
You turned my whole world (Upside down)


Swinging on her web across the streets at night was a daily routine for An Yujin. Nights are usually bit busy especially these past few days, as New Year’s eve is fast coming. Naturally people are up and about, having parties, reunions, shopping for their needs here and there. 


Fortunately, tonight wasn’t that jampacked. So far our favorite webshooter only dealt with a pick pocketer (no sweat!) and helped a kid by the park to fetch his cat stuck at the tree (seriously, how do these felines even get there?)


It was generally quiet except the sound of pitter-patter caused by the rain which has been pouring for about an hour already and doesn’t show signs of stopping any moment from now. Yujin’s skintight suit doesn’t help that much to keep her warm, but at least the suit keeps our hero’s identity away from the public.


Yujinnie here doesn’t seem to mind the cold rain shower though as she removes her mask to see clearly the sketchy figures at the alleyway beside the local diner.


She’s been monitoring them the whole afternoon (her spidey senses were tingling the moment she saw these men) before she was sidetracked by her previous heroescapade and the pouring rain. Finally she managed to find them. Yujin as a normal high schooler during the daytime is terribly clumsy, but somehow she manages to be very very good whenever she’s doing her webslinging jobs. 


Slowly she went closer and closer, quietly and stealthy, hidden in the dark of the night as she perches herself in one of the fire exit railings of one of the buildings within the alley. 


Unfortunately their target for tonight was a passerby named Jang Wonyoung, a high school girl making her merry way home, but was caught by the sudden downpour. Yujin knew it was her based from her towering height, petite body figure, and her the shape of her face which Yujin could only barely see in this dark night. Yujin is very familiar with that pretty face, and she’s badly smitten by it. She’s Yujin’s classmate and all the while, our heroine was never able to have the courage to talk to her aside from their task coversation for group works. Oh poor Yujin and her small puppy love for Wonyoung. 


The only time she’s brave enough to be around Wonyoung is whenever the girl needs some saving. Being behind the mask gives Yujin confidence and unknown type of bravery, but mostly because she’s a superhero the moment she dons her red and blue suit and mask ensemble. It’s been long since she has saved Wonyoung so she’s kinda bit excited with tonight being their third interaction and a chance for Yujin to #flex


Hauling a tote bag filled with essentials her mother asked her to buy at the groceries, Wonyoung found herself nervous as she has to pass by a group of three sleazy looking men.


She quickens her pace but to no avail as she was dragged into the secluded, darker area of the alley. 


“Let me go!! Please” Wonyoung was already teary and scared for her life as she’s trying to fight and wriggle away from the grasp of one of these men. They’ve been dragging her further deeper into the alley before she was harshly shoved into the wall while the men surround her. Out of fear and trembling legs, she just closed her eyes shut. Streams of web came out of nowhere and pulled the men away from her.


As if on cue, a figure somersaulted in front of her, shielding her away from the three. 


The spider emblem back of the suit is enough for Wonyoung to feel a sense of relief. The alley was dark, save for the blinking lampposts, but it was enough for Wonyoung to see the back facade of our hero. She noticed though that our hero is not wearing her mask, with the rain drenching our hero’s shoulder length hair, outlining her side profile — from her eyelashes to her nose, and to her parted lips, and also her big ears peeking through which was oddly familiar for Wonyoung. She knew she saw this side profile somewhere. 


Surely from the girl with specs sitting in front of her seat at class who magically stammers every single time she borrows her eraser.


The three charged into Spidergirl and their fist fight ensued. One of them threw a jab towards Yujin but her quick reflexes enabled her to duck and counterattack the man by punching him with an uppercut wow our Yujinnie is strong! 


The second one almost got Yujin, so she used her web to haul the cover of the manhole and send it straight to the head of the man like a frisbee.


Alright 2 out of 3!


The last one was the most dangerous as he’s holding a knife aimed at Yujin. She can’t afford going hand to hand against that! She shoots her web at the knife and tugged it away from the man’s hand. They engaged in a combat and were exchanging and dodging punches dangerously near Wonyoung. Yujin decides to kick the man away. Tired of squaring up with men twice her size, Yujin shoots her web to the side, lifting the huge garbage bin and threw it straight at the man. Knockout


Spidergirl was still appreciating her own hardwork when Wonyoung got out of her trance and slowly approached. Out of panic, Yujin shoots her web up and pulled herself. 


Wonyoung only managed to faintly shout “wait!” Which she doesn’t even know if Spidergirl heard.


She looked up, to the left, then right squinting for clues that can point out the direction where the webslinger went to. 


To her surprise, Spidergirl descended upside down, this time already wearing her mask.


“You have a knack of getting in trouble” Spidergirl said in jest, with a hint of laugh 

how can she even talk upside down?


“And you have a knack of saving my life!”, Wonyoung giggles “I think I have a superhero stalker” and gave Spidergirl a knowing look


Yujin was staring into Wonyoung’s still giggling figure before she replied Wonyoung in a heartfelt tone, “I was in the neighborhood” 

Yujin said to herself she wants to see more of her pretty smiles, hopefully every single day mayhaps.


“You are…” Wonyoung pauses “..amazing”

“Some people don’t think so” 

Wonyoung reassures her though, “but you are”



“Can I get to say thank you this time?” Wonyoung asked as she raised her hand to reach out to the mask.


Yujin was startled and ready to bolt away “w-wait!”

Wonyoung gave her a soft smile as if saying, you’re safe with me too. 


Spidergirl didn’t move any further so Wonyoung took this as a signal and reached out her hand to take the hem of the mask. She unrolled the mask, up until only the tip of the hero’s nose. 


Yujin was unsure of the tension. Her heart is beating fast but she can’t move away as well from her classmate’s hold. She was up on her toes, ready to escape if things escalate further. As much as she likes her crush, which was standing in front of her only upside down, she knows she can’t risk her identity. 


She feels blood rushing to her head but she’s unsure if it’s because of her crush or maybe because she’s hanging upside down


Wonyoung was slowly caressing Spidergirl’s cheek with her thumb, while her other hand holds the side of Spidergirls head. Their heads were slowly nearing each other but still with a bit of teenage shyness. Using up her remaining adrenaline from the rush, Wonyoung finally connected their lips. 


Our hero’s lips were warm and soft, very different from her strong hard outlook, but very true to her daytime schoolgirl persona. Wonyoung could feel the tickle of her breath beneath her nose, with the warmth consuming her as she leaned in impossibly even more.


It was like that, underneath thin ray of moonlight and flickering lamp from above.


“I have to go now” Spidergirl somberly said

Wonyoung gave her a tight lipped smile, sad that their shortlived intimacy has to end. She gave one last kiss to our heroine’s cheeks and tenderly caressed the area afterwards. 


“Thank you for all you’ve done” she said in gratitude not only for saving her life three times, but from Spidergirl’s —Yujin’s small acts of kindness whenever she lends her an eraser; or that time when she forgot her labcoat for their chemistry lab; or when Yujin slid her math worksheet assignment onto her table for her to copy from — maybe because Yujin overheard Wonyoung muttering to herself how she managed not to bring her homework. But it’s okay, Yujin doesn’t need to know that Wonyoung knows


Wonyoung carefully rolled back Spidergirl’s mask and tucked it secure into the collar of her tightsuit. 


She wasn’t even able to properly say goodbye as Spidergirl quickly schwooped away. Wonyoung picked up her fallen bag and several fruit cans that rolled away when the men pushed her. 


Tonight was a really scary situation she knows she needs to recover from. Streets of Seoul can also be dangerous. However her heart is at ease though knowing that she will always have a webslinger heroine to save her. She’s confident because she knows she’s Spidergirl’s favorite citizen; and maybe Spidergirl is also Wonyoung’s favorite superhero — and maybe even her crush too


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Nirvi90 #1
Chapter 1: OMG this was so good! pls make a part two in which Wonyoung confronts Yujin at school adfjjssgg this cannot end so soon T^T
Chapter 1: Totally need a part two, this has soooo much potential you have no idea author. If you ever make the series in whole I willl 100% be reading every chapter
Chapter 1: CUTE!!
Chapter 1: this wont be complete without a part 2

a part 2 please 🥺
Chapter 1: I love this 😭😭😭
Chapter 1: HELLO? WE NEED A PART 2
soshi4everFever #7
Chapter 1: PART 2 PLEASE 🥺🥺🥺 IT'S SO AMAZING!!!
Maomao9 #8
Chapter 1: WE NEED PART 2 OMG ?????
1760 streak #9
Chapter 1: awwwww so cute!!!!
Chapter 1: aw that was so cute