Who you?


As the four went back to their respective places, yongsun kept thinking about the unusual behavior of her new friend. 

"Wheein-ssi.. Who are you?" She thought to herself before she fell asleep.

*Next Day*

As classes begins to start again, yongsun is peacefully walking down the hallway towards their class when she heard someone called her name. 

"Yongsun-ah!!!" The latter turned around and saw it was her two friends waving at her. 

"You should respect me sometimes byul-ah."

"We do respect you "unnie"." Hyejin snickered, emphasizing the word of respect for the older as she clung an arm around the now annoyed yongsun. 

Yongsun playfully pouts, ignoring the two as they made their way towards their class. Once they've arrived, the three settled down towards their respective places with moonsun seating beside each other while hyejin sat infront of them. 

The latter was looking at the window when the professor entered the room, catching yongsun's attention. 

"Okay class, before we begin, I'd like you to welcome your temporary classmate. Some say she's one of the best people studying morse code. She'll only be with us for a few weeks so be nice to her." 

"Wheein-ssi, please enter." Wheein entered with a smile, bowing infront of the class.

"Hello, my name is Wheein, please take care of me."

Yongsun was baffled as she glanced at her two friends who was also surprised by the sudden girl's appearance. 


"Hyejin-ah please calm down-" Moonbyul was calming their friend while yongsun can't seem to take her eyes off the girl.

Wheein chuckled at the sight as she caught yongsun's stare, quickly avoiding the latter's stare as she walked towards the group. 

"We just met yesterday, hyejin-ah." Wheein said as she took a seat beside the girl.

Yongsun didn't know what to think right now, the girl she was curious of, is right there infront of her.

"-- --- --- -. -... -.-- ..- .-.." Moonbyul. She clicked her pen, thinking she was being subtle while the professor started with the class. Moonbyul glances at her seatmate and immediately understood what yongsun was saying. 

"-.-- . ... / ..- -. -. .. . ..--.." Yes, unnie? Moonbyul tapped her fingers on the table as she replied to her friend.

"... .... . .----. ... / .... . .-. . .-.-.-" She's here.

"-.-- . ... --..-- / ... .... . .----. ... / .... . .-. . -....- / .-- .... -.-- -....-" Yes. She's here-why-

As moonbyul responded with yongsun's morse code, the girl they were talking about glances behind. Yongsun gulped and as she caught wheein's glance, she stopped communicating with moonbyul thru her pen as they continued on with the class. 

After their class ended, yongsun seemed to notice that wheein was being silent. *Is it because she caught them talking about her?" the latter thought.

Their friends was quick to notice about the tension between the group and so hwabyul came up with a plan to separate the two for the day.

"Wheein-ah come with me somewhere-" Hyejin dragged wheein towards the cafe before the girl could protest as moonbyul decided to persuade yongsun somewhere near the park. 

Yongsun glanced back at the two young girls as she looked at her friend as they walked towards the park. Before she could say anything, her friend beats her to it.

"Unnie- What happened to you at the park yesterday? You seemed off." Moonbyul looked at her friend concernedly. Yongsun stopped walking as she drag her friend to the nearby tree. She looked at her friend as she started talking about what she saw yesterday.


It started to drizzle, causing the four girls to evacuate their place not until wheein asked them once again to go ahead as she was said she was about to go to the restroom.

Yongsun voluntereed to go with the girl but the latter refused. Wheein then ran ahead away from the group not until a few minutes later...

"I'm going to the bathroom too." Yongsun said as she looked at hwabyul who was now comfortable playing at the arcade.

"Give us a call unnie!" Moonbyul said glancing at her as she was playing competitively with the younger girl. Yongsun nods at her friend while she clung the hoodie on her head.

Yongsun walked towards the restroom, expecting to see wheein but the girl wasn't there. She then walked out of the place, ready to go back to where hwabyul was but it started to rain. The latter then waited until it calmed but as she was waiting, yongsun saw two figures, standing not too far away from her. The two figures has a glowing red surrounding them. 

"Hello?" She called out as yongsun looked around. No one can be seen as all of them have evacuated from the rain. As yongsun looked back to the two figures, she saw the person stabbed the other. She was shocked at the scene, not until the figure turned around, as it stared at her. It was wheein. 

Panicking, yongsun ran towards where hwabyul was, not caring about the rain that was drenching her.

"-.- . . .--. / .-. ..- -. -. .. -. --." The rain that was dropping towards her seemed to be a coincidence as in morse code, it was telling her to keep running.  As she arrived back to her friends, she was shocked to see them. Especially the one she saw awhile ago. The three was sitting together with wheein beside them. 

"Unnie-are you okay?? You could've called one of us to fetch you-" Hyejin said with a concern look on her face. Wheein nods as moonbyul helped the older by giving her own jacket. 

Yongsun couldn't believe it. Wheein is here and completely dry - but she clearly saw the girl awhile ago, in the rain, not that far from her. 

*Present Day*

As yongsun told the story to moonbyul, her friend seemed to look at her confused. Moonbyul then started to laugh at her friend as she slapped her on the shoulder. 

"Unnie- so that's why you ran from the rain yesterday? and why you're acting weird around wheein?" Yongsun frowned at her friend, is she being delusional? She thought as she pouted at her friend, looking around.

"Someone might hear you laughing tch. Did you really think it wasn't wheein?? I clearly saw her byul-ah"

"Unnie- If it was really wheein, why was she with us and why isn't there any news that there was stabbed yesterday at the park. And the glowing red might be some signal idk or flashlight of someone-?"

Yongsun thought hard about it and her friend had a point. She stared at her friend as she asked, "Okay. Why is she suddenly here though?" 

Moonbyul shrugged as the girl doesn't really know why wheein suddenly transferred to their school. She knew yongsun would be thinking about it all day so she decided to treat the other.

"Unnie how about you ask it directly to her? I'll help you! In the mean time, treat me some ice cream-" 

"Yah- You're already stealing my foods in our dorm what do you mean-" Before yongsun could reply, she was now being dragged to a nearby ice cream parlor. 

The wind off the river nearby the park was ruffling yongsun's hair as they entered the ice cream parlor.

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Chapter 5: the mystery and suspense eat me up hehehe it's very interesting thanks author I'll be looking forward to your next update also thanks for your effort and work
vitawheeiny #2
Chapter 5: Im so curious woah
Chapter 5: The more I read, the more I feel confused hahaha
Jeongbyul0202 #4
Chapter 5: please please update im begging youuu author nim
vitawheeiny #5
Chapter 4: This srory is so mystery..
Chapter 4: The mystery that surrounds the fanfic is very intriguing. Can't wait to read more, Author-nim! 💗
Chapter 4: Happy new year! 🥰
Hwabyul definitely know something about Wheein that Yongsun doesn’t, I’m curious hehe
Chapter 3: Me intriga el tema de la lluvia y YongSun...me encantó la interacción en código morse😍💓
maki-- #9
Chapter 3: Hwabyul what are you up to? 🧐
vitawheeiny #10
Chapter 3: Aakkkk i have so many to ask...