William will always be Seungwan but Seungwan will never be William

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Everything's weird today... they kept looking at me as If I'm a criminal, I picked up myself and ran to my Dad. As I reach the last step on the stairs, I saw my Dad holding two huge luggages as he drags both of it outside the house... I can only see my mom stopping him, holding his arm and begging him to stay... I can see my Dad saying things to my mom... but what is it? after that, my mom lets him go... I rushed to my Dad, begged him to stay but he just looked at me... I know for sure that he wants to say something, but as my Grandfather reveals himself behind me and my mom... my Dad removed my grip on his arm and walked away, to his car... leaving me and my mom stunned, can do nothing but stare and let everything sink into our minds... after a while, my mom pulled me in and hugged me tight, as she slowly say those words "Just close your eyes Seungwan-a... think of happy things and then forget everything" I followed,after a while she whispered again "Now open your eyes, the world is safe and so are you now" as I slowly open up my eyes... I can only see myself inside my bedroom, with mom beside me... letting me doze off and forget everything as if It's just a dream


I'm now in Middle school... everyone seems to know me, they kept asking me to be their friends, I always took advantage of it, 'cause being afraid to be alone kept taking over me... some of them will ask me to buy them expensive things so that they'll keep being friends with me, some wanted me to do their homework so they'll keep in touch with me and some... just don't really care as long as the spotlight is theirs. That's how I lived until a guy approached me. He kept introducing himself to me and all I can do is Nod... he's kind and cool but all I can think of is, he need something that's why he's being nice... right? and everything just go messy

I kept begging him to be my friend, then suddenly a fist go hard on my face... I felt dizzy but then I saw him kneeling in front of me, he kept apologizing... why? it's normal... right? He explained himself as I did the same thing... Begging is the only thing I'm good at, but it's the second time it didn't work. He stood up and gave me a hand, as I slowly got back to my feet, he hugged me tight "Don't ever beg again for something that's not worthy of it and Never beg to someone who doesn't deserve even a bit of it" he said and by that I knew...I found a friend. 


I'm now in Highscool... things kept going smoothly, I avoided toxic people, kept my true friends and have a girlfriend. Rose is an amazing girl, she's not after my wealth, she's been there from the beginning but I kept ignoring her... then suddenly one day, I just woke up and I know I'm in love. We're always together, I told her everything about me, my family, my life and she accepted me open-heart. I'll ask her out but she kept saying that she can cook for me, I should just keep my money to myself... she's amazing right? I just know she's the one. 

Everytime we're going out, she'll prefer to pay for her bills than me paying for it... she says, I don't need to flex my money just so she'll keep seeing me... "Not every woman in the world is after your money... I love you and that's all it is about" Rose isn't much of a wealthy girl but she's worth every gold. I like her... but my Grandfather.. now my legal father is against it, he said.. people like Rose were pretentious and ambitious, he said she'll slowly get in my mind brainwash me for my money...tho I know Rose is not like that, I've got to let her go... she don't deserve to be treated like this nor be part of these mess in my life... I loved her, but I guess we're not for this lifetime. 


I'm now the owner of our companies... It's not easy for me but because of my team, I can do it all flawlessly. I don't want this, but It's all I can do... It's also been a decade since my mom left, all I have now is Grandfather and best friend(Chanyeol) as long as I have them..I'll always be safe, I guess? 

now is the time to get married, I tried looking for the right g

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Chapter 16: 👏👏👏😍😍😍💗💙
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 16: Congratulations on finishing this!
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 16: HAPPY ENDING
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 15: YEAAAY
WenRene_77 14 streak #5
Chapter 13: hmm, im confuse with this chapter.
Chapter 15: Ohhh my 🥰 thank god it's a yesss
113 streak #7
Chapter 15: finally 😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 14: ing finally Son Seungwan!!!! Go get your woman again!!! And just say YES, Joohyun-ah~~
Favebolous 14 streak #9
WluvsBaetokki #10
Chapter 14: in finally! Jfc Seungwan!