
Once Upon a Dream
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I don’t know how much time has passed. That’s another thing that’s weird with dreams—time doesn’t really exist. Sometimes, lots of things happen in just a split-second, then other times nothing happens for so long.

I’m still collapsed against that wall, and the sun is slowly setting. I don’t know for how long the sun has been setting. Maybe it just started, maybe things have been like this for hours.

The only thing that I know is that my breathing calmed down. And that I’m alone again. I slowly get up and start walking down the unfamiliar streets, trying to understand where I am. I’m not running anymore, but everything is still hazy around me. So maybe it is my brain that’s too lazy. 

I walk for hours, but the sun doesn’t set. It’s not day anymore, but there’s enough light to see easily. I can’t stop myself from looking over my shoulder from time to time to check if I’m still being chased. But I’m alone.

My feet lead me to an industrial open area, and I don’t know which streets I took to end up here. As I walk without any real purpose, something grabs my attention on the ground. I go towards it, and as I come closer something weird happens around me. What’s in front of me is very clear and sharp compared to everything else around me.

I’m convinced that my brain is telling me that this is important. There are no other explanations. I bend down to grab it, and the sharpness of my vision translates to my body as a wave of

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 12: The references were great - I enjoyed reading and thinking about the ending...
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 2: One of my all time favorite Taemin videos!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 1: Dreams freak me out at times too -
Chapter 12: OMG!!! Okay!!! But no, this can't be the end! This can only be the beginning of an adventure??? I need to know why they both had the same dream? Are they soul mates? Or is their subconscious trying to tell them something?
Please, I need more!!!!
Chapter 9: I find it super interesting that just as he's thinking about Minho again (his saviour I think) this liquid appears. As if it realised that Taemin might be able to escape from the dream after all (with Minho's help).
So it tries to pull him deeper into the dream, so violently that he stops thinking about Minho.
But why??? Why does he have to be trapped in this dream???
Chapter 8: I just love that you always have cover images per chapter. It makes it easier to imagine everything :)
I love how you describe how the dream is in this chapter. How no one picks up the phone, intentionally or not.
Or how he never sleeps but is always driving.
Chapter 7: WOW! Even after driving the car into a wall, he's still trapped in the dream???
The other Taemin?? OMG! And so there is a way out??? OMG!!!
Chapter 5: Oh wow, that's really cool. Does the rose symbolise reality? Because he could hurt himself on it? So Minho definitely has a chance to get him out of there.
I'm curious ♥
Chapter 3: I love that I have no idea what's going on and yet I'm so rooting for Taemin :D
Chapter 2: In this chapter I had to think about the Fake Reality trailer from SHINee! I think the Fake reality and Heartbreak concept fot so well togehter.
I love that you continued the PYN theme from the 1st chjapter into this one!