
Winter’s Spring


🕯️ 🌼 🕯️











































❄️ 🕯️ 🌼

You sniffle, sitting alone under a willow tree while the rest of your class gathers together in the courtyard. They’ve always done that: stick together. Enjoying each other’s company without a care in the world.

The grass freezes around you, crystallizing into a fossil-like state while you tug at it with abandon. You hold back a sob when the ice spreads, forming a circle around you. The ground turns brown, flowers droop lifelessly, and the willow’s leaves rain down on you like symbols of defeat. It’s the middle of March, and the state of the world around you only worsens the ache in your heart.

Everyone avoids you like the plague. Considering the fact you sneeze icicles and hiccup snowflakes, you aren’t surprised. No one wants to befriend the “ice girl.” You extinguish bonfire flames, freeze pool water, make flowers hide within their petals, and cannot under any circumstances come in contact with a lightning bolt. You wince remembering how you broke every window in the gymnasium the other day. You’re the buzzkill of every party unless it’s winter-themed, and that’s only once a year at best.

Cracks form in the ice surrounding you, pieces breaking off and floating down the icy down-hill stream created since you’ve been sitting here. The wind makes your frozen tears sting your cold cheeks. If only your brother was here. He’s the only one who can withstand the icy winterland you’re in.

You hug your knees to your chest, listening to the distant laughter of your classmates over the piercing cracks of ice giving way to your emotions—until a familiar voice softly calls your name.

Lifting your head, you blink away the blur in your eyes to see the man in front of you. His blonde hair tousles in the window, flowing like the fabric of the ruffled collar of his white dress shirt.

“Hey,” he smiles, the warmth of it slows the flow of your tears somehow. He switches his candle from one hand to the other, setting it down on the bench next to you. “What are you doing here? Why are you by yourself?”

You focus on the flickering flame, waiting for your ice crystals to extinguish it. “No one wants to be near me.”

He runs a hand through his hair, studying you carefully, not a hint of judgment in his bright brown eyes. He’s radiating light as if he is the sun himself, and you have no idea why he’s here talking to you. “Why?” he asks, looking genuinely confused.

You gesture to the wintry chaos happening around you. “I can’t control it. Everything I touch just-” you swallow thickly, roughly rubbing away another tear. Every plant you touch wilts away. Every object gets covered in a thick blue haze. Every time your hand or power comes into contact with something, your icy nature shows. It has ruined your life a thousand times already. “Sorry.”

“Hey, hey, hey,” he kneels down beside you when your eyes water. “Don’t say that.” He leans to the side, trying to catch your gaze with a soft smile. “You’re special, you know?”

“Look around me.” You laugh bitterly, shaking your head before burying your face in your hands. “I can’t even hold a flower…”

He goes quiet, shifting next to you and your heart drops, even though you already expect him to leave. Who would want to hang around an ice queen like you?

A surge of power sparks in the air, pulling you from your dreary thoughts. Your wide eyes dart over to him, noticing a bright light streaming through the space between his intertwined palms.

The light fades as fast as it began, and he slowly opens his hands, revealing a purple and yellow flower. “Even pretty flowers bloom in winter.” He smiles, tucking the viola behind your ear. “There, now.” He cups your cheek, lightly tapping the tip of your nose, his expressive eyes looking over your stunned features. “Smile.”

He stands back up, dusting off his knees before picking up his candle, the flickering flame still going strong. The sun frames his silhouette when he turns away, heading for the sidewalk. “When you feel down, remember,” he looks back over his shoulder, spinning his finger around in the air with a soft smile. “Every snowflake is different, and no one can make them sparkle like you.”

Flowers bloom around him with every step he takes, stretching their petals to receive the light he emits all on his own. Birds chirp from the trees, squirrels run across the lawn, and he holds his hand up for a yellow butterfly that lands on his shining palm.

You watch him in wonder, carefully pulling the viola away from your ear. It blossoms fully at your touch, thriving between your cold fingertips. A small smile quirks at your lips, the icy edges of your frost retreating back to where they came from.

The End!~

My other stories

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Drabble Collection

September Drabbles

[COMPLETED] full-length story

Six Phases

[ONGOING] full-length story

Only Forever

[COMPLETED] short story

Fallen (Apart)

[NEW!] short story











































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Chapter 1: Oh my goodness, this was so comforting and adorableeee T^T But, is Baek's power still light? It seems as if he has Lay's powers so I'm a little confused, sorry! ^^;
Chapter 1: It is a cute and heartwarming story!
Chapter 1: ❄🥰 so heartwarming~
Chapter 1: Awww, Nisa 😭😭 That was so cute and heartwarming, just what I needed to start my day 🥰
Wonderfully written, as always. 💕
bbbh04 #5
Chapter 1: this was so cute!!!! <33
Chapter 1: From your feverish imagination, you came up with something rather sweet and encouraging. 👏 Nice Job!