Chapter 8

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I was walking in my favorite white chiffon dress with blue daffodils drawn all over it, my hair tied in loose braids.

As I approached the bridge under the blue moonlight, I could hear the sound of water flowing under the bridge and feel the cold but soft breeze on my cheeks tingling them like the feeling of a feather, my mind was soaking the breeze as I closed my eyes.

I could smell the cherry blossom flowers falling over half of the bridge from the good-old cherry blossom tree standing at the starting point of the bridge.

As I walked above the arch of the bridge, the smell of the flowers got stronger.

I was standing in the middle of the bridge facing the half of the city twinkling in front of my eyes on a spring night when I heard him say "RyuJin-ah”.

I turned to look at him, he wore a black crepe shirt, top 2 buttons left ed and dark-blue jeans down, his bangs falling on his forehead covering half of it, except the middle part, perfectly bouncing softly in the air as he was running in my direction with the same dorky smile. I smiled back at his beautiful figure approaching me.

He was feets away as he paced down & walked to me with fast & long steps.

I was about to walk back to him but he was soon so close that I was pulled into a hug, his arms holding me now against his chest. We were into a cozy hug both standing on the arch of the bridge on the silent flowing river beneath us.

As we broke the hug I could smell the lingering scent of his favorite cologne from his neck, as I parted myself from his embrace.

I took a glance at him and he was beautiful, his almond eyes twinkling more bright because of the moonlight, his forehead covered with his bangs almost falling over his eyebrows now, and his lips were curving into a soft smile, as he was still panting in slow breaths.

After a moment of his eyes on my face, he looked down, his hand reaching his pocket to get something.

He took out a small box out of his pocket. And as he opened the box, I could see him getting on his knees simultaneously, and there was a RING, 'a beautiful single-diamond ring'.

He took my hand in his, widening his smile, his eyes stuck to mine.

I was wide awake in bed as I could see the ceiling.

I could see my room in the hue of yellow and red light & all this was a dream?

I closed my eyes again to go back into the dream, trying to sleep again, but my phone started ringing at that very moment.

I reached for my phone which was lying beside me on the bed, ‘Jjong oppa calling.....’, of course, the man in my dream is actually calling me in reality now.

I rubbed my eyes to confirm if I’m not dreaming again but it was real.

I scrolled to receive the call lying on the bed,

“Yah! Where are you?"

"Are you home?"

"Open the door right now!"

"Why did you have to change the password at such a time?”

He was shouting aloud without the existence of pause, breathing, except for some loud huffs in his angry tone.

Door? He’s here? Why is he so angry in the early morning? Were we meeting today?

Am I missing anything? I took the phone off my ear to check the time.

6.30... pm?    Evening?

I tried to get up, but my body was heavy & sore.

“Hello? KangRyujin?"

"Are you there?"

"Open the door or tell me the passcode right now! Will you?" I heard him aloud as he was now shouting through the phone which I was holding in front of me.

“080490” I said weakly in the least voice that came out holding the phone near to my face again.

I tried to get up in bed , turning to my side with the support of my hands. As I sat up I could hear the opening of my front door.

I looked at my window as I tried to remember since how long, I had been here that I slept to wake in the evening with a sore back and shoulders?

“KangRyujin?” I could hear him in the house now.

I opened my phone to see the date & to my surprise I was asleep for almost 36 hrs now.

I was feeling chills as soon as my blanket was off me so I wrapped it back again.

There were 10+ missed calls from Jonghyun oppa and almost everyone had called me at least 5 times since yesterday night including SeokHa, Sam, Minho oppa, Taemin oppa, Key oppa, and Jinki oppa, Mom, My neighbor SuJin eonnie and Dr Changmin too… I realized I caused a lot of trouble here.

But I had no memory of why I was asleep for so long?

My stomach was aching with pain, due to hunger, most probably.

“Are you okay?” I could see his frowning face as he entered my bedroom.

"What have you been doing for 2 days here not receiving anyone's calls?" he asked, coming near me.

I started feeling dizzy and weak as his image started blurring in some secs making me close my eyes again.

"You look bad!" He came to sit beside me and raised his hand to check my forehead as I leaned back to rest my back on the bed rest.

"And do you even realize you are burning with high-fever right now?" he sounded worried and angry at the same time.

“I don’t know. I woke up just now.” I kept my eyes closed while I rested my head on the bed-rest behind me.

I could remember now that I came home the day before yesterday, was dead-tired after working for my research papers and hospital together for almost 2 days and 2 nights without any proper sleep as such except for some small naps.

“I’m sorry to get you all worried. I think I over-worked but this wasn't expected to happen.” I said rubbing my forehead as it was bursting with pain now.

“As you never listen when I tell you to take good rest.” I could feel his anger in his voice.

“Does it make sense for a doctor to get so severely ill herself?" he was furious.

"Did you forget you are a human too and your job is to take care of yourself first?” I had opened the gates for his nagging myself.

It was urgent to publish the research paper before Wednesday and my colleagues had already replaced my numerous night calls last month due to my conference. It was just 2 days of work and I thought I would pull off a night or two, as it was not the first time I was having such all-night schedules in the last 3 years now.

Maybe my body was over-exhausted after continuous schedules this time, but I believed it would be fine.

I was planning to rest for a whole day when I came home that day so that I can recharge myself again but I was too lazy to cook and thought I would order something after I take a short nap. But that short nap turned into a long one and I have had an empty stomach since morning. I was feeling stuffy due to overnight snacks while working so I skipped breakfast thinking I'll eat when I get home.

I did stress my body unknowingly and no one but me was responsible for this situation.

But even if I explain all this now, he’s not going to take any excuses from me.

Anything, but a healthy three meals a day, despite any kind of emergency work we had, was the one thing we both had warned each other about, considering our 24 hr. schedules. And I was the guilty one this time.

“I’m sorry” I said lying down on the bed again as I didn't have energy to hold myself in a sitting position.

I was feeling too weak to start an argument right now.

“I’m sorry too. You look too bad for a scolding right now.” he said, staring at me with pitiful eyes as my powerless figure slid back in the bed holding the blanket above me.

“Let’s finish this later. You need to eat something first '' He said, taking out his phone and typing something as I watched him through the blanket as I held it up to my nose.

“I can make porridge for you, but is there anything in your fridge right now?" "I don't need to go buy groceries right?” He went out of the bedroom mumbling to himself looking into his phone.

Lying on bed with silence in the room again I could reminisce about the dream, a smile appeared on my face as I could vision again the sight of oppa coming to me in that black shirt again, as I closed my eyes.

It was too fantastical for my normal, usual dreams, about me lost on some island or running behind the monster or the monster running behind me in a while.

How much am I thinking of him to see him in my dreams now ?

I tried to re-enter the dream to go to the end but the same scene kept playing in front of my eyes.

It was such a dreamy dream and why do I have to wake up exactly at that moment? At least it seemed possible in the dream. I was thinking all the crazy stuff now that my brain was

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I just divided the fourth chapter into 3 different chapters as it was exceptionally long... !! It was something I didn't realized when I published it earlier. I haven't changed anything from the story, so those who have already read the story, it's the same ...except for addition in no of chapters.


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 13: The story ended? And wait, there's a sequel? Is it also focused on Ryujin and Jjong? And more than anything, I'm curious of the next door neighbour of Jinki. Wonder if she has replied yet and so on. LoL... Anyway, bottom-line, I had fun reading this story ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 12: This chapter was sweet. I'm not sure what else to comment except that I can't believe there's only one more chapter left to read. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 11: Ooh... They finally confessed? Nice... His sister is cool... Wonder how things would go from here in. Also, his sister purposely left her place because she has planned this with Jjong right? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 10: Awww Changmin is the sweetest, isn't he? Hehe excuse my biased a**. Jokes apart, I really hope he gets a happy ending too. And wonder how things would go for the main characters. I enjoyed their teasing a lot. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 9: Hahaha Jinki's mom not beating around the bush, not even to a stranger was funny. Ok, so Changmin knows about her feelings. Although I wonder how, still in hoping he wouldn't choose to go down the heartbreak path. Excuse my biased a**. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to see how they would all react when she comes back after sending Changmin off. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 6: Somehow I was confused for a while at the beginning of the chapter. Don't ask me why. I don't even know. Anyway, this chapter was nice. And I can't believe that it was just a dream of hers. You are such a tease. LoL... Also, I forgot about her friends at the hospital. For some reason, my brain kept assuming Seokha to be a boy. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 5: Poor her! With all her struggles and worries regarding her feelings and the fear of future. I can't wait to see how things would go from here. So I'll be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 4: Yunho the bartender! I cracked up hard the moment he was introduced. Inspired by the Champagne MV or something? Just curious... Jokes aside, the chapter was nice. Had fun reading it. But gotta ask something out of curiosity, is it a Shawol authors' thing to write long a** chapters with 8k or over? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But I'll be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha their friendship was something. Especially how her parents got along with them. Although much hasn't happened in this chapter, I'm looking forward to reading how this story develops further. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 2: Ah, so that was how they met? It was nice to see how they positively motivated her. I think you were referring to them from Lucifer era but as you described them by their look, I was confused for a while. My poor brain couldn't handle it. So eventually I gave up imagining who was speaking which sentences. LoL XD anyway, jokes apart, I'll be back later to read more and find out how this story will develop further ^^