyu loves that woman, there's no way not to love Park Jihyo. 

"I'm ready." The Taiwanese take a deep breath and looks into her mother's eyes, also looking at Jihyo's mother. "I'm going back to my wife."

"We love you." Mother and mother-in-law cradle Tzuyu in a tight hug. 

When she returns to the room, Jihyo is already seated again, the contractions coming into a steady rhythm, very painful and repetitive. The doctor responsible for Jihyo walks through the door and smiles, putting on gloves and approaching the couple.

"Mrs. Park, let's start now, okay? It'll be all right." She assures her, she looks at Tzuyu before continuing. "From now on, she will need strength, and you will have to give it to her, be strong Tzuyu."

"All right." Tzuyu swallows, taking a deep breath and smiling lovingly at Jihyo. 

"We will make it."

5:49 am

After a few hours of strength and persistence, Jihyo's silence and grunts were finally broken by a loud, dramatic cry. The little, cryi baby is placed on Jihyo's chest, who could no longer hold back tears of relief and happiness at the sight of her baby. The baby was still a little red, but Tzuyu knows that in a few weeks she will have the same skin color as her mother. 

"Tzuyu-yah, look at our baby." Jihyo mutters to her wife, who is as red as the baby. Her face swollen and wet with tears. "He's so handsome." She kisses the baby's head, the crying doesn't even bother her ears. 

"He looks like you, love." Tzuyu whispers, loving every detail of her baby's face. Relieved to have a healthy, chubby kid near her wife. She couldn't stand to hear Jihyo's screams of pain anymore, Park didn't see it, but Tzuyu cried throughout the birth.

"See, see if it's a girl or a boy." Jihyo snaps the Taiwanese out of her stupor.

Until then, Jihyo and Tzuyu didn't know the baby's gender, and they didn't want to know until birth, because they wanted a surprise. The Taiwanese then meticulously looks at the baby, while a nurse wipes the baby's dirty face with a wet cloth. She wipes away her tears quickly, before kissing Jihyo's lips quickly and replying:

"It's a little girl, we have a daughter." Tzuyu cries as she speaks, unable to contain her emotion around her family.

"We have a girl." Jihyo whispers with a smile on her face, her eyes shining as she stared at Tzuyu, who was looking at her with the same intensity of love and affection.

A click sounds and the couple looks for the source of the sound, it's just a nurse with a camera, taking pictures of the couple and the baby. Tzuyu is startled, becoming irritated by this nurse's intrusion into the family moment, but soon relaxes upon realizing who was behind the camera.

"She's so cute." The nurse chirped, taking off her mask to show a warm, familiar smile.

"Dahyun, what are you doing here?" The doctor asks with a raised eyebrow. "Your shift doesn't start for two hours!"

"A little bird told me that there was a pregnant woman giving birth and that she needed free professional photos of her birth." Dahyun commented raising the camera.

She was smiling genuinely, even though actually the reason she broke into the room was just because Mina threatened her with a scalpel if she didn't come over there to take pictures of the newest member of the Park family.

"Is she your friend?" The doctor asked the couple, who were admiring the baby and didn't even care about Dahyun's intrusion anymore. 

"Sadly yes." Tzuyu sighed, a loving smile on her face. Dahyun cutely winked her eyes at her best friend.

"Have you finished the photos, Kim?" 

"Yes, Boss." Dahyun replied happily, taking another picture of the smile Jihyo gave her.

"Then get out." 

The doctor shooed the nurse away, Dahyun left after giving Tzuyu a kiss on the forehead, didn't leave before quickly checking the baby's gender, then running out the door to tell the rest of her friends about the baby's gender. 

A few silent minutes passed before Jihyo had to clean up to go to a room in the maternity ward. She wasn't too happy about it, but didn't object when they said that Tzuyu would keep the baby for now.

6:56 am

The nurse took Tzuyu to a room near the room where Jihyo would stay for the next two day. The Taiwanese could watch her baby through a big glass window, she was sure her baby glowed and stood out from the other babies (but that is what all mothers say about their children). She breathed a sigh of relief, reading once more the sign that said her daughter's name. Park Jisu. her daughter. Jihyo's daughter. Heir and firstborn of the Park-Chou Family.

"Hey, are you okay?" She visibly jumped when she felt a warm hand grip her shoulder. It's Jeongyeon. 

"Who let you up here? I thought it was restricted." 

"Oh, Momo authorized my coming here ." Jeongyeon shrugged. The Japanese woman worked in the surgical area of ​​the hospital. "Are you okay Tzu? You look pale."

"Oh, yes I am. I'm fine, unnie." Tzuyu smiles tightly, holding back the sob that rises in her chest.

"Come here, I think you need a hug." Jeongyeon pulls the younger one into a tight hug, the older one could feel Tzuyu's tears wetting her shoulder.

"Unnie, I'm nervous."

"Alright, you'll handle it." Jeongyeon runs her hands through the taller's hair. 

"What if I'm not a good mother? What if she hates me?" 

"You're going to be a great mother Tzu. And she already loves you."

"I don't know if I'm fit to be a mother, I don't know if I'm ready, unnie." The youngest lifted her face and Jeongyeon wiped away her tears.

"It's normal to be nervous, I was nervous too, when Nayeon gave birth." The eldest fixed the Taiwanese's hair. "But you'll see, the moment you hold Jisu for the first time in your arms, you'll see."

Just as Tzuyu gives a tired smile, a nurse in a pink uniform emerges from inside the newborn's room. 


The tallest one rolls her eyes.


Jeongyeon quickly hugs her younger sister, not knowing that she was wandering around the hospital. The nurse looked at Tzuyu, who was staring brightly at the baby through the glass window. 

"Alright, I'll get it so you can have a closer look." Dahyun warns and goes back inside the room, takes little Jisu gently in her arms, smirking as the baby yawns in its light sleep.

The nurse shows the baby through the glass window, Jeongyeon grabs her friend's arm, holding her in place. As if Tzuyu was going to faint at any moment.

"The nose is totally Jihyo's." The Taiwanese laugh.

"Are you sure you're also this baby's mother?" The eldest jokes, Tzuyu playfully pushes her. 

"Don't say that."

Dahyun puts the baby in her temporary crib again, heading back to the living room door to talk to her friends.

"You'll be able to hold her in a few minutes, the boss is just waiting for Jihyo finish cleaning up." Dahyun takes her cell phone out of her lab coat to see if there is an answer. 

"Mrs. Chou?" Someone calls, the Taiwanese woman quickly turns to the source of the voice.


"You and the baby can go to your wife's room now." The Taiwanese smiles, almost jumping for joy. "Park Jihyo is already waiting for you."

7:29 am

She followed the nurse into the room, finding Jihyo asleep on the bed, which was to be expected for all the strength she'd put in for the last few hours. The nurse asked Tzuyu to sit down as she would bring the baby to have her first contact with her other mother. Jeongyeon went downstairs to hang out with the rest of her friends and family at the reception, updating them on how the Park-Chou family was doing.

Taking a deep breath, she looked around. Jihyo slept peacefully in the hospital bed and Tzuyu wanted to lie beside her and rock her during her wife's well-deserved sleep.

"Tzuyu-yah!" The Taiwanese heard that voice once more, but this time she didn't roll her eyes. Surprisingly her best friend's voice brought comforting peace. 

It was Dahyun, pushing a transparent temporary crib over to Jihyo's bedside. Tzuyu got up instinctively, looking at her sleeping daughter and wrapped in a pink blanket that Jihyo's mother had given her, a pink bonnet protecting her from the cold of the hospital.

"Hey, cute cupcake ." Tzuyu sighs and approaches the small figure, she leans over the crib and unwraps Jisu from her little cocoon, then places her index finger on Jisu's little hand, which instinctively squeezes her mother's finger. "It's me, your mamā Tzuyu."

A cute murmur came out of the little child, who shifted in her peaceful sleep, Jisu tightened her grip on Tzuyu's fear even more, looking for a little more human warmth.

"Sit down Tzuyu, I will put you in your arms."

Dahyun requested, taking the little baby in her own arms. Tzuyu sat in the armchair nearby. "You've gone through the previous queries so you know what the next step is, don't you?"

The Taiwanese woman nodded and took off the long-sleeved shirt she was wearing, leaving only a sports bra on, she shivered as icy air came into contact with her warm body. Dahyun gently placed the baby against Tzuyu's body, arranging Jisu's head so that she was comfortable. Babies like their parents' body heat, especially skin to skin, and this was an important moment for both of them, so Dahyun placed the blanket over Jisu's back and left the room in silence. 

"You are the most precious thing in my life, you and your mother. But you still don't know that." Tzuyu whispered, holding back the tears that would inevitably burst up. "I love you so much."

She held she to her chest with such love and care, fearing that at any moment she would break she. A few minutes later, Tzuyu was still staring at her daughter with love, when suddenly Jisu's eyes looked at her. Yeah, they were definitely the same as Mom Park's.

"Hey." Jihyo whispered silly smiling, Tzuyu looked at her with the same smile on her face. 

"She's beautiful, Hyo." Tzuyu gurgled. 

"I'm happy." The Korean looked at her little family with love, silently thanking the heavens for letting one of her dreams come true.

"I'm happy too." 

"I love you so much." 

"And I love you even more." Tzuyu whimpered, pouting. "Thank you for giving me a beautiful daughter."

"You're welcome." The Korean laughed softly.

The moment of silent adoration was broken by a low whimper from Jisu. A nurse enters through the bedroom door, smiling happily at the couple.

"I think my baby is hungry." Jihyo says, the nurse helps Tzuyu put Jisu on Jihyo's lap for the first feed. 

"She opened her eyes." 

"Really? Very good!" The nurse exclaims, helping Jihyo to sit more comfortably. "I'll be back with the doctor in a few minutes for a quick evaluation of your baby, okay?"

Tzuyu nods and the nurse leaves. The Taiwanese pout as she finally looks at Jihyo, who was now feeding her baby with joy plastered on her face.

"Is there a problem, Jagi?" The Korean asks, a little worried about her wife's change in mood.

"Those s were mine." Tzuyu fakes a cry. "She stole it from me."

"Shut up." Jihyo rolls her eyes, her loving glint in her eyes.

8:00 am

Jisu looks at Jihyo with expectant eyes. The first feeding was successful, a little difficult, but nothing is match for Park Jihyo. Jihyo and Jisu are doing well and soon they will be able to go home. In a few minutes the visitors will be released and Tzuyu will finally be able to show her daughter to the rest of the world. But at the moment, she's just enjoying her moment next to Jihyo, kissing her lips affectionately and her hair.

"Tzuyu-yah." She hears her name from her for the thousandth time that day, but she does n't care.

"Hi, my love?" 

"I love you." Jihyo whispers, grinning from ear to ear.

"I love you." Tzuyu responds, bringing their foreheads together before kissing the tip of her nose. 

Click. They hear the click of a camera and look towards the noise.

"Dahyun!" Tzuyu growls in exasperation.

"You two are  so cute I couldn't resist." The nurse said smiling as she looked at the camera.

The Taiwanese sighs heavily. She stands up and walks over to her unnie, wrapping her in a tight hug. She smiles genuinely before pronouncing a sweet:

"Thank you, Hyunnie. For being here for us." 

"You're welcome, Tzu." Dahyun pats her on the back and lets out the loudest. "Well, I brought you some people."

Dahyun smiles happily and opens the door, revealing her support group, which has been essential for everything to go well these past few weeks. All architected by Jihyo at least 5 months ago.

Jeongyeon and Nayeon slept in the guest room for at least five days, Momo facilitated Jihyo's admission to the hospital at the time of the birth, Sana and Mina took care of Jihyo's housekeeping and bags the week before the birth. And Chaeyoung and Dahyun always took turns to be on hand in case Tzuyu had an emotional breakdown. So, they had a great support group.

"Tzuyu-yah." Sana approached Maknae, looking over her shoulder to see the baby in Jihyo's arms. "Jisu's ears are totally yours." 

Tzuyu pushed Sana away and covered her ears.

The atmosphere was filled with laughter and conversation. 

It was a good day for Tzuyu, she couldn't ask for more. Her eyes met Jihyo's at some point, the emotions did not need to be said, they were explicit in her eyes. They were fine, and there was no reason to be nervous. 

After all, they are a family.

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