If We Love Again

About Love & Light
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"Nayeon, you don't have to come if you are sick." 
Yerin said as she comes to the boutique that day. Nayeon was drawing the new collection for Yerin as the previous one was a successful release thanks to the fact Suho had promoted it as part of his apologies and his agency of dragging Nayeon into his dating scandal. It has been three weeks since Nayeon and Baekhyun coincidentally meet at Baekho's cafe. She had left him behind and didn't turn back. Baekhyun still didn't come to find her either after that. Surprisingly, Nayeon didn't even want to care about him too. What's the point of it? Since he didn't trust her like how she does when she said she was ready to be part of his life. 
"It's okay, Rin. I can do this."
"But you have been vomiting and look thin too. You don't even eat the breakfast that Sehun brought."
Yerin points out. Nayeon looks at Yerin before she sighed. Her pregnancy phase has also progressed. Nayeon had been vomiting and she knows it was part of her so-called morning sickness. Yerin still doesn't know about it. No one knows except Haein thanks to Baekhyun who accidentally spilled it during their time at the cafe. Nayeon has no intention to announce it. Even the father of her child didn't care about it thus Nayeon decided to just be silent. 
"Thanks for the concern, Rin. I will rest after I finish the planning for this collection."
"It's a bit more, you can rest up for a while since this collection will be released at the end of the year." 
End of the year which means before she gives birth. Nayeon nods as she focuses again. She needs to settle this up and get herself a space. She hasn't planned on what to do since Baekhyun himself didn't call or even ask her how she doing. Nayeon had decided Baekhyun is a coward who runs from his problems and now that they had a child, Nayeon feels helpless since he isn't here to be with her. 
"Sehun had been asking about you lately. I shouldn't tell you this but Sehun seems to care about you after that night."  
Nayeon honestly wasn't surprised since on the day Sehun found her and bring her to Yerin's house, Sehun no longer gave cold shoulder to Nayeon instead he would be seen around the boutique with Yerin. There's one time where his first visit to the boutique when Nayeon greets him at the front door. His expression was unreadable. His eyes however were pinned on her and her stomach. Nayeon is sure Baekhyun must have told him about her since she now knows how close those two are. 
"He probably worried about you, Rin. He has been reminding you about your health."
"Oh, Sehun worried about me? Not in this lifetime, Nayeon. He probably worried that our parents would get mad if he doesn't care about me."
Yerin said as if bragging while Nayeon chuckles. These two are really into each other. It is just time will decide for them.
"Oh yeah! By the way, Baekhyun is staying with him in Busan. He has been there for three weeks." 
Nayeon once again looks at Yerin. She was looking at her as Nayeon chuckles. She looks at Yerin.
"Rin... I am not interested in what or where he goes."
Yerin crosses her arms and raises her eyebrows." Are you sure? Are you not missing him? Are you not wanting to hug him? You don't want to touch him?"
Nayeon sends a glare to her direction and Yerin giggles. Her sarcasm comes after.
"Is it too obvious?"
Yerin pretends to be smug. Nayeon rolls her eyes. Yerin laughed before her voice turns low.
"Even if Byun Baekhyun is running away from whatever problem you guys have, I always siding you, you deserved so much, Nayeon."
Yerin said Nayeon softly looking at Yerin. She is grateful to know Yerin even if their first meeting was rough. Yerin has always been a good friend to her. She wouldn't know what to do without her and might have to endure her pain alone. Nayeon smiles as she mumbles.
"Thank you, Rin." 
It was raining. Nayeon had herself looking outside the windows from the inside of the boutique with a worried expression. The dark sky along with the rains also... Thunder. She was scared of thunders. She can't even move when she saw the dark cloud. She shakes her head trying to not think so much. Nayeon walk to the table as she was caressing her stomach. Kai had told her that her pregnancy is still in the early stage thus her baby is fragile and small. Nayeon had herself soothing and calm as she tried to forget her fear with her unborn baby. 
"Aeri, let's stay here for a while. We will go home once the rain is gone." 
Nayeon whispers as she smiles. Her baby is still small yet Nayeon was excited each time she can feel little movement from the fetus. She was wondering if her baby going to be a girl or a boy? If a girl, she wishes she can dress her up and learn to tie her hair into a cute ponytail like how the cutey Haera did. If it's a boy, she would make sure he gets to play around in a big yard and learn horse riding like how Baekhyun does. 
Nayeon was suddenly in deep thought. Her heart was still in pain. What makes Baekhyun change so much like that? How can he easily doesn't trust her when she explained about Kai? Why he trusted someone else than her? Is what happened five years ago triggered him so badly? But again... Nayeon thought.. they were already married. Baekhyun should have trusted her and listened to her also.... love her. Nayeon closes her eyes as she thinks even more. However, the more she thinks, nothing is coming out since the answers are only with Baekhyun himself.
A few moments later, Nayeon open her eyes and was confused. She turns her head when the boutique suddenly turns dark. Her eyes went wavery. She looks outside as the rain is still heavily going down. Silence and darkness is surrounding her. Her hands were shaking as she heard thunder sounds. 
'no... I am alone..'
Nayeon could feel a sudden anxiety attack. The thunder strikes as she shrieks. Her breathing was fast. She had her kneel closer to her as she closes her ears and eyes tight. Unconsciously, Nayeon had herself teary. She can feel her eyes wet. Since she was pregnant, Nayeon realise how she easily let her emotions control her. She gets angry, sad, and emotional during this period. It couldn't help that she gets stressed easily and trouble by her problems lately. Nayeon tries to calm herself as she tries to divert her mind from the thunders and those malicious thoughts. She once again focuses on her baby.
'Aeri... let's not be scared... thunder is nothing.'
Nayeon mumbles as she holds her stomach tight and caresses it. It's only her and her baby now. She tries hard to not be triggered by the thunder however.... as soon as Nayeon thinks she is fine, another thunder strike was heard and she was losing her focus. Nayeon tightened herself. Her tears are more obvious before Nayeon finally gives up. Who is she kidding? She is a real coward. She was been trying to be brave all along. She is scared of thunder yet here she is... been all scared while squirming into a small ball just because of the thunder. She was being anxious and nervous because she afraid of being alone. She had always been alone until she married Baekhyun. With that thought, Nayeon was hit with another realization. She was afraid that she going to lose Baekhyun. Baekhyun has been with her and now that he is not here, she feels more lonely than ever. Nayeon then closes her eyes as she lets herself cry. Her voice finally cracked as tears was flowing again.
'Aeri... Mummy is alone... again...' 
Nayeon found herself in pain at that time as tears overflow her face. Her head feel dizzy than ever before a sudden light appeared from the corner of the room. It had Nayeon once again turn her head. Someone is coming in.
Is it Seojin? But she didn't come to the boutique for some time now. Nayeon doesn't know why but Seojin is just gone. Is it Yerin? But Yerin told her that she had a work trip today and will not be home thus why Nayeon is staying back at her boutique today. Is it a robber? It's dark thus it is easier to break in.
That thought had Nayeon freeze as her mind went wild. She was alone and pregnant. Nayeon then shakes with tears still rolling down her face as the light gets brighter. Her eyes were blurry when the light was directed at her. Nayeon had her left arm covering her from the light attack. 
Nayeon open her eyes again as she can feel someone hugging her tight when the light suddenly is on the ground as it was from a phone flashlight. Nayeon feels a sudden warmth. It was as if all the burden on her chest was been lifted. Her eyes went soft. It was the warmth she has been missed. A soft deep voice comes to her ears. She was registering the words that come from that voice.
"I am here..." 
An affirmation, a comfort, and a home.
Nayeon had herself crying again as she let herself lean on that person. Her voice was cracking. That name finally come out from . 
Baekhyun is there. 
Nayeon puts a cup of hot chocolate in front of Baekhyun who was freezing since he runs from the parking to the boutique as soon as he saw a blackout when he was watching Nayeon. He has been driving from Busan after Sehun give him the note from Yerin who telling Baekhyun that Nayeon is all alone today. Baekhyun who saw the dark sky on his way back had himself worried. Knowing how Nayeon hates the thunderstorm as she was shaking when he walks into the room where she was. The blackout ended when Baekhyun open the electric box and switch it again. Baekhyun once again speaks.
"Where yours?"
Baekhyun asks which Nayeon shakes her head. Even during making the chocolate drink, she felt nauseous but that's the only drink she saw available at the pantry thus she make it for Baekhyun.
"I don't want to. Chocolate makes me nauseous."
"So the baby is being picky huh?" 
"Hey, don't say Aeri like that."
Nayeon defends their baby as Baekhyun raises his eyebrows before he then laughs. Nayeon looks at him as he laughs. It's been some time since Baekhyun has been laughing. How long did they were separated that she unconsciously miss his laughter? 
"That's cute, Na."
"What cute?" 
"The baby nickname. Aeri. Cute." 
Nayeon founds herself smiling upon listening to Baekhyun's compliments. She randomly thinks of that name as she saw how people nickname

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SummerLuv 0 points #1
Chapter 43: The kids are sooooo cute!! & Baekhyun and Nayeon are still so madly in love 🥹 he's such a loyal man for keeping something since 5yo omg where to find such guy 😂
Chapter 43: Ohmagosh!their families are too cute.
SummerLuv #3
Chapter 42: Just finished reading this whole story and it's great!!! I like how the drama ain't too dramatic 🤣 props to sehun got being the matchmaker tho. Him and yerin are such good pairing HAHAHA
Chapter 9: hei author Park_Rafa88!!

well that was extremely..FUNky..lols..the meeting..the way his nini was like he is still mine..this is funny!!

⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
Chapter 8: hei author Park_Rafa88!!

hmmss..it seems she is already aware of what might occur between them..i do wonder how this will be for their friendship..i get the sense that they trust each other alots..

⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
Chapter 6: hei author Park_Rafa88!!

i am excited and curious as to what happens next between her and baekhyun!!

⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
Chapter 41: What a beautiful ending <333
Chapter 41: Baekhyun should not have worried much. He's the best husband and father! Btw, is nayeon pregnant again 🤣 can't wait for baekhyun's version!

Thank you for updating authornim 🌹
Chapter 6: I kept this subscribed for so many months, finally got time to read this fic, I'm in chapter 1 and it's so interesting to see their dynamics... Can't wait for more things to unfold...
Chapter 40: It was so sweet that baek is such an understanding person here🥰