《STEP 4》

How to steal a heart


Samuel stands in front with a smile, the crowd roaring as Samuel just ranted about how much they’ve tried for this team.

“And as for me as your president, I will make sure this team gets the best.” Samuel finished, Angelique was in shock, she ripped the paper in half before crumbling it somewhere and throwing it away.

Samuel leaves the field, when he arrives over to the angry Angelique, not getting the reaction or facial expression of what he expected.

“You manipulator! Hypocrite piece of !" Angelique yells, before storming over to Samuel and throwing a punch to his face...what had happened?

< Last Night >

It was a wild night, Samuel was drunk, Yahir too. The two ran around the field screaming as Danna followed behind the two. Having the time of their lives, but the only person who wasn’t having it, was Angelique, she just came because Danna was going.

“Angy! Have some fun!” Danna exclaimed, Angelque just shook her head but Danna didn’t oblige and grabbed her hand and made her run around with them.

Shouting mindlessly as the night was dark, the stadium was empty and it was only filled with echoes, Samuel and Yahir who had now stripped some of their clothing off. Angelique tried her best to not even look at Samuel's body (trying to pretend she had never touched it).

“We are gonna lose!” Yahir exclaimed, that just made Angelique more confused as to why he is so energetic about losing everything.

Minutes later everyone collapsed and fell down to the grass, Angelique walked over to Samuel as she saw him with his head down, indicating he was crying.

“Here,” Angelique handed him a water and his shirt back since Samuel was just crying shirtless to what made her secretly laugh at her insides.

“Am I that bad of a person?” Samuel asked, Angelique pursed her lips, she knew he wasn’t a bad person but in the family Angelique lived in, he was for them.

"Am I that bad that you had to leave me for Ricky?" Samuel asked, Angelique sat down right next to him, once he took the objects from her.

“It wasn’t you. It was me.” Angelique spoke, she tried to not to go tough on the boy who seemed to be in his sadness era again. She didn’t know how to explain her feelings. 

“If you put your best to this team, I know you will.” Angelique honestly said, as much as she seemed to hate Samuel, inside, she still remains caring for him.

“I thought you hated me..” Samuel mumbled, Angelique scooted closer over to him and turned her head to look over at him with a warm grin.

“I’m only forgiving you for these couple of minutes,”

“...Min, do you want to share the presidency?” that took Angelique back, her eyes widened but she quickly said yes. How couldn’t she miss an opportunity like that?

Time paused, their faces would lean closer, finally when they were close, Samuel closed the gap in between the two. Taking their worries and throwing them away for now as this might be the last time that this could happen. 

< present time >

“What’s wrong with you, you crazy ?! Samuel exclaimed, touching her nose that was aching from how hard Angelique had punched him.

“You said we’d share the presidency!” Angelique shouted, which made Samuel confused as he didn’t remember telling Angelique to share the presidency. 

“What?! When?!” Samuel shouted back confusedly, Angelique scoffed in disbelief, she couldn’t believe Samuel had just taken advantage of her trust and her niceness last night.

“Don’t play dumb!” Angelique exclaimed, still seeing Samuel’s confused facial expression she continued.  “Last night, on the field! You even sealed the deal with a kiss!” 

“Angelique, I was extremely drunk, you can’t be serious!” Samuel said in disbelief, he was right, he gets out of his mind when he’s drunk and it seemed that Angelique didn’t get the message that he was in a mess yesterday. 

“But you weren’t too drunk to take advantage of me!”

Danna who had just entered the stadium looked over at Angelique who was still arguing with Samuel even though the game had already started. 

“Angy! Is something wrong?” Danna asked with worry as it seemed like tears were threatening to spill, she was that frustrated with people always either betraying her or taking advantage of her.

“Yeah! This -” before Angelique could curse Samuel out, Danna pulled her away from Samuel. The more Angelique would be close to Samuel she would get irritated.

“Angy, let’s go, you need to relax a bit,” Danna suggested as she pulled Angelique out of the stadium.

“I’ll be back you motherer!” 


“Unfortunately after sad 90 minutes, the Foxes of Enozi lose 2 to 0 against loonaverse in their own stadium, and even worse, they’ll have to win the next match as visitors...if they want to make it to the final.”

“Why didn’t I shoot him in the leg..?” Jjae mumbled, as the TV kept rambling on how bad their team is, Cherry turned off the TV and stood in front of Jjae with a frown. She couldn’t help the team as much as she wished she could.

“We need to get 15 million dollars and plus the money I need to earn to keep my house and to take of the players,” 

“I promise we will win the tournament.” Jjae tried to brighten the mood, tugging a smile to Cherry, making her smile too.

She just wished she could confess her feelings, it feels like it's bottling up and it just might overfill.


“You did a good job, guys.” Madison tried to cheer up but the whole team, it didn’t seem to work as everyone had their head down in disappointment of their loss.

“We’re close to being eliminated from the tournament,” Potro mumbled, packing his cleats in his bag. Aitor nods in agreement as he stands up to walk over to Madison and Yahir.

“If we lose these two matches, we’re out.” Aitor spoke in disappointment, his expression was

“For right now, just rest, the bus will arrive in a couple minutes.” Yahir said, Madison nodded as she sighed, she didn’t know how to help them feel better of themselves.

“Aitor, can you meet me outside?” Madison pursed her lips, Aitor grabbed his jersey once again and started to put it on as he followed Madison outside, leaving everyone else with Yahir.

“Yes, madam?”

“This guy named Ricky, I don’t know who he is but he told me to tell you that you need to meet him tomorrow.” Madison commented, Aitor groaned as he knew what was coming up when he met Ricky.

“Ricky..he’s a snob, he was once one of the trainers of the team, he is extremely annoying and always speaks english, he might be still dating Angelique. He hates us, except me. He just wants me to leave the team to return to spain..but Aitor doesn't want that.”

“He’ll do anything to ruin the team or just us in general, like how he wants to”

Madison was shocked, so this is the Ricky everyone was talking about, he does seem as bad as how people seem to portray him.

“Promise you won’t leave the team?” Madison asked, concerned that one day Aitor just might leave the team.

“Yup, especially when we need to win.” Aitor smiled, he shifted more closer to Madison and brought her to a hug. The two smile in the warmth of their bodies, butterflies having a rampage in Aitor’s stomach as Madison pulls him closer.

“Hi, sorry to interrupt but the buses have arrived and we need to go.” Danny said, the two break from their hug slowly, blushing as it felt like they were exposed.

“See you back at the university.” Madison patted his forearm before walking away to where the other girls were huddled up talking to each other. Aitor sighed as he just stared at the girl. Feelings are complicated, and he knows that more than anyone when he looks at her.

“Is that what I think it is?” Danny teased, Aitor shrugged and went to go pick up his duffel bag, starting to head over to the bus.

He turns around to face Danny to answer his question. “I don’t think she feels like that.”


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1761 streak #1
Chapter 14: bro!!! this is getting interesting!!!
Shiba_Minatozaki #2
Chapter 13: I'll chew u ricky arf arf
1761 streak #3
Chapter 13: aww the first scene was so cute, danny bringing something to lighten her mood!!
1761 streak #4
Chapter 11: oh so that's who ricky is!!
1761 streak #5
Chapter 10: lol the confession center scene ^^ b
Chapter 4: Woah.... I actually find this story intresting😳 I hope you continue writing✊
1761 streak #7
Chapter 9: aww cute!!
1761 streak #8
Chapter 8: who is ricky!!?!?!?! i'm so curious! that or did i'm miss it somewhere... and I have the names down now!!
Shiba_Minatozaki #9
Chapter 8: i live for 2kim dogshow 🌝🔪
Chapter 7: 2kim!! AAAAA!!! 😍😍