Chapter 2


"What kind of a friend are you?" He huffed as he drove through practically the middle of nowhere.

"The kind that speaks the truth." Jongdae replied laughing brightly. He was sitting in the passenger seat next to Chanyeol who was driving.

"You don't want to come to your own friend's concert. Big of you, really." Chanyeol lamented. Jongdae continued to laugh.

"Its my Concert." Jongdae whined.

"Who likes to hear you sing?" Chanyeol whined back, pouting.

"Everyone, and if I don't sing, dude, your career will sink." Chanyeol smiled at that. It was almost true, most of the tracks he composed were used for Jongdae's albums.

"We have to be at the stadium early tomorrow for preparation." He stated, squinting in the dark in front of him to make out the road. The night was deadly quiet and the path was a dirt road. The dirt was reflecting the head light, obscuring the view. Chanyeol was driving slow to get through the dirt path. The last thing he wanted was to hurt someone.

"Who told you to tell me to take this road?" Chanyeol complained.

"Your google." Jongdae replied. "That is why I say my Siri is so much better."

"Jongdae, your Siri brought us here. Why are pinning it on my innocent google?" He shook his head smiling. "And we are not going to reach the stadium tomorrow that is for sure."

"Well because Siri is better no matter what."

"Google still has better fart jokes though." Chanyeol snickered.

The useless banter of the two continued as they drove on. "Dae my back is killing me." Chanyeol complained shifting in his seat.

 "There seems to be small town up ahead." Jongdae said looking at his phone, he had maps opened there and was zooming in on a particular spot. 

"Let me see." Chanyeol grabbed the phone from Jongdae and slowed the car to look at the small cluster on the map. "Not much of a town really. I don't think it is. Could be one of those where all the criminals go to hide." He commented.

"Yes but there is a diner. We can pick some drinks and then I'll drive the rest of the way."

"I don't think our phones have good enough signal and we shouldn't trust the map. We should head back, we are not that far from the city."

"Let's check the town first ask around and if we find nothing we'll head back."

"Sounds good." Chanyeol said and started following the directions on the map.

"Imagine if we got stuck here and all that was found here was our bodies."

Jongdae gave Chanyeol an incredulous look at his preposterous comment. It sunk in even more when they reached their destination.

The town was a ghost town. There was no diner and the few small dilapidated buildings that were there were abandoned. The dust relented and Chanyeol rolled the window down. He leaned out of the window to take a look around and heard a slight crack from his back. He immediately fell back in his seat and winced. 

Jongdae noticed. "Let me drive now." He took off his neck pillow and got out of the car while Chanyeol shifted to other seat without getting out. Once Jongdae was settled behind the wheel, he helped Chanyeol put the neck pillow in place and adjust his seat.

"Is it better?" Chanyeol nodded and thanked Jongdae. 

The town they were in, or more appropriately, the used to be town that they were in was eerie. For the first time since arriving, they took it in and from what Chanyeol could see of it, from his inclined seat, he did not like. He had this undescribable feeling that wrenched his gut and the hair on the end of his neck stood up. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. 

"Let's drive Jongdae." Chanyeol prompted when the car hadn't moved. Jongdae nodded and started to drive. It seemed so quiet and dark. The only light was coming from their car. Chanyeol being ever the scared cat kept feeling like someone was going to jump in front of their headlights. He closed his eyes. 

Not even a second had passed when he heard a scream. His eyes flew open.

A loud, shrill, blood curdling scream.

He sat up, pain in his back forgotten.

Someone was in pain. They could need help. His big round eyes moved around in his head, his long neck going this way and that in search of a sign of life. He found none. His hand instinctively went to the car door.

"No, no, no, no," Jongdae muttered. "You are not going out there." Jongdae said speeding up. 

"Stop." Chanyeol grabbed Jongdae's hand that was resting on the wheel. "Someone could need help."

And even without Jongdae coming to a full stop Chanyeol had already opened the car door and was out of the car. 

There was a small alley that they had passed, Jongdae saw Chanyeol heading towards there. Instead of leaving the car behind, he felt much safer bringing the car around so that in case they needed to run, they would be close to it. By the time Jongdae reversed the other man had vanished.

Chanyeol felt the dirt under his feet and his knees going weak when he stepped out of the car. All of his senses were on high alert and tingling. Now that he was out of the car he could hear all sorts of noises that alarmed him.

He took off jogging to a nearby alley where the sound seemed to have come from. He stopped right before he entered the alley.

Chanyeol hid behind the wall for a second and peaked into the alley, he could just about make out the silhouette of someone tall, taller than him standing at the end of the ally. He could now see a small light coming from a door in the alley that he had not noticed before. 

He went into the alley just as he felt the light of their car shift and coming towards where he was. He walked closer to the man in the alley who appeared to have not noticed him or Jongdae.  

Good. Said his common sense, now run like hell or you will die.

He pushed the fear down and noticed the guy had his back to him and he seemed to be eating something. When Chanyeol reached close enough to be heard but not touched he called out. 

"Hello? Do you need help?" He offered. Just then he heard a whimper and it came from the door to his right. He realised then that the scream he had heard was not of a man but of a child. It took a matter of seconds for the next few things to happen. Chanyeol looked at the door where he had heard the whimper coming from and Jongdae turned the car so that the light shone directly into the alley, illuminating the small space and the little portion of what was in that door. 

Chanyeol felt his throat close up his mind shut down as his eyes quickly moved from the door to the guy who had now turned around. His eyes seemed to glow with red light of pure evil, if Chanyeol didn't already have bile in his throat, he would have screamed. 

The guy stood at six foot five feet, his hands and face covered in blood, Chanyeol barely noticed the thing he had dropped. Despite it all Chanyeol's first instinct was to go get the poor creature lying beyond the door. 

That was a mistake though, because as soon as he moved a muscle, there was the glint of something silver.

"Jongdae go!" He managed to shout before he was pushed back against the wall, his head screaming at the impact. His hand instinctively came up to defend his body as he felt the first jolt of pain light his hand on fire. 

And without giving him time to breath or even blink, the dagger in the hands of his assailant found him not twice or trice, but seven times going anywhere and everywhere. Chanyeol felt his nerves fry with pain as the dagger cut his flesh like a hot knife cut butter. The assailant knew no stopping and only did so when Jongdae rammed the car full speed into the guy. 

Chanyeol's could already feel nothing but pain and pain and pain. It was immeasurable, it was blinding, it ws more than he had felt in his entire life. It was stealing his breath and all his other senses. He lost the ability to hear or perceive anything, with the pain in everywhere and he just wanted to make it stop. His eyes locked on the sight beyond the door and with the car closer, he could make the better view of what laid beyond. All he wanted was to go in there and sooth the eyes that stared at him. And it seemed like his eyes had glued themselves to that horrible sight, no matter how hard his tried they won't move. Somehow he ended up in the car, he remembered screaming because it burned so badly, and then darkness consumed him.




Jongdae cursed when he noticed that Chanyeol had vanished into thr alley. Sometimes he was way too reckless for his own good.

"Honestly Idont see how you have not run into a serial killer at this rate." He murmured as he drove a few feet and positioned his har to shine the light brightly into the alley mostly so that if there was someone dangerous they'd flee from the lights. From his spot he could see a tall guy with hunched poster, but he could not make out much because Chanyeol was standing in his view. He saw the guy drop something and his heart picked up.

His whole being screamed at him that this was going to turn messy and he begged and prayed to god that Chanyeol would not do anything stupid to trigger the other guy.

He saw Chanyeol's head move just barely to the door and then his whole body and he watched in horror as the guy moved just as Chanyeol screamed at him. The man pounced on his friend in a quarter of a second. Jongdae screamed as he crushed the go pedal and slammed the car into the guy attacking Chanyeol. He wasted no time in running out the car to him.

But the damage had been done. He saw Chanyeol sliding down the wall. Pain written all 9ver his features, the blood painting his face red with droplets, he varely noticed that he had stepped into a already existing pool of blood but he did not care. He had to get Chanyeol out of there

He grabbed Chanyeol's jacket to pull him up before chanyeol could fully sink into the ground, the blood on the street soaking Chanyeol's jacket and mixing with his out. He dragged him with all his force to the car he shoved Chanyeol into the passenger seat ignoring the screams of pain that the other male let out.

He barely stopped to think about whoever else could be here bleeding before he jumped back into the car. Whoever had lost that much blood to pain the alley red would already be dead. And if he did not hurry Chanyeol to the hospital, he would be too.

Without looking back Jongdae took off, he pushed the car to the limit. One of his hands rested on Chanyeol's wound and he could feel the blood seeping from underneath his fingers, staining the seat, he could hear Chanyeol's wet breaths as blood filled his lungs. 

Jongdae did not hesitate and stopped the car.

"Hey Siri? Call Lay" He commanded his phone while pressing his hands to Chanyeol's wounds. The blood wasn't stopping. Jongdae took his scarf off and his belt. He also removed his jacked and his shirt, leaving the undershirt on. He hastily folded the muffler into a ball and shoved it against Chanyeol's stomach, hoping against hope that nothing vital was damaged. He secured it in place with the belt. 

Second ring on his phone and no one had picked up the call, he kept waiting as he tore his shirt into two pieces one wrapped around Chanyeol's left thigh and the other on his forearm. He was glad that Chanyeol was not qwake for this part. 

The call didn't go through. Jongdae grabbed the phone, his hands slick with blood, it slipped from his hands and fell to the car floor. Jongdae let out a foul curse before picking it up and seeing that Yixing was calling him back.

He put his phone on louder and started to drive again, as fast as he could go.

He realised he had veered a little off course but no matter, he quickly adjusted his direction and floored the gas pedal. 

"Yixing?" He called back to his phone.

"Are you okay?" He heard Lay saying.

"No." Jongdae inly then realised that his voice was breaking. "Hyung." He sobbed only now he noticed that he was crying. Terror that had set itself deep in his bones was making itself known. 

"Jongdae, where are you? What is wrong."

"Chanyeol, Hyung someone stabbed him many times I'm heading to the hospital, I don't think he is going to make it."

"Where are you?" Yixing asked again.

Jongdae told yixing how they had been outside the city and upon Yixing's instructions Jongdae drove his car to the edge of the city where Yixing told his that ambulance would be waiting for them.

"Bring him there." Yixing's voice rang out clear and full of charge. 

"Tell me about how he is right now, is he awake?"

Jongdae knew Chanyeol wasn't, but he still looked to his side to make sure. "No"

"Okay, its okay. Just focus on driving." Yixing assured.

Jongdae entered the back into the city all the while staying on call with yixing giving him minute by minute report of Chanyeol's condition. 

True to his word an ambulence was waiting. Jongdae stopped the car and rushed out. Yixing was there as well, waiting for them. Jongdae wanted to hug him and cry but he held back letting the crew get Chanyeol out and Yixing take charge of the situation as they loaded him in the ambulance and drove. Jongdae followed in his own car right behind them.

As soon as they reached the hospital and Jongdae saw Chanyeol being wheeled in to the trauma center he felt like he would collapse. He had never seen Chanyeol this pale. And he had seen him plenty sick when he overworked himself on occasions. He was about to wipe his tears with his hands when he remembered all the blood coating them. It made him feel sick. That was Chanyeol's blood, why was there so much if it. No human should lose this much blood. It made him feel scared for Chanyeol's life. Jongdae wasted no time in rushing to the bathroom to clean it up, if he left it there for one more second he felt like it would never come off. 

He scraped his hands so much that they were red by the end of 10 minute wiping session. He looked up into his own face reflecting in the mirror. He and Chanyeol were so happy tonight, it was going to be Jongdae's first solo concert and Chanyeol had been so excited to help him and had offered to go with Jongdae to the stadium and stay by his side. They had even planned to meet Minsoek for drinks tonight.

Minsoek! He remembered. He fished his pocket forhis phone whoch came out crusty ith dried blood. Jongdae shoved it under the tap, not caring if it was water proof or not. Getting some paper towers he cleaned it enough to use it. 

He threw the paper towels, also red with blood, into the trash bin and was about to call Minsoek when he got the call from the said man. He immediately picked up but hesitated to say anything as the other man rambled on the other side. 

"Jongdae, I've been waiting an out where are you? He heard the slightly annoyed voice say. According to their plan they should have been there around 30 minutes ago. Getting thrown off course had already cost them a lot of time and then ...

Jongdae rubbed his forehead with his hand willing the shakiness in his voice and tears in his eyes away.

He took a deep breath before he talked. "Hyung," His voice was still shaky. "Hyung, I - we can't come." He said quietly. His surroundings were too quiet to be comforting.

"What's wrong." Minsoek's worried voice rang out un his ear. "Do you need me to come?"

How could he tell him that Chanyeol was dying?

"It's Chanyeol. Hyung we're at the hospital, you need to come." Jongdae decided to just say whatever came into his mind. Thank fully it got the point across. Chanyeol was someone that Minsoek used to baby sit even though he was very young too. And ever since then Minsoek had a soft spot for the taller male, even with his extremely annoying habbits. 

"Send me the address." Jongdae could feel the slight tremor in Minsoek's voice. He knew the older would waste no time in getting here, who else was there to call after all. They were all that Chanyeol had. 

Jongdae sent the address as soon as the call ended along with the warning to drive carefully. It would take around 3 hours for him to get here. It wasn't clear how long it would take Chanyeol to come out of the surgery though. It had only been about 30 minutes and judging by the expression he had seen Yixing support when he took first look at Chanyeol, he knew it was going to be a long time.

Or it could be a very short one.

Jongdae shuddered visibly. Shaking his head to stop his thoughts from betraying him, he went back to the waiting area and kept a close eye on doctors coming in and out of the room he had seen Chanyeol being wheeled into. 

Soon his head started to feel heavy and there was a headache making its presence known, pain hammering his skull open. Jongdae rubbed it with his fingers and closed his eyes to stop the bright hospital lights from irritating. It was then that a nurse came bearing coffee and handed it to him. 

"Dr. Zhang said to give this to you." He took the coffee and thanked the lady with a bow before sipping it. It burned his tongue a little but it distracted him so he did not complain. 

As soon as the coffee was consumed, his limbs that had grown cold started to heat up again and he felt himself further sink in the chair. 



Next thing he knew he was being shaken by someone. He opened his eyes to see a very wirried and wide eyed Minsoek.

"Hyung." He stood up so fast that a dizzy spell hit him. He closed his eyes to focus, when he opened his eyes he did not miss the other guy's moist eyes. 

"What happened?" Minsoek asked, Jongdae could tell that he was barely keeping from bombarding him with endless questions. But Minsoek seemed to have noticed that he was having trouble standing so he guided the younger to sit back down, taking the empty seat beside him for himself.

"Bad." Jongdae answered having no idea how to insinuate this. "We decided to take a short cut that showed up on our map but it was just a signal issue and we got lost..." he started to explain. Words coming out in jumble, tangled and slurred together as he tried to recall what had happened, feeling like he was going to be sick anytime. He should not have taken that coffee, he thought as he swallowed the bile once again. 

They were still discussing the incudent when they were interrupted by a short guy in brown baggy jacket and a buzz cut.

"Which one of you is Mr. Kim?" He asked.

"We both are." Jongdae frowned. He looked at his friend in confusion but they both stood up. "Who are you?"

"I'm sorry," the guy apologised, taking out a card and showing it to the duo. "Kim Jongdae." 

"Its me" jongdae said as he took a small step forward.

"I'm detective Do Kyungsoo." Said the newcomer putting the card back into his jacket. "I need you to accompany me to the station, I need to record your statement regarding the condition of Mr. Park"

Jongdae looked at Minsoek as if asking for permission. The older looked worried and troubled.

"Is there going to be need of a lawyer?" He inquired. Taking Jongdae's hand and squeezing it for reassurance. 

"Not today, we are just following the protocol." Kyungsoo articulated. He shifted his weight to the other leg and his hands to his hips as ge kept talking. "When someone comes to the trauma on the brink of death we have to take statements." That was a little harsh, Kyungsoo thought to himself. On the brink of death. He could have used softer words. 

Minsoek thought for a second and leaned to whisper something into Jongdae's ear before nodding and letting him go. Before Jongdae could make it too far Minsoek noticed thay Jongdae had forgotten his jacket and recalled the change of clothes he had brought for Jongdae. He called him over and handed the small bag of clothes to Jongdae who took 5 minutes to change before he left with Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo allowed this because it made his job easier, the the clothes were going to be tqken away for evidence anyway. He took the opportunityto confiscate the abandoned jacket too. 

Kyungsoo lead Jongdae to the car, he did not however noticed the other guy making a call as he was existing. He faintly heard the other guy mention the name Luhan.

He rolled his eyes, great.






"Yellow hoodie? Yes I see him. Fine I'll go there."

Luhan pushed himself off the wall and walked towards the incoming officers and a guy slightly shorter than him in yellow hoodie.

"Detective Do?" He extended his hand to greet the short male with a smile. "I'm Mr. Kim Jongdae's lawyer."

Kyungsoo made a face. "I figured." He grumbled before looking at Jongdae. "There's no need for it. You know it's just a statement."

"Well you wouldn't mind if i sat there with you would you? Come on Soo, I'm your friend."

"This is my job." He heard Kyungsoo say under his breath, He threw a friendly punch at Kyungsoo's arm and took Jongdae by the arm to lead him away from the officers. 

"Give me 5 minutes with my client." He told them and took 15 instead sitting him down on a chair in the reception area he briefed Jongdae on what the next process was going to be. He took time to listen to Jongdae explaining the events of the night and nodded.

"Just don't worry too much I'll be there with you okay?" Luhan assured and guided Jongdae to the area where investigation rooms were.

Jongdae had no strength left at this point. He was allowing Luhan to treat him like a child, taking Luhan's hand when he was offered and being lead to be questioned. Just as was entering room no. 2 he saw someone coming out of the room directly adjacent to it in the other hallway. 

Jongdae would not have noticed if it wasn't for Luhan stopping him and apologising before going to talk to the party of three, two of which had not been in the investigation room but joined the guy who had come out of it.

Jongdae had never before given much thought to other people but seeing the guy Luhan was talking to, he thought he had never seen such raw sadness and pain in anyone's eyes before. 

It took him a couple minutes before he came back. 

"Let's go." He lead Jongdae in. 




Jongdae did not want to remember what he had seen only hours ago. He could not believe it himself. Had really been only hours ago? He felt like days had passed and yet like he was still there frozen behind the wheel of his car for that fractionof a second that it took him to realise he needed to do something. So he had rammed his car against the killer. No, not the killer. Chanyeol was still alive and he was going to pull through. He did not want to recall the the man who had struck fear in him even when he couldn't see him but the glimpses he got of his bloodied arm and clothes were enough to send shiver down Jongdae's spine.

Blood that belonged to Chanyeol. 

Until now Jongdae couldn't even believe that so much blood could even come from a human. 

Detective Do was not very empathetic when it came to the questioning but at least he was respectful, Jongdae concluded and he could roll with that. He could see that the Detective meant well but his words seemed to have a blunt edge to them. He was a cut to the chase sort of man.

"And you did not see the face?"

"No, at first Chanyeol was standing in front of me so I couldn't, then I hit him with my car when he wasn't even looking at me and he fell face down so I never got the chance." He explained, he had been to busy hauling Chanyeol away from the guy to see his face. "I'm sure Chanyeol saw it though."

"I see." Then jongdae had been given a map to point out where all of this had happened and try as he might he could not find the place. Damn that google map.

"Can you lead the police to the exact spot where it happened?" Kyungsoo asked. Jongdae nodded. 

"Let's go." Kyungsoo stood up.

"N-now?" Jongdae asked shocked. Kyungsoo nodded.

"This might be a deranged killer." He pointed out. "This guy can and will kill more people if not stopped we need to get him as soon as possible."

Jongdae wanted to correct Kyungsoo and say that no, Chanyeol was only injured but he did not push the matter. Admitting defeat he simply nodded and lead detective and a car of backup cops to the alley. It took a little while to find it again but he found the place none the less. 

Seeing it, he suddenly felt lightheaded and dizzy. He had just been here around 5 hours ago why was he here again. He was standing with Kyungsoo and Luhan looking at the blooded and empty street.

What he could not believe however was that there was no sign except the blood that anyone had ever been here. 

But he had been here, Chanyeol had been here. He had tried to help someone, and he ended up in the hospital because he had a good heart. Jongdae suddenly felt awful, despite all that, Chanyeol had not been able to help anyone. So many stabs, and for what?

He could not hold it anymore. The bile that had been rising since he had left this place finally came back with a vengeance. He turned around and vomited on next to the car tire. He nor Luhan had been allowed to enter the alley. Only Kyungsoo had done so, with utmost care so he wouldn't destroy any evidence. When Jongdae vomited, Kyungsoo turned around to look at him. 

"Take him to the car, he doesn't need to relive this." Kyungsoo said softly to Luhan and the other guy obliged, Jongdae being all the better for it.

Jongdae was finally cleared an hour later and Minsoek was called to pick him up from the location. Luhan decided to stay at the sight with Kyungsoo. Luhan and Kyungsoo were good friends as Jongdae came to know. He was thankful too because he felt like it made a lot easier for him to trust Kyungsoo, since Luhan trusted him and Minsoek trusted Luhan. 

The lawyer made sure Jongdae was okay and offered him water to rinse his mouth, Jongdae did and then drank the rest of it. Luhan then turned his attention back to Kyungsoo he had seen the look on his face. The guy might be a cold but he did get affected by things especially when they got this crazy. Maybe seeing so many of them had hardened him up. But no matter how much of violence and human monstrosity one witnessed it never got any less horrifying.

When Minsoek finally arrived he was kept away from the sight as well. Luhan however wanted to so for other motives. He did not want the other to see the now dried blood mixed with dirt but he still saw it, the lights of two cars was shining on ut illuminating the alley not to mention Kyungsoo’s very bright torch. Minsoek was frozen in place for several long moments before he shook his head and walked back to his car. Luhan just barely noticed him wiping his eyes.

A while after Minsoek and Jongdae left, Kyungsoo came back to their car and plopped down on the seat rubbing his eyes. He had been looking everywhere with a torchlight and given his bad eyes, his head must have been aching. Luhan put a hand on his shoulder. 

Kyungsoo grabbed his phone and checked time on it. 

"They should be here by now." He said and as if he had been heard by the universe, a large white van stopped near them.

Forensic team was here.

The team was accompanied by Jongin and Tao. They came and greeted Kyungsoo warmy. 

"Will you handle it here?" He asked Tao as Jongin quickly lead his team to work on collectign all they could. Tao nodded and Kyungsoo briefed him a little on what he had observed. 

"Jongin, will you try to get these results to me as soon as possible?" Kyungsoo called. The other man looked up from his camera and nodded. 

"I'll try to make this case a priority." Jongin said adjusting his camera again and snapping a photo of the blood. "You'll hear from me within the next 24 hours."

"Thanks Jongin." Kyungsoo said genuinely, he moti9ned for Luahn to go and they got into the car. Kyungsok allowed himself a moment to breathe. His phone pinged and he read the messed. 

"They finished the surgery." He sighed. "Its 5 already and have a hospital visit to make to check on the victim."

"Can't you send someone else for the visit?" Luhan asked, he could see the large bags forming under Kyungsoo’s eyes. 

"No, its better to go myself. I wouldn't mind if you drove though." Luhan and Kyungsoo exchanged seats and Kyungsoo closed his eyes resting his head on the windshield. 


The next time Kyungsoo opened his eyes, he was offered coffee by Luhan, they were already in front of the hospital. Kyungsoo gladly accepted the coffee and the brown paper bag Luhan had brought. Donut. His stomach growled when he saw the food. He was starving. 

The sun was just coming up. He made quick work of eating the donut and exited the car with his coffee. It felt like each sip breathed a little bit of his soul back into him. Being a crime unit detective was hard. 

He met up with Jongdae and Minsoek he believed their names were in the waiting area. Thankfully there seemed to be a doctor there as well.

"Hi," He greeted softly to make his presence known. 

"Detective." Yixing greeted back. "I believe you are here for the patient who was brought in tonight?" Kyungsoo nodded with an affirmation sound.

"When can I see him and take his statement?" He asked the doctor. Yixing looked troubled.

"Come with me." Yixing said, slightly bowing to Minsoek and Jongdae. "I'll just be a minute guys if you have any other queries you can ask me then."

"Are you the one who refused to let me see the patient?"

"Yes, He was in surgery and i do not like when i am interrupted while trying to save a life." Yixing's voice had such finality that Kyungsoo didn’t speak for several moments.

"Can I talk to the patient?"

"Well you can't." He revealed. "Not for at least three days. You see Mr. Park suffered from 6 stab wounds, 3 of which were on his stomach. His lung was punctured and so was his liver. Thankfully the lacerations weren't as bad as they could have been but it was mostly luck, I'll be honest."

Kyungsoo waited for the doctor to continue,

"We had to put him in a medically induced coma for his body to heal up. It was a quite arduous operation, but he pulled through this far I believe he will be fine."

Kyungsoo could see the doubt written on the doctors face." You don't seem to believe thay yourself Doctor."

Yixing stopped in his tracks right outside of the ICU and turned to face Kyungsoo. "I cannot allow you to go any further than this unless you agree to see him under my supervision." Yixing stated, skillfully dodging Kyungsoo's comment. He hated losing patients and this was someone his friend cared deeply for, he felt extremely protective of the guy fighting for his life in this hospital. 

The detective must have read the thoughts on his face because his next question reflected it. "Is he your friend? Is that why i need to be 'supervised'?" Kyungsoo made air quotes with his fingers.

Yixing chuckled. "I care for all my patients equally Detective, but yes I know Chanyeol on a little more personal level. He is a distant friend."

Kyungsoo nodded. "Fine I'll see him, you can be there." He entered the intensive care unit with Yixing and was lead to a far corner where someone quite tall was lying under the sheets as pale as a ghost, surrounded by pipes and wires, a mask covering his face as it pushed air into the injured man. A monitor on the left showed his vitals.

"Is it as bad as it looks?" Kyungsoo inquired. Yixing sighed heavily taking a seat on a bench near the wall.

So it was as bad.

"I didn't say this before but I doubt he will wake up from this coma, it was dangerousthing to put him under but it was merely impossible to save him without it. This doesn't look good for him." 

Kyungsoo balled his hands into fists at the anger he felt. He would not allow anyone who could do this to another human being live free. He made a mental pact to catch the culprit no matter what, but the kink was that the only witness was in critical condition in front of him and there were no other leads so far. In his heart and a fire had started.

 Kyungsoo’s phone rang, 


"Yes, i just wanted to tell you that we collected the samples, I will run the blood analysis first and hopefully you'll get the report in the next 24 hours." 

"Okay thanks Nini" He hung up and put the phone back in his pocket. "Tell me if there are any changes with him." He said looking at Yixing who nodded.

He met Luhan in the reception area, who was busy talking with Minsoek. At seeing him Luhan abandoned his conversation with the other male and rushed to him. "Do want to be dropped at the apartment?" He asked taking out his keys and walking out of the hospital.

"No I have to go to the station ask Tao update on the other case." He remembered that he had forgotten his coffee somewhere in the hospital. He did not even rememberputting it down. "I think someone else might be taking that one but I still have to know until its under me." He still looked around in hopes that the coffee would magically appeare again. "What a waste." He muttered.

"I'll get you a new one. Rest a little until then."

True to his promise Luhan got Kyungsoo an even better coffee. He devoured it while he and Tao discussed the missing child case. He had only planned to stay there an hour or so but soon he had gotten a call from the nearby search party that was still active and he decided to head there with Tao. The day flew by and Kyungsoo barely had a chance to close his eyes or even sit down. 

He had requested an interview with the the family of the missing girl's brother. Apparently she only had a brother, the rest of her family had passed away in separate accidents. When he had talked with Tao a few things had bothered him quite a lit about the brother so he called for a meeting again. He hated to scratch at this gaping wound in case the brother was innocent but he hd to be sure. 

Kyungsoo finally got a chance to relax in the evening and he went home to shower and rest a little. He only allowed himself a couple of hours of sleep before heading back to the station. A he had been able to see in his restless sleep was the face of the guy lying in the hospital and the brother of the victim. So he decided to ditch sleep and head over to the station to take a look at previous interrogation recordings again, in case he had missed something. 

He was rubbing his neck by the end of it, it was aching so much. 

"When did you come back?" Kyungsoo looked up to see Tao entering his office. 

"Nothing much." His stomach growled right at that second. He patted it. "Tao will you be a darling and bring me something to eat?" 

"Sure what would you like? We have instant noodles and instant noodles."

Kyungsoo groaned. "Sounds like heaven, anything will do. I think I'lljust head home after anyways, there isn't much to-" He was interrupted by his phone ringing. He turned his phone towards Taoto show him the caller id. It was Jongin. "Speaking of." He said before taking the call.

"Hyung." Jongin sounded elated, his voice a litter higher than usual, it made Kyungsoo weary. "This is weird. I ran the test 5 times."

"What is wrong?" He sat up a little.

"There was blood that belonged to 2 people there." Jongin started to explain. "One was from the guy from last night. And the other. Hyung its a match."

"It matches whom?" 

"The other case that you brought evidence from the other day. The one with the missing 12 year old. It matches her blood."

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and he raised his eyes and looked at Tao.

"Forget the food, we have to meet Jongin." 


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 5: Wow - what a rescue- unfortunately there was a lot of collateral damage - how is Kyungsoo?? What move will the killer make next??
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 4: Chanyeol is so brave to take the killers bait - please save Baek 🙏
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 3: No!!! Please don't let anything bad happen to Baek 😣
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 1: Very intense intro - who is the "bastard" who tried to help??
Chapter 4: what a cliffhanger!
Chapter 2: This is very good, can't wait to read more