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Baekhyun stopped the car in the middle of a large forest. He was convinced it was safe to spend the night in this spot. The car was hidden from view since he had parked it on a deserted hiking trail. Bushes and trees separated it from the nearby street.

“You want to stop here?” Seri asked, staring into the darkness with worry swimming in her eyes.

“Yes. Our supplies will last until tomorrow and then we’ll arrive in Sokcho anyway.”

He appeared tired and not in the mood for discussions, so Seri bit her lip and kept her concerns to herself. Baekhyun had proved his capability and experience while they had fought themselves through Seoul. If he thought it was better to continue their journey tomorrow, then so be it. She no longer had any reasons not to trust him. Baekhyun was on her side, considering her safety. He wasn’t like the people in her former group. Not in the slightest.

They shared a small dinner in the car and then Baekhyun fetched two blankets from his backpack. He handed one to her, and after locking the car doors, they transformed the backseat into a makeshift bed, reclining it. They awkwardly lay next to each other without touching, struggling to find a comfortable position. Their legs were too long to fit on the reclined seats, but they had to make this work somehow—it was only for one night. Seri rolled on her side and watched Baekhyun’s outline in the darkness. The sounds of the nightly forest were unnerving. Constant rustling, the howling of the wind, and noises she couldn’t identify reached her ears. What if zombies roamed this forest? They hadn’t seen any so far, and the next town was far away, but…

Maybe she shouldn’t think about this.

Seri pulled the blanket up to her ears, still wearing her jacket. A shiver shook her body. “It’s so cold,” she whispered and blew hot air on her freezing fingers to warm them up. “Do we have an extra blanket in the trunk?” she asked hopefully.

“No, unfortunately not,” he answered and watched her as he contemplated something. “Come closer. It’ll help.” He raised his blanket a little and motioned for her to lie right next to him, but she hesitated because it was hard to shake off her old habits.

“Is this appropriate?” she blurted out.

“Who cares? Don’t tell me you would rather freeze. This isn’t the time to act proper, doctor.”

He was right. Moreover, they had slept in one bed before, maybe not as close as now, but still. She avoided his gaze as she crawled under his blanket and put hers on top of it. His body heat surrounded her once they were huddled up to one another under the blankets. He draped his arm around her back, hugging her. It was awkward at first for both of them. Baekhyun wasn’t sure how to hold her and ended up putting his hand on her shoulder blade while her face was pressed to his collarbones, head tucked under his chin. She breathed in his scent and felt the firmness of his well-trained body. He was tense like her, and for a while, neither of them spoke a word.

Until she broke the silence because she sure as hell couldn’t sleep while surrounded by this heavy and thick tension that had manifested.

“It feels better like this,” she told him.

“You stopped shivering. Do you think you can sleep now?”

“Yes, I’m exhausted after the long walk today. Goodnight, Baekhyun. Get some rest, we’ll need it tomorrow,” she smiled and let her eyes fall shut. Once he relaxed, she became more comfortable and gave in to the sinking tiredness that weighed on her limbs.

“Sleep well,” she heard him say moments before sleep claimed her.



Seri felt warm when she awoke the following morning. Her eyes remained closed for another while as she basked in this delightful feeling of belonging and safety that had become a rare treat in this cruel world. Her nose was pressed against the collar of Baekhyun’s jacket, hands resting on his chest. Their legs were linked as well. Seri couldn’t remember the last time she had allowed someone to get so close to her. He had earned and deserved her trust. Moving away never crossed her mind—if it weren’t for their plan to head to Sokcho, she would have no qualms about staying like this all day.

Her lashes fluttered. The first rays of the sun broke through the treetops and reached through the car windows, tickling her skin. It seemed like the rain had ceased—hopefully, the weather would stay warm for another while before winter arrived… Seri shifted and propped herself up on her elbow, gazing at Baekhyun’s sleeping face. His arm lay on her waist and prevented her from getting up. It didn’t matter; she was just fine where she was and used the opportunity to take a closer look at her new companion. The soldier looked oddly vulnerable. While asleep, the harsh lines of his features softened. The dark shadows underlining his eyes had disappeared. For a moment, she considered touching his silky black hair but discarded the idea. It was better not to overstep any boundaries. He probably wouldn’t appreciate being touched like that while asleep. She wouldn’t either.

Seri caught movement from the corner of her eye and stiffened. Her blood froze in her veins as she slowly raised her head and gazed through the rear window. They were not alone. Absolute terror overcame her. Standing right there, on the other side of the glass, was a person. He stared at her with an odd glimmer in his eyes—how long had he been waiting there, watching them? Had they locked the doors? The trunk? Where did he come from? They were in the middle of nowhere!

She gasped. The stranger’s jacket was torn and on his shoulder, he sported teeth marks covered with dried blood. The area surrounding the bite was blackened… The disease was festering. To her horror, he still seemed sane enough to understand what was happening to him. His hand touched the window, leaving a bloody smear. Opening his mouth, he rasped a quiet, “Help me.”

Her eyes watered in sheer horror. The disease took over rapidly. It ate away at his sanity and stole the last pieces of his humanity. She couldn’t stop it, she couldn’t help him. Never had she felt so utterly useless. Her panic rose when a terrifying hungry sneer stretched over his lips. Finally, she broke out of her frozen state and grabbed Baekhyun’s arm, waking him up.

“Baekhyun, we have to leave! Hurry, please!” she spluttered, causing him to shoot up. He flinched away from the window, automatically reaching for the baseball bat they had stashed behind the seat.

“, where did he come from?!”

“I don’t know!”

He muttered another curse when the monster violently banged its fists against the window. Unfortunately, the ensuing noise lured in five more zombies who emerged from the forest. Their teeth clacked when they found their prey, and they started to run. Adrenaline rushed through Baekhyun’s veins as he processed the situation. He acted fast. Jumping over the gear shift, he sat in the driver’s seat and the engine.

Meanwhile, Seri couldn’t move at all—she was petrified in fear. The zombies reached the car, pounding against the windows, trying to break them. They were strong enough to accomplish it. Cracks formed on the rear window. Soon, it would give in.

The car lurched, and she fell on her side. Baekhyun accelerated without warning. They shot over the hiking trail, the zombies wailing as they followed the car. Their faces appeared like those of rabid animals, void of reason and identity.

Baekhyun steered the car back on the tarred road where he accelerated further, leaving the terrifying scene behind. When they rounded a corner and trees obscured the view, Seri tore her gaze away from the window, collapsing on the backseat. The loud roaring of the engine drowned out any other sound. She gazed at the blankets under her hand and tried not to think about the moment that had scared her half to death. The blue fibers blurred. A salty drop rolled down her cheek.

She didn’t know why she cried now of all times. Maybe it was reasonable after what she had been through. She had held the tears in for weeks, and now she burst like a water balloon. The outbreak drove her to the edge of what she could take, and her pent-up frustration was set free. She had become a stranger in a world she was supposed to know. Every morning, she woke up to a new terrifying predicament, but this one had outdone everything… They weren’t safe anywhere, and letting down their guard could be fatal. This wasn’t how she wanted to live. This wasn’t how she could live.

She rubbed her eyes. Her lower lip didn’t stop quaking, and her face flushed. After a few minutes, the blurry outline of Baekhyun’s face came into focus. The car had stopped and they had left the forest and their pursuers behind.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked. Hidden somewhere under his expressionless façade were insecurity and hesitancy. He sat next to her slouched form, reaching out his hand and touching her shoulder. The unexpected gesture spurred her to move. She sat up and scooted closer to him, wrapping her arms around his mid. Her face was squished against his chest, tears wetting the fabric of his jacket. The initial stiffness of his body remained unnoticed by her as she sniffled quietly. After a second of hesitation, he reciprocated her embrace and placed his hands on her back and head.

This was the kind of human connection she needed to stay sane. She was so grateful she didn’t have to be alone anymore. How rare was it to find someone like him in this world? She closed her eye. One last tear slid down her cheek. Then, she lay in his arms and just breathed.

“You’re safe. They’re nowhere near us,” he murmured. She nodded but did not budge. Her head stayed on his chest. It moved with every breath he took, and she found it easier to relax by adapting to his breathing pattern.

“When I woke up, this guy stood behind the car and stared at us through the window. He asked for help,” she explained. “But the transformation happened so fast... I’ve never seen it myself.”

“I have, and it’s disturbing. RABV-12 is insanely aggressive, it turns people into monsters from one second to the next,” he scowled. Bitterness and regret dyed his voice as his eyes stared into the far distance. A memory of the past resurfaced. His lips curled in response.

“We shouldn’t have stayed the night here. I misjudged the situation, and for that, I’m sorry. I should have known better,” he added after a long pause.

“It’s not your fault. I didn’t expect anything to happen either. It’s not like we’re close to a town,” she answered softly. Her voice was muffled by his jacket.

“I hope things will look brighter when we reach Sokcho.”

“Me too. We should move on now,” she said and untangled himself from him. Her hand brushed her messy hair in an attempt to make herself look more presentable.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

She cracked a smile. “Actually, no. But talking to you always makes me feel better, so thank you for listening.”

“Anytime, Seri.”



It was late afternoon when the tall buildings of Sokcho appeared on the horizon. The sky was gray and cloudy, giving the city an ominous appearance. The closer they got to it, the harder it was to dodge obstacles on the street. Cars had been left behind, large trucks raided and some vehicles seemed to have burned out after accidents. Baekhyun needed to avoid them which slowed them down. They saw zombies too, and Seri freaked out a little every time one managed to reach the car.

She gazed out the windows and took in the scenery, looking out for threats. While this town wasn’t as large as Seoul, it was still big enough to get lost if you didn’t know your way around. Thankfully, Baekhyun had a good idea of where his friends might be, so he followed the street signs as they drove through Sokcho.

They passed apartment buildings, companies, and stores. The latter had been ransacked, windows destroyed and doors kicked in. It reminded her of Seoul. She’d hoped that this place wasn’t as affected by the outbreak, but she had been wrong. It was just the same. Chances were high all cities in South Korea looked like this…

When they passed the city center, the sound of the engine drew zombies out of their hiding spots. They chased after the car, forcing Baekhyun to accelerate.

“. If I still had my gun, this would be so much easier,” he cursed, eyes narrowing at a zombie who jumped out of an alley right in front of them. Baekhyun tried to dodge, but the car was too fast and collided with it. The zombie hit the windshield and was flung over the car. The vehicle swerved dangerously. Seri didn’t turn to look at what had happened to the zombie. She just clutched the car door and prayed they would lose their pursuers.

“Do you know where we are?” she asked, clenching her teeth.

“Yes. Our destination is only one street away,” Baekhyun said and glanced in the rearview mirror. “But these ers just don’t give up.”

“What do you suggest we do?”

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Phoenix is now finished! ✨ Please share your thoughts in the comments. 🥺💕 I love chatting with my readers hehe.


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744 streak #1
Chapter 46: 🌹😍🌹😍🌹

Chapter Thirty-six - Final

The picture! 🥰😍

The teams worked hard and they faced many different situations, good and bad, but they all stayed strong, even when Jung and his minions tried to make a mess! I am glad to see that Jung is dead and that the others will be punished for their doings! 👌👍 And life is surely getting back to normal as the vaccines have been issued, not only in Korea, but worldwide and it is surely a beautiful site to see! *smiles* 👌👍😊

Little Minhee and her family - adorable in every possible way! I just love her energy and her cuteness - it's an overload of it! 😍🥰 Like every child, curiosity and excitement were killing her to see what she got for her birthday and it was exactly what she had wanted! *chuckles* A dog! 😍🥰 There is no better gift than that, right? 😍🥰 Now, it's time for all of them to have dinner and enjoy! ^^

Aww, they all made a huge effort to make this day special for Minhee and I love it! Heck, she even got a mini guitar and Chanyeol will give her lessons! Cute! 😍🥰 I LOVED IT!

Ah, my favorite couple is ready to continue their journey! True, they have been through a lot from the moment they met, but they stayed strong and managed to handle it all! 😍🥰💗

In the sea of fics that I have read, I can surely say that I am putting Phoenix on the list of my favorites! If I had to choose my favorite character or favorite scene, that would be impossible. I love all of them, including the plot that had so many ups and downs, but that was what was thrilling about it! I am glad that I came over this fic and I am happy that I enjoyed every single bit of it! 🥰😍

Thank you, Jessie, for your hard work! Keep it up! 🌹💗

744 streak #2
Chapter 45: 🌹😍🌹😍🌹

Chapter Thirty-five

Byunie! 🥰😍

The scene started as tense and kept me on my chair's edge! With every word and sentence, it was pure anticipation as to what would happen next! 👀 The basement itself was eerie and wasn't for staying there, but it was what it was and the girls were at least alive. Seri was lucky to have that radio: allowing her to contact Baekhyun and the others! 👍👌 What followed next gave me the freaking chills! That Jung idiot had a horrible plan in mind; honestly, I wasn't sure of the outcome! 👀 Sure, Seri is a fighter and I am sure she wouldn't go down without a fight, but still! We are talking about a gun here and with Jung's twisted mind, one never knows what's next! 👀 Thankfully, the boys came running in and it was game over, but it was still a part that kept the tension! 😣😮 Like all bad guys, things don't go easily and that shooting scene sent chills down my spine! For a moment there, I thought that Baekhyun was injured, but thankfully, it was nothing serious!*sighs in relief* All in all, the girls were rescued! 👌👍😊 In the end, Jung got what he deserved! GO, EX9!
The couples are reunited and alive. The horror is over! 🥰😍 On a side note, Chanyeol and Wendy are just adorable! 🥰😍 Our silly Chanyeol easily gets shy. *chuckles* Her hero! 😉😏🥰 Cute hero! 😉😏🥰

As always, Baekhyun and Seri are just an adorable couple. The first part of the second scene made me chuckle because of their comments! 🤣😂 But either way, it will always be adorable! Now, as for what Seri said, I agree with her. They can have a life in Jeju island because the danger is now over and I am sure that the guys will secure the area even more! 😍🥰 Aw, Minhee will be excited when she sees her present! 😉😊👌

Like all chapters, I also loved this one; their moments are just amazing! 🥰😍 Thank you! 💗🌹

744 streak #3
Chapter 44: 🌹😍🌹😍🌹

Chapter Thirty-four

The picture and its vibe! 🥰😍

Ah, I can only imagine how Seri felt when she returned to the hospital. It's unpleasant when one thinks about it, it only sends an eerie feeling down one's back. 👀 Those idiots left nothing but chaos and destruction behind them. >.< In terms of those needed files, I wouldn't be surprised if Jung took them with him! *sighs* >.< I swear that guy needs to learn a lesson and hopefully he will soon! 😒😖😫 They mean trouble and it's no wonder that Seri feels the way she feels, but she is right though, they don't attack if there are many people around... And like her, I do hope that Wendy and Boah are okay...

It's always nice to see the two of them and their moments. Around him, she surely does feel safe. 😉 Despite it all, they still manage to find comfort. I get Baekhyun's worries and point of view, because no one wants to see their partner in danger, let alone for them to be bait! But at the same time, Seri wants to help and there is no changing her mind about it. >.< It is as it is, and all of them can only hope for the best! 👀 But on a happier note, the part where she pouted and acted like Minhee was freaking cute! *chuckles* As always, their moments are cute! 🥰😍

The third scene started as nothing special in terms of work, but there was an eerie feeling about it! 👀 It was one of those scenes that you read and you just wait for something bad to happen! Aside from the fact that Seri questioned all new faces she saw at the hospital (which is a normal thing) - I was right! Seri was caught in a trap and it got me on the edge of my chair - sending chills down my spine. 👀 UGH! 👀😫😖

That freaking idiot (I would use a curse word, but yeah) - Does he honestly think that he can get away with this?! 😖 Seri is the root of all his problems?! No! He is the root of all problems! He is the one making trouble for all of them! He and his minions! >.< As always, Seri is a fighter, but this time, it's a bit hard... *sighs* And of course, they are looking for them. They never stopped and hopefully, this nightmare will soon come to an end! 👀

YES! YES! YES! GO EX9! Show them who's boss! Let the games begin! 😉👍👌👏

Once Baekhyun sees her injuries... he will freak out! 👀 Another chapter that I loved! Thank you! 💗🌹

744 streak #4
Chapter 43: 🌹😍🌹😍🌹

Chapter Thirty-three

The picture! 💗🥰😍

I can only imagine the fear in Baekhyun as he tried to arrive at the hospital as soon as possible! 👀 Thankfully, nothing bad has happened and everyone is safe and sound (although two girls are missing), but that doesn't mean Baekhyun worries less! 👀 The smoke got the best of Seri, but she will be fine after some rest! *sighs in relief* But of course, Baekhyun will be Baekhyun - protective, caring, and loving. 💗😍🥰 And of course, there is little Minhee. 💗🌹 Now, in terms of Mr. Jung - Baekhyun has every freaking right to be angry, heck, I am angry as well! 😣😫 He deserves to be caught and punished! 😣😫

In such situations, there is no time for relaxing, and as much as I understand Baekhyun and his worry about Seri and the fact that she needs to rest, at the same time, I can understand Seri as well. She wants to help them and her idea is a good idea, but yes, it's risky, but at this point, what other choice do they have? Sure, searching each and every area is good, but luring Jung in is the fastest way! 👀 Besides, she won't be alone, Byun and the others have her back! 👌👍😉 They are a team! 😉👍👌

Jung. 😣 I swear, I hate this guy and his attitude, but this scene was quite intense and heck, it gave insight into the virus and where it came from! 👀 I should be surprised, right? But, not really, because sadly biological weapons are used and it's a 'public secret' - as many like to call it. Also, another thing is that once you play with viruses - things tend to get out of control. It's basically - if you play with fire you get burned. But now, these idiots want others to do their job and they want to use Wendy for experiments! 😣😫 NOT COOL! NOT COOL! 😣😫

Baekhyun does love and care for both of them! 🥰

I loved every part of this chapter and I must say that things are getting their epilogue regarding the virus! I am looking forward to seeing what happens next! 👍😉 Thank you! 💗🌹

744 streak #5
Chapter 42: 🌹😍🌹😍🌹

Chapter Thirty-Two

Looking the vibe of the picture! 😍🥰

Ah, the honeymoon is over and it's time to get back to work. But it's a nice change as well, right? *smiles* Seri had no problem getting back into her routine and Wendy is just too sweet to have her name tag done! 👍😁 After all, she is Byun now. 😉😏 That smoke? Hmm. Someone is up to no good! 👀 Now, for the fact that she worries about her husband and him going to the mainland to bring back more of those who have survived is normal. After all, it's a crazy situation over there, but at the same time, it's EX9's mission to save those who have survived! There is no doubt about that! In the end, he returned and reunited with his wife! ^^ The fact that she will have 'bodyguards' is a good idea and I am glad that she agreed! 👍👌

Their time with Minhee is as always cute! 😍🥰 They are a cute little family and Minhee is just adorable with wanting to adopt a pet - but she can't choose which one she wants. *chuckles* Also, her curiosity about why Papa is leaving is adorable! But like all kids, she has so many questions! 😅 But, I agree with Baekhyun, Seri is an excellent mother! 👌👍😉

Kibum and Minho love to bicker as well and they are hilarious! 😂🤣 But it's all fun and games and it's good to be surrounded in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. In general, all of the boys are like that! 🥰😍 But things escalated fast! From a normal calm morning to a hectic morning! 👀😣 This scene was quite tense, beginning with the fire! 👀😣 As much as Kibum's and Minho's job was to keep Seri safe, the patients were also the ones that needed to be saved and evacuated, but they all worked as a team and that is good! 👍👌 But at the same time. there was a moment when Seri went alone and came across Mr. Jung. >.< Of course, she's a fighter and she managed to fight him off - and the little coward ran off! UGH! Seri is right, he knows the answer to where Wendy is! Or Boah for that matter! 😣👀 Dang it! *sighs* -_-

True, the news about the fire was not pleasant as it brought a lot of damage and put everyone in danger! >.< The fact that Baekhyun wishes he never left is understandable and things are heating up quickly! 😣👀😮

Seri knows how to defend herself! 😉😏👍 And for Minhee, she is the cutest, and all her appearances rock! 😉🥰👍 I loved the chapter! Thank you! 🌹💗

P.S. Happy Easter if you celebrate! 🥚🐰🐇

744 streak #6
Chapter 41: 🌹😍🌹😍🌹

Chapter Thirty-One

As always, I love the picture! 😍🥰

Ah, the first scene was surely freaking hot! 😈🥵Baekhyun was gentle yet rough at the same time and it was just freaking hot! Then again, he did say that he would make her feel special - and he sure did! 🥵😈🥰😍

OMG! *chuckles* The following scene was quite amusing and cute! I swear they are the funniest and cutest couple at the same time! 😍🥰 I just adore them and despite it all, it's good to know that they have each other, but I do agree with Seri, they still have to be careful. Aside from the serious conversation they had, it's time to go back to some fun time! Hehe. I swear, I am in love with their teasing! Baekhyun is a master in teasing, but Seri is sneaky as well. 👌👍😏😉 I LOVED IT! 🥰😍

Ah, the honeymoon is over and it's time to get back to their everyday life! ^^ I can imagine that Nini, Wendy, and Minhee had m+fun! *chuckles*

It was another chapter that I loved! Thank you! 🌹💗

744 streak #7
Chapter 40: 🌹😍🌹😍🌹

Chapter Thirty

I love the picture! 😉👌

Despite the potential danger from certain people mentioned previously and now, it's still relatively safe compared to the mainland! 👌 I mean thinking back on it all - they all went through hell back then and there wasn't a single day that they didn't have to be alert and look over their shoulders, so yes, the situation in Jeju Island is much better and the security is on a much higher level! 👌👏 One could say they surely have a lot to look forward to, heck they even have their wedding planned and they already know where to leave Minhee and where to spend their honeymoon! Perfect! 😉👌 Now regarding the research and the vaccine development, it's good to know that things are going according to plan and that the zombies have a difficult time surviving the hot days! 👌

Ah, let's face it, it's a big day for everyone and it's only normal to not feel sleepy - for little Minhee it's double the excitement! *chuckles* Storytelling is always fun, but unlike other times, Minhee requested a slightly different story! 😉👌 It felt great going down memory lane and remembering their first meeting! 😉👌 Of course, for little Minhee some things were changed. 😉 All in all, it was quite cute and unique - and of course, Mama and Papa are flirting! Aren't they always? Hehe. 😉😅 But I swear, I just love it when kids use random words they hear from others! It's adorable! 🥰😍😂

Haha - Jongin didn't want to be part of the cosmetic battle as it wasn't something he was trained in at the military academy - That part got me cracking! 😂🤣 But yeah, it's understandable - men, right? What would they know about cosmetics, right? 😂🤣 All in all, Seri was able to get ready thanks to her friends Wendy and Yeji, and little Minhee as well! 💗😍🥰 It was time for the big event! 😉

OMG! 🥰 The venue was surely beautiful and it's so romantic! 😍🥰 The beach, the sea, the violin, flower petals, and everything else - just made a wonderful combination and a special atmosphere. Also, everyone they knew was there. Despite it all, it was a simple, yet beautiful wedding, and for sure, when Baekhyun first saw her dressed like that it was only normal for everything that had happened previously to flash in front of him. They have come a long way and this moment seems like a dream! 😍🥰😉

😂🤣😅 Am I surprised that Chanyeol commented? No. 🤣😂 It cracked me up because of the commotion it caused and Minhee's comment in the end making them all stare. 😂🤣😅 I swear, I loved it! It's that special charm! 👏😅 But on a side note, they all did a good job of organizing everything!

Little Minhee is is safe hands and she will have a lot of stories to tell, I am sure! 👌👍 But now it's time for Mama and Papa to relax! 😉

I loved every single part of this chapter! Thank you! 🌹💗

744 streak #8
Chapter 39: 🌹😍🌹😍🌹

Chapter Twenty-nine

The picture though! 💗😍🥰

Before I comment on the more serious topic that Seri shared with Yeji, I will focus on the more cute things. 😉 Despite everything, the crew had a good day at the beach and it's good to see the two girls - best friends - together again and catching up on things, and for sure, they had a lot to catch up on. *chuckles* 😉 Firstly, I am glad that Yeji opened up to Seri and told her about her relationship with Jongin. But then again, Seri was right - they were all aware of it and it was only a matter of time when they two would come clean! Hehe. 🥰 They are another cute couple that I adore! 🥰 I believe that finding dresses and planning the wedding will be quite amusing. 😉👌 Now, about Chanyeol and his little crush... *smirks and chuckles* Yeji has a point - he teased them, and now it's time they had their revenge. 😏 I LOVE HER WAY OF THINKING! 😉😏 Now to get back to the more serious things... It's no wonder that Yeji was surprised by what Seri told her, after all, for the most part, almost all of them believed that Jeju was safe... so the story is eerie. *sighs* >.< Yeji is right, Seri needs to be careful. 👀

Before commenting on the rest of this scene, I first must say that I am looking forward to another sparing between Baekhyun and Seri, as always, it's very amusing and exciting! 😉👌 Now, moving on to her work day, her busy schedule, and her first patient who came with symptoms but the results of his examination seem to be clean. 👀

So, here's my theory:

1. Lying

2. Psychological issue

Another thing that struck me as odd - he's noisy. Sure, some people are more talkative than others, but still, there are things you ask and do not ask about when you first meet a person. It's like he was trying to dig out a certain something about her and it was a red flag for me. 👀😣 And another thing came to mind:

1. Could he be the culprit Baekhyun told Seri about? The one who kidnapped Wendy?

2. Or maybe one of those people?

Okay, I am letting my imagination run wild here, but I had to share my theories with you! Either way, I am getting a strange vibe from Mr. Jung. 👀😣

Their worries about whether they would be able to manage little Minhee are understandable, but the little one is doing great and that is a positive thing! 👍👌 And I just love how little Minhee asks about their days, the same way they ask about hers. 🥰 Ah, on their way home they bump into Wendy and Chanyeol a.k.a Romeo. 😂🤣😅 I swear, I loved that part and the way Baekhyun said it casually! 😂🤣 Anyhow, little Minhee will spend time with them while Seri and Baekhyun continue with their plans. ^^ It's sweet! 👌

Seeing the two go off like that is always fun, but Seri was defeated this time, although it's only practice I do agree with Baekhyun, she needs to take it easy, after all, her last injury was deep enough and it affected her one way or another! 👀 But, on a side note, speaking of weddings, Baekhyun always makes sure to set his priorities straight and he never fails to amuse. *chuckles* 😂😅

Of course! 😂 Chanyeol is now the target of their teasing, but then again, he kind of deserves it! 😂 After all, he always teased the others and now he knows how they felt! 😂😅 But, of course, they mean no harm. 🥰 Anyhow, it's all fun and games, they also made plans to go dress shopping and I am sure it will be fun! 👌👍

OMG! OMG! OMG! 👀 The final scene was nerve-racking and when one of the males said that he had a conversation with Seri, the first person and only person that came to mind was MR.JUNG! 👀 Mr. Jung... it could be anyone! I read the scene twice to see if I missed his name, but nope, only Mr. Jung. As you could tell from my comment about that scene, I thought that something was fishy about him because he wanted to know so much about her and it was only their first meeting. 👀

But what I do know is that I loved every bit of this chapter, like always! Thank you! 🥰😍💗🌹😉👌

744 streak #9
Chapter 38: 🌹😍🌹😍🌹

Chapter Twenty-Eight

The picture! 🥰😍

Ah, life surely seems normal and the little girl is just adorable with her questions, answers, excitement, and reactions! Like who can say no to her? No one! *chuckles* Off the park they go! 😍🥰😉👌

👀 I don't even know where to start with this scene! 👀 Like, at one point, everything was calm and nice and at the other, everything is a freaking mess! 👀 *sighs* Beakhyun's behavior freaked me out, honestly. 😐 The panic was evident in his voice and right then and there I knew that something was up (looking back on the previous chapters - connecting two and two was not hard, not to mention the last chapter and the cliffhanger 👀). Now, I can understand his panic, BUT, I disagree with the approach he had. Sure, I get it, he cares for both of them and worries about their safety, but at the same time, he scared Minhee with his behavior (to the point where she thought that he was angry with her); as for Seri, it wasn't pleasant. 😒 Anyhow, at home they had a conversation where Baekhyun admitted to what was going on and it pretty much gave answers to Seri's questions about the soldiers being all around the area... but I swear, all this could have been avoided if he just told her calmly and quietly - so yes, I agree with Seri being angry. If they want their relationship to work, honesty is the key, and SUCH a thing, especially in the situation they are SHOULD NOT BE HIDDEN! As for the news about Victoria... that's eerie! 👀 All in all, it only goes to prove - the danger is still not over! 👀 -_-

Little Minhee forgave him, but as every kid, going to bed is always a struggle. *chuckles* 😅😂 If kids are asked, they would only play, play, and play! 😂😅

Feeling the way Seri feels is completely normal! A lot of things are going through her mind and even if she wanted to focus on something else, it was impossible! *sighs* 😖 Arguments in relationships are normal and they are usually caused by of lack of communication or misunderstanding - and in most cases being alone and having some time alone is normal. >.<

Ah, Baekhyun is still sweet for checking up on Seri, and in the end, the two worked it out. Hopefully, the lesson was learned! 👌😉

True, nobody is perfect but all went well! 🥰😍 I loved this chapter and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next! Thank you! 💗🌹

744 streak #10
Chapter 37: 🌹😍🌹😍🌹

Chapter Twenty-seven

The picture! 😍🥰

Ah, it's so nice to see Seri in an area that she is familiar with and for sure she wants to remember everything quickly, after all, working in a hospital again, after a long time is surely something exciting for her! It seems that everything is under control (but yes, the bickering and commotion from the soldiers is hilarious 🤣😂) Anyhow, moving on to the research center part, it is surely a place where they can look for answers to their questions, and if I may say so myself, it's quite exciting! Also, there was a bit more insight into how Wendy got bitten and her story so Seri and she do have similarities in that part, but not only that, it's good to see that the two are getting along pretty well! ^^ 👌👍 I believe it is the start of a new and nice friendship, on top of it all, they are also neighbors! 👌👍 So far, they are all having a good start, now moving on to the next part of this scene, least but of course, not last - the crew and the events that followed. Hehe. 😏 As always, I love the crew when they are together, but unlike other times, when Chanyeol would use any chance to tease them, there is a slight change! *chuckles* Wendy + Yeol - sitting in a tree! 😏😉 It made me happy that he finally found someone - even if it is just a small crush for now. It's a beautiful sight and Chanyeol being shy and all is so freaking adorable! 😍🥰

Ah, they adapted very quickly and both Baekhyun and Seri know how to be innovative. It's good to see little Minhee getting used to her new life and learning things in school, also making friends. 👍👌🥰 A small family picnic sounds great and relaxing. 👌👍 But to top it all off, the little girl called him Papa! *chuckles* 😍🥰 True, at first it was a surprise, but a pleasant one! 🥰 Also, Seri taking a picture of them is a perfect way to note down the memory! 🥰😍 They are such an adorable family! 🥰😍

Taeyong is excited - as a child but I loved it! 🥰😍 Time to hang out together. For sure, things are much different on Jeju island... but the ending gave me chills and it only goes to show that they were still not safe and now I wonder what storm is waiting for them! 👀

Baekhyun deserves the title, there is no doubt about it! 😉👌 Thank you for another great chapter! 🌹💗 Can't wait to see what happens next!
