
All For You

Light tapping on the steering wheel and sweet singing voice fills the car. Seungwan is having a mini karaoke session. The song playing from the car stereo is Aloha by Cool. If Seungwan and her friends have a national anthem, it will be this song. They sing this song either sober or (most of the time) drunk. If one of them plays it in noraebang with a beer in his or her hand, it means that something good happened, but if someone plays it with a glass of soju in his or her hand, it means that something bad happened and for sure they will get wasted. This song witnesses their happiness, success, failure, heartbreak, and sorrow. It is weird for other people, but they find comfort with this song.

“Yaksokhae,” She sings in a sweet angelic voice.

“I believe.” Her voice gets deeper.

The karaoke session gets interrupted when a phone call flashes on her phone. The blonde answers the call on the speaker.

“I know you hated me when I call you,” Seulgi starts the phone call. “But where are you?”

“I know,” Seungwan pauses. “But call is better since I’m driving. And to answer your question, I’m a few blocks away. I’ll just buy a cup of coffee. You know that I can and never function without caffeine.”

“Me too. Buy me flat white with trim milk, please.”

“Noted on that, Seulgi-ah. How about some sandwiches?” There is silence on the other line. Seungwan thinks that Seulgi has already hung up. She is about to end the call when Seulgi suddenly answers her back.

“Mina and Yeol want that club sandwich from the store next to the coffee shop.”

“Yah! I’m not your food delivery person.” Seungwan whines as she looks for a parking spot.

“I know you will buy it for us, Son Seungwan,” Seulgi tells in her most annoying aegyo voice. The blonde groans when she hears it. Son Seungwan despises aegyo. Especially if Kang Seulgi is the one doing it.

“Shut up, Seul! See you later.”




“Here’s your coffee and sandwiches.” Seungwan hollers as she enters the meeting room. She gently places the food on top of a big red Lego brick.

The meeting room is unique. Not the typical long table with swivel chairs. The whole Build-to-Protect team opted to have a more relaxed and friendly meeting room. They are sharing creative juices and they wanted it in a place where they can move freely and comfortably.

They turned the penthouse of their building into a modern and cozy meeting room with a mini-deck for their late-night S&S (Soju & Samgyeopsal) session. A big red Lego brick is situated in the middle of the meeting room. This Lego brick acts as their main table. Colorful bean bags surround the Lego table. In one corner of the meeting room near the entrance door, there is a huge Lego building that replicates their office building. Opposite it is a huge whiteboard where they draw and present their projects. Besides, the huge Lego buildings are a mini-Lego giraffe and a cute little Lego penguin. A chubby Lego hamster is standing on the left side of the whiteboard, while a cutie white Lego bear is standing on the right side. The Lego animals represent each one of them. Giraffe for Chanyeol, penguin for Mina, hamster for Wendy, and bear for Seulgi. They build it together, like how they build their dreams together.

Outside the meeting room is a deck with a picturesque view of Seoul. There is a long wooden table with benches on one side and a huge BBQ grill close to it. Opposite the wooden table is two rattan hanging chairs with a white hammock in between. This deck is built to be their place to chill and release stress from work and personal problems.

“Thanks, Wan-wan.” Mina grabs the sandwich.

Myoui Mina. A Japanese born but grows up in South Korea. She is only five years old when her parents get divorced. Her father decides to move to South Korea to start a new life and career. Well, her father did not only start a new life and career with her five-year-old daughter but found a loving and caring wife.

Mina is the tsundere penguin character from an anime. She acts cold to other people but is a warm fluff penguin with her family and friends. For her friends, she is the one that gives peace to the group. Whenever they feel like they wanted to throw things at each other out of frustration and anger, Mina will just clap her hands, then snap her fingers five times. Viola! Everyone is calm and composed. Anger and frustration are all gone.

“Thank you, Wan-wan!” Seulgi sniffs then drink her coffee.

Kang Seulgi. The best buddy of Son Seungwan. They are friends since they are wearing nappies. Seungwan’s father and Seulgi’s father are best of friends. Seulgi’s father is just a normal man from a middle-class family, while Seungwan’s father can buy not just a house but a whole damn land. However, the Son’s never flaunt their wealth or power. Son Seungwan started from the bottom with her friends without help from anyone.

Seulgi is the opposite character of Mina. The word disaster is synonymous with Kang Seulgi. She usually brings chaos because of her clumsiness and cuteness. Her friends always scold her for being a cute and klutz bear. She will just show her cute bear smile. Viola! They will instantly forgive her. Seulgi is the one that keeps them grounded despite the achievements they achieved individually and as a group.

“Yah!” Chanyeol shouts. He notices that someone bites his sandwich. “Who bit my sandwich?”

Park Chanyeol. He is like Seungwan in terms of wealth and character. He is a ing chaebol. The Son and Park always compete for being the wealthiest family in South Korea. This year the Son’s will be the number one richest family and the following year the Park’s will be the richest family. The cycle goes on.

Chanyeol is the tall male version of Seungwan. He is a chatterbox and everybody’s friend. Seungwan plus Chanyeol is equal to loud and noisy tandem. They will talk and talk until everyone around them gets tired of listening. Chanyeol is the tall and wall of the group. He is their wall to lean on when they are sad or the one who protected them from people who wants to hurt them. Chanyeol can be klutzes like Seulgi or a source of peace like Mina but most of the time he is loud like Seungwan.

“I did,” Seungwan challengingly answers. “Any problem?”

 The tall man squints his eyes then immediately eats his sandwich. After he swallows his food, he answers. “Then I will not pay for it.”

“Yah,” The blonde shouts. “Why will you not pay me?!”

“Because you bite my sandwich,” Chanyeol answers and sticks out his tongue.

“That’s not fair! I’m the one who bought it.”

“I ask you to buy it for me not eat it!” The tall man argues.

“Yah! It’s only 3900!”

“So?” Chanyeol challenges again. “I will not pay for it.”

“You are so cheap.” Seungwan puffs her cute cheeks.

The childish argument of the two is interrupted by a loud clap followed by a snap of a finger. Seungwan and Chanyeol stop bickering but continues giving death glare to each other. Even though the Son and Park are the richest families in South Korea, Seungwan and Chanyeol value the money they earned. This is the reason why they are arguing over 3,900. Well, they already had a huge fight that lasted for three weeks because Chanyeol did not give the 100 change to Seungwan. 

“Will you stop being childish?” Mina asks with slight irritation in her voice.

“Never!” Chanyeol and Seungwan answer in chorus.

A cute little bear enjoys drinking her coffee when a piece of paper collides on her forehead. She looks around to see that Mina is asking for her help. Seulgi clears .

“Okay,” Seulgi says. “I have an announcement.”

The trio curiously stares at their bear friend. Different thoughts are running in their head. They are nervous about Seulgi’s announcement. Every single damn time the latter has an announcement is either: A) She gets trouble for fighting what is right, B) She gets in trouble for helping someone in need, C) She gets in trouble for acting reckless, or D) All of the above.

“Okay,” Their bear friends start, “We got a TV appearance.”

The trio looks at her with a baffled expression. How will they appear on TV? None of them are celebrities or idols. They are just architects that are famous in their chosen profession. So, are they considered celebrities now?

“Please explain further.” Mina sends a death glare to her bear friend. She is trying to calm herself. I am the source of peace. She inhales deeply then exhales. Give me peace.

“Well, a TV producer called three days ago. She already emailed me a month ago, but I thought it was a prank. Three days ago, I received a message explaining the format of the show, then she called to explain it further.”

“And?” Seungwan impatiently asks.

“The format of the show is based on the American TV show, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. The producer wants us to be part of the team that redesign and built the houses of chosen family. She chooses us because she is a fan of our works and,” Seulgi clears . “We are quite famous.”

“And?” This time, it is Chanyeol who asks the question.

“And I accepted the offer.” The bear answers proudly.

“Yah!” The trio shouts.

“Why did you accept it without consulting us?!” Mina stands up and is ready to kick Seulgi with her cute legs, but Seungwan stops her. Myoui Mina is the source of peace in the group but if the reason for their chaos is Kang Freaking Seulgi, then she will throw that peace in the rubbish together with their dumb bear friend.

“The offer is good,” Seulgi defends her decision. “It is hitting three birds with one stone.”

“Seul, it is two birds, not three” Chanyeol corrects her.

“It is three!” The bear shows her three fingers. “One, we will be on a show where we can shelter a family who is in need. Like our motto, we build to protect. Two, we are doing our motto at the same time more people will recognize us. It will make us more famous. Three,” Seulgi pauses then smiles teasingly to Seungwan. The latter looks at her quizzically.

“What is the third reason?” The blonde questions.

“You!” Seulgi squeals as she points her finger at Seungwan.

 “Why me?” The question is left unanswered because Seulgi runaway while shouting, ‘You will thank me later Son Seungwan’.

“Yah! Kang Seulgi!” Seungwan shouts.



The supposedly peaceful morning ends with a hamster hunting for a bear to make her confess then eventually kill her. The penguin and giraffe continue working on their project not minding the chaos happening around them, while their employees are trying to prevent Wendy from literally killing Seulgi.

“Are you going to help Seulgi?” Chanyeol asks Mina.

“Nah, let Seulgi suffer.” The latter answers and smiles evilly.





“Be good and listen to your nana.” Joo Hyun keeps on reminding her twins to behave. She knows how troublesome her kids are. They are the sweetest twins in Joo Hyun’s world, but they are also the cheekiest. Luckily, patience is innate in the Son family.

“Yes, Mom.” The twins answer in chorus.

“Everything you need is in your suitcase.” The twin’s mother points to the green and purple suitcase. The green suitcase is for Sooyoung, and the purple is for Yerim.

There is designated color for the twins. This is a way for Joo Hyun to avoid jealousy and envy between the twins. Since they are young, Sooyoung will wear green dresses or anything with a touch of green, while Yerim will wear anything with purple on it. The color designation changes a bit as they grow older.

“Yes, Mom.” Sooyoung answers.

“Mom, we got this,” Yerims gently pats her mother’s arm. “This is not the first time that we have had a week’s vacation in Nana’s house.”

“I know,” Joo Hyun pauses. She lovingly stares at her twin. They are all grown up. “I just want everything to be settled.”

“Mom, we can just tell nana or Aunt Wannie.” Sooyoung smiles at her mother.

“Fine.” Their mother gives up. Time surely flies.

“Enjoy your vacation, Mom.” Yerim hugs her mother. The taller twin also joins their endearing moment. A loud sound of camera shutter interrupts their moment.

“Continue,” Sun Hee takes another picture using her DSLR.

The twins untangle their selves from their mother and start to pose weirdly.  Sooyoung stands with her arms in akimbo. She is trying to portray a femme fatale vibe. On the other hand, Yerim crosses her legs and stares on the floor, her right hand is on her forehead. Yerim’s pose is like the ‘I have a headache’ pose. Sun Hee and Joo Hyun laugh at the twin’s silliness.

“I’ll go now, Aunt Sun Hee. Bogum is waiting for me.” Joo Hyun hugs her aunt then leaves the house.

“So, what’s your plan?” Sun Hee asks the twins. Sooyoung smiles at her sweetly.

“Can I borrow your credit card, Nana?” Sooyoung cutely asks.

“What for?”

“For Aunt Seungwan’s budding love life,” Yerim smirks.





The lift door opens a signal that Mina can enter the lift, but her movement comes to an abrupt halt when a pair of hands push her outside.

“Yah!" The penguin shouts and hits the culprit with her left hand. She knows that scent. A very familiar scent that she loves and hates at the same time. “Son Chaeyoung!”

“Yah, Mina unnie.” Chaeyoung rubs her sore right arm. Mina may be a soft fluffy penguin, but she can surely hit. “That hurts.”

“Your fault,” Mina pinches Chaeyoung’s left arm. “You startled and pushed me.”

“Yeah, why do you need to pinch me?!”

“Well, to be fair with your right arm.” The tsundere penguin reasons out and sticks out her tongue.

“Is my sister in her office?” Chaeyoung asks still soothing her sore arm.

“I’m not sure. Maybe she is still hunting for a bear.” Mina answers with a shrug.

“Hunting?” The younger between the two looks so lost. Why is her sister hunting for a bear? And since when her sister has been a fan of hunting? She knows Seungwan as a person who hates and is afraid of a fly.

“Why are you here?” Mina asks that catches Chaeyoung’s attention.

“I’m here to meet my sister,” Chaeyoung pauses then stares at Mina. “But since you are here, you owe me a cup of coffee.”

“Is this your way of asking me out on a date?” Mina teasingly asks the other woman. However, her red cheeks say otherwise. Deep down in her heart, she is looking forward to having a coffee date with her. Son Chaeyoung is slowly breaking down her walls.

“If I said yes, will you go on a date with me?” The personified penguin internally squeals. She extends her arm to hold Chaeyoung’s arm and pulls her closer.

“I’d love to.” Chaeyoung is getting closer and about to kiss Mina’s cheeks when suddenly they hear footsteps.  The latter panics and pushes the former away from her.

“Yah!” Chaeyoung shouts as she slowly falls to the ground.

“Chae?” Seungwan runs toward her sister and helps her to stand up. This situation is normal for them. Son Chaeyoung and Myoiu Mina will never get along. They are like water and oil that are immiscible with each other. Chaeyoung is like water that flows freely and can fit anywhere. She is the Miss Congeniality. On the other hand, Mina is like oil that is nonpolar and has a hard time blending with other people. Her cold demeanor towards strangers leaves an impression that she is , but she is just an awkward, introverted penguin.

“Are you guys fighting again?” Seulgi inquires then shakes her head.

“No,” Mina shouts then utters an apology to Chaeyoung. “I’m sorry, Chae.”

“Wow,” Seungwan says in pure shock. “Myoui Mina apologized to my sister.”

“Is this the end of the world?” Seulgi questions with a teasing smile then high five Seungwan. This is Seulgi’s chance to get back at what Mina did to her. Chanyeol and Mina can help tame Seungwan but the two just stay silent and enjoy the chaotic show of a hamster hunting a bear. 

“You two,” Mina accusingly points her finger to her two friends. “Are ganging up on me.”

“You started it,” Seulgi utters then sticks out her tongue.

“Guys,” Seungwan interrupts them. “You are embarrassing me. For goodness’ sake, we are 34 years old.”

“Don’t worry, Annie. I’m used to it.” Chaeyoung softly giggles while stealing glances at Mina. The latter shyly returned the former’s stolen glances. In Mina’s head, how can Chaeyoung’s simple glances send a thousand volts in her body?

“So,” Seungwan faces her sister. “What are you doing here?”

“Uhmm,” The younger Son stops on stealing glances to ponder the reason why she is here. She snaps her finger. “Mom said that you need to visit the twins' school.”

Chaeyoung opens to explain but her sister is gone. She shakes her head and chuckles. Damn sis! You got it bad. An idea pops into her head. I still want that coffee date. One hindrance is gone. I need to get rid of the other one. A smirk forms on her lips.

“My purpose is done here. I already delivered the message,” Chaeyoung pauses and looks directly at Mina. Trying her very best to send some signal.

“I’ll grab a coffee at the nearest coffee shop.” She deliberately emphasizes the last three words as she presses the down button of the lift. Mina is hyperaware of the signal that Chaeyoung sends her.

“Oh, I need to buy lunch.” Mina curtly stands beside Chaeyoung. Hoping that her bear friend will not get suspicious of her actions. She notices that Chaeyoung stifles her laughter.

“It is only 10 am, Mina,” Seulgi tells her while showing the time on her phone.

“I realized I’m still hungry.” The personified bear shrugs her shoulder. Mina without food is a disaster in the making. It is worse than Seungwan following her around all morning to kill her.


“See you around, Seulgi unnie.” Chaeyoung happily waves her hand. Mina is standing beside her inside the lift cabin. The latter looks indifferent but internally the mini-Penguins in her stomach are doing cartwheels and somersaults. Chaeyoung smells like honey. A blush painted on Mina’s cheeks. What are you thinking Myoiu Mina?!

“I pray for your safety, Chaeyoung-ah.” Seulgi dramatically tells her then sticks out her tongue to Mina.

“Oh look, Sunmi Unnie is here,” Mina shouts as the lift door closes.

Seulgi looks around. The switch to her fight or flight mode is already on. At this moment, she chooses flight mode rather than fight. Sunmi unnie is here! The personified bear is hyperventilating. Run Seulgi! Run!



Meanwhile in the lift cabin…

Chaeyoung is discreetly extending her hand to hold Mina’s hand. The latter feels the warmth that envelops her right hand. Mina’s breath hitches. Son Chaeyoung! You make me feel like a teenager all over again.

“Let’s have our most awaited coffee date, Mina unnie.” The younger whispers but loud enough for Mina to hear. The latter shyly nods her head.

“Yes, let’s have our most awaited coffee date.”

Son Chaeyoung raises their intertwined hands to plant a soft kiss at the back of Mina’s hand. The latter cannot contain the happiness that causes a loud squeal from her. The former laughs at her. However, the laughter is not mocking nor teasing, but a laugh pure of adoration.

The personified penguin stares at Chaeyoung. She is still flabbergasted how the Son Chaeyoung is slowly breaking down her walls. Their love story starts with a simple suggestion in the most anti-romantic setting. Mina clearly remembers Chaeyoung words. Let me date you, Mina unnie. I will show you what love is. After countless heartbreaks, Myoui Mina is slowly learning what love is.

Hello! To those who upvoted, commented, and read my story, thank you! Keep upvoting and leave a comment.


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114 streak #1
Chapter 4: wooahh jendy 🥹🫣 but wenrene endgame please 🥹
Chapter 4: Eeeeppp! JenDy!! *_*
Chapter 4: still waiting my jendy
Chapter 4: im here for jendy!!!! the last scene is so cuteeeee
yolo123 #5
Chapter 4: Just popping in here to give Jendy support ;)
Chapter 4: 😳😳😭😭😭😭😭 they are so cuteeeee!!! And I'm curious about suzy, why she suddenly ran away from seungwan
77seconds #7
Chapter 4: The jendy agenda still strong. Looking forward to it
Chapter 3: help I'm cackling at jendy kdrama scene at meeting lmaoooo. and suzy??? wan have history with suzy?? she's a bae to right is she related to the other bae too or.. to many questions tbh hahaha.. waiting for the next chapter with respect 😁
Chapter 4: Wow, how many women are attracted to you Seungwan
Hahaha, good job
But, I need Wenrene
BlueT_PinkT #10
Chapter 4: wowww what a story, My Seungwan have a lot of crush Woohoo
want to see all of their relation with Seungwan hehehe