Chapter 1

Arranged Marriage
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Third Person POV

"She's really awkward around me. I never should've confessed my feelings to her." Sana, who looks so down told her friends.

"I mean, of course she would feel awkward. You confess to her when she has a boyfriend!" Jeongyeon said.

Her girlfriend, Tzuyu, slapped her arm. "Babe! That hurt!" 

"Stop teasing Sana unnie about that." Tzuyu said.

"Sana, stop overthinking. My sister's not awkward around you." Jisoo, Dahyun's sister and one of Sana's friend said. 

"How can you even say that Dahyun's awkward around you?" Lisa asked.

Sana and Dahyun's other friends nodded, agreeing to what Lisa asked. Dahyun's not with them because she's on a date with her boyfriend. "Because! We used to be super clingy around each other, and now she won't even make an eye contact with me whenever I talk to her." Then, her friends was shocked when Sana hit herself. "I'm such an idiot! I am never, ever drinking alcoholic drinks anymore!" Yes, Sana indeed confessed when she was drunk. She just found out about it when she asked her friends why Dahyun's avoiding her.

Seulgi let out a laugh, "Coming from you? You literally can't go to a party without drinking an alcoholic drink!" She said.

While Sana's friends laughed at Seulgi's remark, Sana's phone rang.

"Y'all, be quiet. It's my papa." Sana said. After saying that, she answered the phone.

Phone Convo:

"Hey papa!" Sana said.

"My daughter! I just called you because I want to tell you that we going to have a dinner with the Kim's later in our house. Your presence is needed there, okay?" 

Sana's hoping that it's not Jisoo and Dahyun's family because it'll super duper awkward. "Kim's? New business partners?" 

"No, darling! Kim's as in the family of your friends Jisoo and Dahyun." Aaaand there goes Sana's hopes crumbling down. Now, she doesn't know what to do.


"Yea. Why? Is there something wrong? Did you fought with them?" 

"No, we're good. Anyways, what time should I be there?" Sana asked.

"Well, the dinner's happening at 7PM, so your mom and I need you to be here at 5:30 PM." 

"Okay, bye dad!" Sana said and the hang up the call.


"So, why did uncle called you?" Irene asked.

"I am in big trouble." Sana said.

Sana looked so stressed so her friends got worried. "Are you alright, Sana unnie?" Tzuyu asked. 

"I think I know why." Jisoo said.

"Why?" Jennie asked.

Jisoo smirked, "My dad just texted me. He told me that we're going to have a dinner with Sana and her family. That's why." 


Dinner Time

It's already 6:55 PM and Sana knows that the Kim's will are going to arrive in any minute now. Sana wore a very casual wear since it's not a formal dinner. She just wore a black turtleneck, a skinny jeans, and boots. She doesn't even know why her mom insisted on her wearing a shoes rather than wearing a slippers since they're just going to eat in their house, but sure, that's fine. Even thought Sana's already done, she's still staring at her reflection in the mirror.

"Holy . You can do this, Sana! You can do this!" Sana mumbled to herself. "Wait, how should I greet her? Wait, shall I greet her? Hello Dahyun! Ah crap, no no. Hey Dahyun, how are you? Yea, that should be good." 

While she's still staring at her reflection, her phone notified her that someone sent her a message. She looked at her phone and it came from Hers', Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung, Momo, Lisa, Seulgi, and Jisoo's group chat.

       (6) New Messages From: 
                 7 idiots

                     momo is the new iron man:
                            y'all think sana's going to on herself
                            once jisoo and dahyun's fam arrived?

                     yoojeong is the cutest:
                            of course! she's sana!

                            u're so gay, sana unnie!

                     irene is my bae:
                            lolololol coming from you chaeyoung?
                            u literally panicked when mina asked
                            if u have a pencil.

                            i am not the subject right now, seulgi unnie.

                            sana's not answering, i'm sure she's ting
                            on herself now.

                     i am jisoo and you're not:
                             sana we're on our way there. ૮ • ﻌ - ა

i am ting on myself right now
and i'm not even kidding.


After texting her friends, Sana can hear her mom calling her. "Sana-yah! Can you come down now?" So, Sana went downstairs to the living room. She sat on their couch to watch whatever her dad is watching but she can feel her hands sweating like a . One of her hobby when she's nervous.

While Sana and her father are watching, their doorbell rang. With that sound, Sana just became more nervous.

"Sweetheart, are you alright? Your leg is shaking. It's your hobby when you're nervous." 

Sana looked at him and gave him a tight smile, "Yes pa, I'm okay." 

"They're here!" Her mom announced.

I want to back out. Sana thought.

"Hello, Sana-yah!" Dahyun's mom greeted Sana and gave her a hug. 

When Sana looked at Mr. and Mrs. Kim's back, she saw Jisoo and the girl that she's been dying to talk to after she confessed. She can see Jisoo smirking at her.

"What's up, Sana!" Jisoo said and gave Sana a hug, "You looked so nervous, er." 

Sana rolled her eyes at Jisoo, "Of course." They let go of the hug. 

"Dahyun-ah, aren't you going to greet Sana?" If looks could kill, Jisoo might be dead by now.

"Hello, Sana unnie," Dahyun said with a cold voice and then walked towards Sana's parents.

"Hi!" Sana said. Deep down, Sana is blaming herself. If only she did not confessed to her, maybe they're still alright. Maybe things wouldn't be awkward between the two of them

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Chapter 8: Thanks for the update and for coming back. Fighting!
Chapter 8: Authornim, thank you for updating and coming back. Please update this fanfic...
Midubdub #3
Chapter 8: Welcome back!
12 streak #4
Chapter 8: I think I need to reread this again. I can't keep up with the update. Anyways, thank you for updating and coming back.
Authornim, please update this fanfic...
Chapter 7: Thanks for the new chapter...
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update even though you're busy.
Chapter 6: Authornim, please update this fanfic...
Chapter 6: this needs an update!
Meliodas2727 #10
Chapter 6: Author nim pls update na