
i've seen that look in your eyes (from all this madness)
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Two hours left


Seungwan’s not sure when or why Joohyun got so close to her. She means physically close, but the other way also applies. Joohyun’s almost sitting on her lap now, making her breathe again. Now that she’s conscious again, she’s embarrassed. Siwon Bae died and Joohyun’s there helping her instead. She could swear she feels in love with the girl.


The team is now dispersed, looking for more NFFA members. Changmin’s hands and legs are tied to a chair, and now that he killed the senator and that their only hope is gone, Seungwan doesn’t think killing Changmin will make a difference, as Yoona had stated before. Yoona seems to be thinking the same way because she’s got brass knuckles, and Seungwan’s pretty sure they’re not for playing. Maybe, Yoona will be the one to kill that motherer after all.


“Hey, look at me.”


Seungwan realizes she’s been looking at Joohyun’s lips, and she averts her gaze, ashamed.


“What’s wrong?” Joohyun tries again, holding Seungwan’s hand.


Seungwan focuses on the sound of the brass knuckles hitting meat and bones to ground herself. She’s always been fascinated by violence, not because she likes it, but because it dawns on her how much damage can someone do. Knowing she can fix it (sometimes) makes her feel better.


“It’s just…” she pauses, finally looking at Joohyun. “I’m so so sorry for this.”


Joohyun’s eyes well up in tears, but she doesn’t let them fall. Like, deep down, she always knew how her father was going to end.


“It’s not your fault, you know,” she grimaces when Changmin cries out loud. “If anything, I should thank you for taking care of me.”


“You didn’t need me to keep you safe,” Seungwan says slowly, “You’re pretty badass by yourself.”


Joohyun smiles or at least tries to, sitting beside Seungwan.


“I’m here for you,” Seungwan says because she knows there are no words to say when a parent dies. She wished she had someone besides her sister when their mother died. “And I’ll be here after this ends, too, if you will have me.”


They are so close to Changmin that his blood splashes their clothes. Joohyun is still in the big uniform, but Seungwan is only in a t-shirt and the uniform pants now, making it difficult for both to cross their legs.


“I want you to be,” Joohyun starts, interlacing their fingers. “And I’m really sorry that my dad won’t be able to change things for you.”


Weirdly, Joohyun is the one apologizing for the death of his father. It doesn’t make sense at all, but she doesn’t want to bring it up now while Joohyun seems calm. She doesn’t want to disturb the girl.


Siwon’s body is long gone now. She doesn’t know where it is, but Yoona asked Taeyeon to help her move him, probably for Joohyun’s sake. Yoona looks even worse than Joohyun, but her emotion is one of anger, dangerously close to rage, meanwhile, Joohyun seems to be accepting of the situation. Or maybe Seungwan doesn’t know her that well, because as of now, she has seen that Joohyun can mask her anger very well, probably a trait acquired from their parents.


“Your dad was a great person, and so are you and your mother. Knowing there are still people like you and me out there that think this is wrong is more than enough.” Seungwan avoids Joohyun’s gaze. “Do you think this will work after?”


She’s not sure what she means with this, because they aren’t really a thing, and talking about that topic after Joohyun’s father died seems a little insensitive, but her curiosity is stronger.


“I’m pretty sure my mom will be more than okay if you pass by sometime.”


Seungwan decides that is not the right moment for her to pry. Now that she’s seated, her shoulder stings and she can only imagine what Joohyun is feeling. She wants to reach for her, to touch her, but she’s afraid the girl is going to shrink more, that she’s going to drive her away with just the tip of her fingers. Somehow, it scares her to feel so much for her in such a short time, but she wouldn’t call it love. It’s something else.


Changmin’s grunts distract her. She looks up at him, expecting to feel the need to help him, but watching Joohyun in so much pain makes her want to kill him herself.


At times, Joohyun’s eyelids flutter open. She looks tired, devastated. Her hand is swollen, her temple is colored by a deep shade of purple and she pictures Joohyun’s abdomen to be in a worse condition.


“Hey, baby,” Seungwan calls, putting her hand on Joohyun’s side to prevent her from falling. “Let me take a look, okay?”


Joohyun only nods, letting Seungwan raise the uniform shirt.


“Holy… Taeyeon, care to help me?” A bandage is covering Joohyun’s injury, but it is now tinted with a shade of red that worries Seungwan. “I think the wound reopened.”


“, you had to bring her here like this, right? This is so irresponsible, Seungwan.”


Yoona kneels beside them too, holding Joohyun’s hand.


“I’m sorry, the clinic is not the safest place either.”


“She needs a surgeon, Seungwan. Preferably one that has finished their studies already.” Taeyeon touches the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes. “Just take her back to the clinic for the time left. Then, I would suggest taking her to your best surgeon in town.”


The last statement is directed to Yoona, who nods.


Taeyeon continues.


“Just… don’t disappear. I still need to talk to you,” she mutters, “I can’t believe how bad this night went.”




Joy and Chen go back with them along with Tiffany, leaving Jongin and Seulgi at the church. Chen drives with Joy as his co-pilot. Joohyun opens her eyes briefly, leaning against Yoona’s side.


“Do you like my daughter?”


The question makes Seungwan’s heart skip a beat. It isn’t a tough question, but she didn’t expect the mother of the girl she knew just hours ago to ask her that, no matter if it was the senator’s daughter.


“Yes,” she smiles, “dearly.”


It pains her to admit it in front of many people because Joy won’t let her live later.


“You’ve taken good care of her.”


“I’m sorry,” Seungwan speaks up, looking at Yoona. “I should have done more.”


“You did what you could, and for that, I’m thankful for.” She murmurs. “ You protected my daughter better than I did. Siwon knew the risk and it was his decision, not your fault.”


“Mom,” The small girl sputters, opening her eyes, “stop.”


Yoona laughs.


“So you’ve been listening.”


“Sort of, just checking to see if you’re harassing Wen.”


At this point, Seungwan looks of a deep shade of red. She’s not used to the pet name coming from her.


“I’m not, honey. How are you hanging in there?”


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Chapter 6: happy ending!!
This is interesting, something different.
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 6: This is so good
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 2: Good
Chapter 6: Wow. I like it.
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 1: Oh tt this is so good
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing this movie as WR ver. I watched it before and it was awesome
Chapter 6: I love it!
Congrats on the bid!! I’ll surely read this one, it sounds interesting^^
Congrats on the ad bid main page feature! Alway a treat to see a WenRene on the front page :)