

In which Kyuhyun examines his 'list of things to consider' and makes a startling discovery.


My fifth Fanfiction in five days.I feel so proud.!! Yayy!!

This is basically a continuation of  No Words Needed and exist in the same continuum.It can however be read as a one shot, as it is not fact based continuum. However if anyone wants too, you can read No Words Needed for exact clarity. 

Once again I ask that you give it a try and let me know what you think.I  have only been an author for 5 days, I am in need of guidance.Thank you :)


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400 streak #1
Chapter 1: I love Yesung POV, but Kyuhyun POV made me addicted xD his piece of mind was hilarious hahaha
Chapter 1: Finally, the resulf of the Great Internal War is out.
And Kyu has to face THE inevitable fact. We will be here to support you, Kyu.
Btw I love how you wrote the Kyu's process thinking, it followed the exact logical sequence, so fitted with his personality. And the result os something he cannot deny 💙
400 streak #3
Chapter 1: I SWEAR THAT I LOVE YOUR STORY HERE! And of course your other stories <333 Will read the rest soon~
Chapter 1: "Sometimes they gave him warmth, but it was only skin deep. His heart never moved, he never felt it in his toes. Their smiles made him happy, but never shook his mind, and never eased all his burdens."

Awwww <3
Chapter 1: Yay! Kyu finally realized it. Hehe. :) This was so cute and somewhat bittersweetly sad. Will Yesung have his own little story where he gets struck with realization too? Hm, I feel like in the KyuSung couple though that Ye is the smart cookie and doesn't need to contemplate it as much because he just knows. :P Ah, great work once again!
Chapter 1: Well Kyu better late then never I suppose XD. For such a smart individual it took him long enough. Great work <3.
Chapter 1: "All his spare time, was spend pushing down the Beast within, begging it to spare him yet."- my favorite line in the whole story!! had me giggling hehehe. This story was beautifully written, love how Kyuhyun comes to his scenes and realizes he love Yesung :D.
PreciousKyu #8
That's right Kyu, if it's not me then It Has To Be Yesung. lol Lame joke. 

One word for this fic: AMAZING! Though not much Kyusung-interaction, still an awesomely well written description of Kyu's contemplation. I really enjoyed reading this and I can't wait for your next fic.

I also noticed that you gained some loyal readers, including me ofcourse. Must feel great! Fifth fanfic=success!

Xxx That Kyuholic
peachyangel #9
It's good ^.^ honestly. I can see your style starting to show and that's always a good thing. I have to say I prefer your other fics though. This one is a little dry and not so much action. But every writer has to go through this kind of fic at some stage and u hadled it best as u could ^.^ it's important for the series so it's good :) keep writing