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Love'in Music


An open house is an event where the doors of an institution are opened to the general public so that people can look around and learn about it. Its purpose is to attract prospective students, to allow new students to familiarize themselves with the facilities and meet other students, or to develop informal communication channels between school staff and students.

There were numerous booths set up, each representing one of the clubs, and the venue was packed. I pushed my way through the crowd, stopping at the booths of each club to learn more about them.

A photographer was taking pictures of random students at the editorial club booth. The students she chose to photograph, however, were all male. "Hello there, handsome freshmen!" Would you like to be featured in our weekly news?" The photographer inquired of the men who passed by her. "Don't be shy! I could make you the front page story and let everyone know who you are. Just make sure to leave your contact details, yea." Sadly, the majority of them ignored her, but this did not depress her. She appears to be in good spirits and is doing her best to get picture taken. She seems to absolutely love her role.

The event site also featured a stage in the center. A girl was dancing on it like a wild child, attempting to attract the crowd's attention. People are drawn to her because of her strong movements. Her powerful dance moves, however, were due to the fact that she was drunk or high and her face was the colour of a tomato. Security was summoned to remove her from the stage, but the struggle was real. While on stage, the girl managed to avoid the security. How could they not handle just one girl? The girl was escorted off the stage after about five minutes, and everything was then back to normal.

I continued on my journey, visiting more clubs. According to what I've heard, some clubs have booths set up inside the school rather than outside. Perhaps it's because they're looking for the ideal location to showcase their club's specialty.Ā I came across a room with the words "Music Club" written on it. When I entered the room, there was no one around.Ā Besides, the grand piano in one of the room's corners grabbed my attention. I approached the piano and took a seat in front of it.Ā I'm not going to lie, I had a strong desire to play the piano at the time. I carefully lifted the fallboard without hesitation. I gently laid my hands on it, admiring the beautiful keys, and began playing a song. I started singing along to the melody unconsciously.


Daydreaming in the midst of the night
You brush my thoughts and sweep my sleep away
Now I miss all the times

I donā€™t need this
There are plenty more times weā€™ll miss anyway
Itā€™s painful to face you

I know you wanna hear me say something
But my emotions are going awry
The scars and guilt twist up again
This wall of destruction crushes us

Weā€™re wandering in the same place again
Everything feels so unfamiliar
Is it the end this time?
I donā€™t know, I donā€™t know...

*cues Seventeen's I Don't Know*


Tears flowed unknowingly down my cheeks. I quickly wiped it off and put downĀ the piano's fallboard.Ā I got up and prepared to flee the room before being discovered, but there was someone at the door. I was embarrassed and quickly apologized. "I apologize for playing the piano without permission; no one was present when I arrived, and I got carried away..."Ā I tried to explain myself, but it just seemed like I was making up an excuse, which I wasn't. Even so, there was no response from the person. He simply nodded and moved to the center of the room.

"Are you interested in joining our Music Club?" He questioned.

"Yes, I am interested." I gave a few nods. "What are the requirements to join?"

"There isĀ no requirement for you, you've passed the audition." He stated. "You are free to leave if there are no other issues. Just make sure to apply forĀ our club at the registration booth."

"Alright, thank you." I replied. When I was about to leave, he stopped me suddenly.

"By the way, what is your name? I'll need it to figure out who you are so I can approve your application."

"Park Jaerin is my name." He noted then signalled me to leave.

What a cold person... I mumbled. However, he stated that I had already pass the so called audition. Does this imply that he was present the entire time I was playing the piano? Might have been he was willing to pass me because of it? At the very least, I didn't have to go to an audition, right? Deep down, I was overjoyed because I felt exactly like myself when I was playing before. There was no stress, anxiety, or anything like that. It was in this state that I was able to perform well, which I did.

Feeling pleased, I made my way to the registration boothĀ and filled out the online application form on the tablet provided.Ā In the end, I still decided on a music-related extracurricular activity. Hopefully, this club will also be able to helpĀ me with my project.

And that reminded me that I had a meeting with Seventeen the next day...


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Chapter 7: Woaaah the plot is good. Cant wait for the succeeding parts
Your story is good can't wait to