
Seeing you again
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Baekhyun noticed Jongin the first time he walked inside the house. It was a party, a loud party that he was used with. Baekhyun was bored actually, every party is the same. 


The most gorgeous human walked inside the house. Baekhyun's heart went a mile away seeing the beautiful man. His red plumb lips were asking to be kissed, his slim body was begging to be touched. He never saw that guy until now.

,,I want him." Chanyeol startled him.

,,No way, he's going to be mine." When Baekhyun wants something he gets it.


,,I have no idea why but I see myself with him, who is he?" 

,,Kim Jongin, 20 years old, a freshman, dancing major." Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol jumped hearing Kyungsoo behind them.

,,Don't do that! You scared us." 

,,He's Taemin's little brother actually." 

,,No way." Both looked back at Jongin falling in love with his smile and loud laugh. 

,,I'm sorry Byun, I know you since forever but I want him." 

,,No ing way!" Baekhyun run down the stairs to where Jongin was. 

He wasn't jocking, he wants to know more about Jongin.


,,Hi." Jongin jumped hearing a loud voice next to him.


,,I'm Baekhyun, you?" 


,,And he's not interested Byun, leave him alone." Great, Kim ing Jongdae. He's friends with Jongin? Since when?! 

Jongdae pulled Jongin away leaving a pouting Baekhyun behind, but he heard Jongin laugh.

He's addicted to that laugh.


Baekhyun watched Jongin, he can't take his eyes off the beautiful guy. He can noticed that he's a dancer, everything about Jongin is perfect.

Drinking the last of his beer he took a deep breath walking to Jongin again, Jongdae isn't around so he can talk with him.

Jongin was outside next to the pool looking on his phone.

,,Hi, again." Jongin looked up laughing.

,,Baekhyun hyung, I did remember you name, no?" Baekhyun laugh sitting next to Jongin.

,,You did, I'm happy." Jongin chuckled putting his legs in the water.

,,I like the pool." 

,,You do?"

,,I like to swim, but I don't like the house." Baekhyun laugh looking with the corner of his eye at Jongin.

,,Why not? Isn't a dream house?" 

,,Not really, too big for me, I like small things." Baekhyun was surprised to hear that.

,,You don't like expensive things?" Jongin took a moment then he smiled.

,,Rich people are trouble." Baekhyun wanted to ask more but he didn't. 

,,Watch out!" A drunk guy made Jongin to fall into the water.

,,Jongin!" Baekhyun jumped to help him.

,,I'm okay." Jongin laugh hard enjoying the water, swimming away.

,,Wait!" Baekhyun swim after him, understanding then that Jongin is a funny guy. He laugh like never before.


,,You're cold, we should change our clothes." 

,,How?" Baekhyun winked at him.

,,I know the owner, he won't mind." Jongin laugh walking inside the house stopping before a door.

,,Don't mind the mess." Jongin looked confused following Baekhyun inside.

,,Wow." The room was huge and beautiful, with a big and soft bed in the middle of the room. He just wants to jump on that bed and snuggle for hours.

,,Come, pick anything you want." The dressing was a dream come true. 

,,Are you sure? I don't want to be suied for some clothes." 

,,He won't mind, I promise." Jongin blushed when Baekhyun took off his clothes, he noticed his tattoos, he noticed the ones on his wrist that he tried to cover as well, he never saw someone have so many tattoos, they fit him.

,,Like what you see?" Jongin blushed looking away.

,,Sorry, I was just looking at your tattoos, they are nice." 

,,At last someone likes them." Baekhyun smiled leaving Jongin alone to change until he noticed something.

,,It's your house!" Jongin yelled when he finally noticed the photos around the room.

,,Well, I did say I know the owner." Baekhyun grinned dropping on his bed.

,,I need to leave now, I'll return you the clothes. Bye." Baekhyun wanted to stop Jongin but it was too late.


,,You need a ride?" Chanyeol offered and Jongin accepted. Since that night two friendships started.



,,Hi." Jongin jumped when Baekhyun run after him two days later when he was walking to his class.

,,Hey." Jongin hold his distance not wanting to be interested.

,,Drink a coffee with me."

,,I'm really busy hyung, next time. Bye." Jongin rushed inside the building leaving a pouting Baekhyun behind.

,,You will be mine Kim Jongin." Baekhyun grinned to himself leaving.


Baekhyun wasn't ready to stop, he likes Jongin, he wants to know him better.

,,Are you sure you want him because he ignores you?" Baekhyun and Chanyeol were having coffee that rainy day.

,,Is not like that Chanyeol, I really like him, I'm curious to know more about him." 

,,Good luck with that then." 

,,Thanks." Baekhyun left in a hurry, he knows when Jongin leaves his class. He won't give up so easily.


,,Hi." Jongin laugh seeing Baekhyun waiting for him again.

,,Let's eat lunch together, please." 


,,Please, I know a nice restaurant.....wait! You said, yes?!!" 

,,I did, I'm hungry. I can't pass a free meal from my hyung." Baekhyun grinned, finally Jongin accepted, he's happy.



,,Nice car." Jongin wasn't surprised by Baekhyun's car. He saw his house after all.

Baekhyun on the other hand was really happy that Jongin was there in his car.

,,What are you feeding me?" 

,,Anything you want, as long you stay with me." Jongin laugh hard.

,,Why me? I told you I don't like rich people." 

,,I'm not rich, my parents are rich." 

,,My point, but, you can always be my hyung like Chanyeol hyung." Baekhyun looked at Jongin with his mouth dropped.

,,Chanyeol?! He made a move on you?!"

,,Why? You're jealous?" Jongin could only laugh seeing Baekhyun's shocked face.

,,Yes! I am very jealous! I will kill him and he's rich as well, stay away from him." Jongin laugh, why was Baekhyun so adorable?! 

,,Pabo." He mumbled wiping a tear away, when was the last time he laugh so hard?



,,Why are you against me Jongin?" Baekhyun asked with a pout over his lips waiting for their food to be ready.

,,Rich people date rich people, I'm just a normal guy with normal parents, your parents will never be okay with me, there will be always some drama that I'm not into. I just want to finish college and work, nothing more. I'm not even that interesting as you think." 

,,You are more than interesting, I want to know you better, give me a chance Jongin, please. " 

,,And then what? We will live happily ever after?"

,,Maybe no, but let's try at last, I really want to know you better." Baekhyun hold Jongin's hand hoping that the dancer will accept.

,,Don't get me wrong, I would like to date you, but I don't know. I don't want the drama." 

,,Please." Letting out a sigh, Jongin nodded.

,,Okay, let's try." Baekhyun jumped over the table kissing Jongin's lips.

,,I wanted to kiss you from the moment you stepped inside my house." Jongin blushed looking away.


,,I have no idea but everything about your person pulls me to you, you're beatiful and warm. You're everything I always wanted to date. It's not just a game for me." Baekhyun kissed Jongin's hand.

,,My prince."

,,Stop!" Jongin laugh madly blushing.

,,Can I come and see you dance?" 

,,Of course, if you like that." Baekhyun was excited to see Jongin dance. He knows that Taemin is a well know choreographer and that Jongin is good as well, he's curious to know how good he is.

Since that day, Jongin was Baekhyun's and Baekhyun is jealous, and protective over the person he likes.



,,He's mine." Chanyeol laugh hearing Baekhyun.

,,Good, should I congratulate you?" 

,,Don't be an , I really like him Chan." 

,,What about your omma? You know you need to marry that girl when you finish college." 

,,Not even in a milion years. I don't even know her." Baekhyun dropped on Chanyeol bed with a pout over his lips.

,,She won't be happy Baek, just think about Jongin, are you sure you want this? Don't make him fall for you and then dump him." 

,,I won't leave him, I really like him Chanyeol, I will try anything to see him happy." Chanyeol just nodded holding his feelings for himself. 





Jongin was dead tired but he wasn't pleased, he needs to practice more.

,,Hi." Jongin's face light up seeing Baekhyun walk inside the dance room.

,,Are you done? I want to take you out to eat dinner." Baekhyun walked to Jongin wrapping his arms around his slim waist. 

,,Don't spend your money on me Baek, let's just eat some ramen, I'm not that hungry anyway." 

,,Nope, a real dinner, I want to take you out on a date, to eat ramen, I know a nice place." Jongin finally nodded.

,,Go change and I'll wait for you in the car." 

,,Okay." Jongin wanted to leave but Baekhyun pulled his hand kissing his lips.

,,I missed your lips." He whispered against his lips.

,,Me too." Jongin was always blushing around Baekhyun. He likes the singer, It's hard not too, but he's still scared.



,,Someone's happy." Jongin smiled seeing Chanyeol.

,,I'm going out with Baekhyun." Jongin noticed how Chanyeol's happy smile wasn't that happy anymore.

,,I know, he told me, you like him?" 

,,I do, but I won't expect too much, I'm just enjoying my time with him now." Jongin sad smiled at the taller.

,,Be careful Jongin, I don't want to see you suffere for nothing." Jongin gazed up at Chanyeol wanting to ask why he said that but he just smiled. 

,,I promise." Jongin walked away going to get ready for his date. 

He's excited to go on a date with Baekhyun, to talk with him, to hear Baekhyun talk or laugh. But scared at the same time. Falling in love is always scary.



,,You look beautiful." Baekhyun's comment made him blush and shy smile.

,,You too." Baekhyun hold his hand linking their fingers together.

,,You're making me go crazy Jongin, nobody did that before." 

,,Shut up." Jongin laugh liking what Baekhyun is telling him but again, he hold back his feelings. He shouldn't fall for someone like Baekhyun, it won't end good.



,,We're eating here?" Jongin was surprised by the small restaurant.

,,Yes, the food is amazing, belive me." 

,,I do." Jongin was curious, he thought that Baekhyun will bring him to a fancy restaurant, something he doesn't like.

,,This is so good!" Jongin saw stars eating his ramen. It was better than anything he eat before.

,,Told you, the ajuma here makes the best food ever, I love her cooking." 

,,It is really good, this place can become my favorite place as well and it's not even that expensive." 

,,I know." Jongin thanked Baekhyun for their date. 

He likes spending time with the singer, to hear him talk and sing. Baekhyun was amazing when it comes to singing. 



,,Come over, let's spend some time together." Baekhyun asked him to come over that weekend. They were dating for more than three months and Baekhyun was madly in love with Jongin.

,,To your house? What about your parents?" They were both outside sitting on the grass watching the clouds moving around. 

,,They are not home, please come." Jongin laugh looking at Baekhyun.

,,You want to get into my pants Mr.Byun?" 

,,I won't lie, I want you Jongin, everything about you pulls me but I can wait until you're ready, I don't want to dirturb you from your dancing, the audition is in three months, are you ready?" Jongin pouted snuggling to Baekhyun's chest.

,,I'm scared, I know I'm good, I love what I'm doing but I'm still scared not to mess it up." 

,,You will do good baby, I saw you dance and you're amazing." Baekhyun placed a kiss on Jongin's forehead loving his scent. He's addicted to Jongin. Everything about Jongin makes him happy and crazy at the same time.

,,Thank you." 


Jongin visited Baekhyun that weekend. For the last months he refused to go and visit Baekhyun's house. He expect Baekhyun to leave his because he's nothing special. But not yet.

,,I just want to live on your bed forever." Baekhyun laugh walking to his dressing.

,,I know you hate it when I make you gifts. But..." Baekhyun came back with a small box in hand.

,,Byun Baekhyun! Don't gift me anything, I don't need gifts." 

,,Please." Baekhyun crawled next to Jongin placing the box in his hands. 

How can he say no to Baekhyun and those adorable eyes.

,,Thank you." Baekhyun took the Gucci box finding a small Teddy inside. 

,,He's adorable." Jongin fall in love with the small brown teddy.

,,He needs a name." 

,,Nini, I will call him Nini." Jongin came closer to Baekhyun gently pressing his lips against his.

,,Perfect." Baekhyun smiled against Jongin's lips pulling the dancer closer. He loves to kiss Jongin's plumb lips, they are always so soft.

,,Come with me." Baekhyun pulled Jongin's hand outside in the back garden where the pool was.

,,What are you doing?!" Jongin laugh when Baekhyun undressed leaving only his boxers on.

,,Come!" Baekhyun jumped in the water making Jongin laugh hard.

,,Join me." Jongin did that, he undressed fast following Baekhyun in the water. 

He didn't lied when he said that he loves to swim.

He likes that Baekhyun isn't a with him, he takes his time with him, he never pushed him to do something he doesn't want. He likes Baekhyun. He really likes Baekhyun. 

,,I'm hungry, should we eat something?" Jongin was a little hungry.

,,You will cook for me?" Baekhyun came out the water first watching Jongin swim around. 

,,I will do anything for you." Jongin was surprised hearing Baekhyun. Somethimes he hates Baekhyun for being s

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 1: Baek is the man - six years👀
Chapter 1: Such a beautiful story <3 Sad, but which ends so well and melts the heart. Thank you for this nice writing.
Chapter 1: >< jun as kaibaek's child><
I'm first.😍😁