not meant to be.

jealousy is a disease.
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Hello all! We are at the end, folks! I'm so excited for you all to read this last chapter as well as the epilogue which will come soon after. It has been fun working on this story and maybe I will write another IVE story sometime in the future! I hope you enjoy this chapter and please stay tuned for the epilogue!




It is now the day of the baby shower and Wonyoung could not feel more nervous.

She is not sure if she would be able to stand celebrating and being happy that Yujin is having a baby with another woman. Especially for that long.

However, she is glad she will have Rei and Jiwon by her side the whole time.

Wonyoung hears knocking on her apartment door, signaling Rei and Jiwon's arrival. They decided that the two of them will come and pick up Wonyoung so they can ride there together. She walks over to the door and opens it, smiling as she greets her closest friends.

"Hey!" Wonyoung greets them with a wave.

"Hey Wonyoung! Are you ready to go?" Rei asks, smiling as well.

"Yeah! Let me just go grab the gift," Wonyoung responds turning to run towards the gift she got for Yujin and Gaeul for their baby, which she left sitting on her dining room table.

For baby showers, it is always expected for everyone attending to bring a gift for the baby. Usually it is a hell lot of diapers, so Wonyoung decided to be different. She did not want to buy clothing either because she does not know how big the baby will be when she is born. Besides, the baby would grow out of the clothes in a couple months or so anyways. She wanted to get something more long-lasting.

So, Wonyoung decided to pick out some books for the baby. Books are long-lasting and memorable. Wonyoung remembers how one of her mothers used to read a book to her every night before she went to bed when she was a child. So, she hoped Yujin, Gaeul, and their baby would appreciate something like that too. It is definitely what Wonyoung would prefer if she was having a baby.

Wonyoung picks up the gift off the dining room table before turning back to look at Rei and Jiwon.

"Okay, now I'm ready," Wonyoung responds, not sounding excited at all as she walks back over towards the door. 

"Come on Wonyoung," Rei sighs, resting a hand on her taller friend's shoulder. "Have a bit more enthusiasm. Your best friend is having a baby and thought she should invite you to her baby shower. Isn't that exciting?" She asks, trying to help Wonyoung realize the reality of it all.

"I mean, I guess..." Wonyoung shrugs.

"Alright, now let's go," Jiwon keeps the three of them moving as they leave Wonyoung's apartment together and make their way to Yujin and Gaeul's.

Once the car drives into the parking lot of Yujin and Gaeul's apartment complex, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. It feels like her heart has sunk into her stomach. She gulps dryly and nervously, not looking forward to what is ahead. Though she knows she should just try to make the best out of it. To make sure Yujin is happy.

Yujin's happiness matters the most.

The three of them make it just in time, heading into Yujin's apartment. Yujin is first to greet them with a big smile. Wonyoung notices that her baby bump has seemingly grown even more since the last time she saw her.

The apartment is decorated nicely with baby-themed decortations, as well as a table with snacks and refreshments, including a delicious-looking cake. If anything, Wonyoung is here for the food.

"Hey, welcome you three!" Yujin heads over to the three of them, immediately pulling Wonyoung into a tight hug. "I missed you, Wonyoung. I'm so used to seeing you all the time so it was weird not seeing you for a few weeks. I'm glad you could come to my baby shower. I don't know what I would have done if you couldn't. I would have been so heartbroken."

Wonyoung can't help but feel warmth in her chest. She can feel just how much Yujin cares about her. Although she has been the one avoiding Yujin, she will admit that she has missed her too. She got so used to seeing her almost every day that not seeing her for a couple weeks felt so weird. 

"I missed you too. I'm glad I could come! No more sickness this time," Wonyoung responds with a chuckle as she hugs her friend back.

As Wonyoung feels Yujin's baby bump gently press against her as they hug, she can't help but think about th

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I have a samequel/sequel planned… keep your eyes out for it 👀


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eunhabyul #1
Chapter 11: this was a rollercoaster of emotions lol im glad it was a happy ending but realistically i would've kay em essed myself if i were in wonnie's shoes and ended up finding out she did indeed like her too at some point lol shsjsjd
cool_tomato10 #2
Chapter 11: Can you write a LizRei sequel with this? I sure got curious about those two.
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 11: I need wonyoung's wedding too
reigngrey #4
Chapter 11: Thanks for a happy ending i forgot about yuna. Did not expect her to be the one. 😊
nakrin75 #5
Chapter 10: wonnako ending please
reigngrey #6
Chapter 10: Thats good wonny. You will find the one. Cant wait for the epilogue. Hoping for at least a happy ending for wonyoung. I wonder who will it be minju? Chaewon? Nako?
Chapter 10: okay here come rich aunty wonyoung
JoshuaSiobal #8
Chapter 10: Ooooh, I feel like this is going to turn into a family instead of romantic theme <3
Chapter 9: wonny 😔
bluejin #10
Chapter 5: just whyy