Trainee Life: 「Interactive Story」


Trainee Life: 「Interactive Story」
It's a very unusual day when your friend, a sasaeng, finds out that entertainment companies are holding auditions. What's unusual is that they are your favorite group's company. Also her forcing you to audition. It's not your dream is it? Which will you choose? Your dream or practicality? Your friend or yourself? Will you find love or make enemies? Or will everything come crumbling down? 
    ▎WoollimTS Cube  
What will you pick?
Trainee Life: 「Interactive Story」




Okay, an interactive story this time.

Obviously inspired by Dulcee's amazing story.

As you can tell, will be a bit complicated since what? I have three companies you can pick from.

I'm not including SM, JYP, or YG cause then that would be too much groups for me to handle if you were to get in.

Of course the groups would be there. You would just have less inertaction.

Now I have three characters that you can choose from.




Kang Jae Li {Girl}: A hard working high school student with a tendency to be overly happy. With her extreme sense of loyalty and love of friendship, she is a true friend. Jae has a problem with anxiety though. Are you willing to help her break it and fulfill her dream of becoming an idol? She can, after all, dance and rap amazingly well due to classes. Now are you willing to stand up to the challenge of being her and help her overcome her fears? {START}

Alivia Lin AKA Tia {Youngster}: Tia as she likes to be called, is a serious middle school student. Being young, she seems to be the most childish, but is intelligent, serious, and studious. Except her tendencies to be naive to real life things, she's pretty smart at academics. She's a rapper, and my oh my is she proud about it. She can write raps and lyrics pretty well with hopes of becoming a lyricist ot music producer. Big dreams for a little girl, right? Are you willing to help her with her dream? {START}

Song Sora AKA Sx {Cross Dresser}: Sora is the oddball of her family. Her sisters and mom only care about looks instead of having fun. Being a lady is not on her mind. So with that in mind, she is an aware that she is a tomboy. With her love for break dancing and street battles, she's rough and has street smarts. The only thing wrong is that her only brother got sick and was going to attend the audition. Now she has to pose as her brother and do it. Are you willing to pose as your brother and audition? 






March 3, 2012 3:00

Updated Alivia Lin and Kang Jae Li. Will update Song Sora soon.

OTL I'm the worst author ever. == Anyways, I will updat ethi sweek with the choices and Sora's side. I promise or just come and kill me if I don't.


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peonie 19 streak #1
peonie 19 streak #2
peonie 19 streak #3
I love these!
Chapter 1: update soon~
Hwaiting!! ;D
Chapter 1: PLease update soon~!!
xyper_crash21 #6
Chapter 5: Wishing you the very best of luck.

If you get famous don't forget your readers!

If you get in, BEST OF LUCK!

kpop_luv #7
Chapter 5: Wow I wish u the best of luck
Please update soon~
dramakawai #9
Please update soon~ It seems really interesting!
update soon:) interesting.