
Don't Step on My Grave
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The businesswoman rubbed her temples, lying her head on the desk with a thud.


“I’m sorry to interrupt you, Miss Bae, but the private investigator just arrived.”


“Let him in, Joy.”


Irene organized the files on the desk, making it look decent enough.


The man came in, bowing lightly as a courtesy, and sat down in front of her.


“Good afternoon,” she said.


“Miss, I should tell you that I’m retired. So if you need anything…”


“I know, but thank you for still meeting me. I need certain information you might have.”


The man squeezed his eyes. “I don’t talk about past clients. It’s an NDA. I hope you can understand.”


“It’s about your last case,” she continued, ignoring his words. “Son Seungwan.”


“And who are you?” The investigator asked, fidgeting with his tie distractedly. “And why are you interested in that case?”


“Let’s just say that… I knew her. And I want to find her.”


“Miss Bae, excuse me, but that’s not possible. We looked for her for a very long time, all the clues were fake and I’m pretty sure she’s dead. You would be wasting time and money.”


“I wasn’t expecting to find her alive, Mr. Kim. I’m not that naive.” She rolled her eyes, without care to appear rude to him. “I just want to know what happened to her so maybe I can move on, but for that, I need to find her.” She concluded, resting her chin on her right hand. “Will you help me?”


Mr. Kim seemed to think.


“Okay, I will do it. But just let me warn you that I don’t hold information about the case anymore.” He finally let go of his tie.




The man sighed.


“All the case was carried out as murder. They were looking for a body, not an injured person.”


“What are you trying to say?”


“It may be possible that at that time she wasn’t dead yet. No one tried to look into hospitals.”


“Do you think you could find her?”


“I don’t know, but I’ll try. But I doubt any hospital that took her in when that happened will know where her body ended up.”


“Wait,” Irene said, rummaging through the drawers. “God, where did I put it? Yes, there it is.”


Irene handed a piece of paper with some doodles to the investigator.


“Look at those three places, please.”


“With pleasure.”




Seulgi rolled her eyes for the fifth time, running her hands through her hair.


“We’ve barely talked for twenty minutes and you already have to go? You can’t keep going to that place Irene, it’s not healthy.”


Irene sighed.


“I’m not going to do what you think.”


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Hello, i'm currently working on the last chapter since I'm going to add some new things. Stay put!!


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wenrene_baeirene #1
Chapter 1: Sepertinya irene sudah gila🤣🤣
wenrene_baeirene #2
Aku akan membacanya
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 7: YASHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😍😍😍😍❤️❤️
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 6: WTF 😭😭😭😭
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Chapter 5: No T_T
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 3: Cute
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 1: Interesting
Chapter 7: Wow i just found this story. It interesting story.
Nice work. I love it