Coming back home!

Descendants of the sun Goowon Couple Love Story





Seo Dae Young has been on a mission for a few days. Myeong Joo doesn't know when he'll come back. But she hoped he'll come soon. It's her day off. Waking up in the morning her first though was if Dae Young would have been here, she'd spend the free day with him. But he's not here. So she slowly started her morning. Waking up the girls, bathing them, feeding them, playing with them for a bit, she entered the bathroom to have a shower.


On the other side, Dae Young returned today from his mission. He reached home hastily, entered the pin number in the apartment door lock and tiptoeing entered in their apartment. The girls were playing in the living room. Seeing him they both happily scrammed and started running towards him. He easily grabbed them both and took them in his lap, kissing them both all over their heads.


Myeong Joo's shower came close to the end and she heard the girls screaming happily and giggling, hearing that she hurriedly turned off the shower and grabbed one towel to wrap around her head before grabbing the other to pat herself dry. Surely this was normal, she reminded herself. Still she wrapped the towel snugly around herself and patted her chest wondering what could make the girls screaming happily like that.


As she stepped out of the bath and shivered because it's winter, looking around for her girls, she saw Dae Young standing there smiling at her, "Dae Young?" she cried and ran towards him.


He had barely found his footing after placing the girls on the floor when he heard her call him out and suddenly she was running towards him, clad in nothing but a towel around her torso and one twirled on her head like a strange headdress. His eyes soaked in the sight of Myeong Joo dashing towards him, the towel wrapped around her head fell off, exposing her silky hair that he loved so much. She came closer and directly crashed onto him and flung her arms around his neck, her hair damp and sweet fragrant. And before he knew, he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up, releasing a blissful sigh as she buried her face in his chest.


She was wet and clad in just a towel and triggered the crazy want- but more than that, it was the realisation that she had been waiting for him, worried about him to run into his arms. He choked back a sob at the thought. He slowly lifts her face with both of his hands and placed his lips on her forehead. She closed her eyes at the feeling of his lips touching her. But she's not happy. She looked at his deep eyes,"Can't you properly kiss me? Why do you just kiss on my forehead?" 


Dae Young smiled so softly and his mouth came closer to her ears and he whispered, "The girls are watching." And brushed aside a lock of hair to tuck it behind her ear.


Suddenly Myeong Joo being aware of the girls watching them and giggling so much. Sunshine is 4 years old and Jina is only 1 and a half years old. Still they understands a lot, they are quite clever girls. Myeong Joo made a rule not to kiss in front of them. Cause they can't help their kiss getting deeper. So she told Dae Young not to kiss in front of the girls. 


Now realizing her current state in front of him and the girls, she was flushed red and clutching the towel at her chest. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulder, and again, on instinct cupped her face and tilted it up to observe her better. Her wet hair was soft and dripped on her shoulder, a tinge of red covered the tip of her nose made her look even cuter.


He ran the pad of his thumbs across her cheeks."Why do you look so flushed? Are you shy?"


She closed her eyes, placed her palm over his and chuckled before releasing a sigh. "You're back," she exhaled as if convincing herself before opening her eyes to meet his gaze. "I was worried I might be dreaming."


He swallowed thickly,"I'm back. You are not imagining." Here she is. He simply wanted to soak in every minute, every gesture and every fragrance. Finally, he came back to the reason of him to come back alive after a mission.


"Go change, you'll fall sick." he managed thickly, pulling his hand away.


She nodded once and turned, he grabbed her to him again and whispered in a very low voice, "I'll kiss you properly later."


She smiled a shy smile and went to change.

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I've a lot on my mind. So I can't write. But I've thought about some intriguing interesting plots for my Goowon. A lot of angst will come in your way. Be ready for that.


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15 streak #1
Chapter 25: You write really really well
I like the story much
It would be great if there is space between chapters
It will be much easier to read
nanananabananas #2
Chapter 75: Thank you for keeping the goowon ship alive after so many years authornim. I enjoyed reading this. It makes me want to rewatch DOTS
15 streak #3
My new favorite story
Jaesongjoong #4
Finally someone cared about this couple
I will read it
HDnguyen #5
Chapter 64: We are here looking forward to reading more GooWon stories and wishing you all the best. Hope you will be healthy and fight hard against difficulties so you don't fall. Everyone in this life has their own difficulties and needs to find a way to overcome them. Live healthy and happy for yourself and your family
Two years ago, I first published a story about the only love story I've seen in my whole life that made perfect sense to me. I've never been moved by a love story like this. But the yearning to know what happened to them after DOTS ended made me feel incomplete. Thus, I've searched all over the internet to read more fanfictions about them. Still, I was not completely satisfied. Even though some of the fanfictions were excellent. But they were not fulfilling my craving for them. Then I wrote a fanfiction for the first time almost a year later, after I've finished watching DOTS and published it here. Here, because most of the DOTS fanfictions were here. Later, I've thought about posting these stories on other platforms as well. But life comes through. To my readers, you don't know how many times my life has turned upside down in these two years. I've thought about ending the story a lot of times. But your comments inspire me the most. And when my life becomes really hard, I try to find something to rely on. I come back to my stories. Writing about them makes me feel how beautiful love is! You won't believe I've never loved anyone in my 28 years of life. I've sacrificed my life for a greater cause. But all I've ever gotten is immense mental pain, trauma, and depression. But if I loved, I would love exactly like them. Because I'm exactly like Myeong Joo. And Dae Young is the most honorable man I'd love to fall in love with. Readers, you waited for me, and I've promised you to write 100 stories about them. I will write 100 stories. But I can't promise about the timing. Forgive me for keeping you waiting for so long. But I've said earlier, and I'm saying now, if I could, I would never make you wait so long. Some days, I feel like my life has been finished. Other days, I'm struggling to deal with my depression and life. But some days I feel good, and I come to write a story about them. I know some of you prayed for me. I'm really grateful to you. I've got good results in my exams. You got me when you said, "Don't be hard on myself." I really appreciate you. But I've always been so hard on myself. Still, I'm struggling with this. In 2023, I've also started to think of suicide. But I've overcome that. It took me a lot of time to finally get rid of that thought. I hope you all are doing well. 2023 has been devastating for me. I hope 2024 will bring something great for all of us. And one request: please reach out with the story to those who love the Goowon Couple as much as we do.
HDnguyen #7
Chapter 62: So sweet, Au. They love each other little by little. They truly sympathize and understand each other on the path to finding true happiness. SEO Dae Young is truly a gentleman
HDnguyen #8
Chapter 61: Please continue writing Au we are waiting for the next episodes ♥️
tong99826 #9
Chapter 60: Thank you for the new chapters! It was such a feast!

I'm so glad that the love of Dae Young and Myung Joo is still as passionate as ever and at the same time I'm also thrilled about what's waiting for them in the future now that their little baby is about to be born.

We are already half way through the golden week of new chapters, please take care of your health be back with amazing stories.