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"Alright, Jungwon," Jangmi announced for her brother's attention as she stood on the stage within the restaurant in-between Kana and Haeyoon.

"Yes!" Haeyoon interjected, excitedly as she motioned at her and the other two.

"This is my, Kana, and Jangmi's birthday present to you!"

Kana announced the quartet as the four were awaiting off to the side in their outfits, matching their group name. The owner allowed the trio to invite the quartet for a special performance tonight.

"It's a dance performance from The Bumblebees!"

The cousins were requested by the trio that day Minsung came to find them. Besides the three, there were several others interested for other events, if possible. Kierra, Serena, Linna, and Melanie spoke with Yeseul and Yeojin on how to go about it as the two were owners of 20 CUBE, but the decision still lied with the quartet since they would be performing. Prior to Jungwon's birthday, the quartet performed at two other events for a colleague's cousin's wedding and a busking event for charity. Anyways, the four casually came onto the stage while waving at the crowd. Their outfits consisted of shoes, sweat pants, hoodies, face masks, and snapbacks to overall conceal their identities. The only thing you could make out were their hands and possibly their eyes.

"Once again, The Bumblebees, and enjoy!"

Serena, Kierra, Melanie, and Linna opted for a dance performance as they wanted to have a little more fun this time around.

"Music, cue!"

The four got into position as they rearranged the choreography of the songs to fit their team of four as they have already done these songs in the past. Know Your Name was their first performance, followed by Solo, then Me Like Yuh (K), and lastly with All I Wanna Do (K). Luckily, there weren't any disturbances like last time and the crowd cheered like at Jangmi's birthday.

"Please give a warm applause to The Bumblebees!"

Kana, Jangmi and Haeyoon clapped with the others cheering as the trio gathered on the stage once more once the quartet finished their set.

"Now, we'll have to say goo-"

Jungwon interrupted his sister.

"Wait. Can I make a request?"

The trio looked at the quartet before Melanie motioned with an arm to proceed to what the request was.

"What is the request?"

"Can I ask them to do All I Wanna do, but with me and my friends joining?"

Both Kierra and Linna replied at the same time as the patrons awaited for a response.


Before anyone else could respond with the other customers laughing at the situation, the four waved goodbyes and dashed off while laughing. Riki stared after them, curious, but didn't ponder on it as he became interested in the mentioning of cake.

"Well, there's your response." Haeyoon said as the staff took over to re-directed the attention elsewhere for their next scheduled act.

The trio returned to their table with just their brothers and their friends as their parents went home early for the weekend to prepare for Seollal.

"So, who wants cake?"

Upon hearing the cake bit, both Linna and Melanie made their way over to the table and stood in-between the trio.

"Could we have some cake to go, too, please?"

Serena and Kierra also returned upon remembering something while each carrying a grocery bag they had brought with them earlier.

"Ah, you can give this to the birthday boy and his friends, too." Kierra informed them as Serena laughed.

"I guess you can say it's also a Valentine's Day gift, too. We know y'all won't be here and hope y'all like the chocolates."

"Okay, bye!" The other two ran off while leaving the other two behind to collect on the dessert.

"I'll take this to the others as I need to use the restroom." Melanie informed Linna after receiving her slices of cake.


Linna casually watched her cousin walked off before focusing her attention onto the delicious looking cake. When she got her slices, too happy and in thought about it, Linna turned too quickly and ran into another body causing the cake to smear hers and the other person's clothing.

"I am so sorry." Linna immediately apologized as the other person calmly told her it was also his fault.

Linna's brows furrowed upon recognizing the voice and glanced up to see Sunghoon who had returned from the restroom himself.

"Park Sunghoon?"

She didn't realized she said his name out loud.

"Ah, yes." Sunghoon confirmed with a sweet smile.

"Do I know you?"

"Ah, no."

Linna side-step around him, nervously. Sunghoon reached a hand out as if to stop her.

"Ah, wait a minute."

"No, no, no." Linna repeated as she evaded his hand and ran off while softly yelling a 'sorry'.

"Do you know her?"

Jay asked, coming up to his friend shortly afterwards also having used the toilet as Sunghoon chuckled sheepishly with a shake of his head.

"I don't think so, but I'm pretty sure she knows me though."

"How about a well-deserved break, yeah?"

Melanie, Kierra, Linna, and Serena along with Riki and Kana were cleaning, organizing, prepping, and preparing Simplistic a day before Seollal. A few days ago, Seoyoung called her employees to discuss the re-opening of the cafe despite still being overseas. Jaekyung was put in charge to run the place since quitting her own job to help Seoyoung, even if though the place would resume it's limited hours of operations again. The quartet were more than thrilled to have the place up and running again as they have missed eating the rice balls and mochi waffles.

"Oh, yes!"

Both Kana and Riki jumped to their feet excitedly as they rushed towards Jaekyung to aid her with the food and other things. The two siblings stayed behind to hang out with the cousins upon learning they wouldn't be going anywhere for Seollal. Their other friends had offered for the two to spend it with them and their families, but the pair declined and choose to stay in Seoul to help their four friends with Simplistic instead.

"I'm not the greatest cook," Jaekyung began with a sheepish laugh, "But since all of you are far from home, I wanted to do something."

The group of six were thankful for her consideration, knowing she decided to stay in Seoul for the holiday instead of going back home. Still, both she and Seoyoung didn't mind as this would mean Simplistic would be up and running again, allowing others to visit the cafe during Seollal. The group's conversations were filled with lots of talks consisting of memories of their family and friends. Jaekyung even explained and informed to the six of how Seollal was traditionally celebrated and other things that have shifted over the years.

"It's a great three-day holiday to spend time with family, but the traffic is a hassle."

Soon the topic shifted overall onto Simplistic before returning back to Seollal with Jaekyung gazing at them.

"So, what places do the six of you want to visit during the next three days?"

The six spent their three-day holiday without Jaekyung as she spent the days with her boyfriend instead to give the friends bonding time. The group decided to travel around Seoul's Five Grand Palaces, wearing colorful hanbok for free admission. They took many pictures for memories as well as to share online with family and friends. The group spent day one mainly at Gyeongbokgung due to being the largest of the five, taking many pictures throughout it's many buildings. Especially at the main gate of Gwanghwamun and the narrow streets of Bukchon Hanok Village.

For day two, they tour around Changdeokgung which was the favored palace out of the five and it's structures. What the group liked about this place the most was the garden of Huwon filled with a lotus pond, pavilions, and landscaped lawns, trees, and flowers. Definitely one of the most scenic places for picture taking. Then the group headed over to a third palace at Changgyeonggung before finishing the day exploring it's many structures to which they felt had quite a lot of history.

On the last day, they started their day with Deoksugung, witnessing the fourth palace's modernized and a westernized garden and fountain. The younger four also joked about the urban myth of the walkway about couples who walk down the road of the Deoksugung Stonewall are fated to break-up. After that, they visited the least well-known palace, Gyeonghuigung, of the five. Yet the place still had it's own charm and history to appreciate like the Seoul Museum of History and the Seoul Museum of Art.

Afterwards on all three days, the cousins worked at Simplistic from five in the evening to nine at night. Even Kana and Riki helped out just for the weekend after Jaekyung spoke with Seoyoung for approval. Of course, while making the usual orders, Riki brought his own pan to make fish-shaped pastries. Eventually, they ended up selling the bread dessert, but made Riki in charge of making them. When Sunday rolled around with it being Valentine's Day, too, the fish-shaped pastries surprisingly sold the most with various fillings.

"Ugh, I can't believe school starts back up again next week."

Kierra groaned as she and the other three crashed around their living room.

"Well, at least I'm just glad we got all the enrollment and course registration completed."

The quartet lived in a sharehouse, belonging to their Korean teacher, Hwang Hyebin and her husband, Jeon Changwook. The couple rented the home for Hyebin's students over the course of her educational career before making arrangments with the cousins to live at the home just the four of them. This was due to the other residents either returning home, moving to another area, or other personal issues that couldn't be compromise. While Hyebin and Changwook lived in another province not that far away, she still kept in touch with the four and aided the quartet with their home expenses and other home-related issues, if any.

"Tell me about it. I'm just glad to not have run into anyone we know." Serena said as she lied on the other side of the couch from Kierra.

"Don't we need to go shopping for supplies?" Linna commented while looking at the other three.

"Oh, let's go."

Melanie's mood perked up.

"I want a new notebook."

"You can have mine." The older two chimed, nonchalantly.

Melanie rolled her eyes while Linna agreed with the idea of it.

"C'mon, let's go shopping. I know y'all like buying them cute stationary to collect and use later."

Both Kierra and Serena eyed one another with a knowing smile before looking at the younger two.

"Alright, let's go."

"Where to next?" Serena asked as the four left Gong Cha with drinks and snacks in hands.

After shopping for school supplies, the quartet decided to get some boba for Serena's fix since they were already out and about. Before the trio could suggest other places to go to, the cousins heard their names being called in the distance.

"Do you hear that?" Kierra asked while looking at the trio.

"Yeah." Meanie confirmed.

"It sounds like a guy's voice."

They paused while trying to focus on hearing better.

"Sounds familiar." Linna mentioned yet couldn't figure out how familiar.

"Ah, ."

Came Serena's muttered response as she tried to move out of the way upon recognizing Riki running towards them, especially headed in her direction. Just as the other three turned around, they witnessed Serena being glomped by Riki, unable to move out of the way.


The pair went crashing onto the sidewalk as the trio avoided getting splashed by Serena's drink. They refrained from laughing at the incident, but burst into laughter a second later anyway. Serena cast her cousins and sister a look, not amused.

"Nishimura Riki?!" She scolded in a firm tone.

The playful look disappeared from his face as he immediately stood up.


He cast Serena with a sheepish smile as he offered a hand and she reluctantly took it with a sour face.

"Why couldn't you have done this to the others?"

"You were closer."

Serena tsked.

"No more service for you at Simplistic."

"Aww, don't be like that."

"I will be and no fish-shaped pastries for you either."

"Oh, c'mon. It wasn't that bad."

She eyed him as the other three watched the pair, amused.

"Fine. You owe me a new drink then."

"Do I have to?"


"Can I owe you something else?"

"Like what?"

"Fish-shaped pastries."

Riki cast her with a smile as Serena reluctantly gave in.

"I guess."

"Okay. Thanks."

"You're not welcome."

Riki nudged her playfully as Serena did the same thing in good-nature.

"As long as they're not made by you."

"I make decent ones."

"I know, but I still don't want it from you."

"That's mean."

The two continued to playfully nudge one another with

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