Honey and Mun - 2

Among Us
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(Warning: Hints of matured content)




Baekhyun stirred up with slight grogginess in his system, his eyes blinking rapidly to adjust into the bright lighting that seemed to seep off from the open windows before him. Despite being a little slow, he did manage to get his mind together and comprehend that he was somewhere. Somewhere that wasn't his home or office, but the place was still familiar in a strange way. A few more blinks and his head got even more clear to remember that he had most probably been kidnapped. 

However, the strangely familiar place was what kept him away from panicking already. The same room, the same interior as he remembered, even the curtains were the same as his memories allowed him to reminisce. 

It was, undoubtedly, the same suite where he and Munhee had stayed on their very first family tour, back in their Jeju trip.

When he attempted to sit up and continue looking closer to find any alternative result to his assumption, only then he noticed Mr. Byun was actually tucked on his chest. Slightly shaking his head with growing amusement rather than shock or surprise, he retreated the monkey plushie away from his chest. The male had to bite his lips to stop them spreading too widely in excitement even before he could pluck out the visible sticky note from the toy's tummy. 


'Find me where the sun kisses the waves~'


Was what written in the note. It was certainly Munhee's handwriting. This time, even his sharp teeth failed to stop him from grinning like a lovestruck idiot. "Damn, Byun Munhee, I ing love you so much!" He murmured under his breath, breathing a bit uneven due to the waves of thrill and everything positive running through his veins. And without waiting for anything else, he settled Mr. Byun back on the bed before dashing out as fast as he could. That stupid but carefree smile was etched in his face for the whole journey till outside. 

Running, he could only think whether all of it was one of his many beautiful dreams or not. Even though he was now running over the sands of the beach, everything still felt surreal. How did she do it? How could she read those of his thoughts which he himself wasn't aware or certain of? Sure, there were a plethora of options for their honeymoon, and judging by the fact that they'd already been here, Jeju logically should've been the very last one on their choice list. But somewhere in his subconscious mind, he wanted to be here with her. This place surely held a special place in his memories, as it was the very place that had made him realize his not-so-friendly feelings towards his wife. This was the place where he had gotten a step closer to loving her. Also, this was the place where things had gone quite a bit wrong between them. So, there's always been a dull reminder at the back of his mind that he wanted to reverse those wrongs and make every single thing right about this place for them. He didn't want any place to exist in this world where they would leave any bad memories. He wanted every place to hold something cherishing for the two of them.


After a speedy run of around five minutes, he had finally managed to bless his vision with one of the most beautiful views of his life, ever. It wasn't anything exaggerated, it was a simple scenery. Munhee, Byun Munhee, his wife, the love of his life, just her kneeling by the crystal orange waves and laughing along with the two kids whom she seemed to be helping in making their sand castle. The orange-red-ish glow from the setting sun contoured her features even more artistically, making her look like the most beautiful imagination of an artist. And if everything wasn't enough, the way a gorgeous smile plastered over her lips when she noticed him, Byun Baekhyun was a goner for that woman - for the nth time.

 Really, she didn't need to do anything special to grab and pull his sensitive heartstrings uncountably, she just needed to exist and do whatever she felt like, and bam, without even a drop of her knowledge she'd be having him mesmerized by her. 

"!" Panting in huge huffs, the male cursed under his breath, mostly talking to himself, "You've got it this bad, huh, Baekhyun? You ing love her too much, Dude!" He slammed his fist into his chest a few times to calm his flailing nerves and feelings down before he would finally approach her. Because he might just scare her off if she was to actually see his raw emotions for her, they were just too much and too deep, they were overwhelming even for his own self, so he didn't want to burden her with them.  

He was about to give himself the final push to cease the leftover distance between them, by that time Munhee had excitedly bid the kids goodbye after saying something to them and stood up. This time, Baekhyun was fast enough to jog his way to her.  

"Hi!" Munhee grinned, trace of mischief along with the happiness visible in her features. 

"I'm going to sue you, Mrs. Byun!" Baekhyun announced as soon as he had gotten a control over his overflowing emotions for the girl in front of him. 

"Huh? Why, Mr. Byun?" Munhee copied her husband's posture and crossed her arms over her chest while asking him with a soft giggle. "What did I do wrong?" 

"First of all," The male freed his hand, his fingers automatically went to brush her flying hairs away from her face, beautiful "...you have kidnapped me. And second but not the least, you made me fall in love with you again, for the millionth time." He continued to accuse. 

Munhee hummed, eyes sparkling at his words while her cheeks dusted in the lightest shade of abashment. "Then add up another reason in your complaint list." Taking one last step closer and wrapping her arms around his nape, she murmured. It was silly, but she couldn't help but contemplate how things had changed in a better shade for them. Back at their first trip here, Baekhyun had been like an angry bull ready to hunt her down because of her trip plan, but this time, it was the stark opposite, and it was lovely.

"And what would that be?" The guy asked, his hands also naturally finding their way to hold onto his woman's waist.

"That I am going to kiss you without your permission, right here, right now." She barely managed to let out the answer while closing the remaining gap between their faces, sealing their awaiting lips in a loving kiss. Where the drowning sun kissed the untamed waves, Baekhyun let Munhee kiss him just there. 

"So?" When the couple was satisfied with their shared kisses, Baekhyun cupped her face while gazing into her deep brown irises, "Happy honeymoon to us, I guess?" He cheekily asked.

Munhee beamed, "Yeah. Happy honeymoon to us, finally!" 

"Right. Shall we go back to our suite and start celebrating our honeymoon then?" Now feeling the lighthearted atmosphere between them, the male wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. 

Munhee scoffed while punching her sly husband's chest, "Didn't someone say that would just be a bonus in their honeymoon, huh?" She reminded him of his own words. 

Baekhyun chuckled as he took her hand in his and started to lead them follow the wet sand without having any destination in mind. "Baby, would definitely be a bonus. However, making love wouldn't be. It's inevitable that I'm going to make a lot of love to you, during our honeymoon and even later." He gently pointed out, his palm raised their enclasped hands and kissed the back of her hand.

Munhee was glad that the sun was almost set and there wasn't much light to show her red cheeks. This man and his ability to mum her with his words, seriously, she was never immune to his words. "You talk like there is any difference between these two!" She still countered with a lame attempt. 

"Of course, there is, Sweetheart." Baekhyun laughed and insisted. Then his face dove closer to her ears before he uttered his next words, "Don't worry, I will demonstrate both to you." 

"I uhh…. I'm thirsty!" Finding no proper reply to his statement, the girl rather pointed at the distant open bar where few people were gathering to enjoy among themselves. Also because, her husband's words rendered sensitive warmth and thirst inside her, she definitely needed something wet to not let go dry.

"Let's get you something to drink." Baekhyun nodded and walked the both of them towards their destination. 






"Woah, that was quite fun!" Munhee huffed after the couple had finally returned to their suite. Apparently, they had strolled through the beautiful evening beach, sometimes talking about random or deep things, sometimes just childishly playing with the water, sometimes just running around like two giddy little kids. They did have fun, but it was exhausting as well. 

"It was!" Baekhyun agreed without any protest. These past few months, they had mostly been cooped up in their home even if they would be alone, it had been a very long time since they last had all these time for each other only, that even in such a beautiful and peaceful place. So, they were definitely enjoying this special opportunity quite a lot.

"But my dress has gotten so dirty!" Munhee started whining when she noticed her white knee length dress was mostly soaked and even dirtied with the wet sands sticking almost everywhere. The result of playing too hard on the beach.

Baekhyun eyed his wife like the third class ert he was for her, "We don't need that dress on you anyway." He lowly suggested as he took two steps closer to her. "Come, I'll help you get rid of it." 

Munhee gulped. She wasn't stupid to not know where this was going, so without any fail, she started panicking inwardly. Okay, it's not like she didn't want it or something like that - she had been desperate for it in fact. It was that, she actually needed to prepare things - just some preparation as a woman, to stay confident about herself when she'd be the closest to her husband. No everyone, she was all neat and clean from inside. The fact that was causing her to panic was that she knew she looked messy after all the activities they had outside. Also, she wanted to put on something alluring for her husband. That was just her definition of preparation. "Baekhyun I.... I need to take a shower first!" She screeched and dashed when the male was about to cage her in his arms. 

"You're playing too hard to get, Sweetheart!" Baekhyun whine-warned as he followed behind calmly, as calmly as possible; there's no need to hurry anyway, they had the rest of their lives spread before them. But it was too fun to tease his bashful wife, so he would squeeze out some fun while he could. However, his throat closed up instantly when he finally reached the balcony and found his lovely wife standing inside the private pool attached there. He was trying so hard to not lose himself to his greedy heart, but this girl was making it almost impossible for him. "Looks like you want us to take a bath together, hmm?" 

Munhee gulped her hot saliva for the thousandth time for today, as she witnessed with her widened eyes how her husband discarded his shirt and pants one by one, leaving him only in his boxers; his veiny legs dipping into the moderately cold pool water as he descended himself lower and lower, closer and closer. Her breath hitched when she noticed his sculptured abdomen drenched in the water, the moonlight above them shining enchantingly on him, being merciless on her poor poor heart. 

"My eyes are up here, Love." She heard his deep husky voice telling her something, only then she managed to get her concentration back on his face which was too close to her now. 

The pool wasn't too large, but it was enough for a couple to rest or even swim a little. It was more enthralling as it was in the open balcony, which allowed it's users to enjoy the natural beauty that Jeju nights held while enjoying each other's company. 

Munhee took in a deep breath, preparations, she could give him everything just here, she really didn't have it in herself to stop it or delay it anymore. She shyly and slowly s her wet arms around her alluring husband's broad shoulders, "Help me get rid of it." She whispered, feeling out of breath due to the increasing pulses in her whole body. 

Baekhyun stiffened momentarily, not sure whether he had heard her right or not. But the way her wet grip tightened around his bare muscles when he slid his fingers to the edge of her drenched shrunken dress, he could swear he heard her right. "Baby, I need you to lift your hands up." He softly murmured in her ears before pulling away from her as he needed a bit of space to do what he was told to do. 

Munhee silently complied, eyes closed in utter shyness. She felt the clinging dress leaving her body, a gust of cold wind hit her bared skin floating above the water, a distant thud was heard from where he had probably thrown her dress. However, the coldness soon replaced with warmth as she felt Baekhyun coming closer. He cupped her warm face in his long palms, tilting her head, coaxing her to look at him, "God, you're too beautiful, Sweetheart." He hissed under his breath, catching her gaze with his wilding ones. 

'No, you're more beautiful!' The girl wanted to protest immediately, but couldn't, as she felt his fingers going behind her back where the clasp of her white brassiere was. Good lord, it wasn't even that he hadn't seen her unclothed before, he did more than once. But she was yet to overcome the overwhelming abashment of getting bared before her husband. Finding no other way to fight her bashfulness, the girl tiptoed to capture his inviting pillows in hers, gaining a grunt of surprise mixed with appreciation from the enchantingly gorgeous male. 

"Oh ing hell, I'm gonna kill someone today!" Baekhyun yelled out in frustration when the doorbell of their suite rang loudly, interrupting their heated moment. His warm body still pressed against her soft warmer one, fingers were still busy playing with the clasp of her undergarment, his mouth was still eager to go back devouring hers like there's no tomorrow. 

'Baek, just...uhh go and check who it is!" Forgetting about her shyness, she now palmed her husband's chest, more worried at how frustrated he looked at the interrupter. 

"I don't want to!" Throwing a stubborn tantrum, the

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Again a BIG FAT THANK YOU to whoever has promoted this story!!! ❤️❤️🥺


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Chapter 5: I am missing this story sob sob😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
40 streak #2
I'm badly missing our lovely parents munbaek couple.. so excited for next chapter ❤️ 🤗 fighting authornim and have a wonderful day or night ❤️
40 streak #3
Chapter 5: Aww.. I really missed healing couple... our precious munbaek couple.. so excited to read more..yea....
Chapter 1: Finally they are wifey hubby now! Just Insert your coin soon Mr. Byun...
Cant wait for the sequel!!!
Chapter 5: Welcome back! Lol... we ALL need a husband like that!
Chapter 5: Waah Baekhyun really have so much patience
Bluerhino #8
Chapter 5: You're back!!! AND THOSE HORMONES ㅠㅠ bless baek for being the best partner and father ㅜㅜ
Chapter 5: Yep pregnancy hormones are that crazy!! Hang on Mun, everything will get better soon!!!
Thank you for the update dear.. I'm so glad you're continuing this fic <333
Chapter 5: Ohmagod, finally the byun family's are here.I hope the threat is not a dangerous at work with mun being pregnant.