Unmasked (Womblingwombat)

Santa Claus Is Coming To KyuSung Town

(2YA2YAO KyuSung)




Being a villain was no easy job.



"Behold! The citizens of SM Metropolis, I, Yesung, the Anima Whisperer, shall rain down wrath upon you!"


Jongwoon (alias Yesung, his villain name) snuck a glance at his palm where he jotted down what he had to do. Alright, the introductory done, next is a dramatic monologue.


"For years, I've been laying low observing you pitiful humans struggling to live like insects. How amusing! You all clearly need a superior leader who can guide you to the rightful path and it's none other than me! Run and scream all you want. My grasp will always find you and you'll be enslaved! Prepare yourself!"


No one showed signs of fear. The people surrounding him all smiled and looked at him fondly as if he was a kindergarten kid performing on a Christmas stage and they were the parents who came to cheer him up. Jongwoon could feel shame eating him alive but he held his act together. No, a good villain must not be discouraged by trivial stuff like—


"Eomma, is oppa a cosplayer?"

"It's rude to point your finger at people. Yuri-ah, apologize to the oppa."


Jongwoon wanted to bite his tongue and committed suicide when a little girl mistook him as a cosplayer and waved at him while beaming, totally not afraid of him at all. He knew that his villain outfit wasn't the most imposing but where was their respect!!? How could they mistake him as a silly cosplayer! Jongwoon fumed to himself while looking down at his "fear-inspired" costume— a black t-shirt topped with a brown leather suit jacket paired up with fitting jeans and black leather boots. To show his villain's alias, he hung a fluffy tail accessory, storm-grey color with dark-brown stripes, by his waist and put on a white fluffy cat-ear headband. As a final touch, he wore a burgundy masquerade mask that covered his upper face to hide his identity. No matter how he looked at himself, he dressed like a proper villain but how come no one was afraid of him! He even saw some men blush while looking at him and saw many ladies giggling and taking pictures of him! These people had no respect for the (soon-to-be) greatest villain at all!!


"What are you insects looking at!!? Hurry up and cower before me!"

"Aww, he's so cute!"



Seriously, Jongwoon wanted to die. Instead of fearing him, the crowd all cooed and swooned at his best attempt to be scary. Hm! He didn't want to use his power but they were asking for it! He whistled a soft melody (and got annoyed at how the crowd looked at him with an awestruck expression) and summoned his ultimate weapons. A loud meowing and barking then could be heard from everywhere, followed by a large number of stray cats and dogs that suddenly showed up. He smirked confidently.


"My friends, heed my command and wreak havoc! Don't spare even a single one of them!"



The army of stray cats and dogs cried in response to his order and immediately attacked the crowd…. by flopping down on the ground and exposing their tummy to the people while crying adorably. The crowd all let out a loud "Awwww!" and happily crouched down to play with the strays— some rubbing their tummy while some squishing their paws. Literally everyone had a blissful look on their faces and Jongwoon wanted to cry so badly. Although his superpower— animal tongue— was very useful and powerful theoretically, he was too kind to actually order animals to attack people because he didn't want these animals to be hunted down if they harmed humans. So, his ultimate move against people was cuteness attack. Although it was quite effective, seeing how everyone was completely enamored with the strays, it was also very shameful that he died a little inside every time he used it.


"Aww, kitty, you're so cute! From now on, you're going to be our new family member. Thank you, oppa, I love him!"



Worst of all, the only thing that his power achieved was finding a permanent loving home for these strays. Today, too, another stray found a new home. It was the little girl who just mistook him as a cosplayer. She was carrying a small white kitten and beamed at him. It seemed like she misunderstood that he intentionally found a pet for her, even though he just wanted to be a proper villain! While he was mourning his yet another failure, the little girl suddenly squealed and looked at him with sparkling eyes. Even the crowd also looked at him with excitement. What the hell happened—



"I wonder if this stray is already taken or not." 



A silky whisper appeared out of nowhere by his ear and kicked his heart into a haywire state. Before Jongwoon got to react, something soft and warm landed on his cheek and set his face on fire. Embarrassed for getting caught off guard so easily, he spun around and punched the ert that dared to kiss him. However, the newcomer effortlessly caught his fist and pulled him into a broad chest, before using a free hand to hold him by his waist. Jongwoon blushed darker when he felt heat radiating from the taller man. The caramel brown-haired man's heartbeat that he felt through their pressed chests was so irritably calm contrasting with his erratic one and it greatly annoyed him— how he was always the one who got played like a fool. He glared daggers at the erted hero and successfully struggled out of the man's embrace, though not before the taller man stole another kiss on his cheek.


"You finally show your face, my archenemy!"

"You forgot to add "my future husband", Yesung."


The hero, Kyuhyun, smirked and winked at him, and Jongwoon hated how his heart betrayed him and skipped a beat. This erted handsome guy before him was the city's one and only hero, Cho Kyuhyun. Many years ago, SM Metropolis was riddled with criminals and every citizen went to bed while keeping one eye open. However, everything changed four years ago when Kyuhyun moved in. It wasn't that the city had never had any heroes before, quite the opposite, actually. However, no heroes were able to defeat a swarm of criminals in this city and they all eventually gave up fighting, but not Kyuhyun. In only half a year, Kyuhyun successfully got rid of all criminals, one way or another. How?


Because this guy was too freaking OP!


Normally, only a few people had a superpower and even fewer could fully utilize it (it took him years to master his animal tongue too). However, Kyuhyun's list of superpowers was even longer than his monthly grocery list. Of the top of his head, he knew that the cheating hero had super strength, super speed, super IQ, super eyesight, super hearing, super reflex, telekinesis, flying ability, and super good-looking— landing him the name "Superman". Plus, the cheater was able to wield every superpower efficiently as if they were a part of his body, so he easily overpowered and defeated all criminals, well, except him.


Even though Jongwoon had made a name as a villain for four months, he still hadn't been caught by Kyuhyun yet, not even once. The reason?


"Stop using dirty tricks and fight me fair and square, you erted hero!"

"Aren't you the one who uses a dirty scheme? You stole my heart and refused to give it back, Yesung."



... Because this damn hero liked to play with him like a cat playing with a mouse! At their first meeting when he made a debut as a villain, Kyuhyun proclaimed that he had fallen in love at first sight and intended to make him a partner (in life and in bed, that what Kyuhyun said, and he got so flustered that he spectacularly failed his first mission). Ever since then, even though Kyuhyun had a trillion chances to capture him or expose his identity, the hero always let him go after teasing him until he got flustered and ran away. The worst part of it? He actually fell in love with Kyuhyun like a fool! Even though the hero was just playing with his heart out of boredom… But not today—!


"I-I won't fall for your cheap tricks ever again, hero! I'll make today your last day as a hero!"

"And my first day as your husband? I'm in!"


Jongwoon felt his face burning at the hero's teasing. He quickly shook his head and retorted.


"Shut up! I meant that you're going to die today!"

"But I'm already dying? Dying to make you completely mine~"

"Gah! You're annoying! Everyone! Attack formation!"


At his shouting, the nearby strays that hadn't already found a new owner came to surround him. However, instead of attacking the hero, they only cried cutely and rubbed themselves against his legs. Some stray cat jumped onto his shoulder and nuzzled his cheek while meowing loudly, causing him to cry inwardly from humiliation. How the hell was he supposed to defeat the hero with these—


"Urgh! My heart!"

"What the hell…?"


Kyuhyun suddenly cried as if he was in pain and got down on one knee. The hero clutched the shirt above his heart and faked a cough, all the while Jongwoon stood stupidly in place. Did he suddenly gain a new superpower?


"Did my attack really work? How?"

"Yes, cough, it was super effective."


Kyuhyun winked at him.


"My heart got damaged by your cuteness."

"T-The hell!!?"


Now, Jongwoon was pretty sure that his face was as red as his mask. The hero's charming smirk and the crowd's loud cooing only made him feel even more embarrassed. Gah! Why couldn't things just go his way! And why wouldn't his heart stop skipping a beat just because Kyuhyun winked at him! He finally had had enough of being played like a fool by the hero and decided to end this ridiculous battle. He glared at the handsome hero and took out a dagger.


"Fine! I'll just take care of you myself!"

"And I'd love to take care of you too, Yesung, but maybe we should move to somewhere more private than this?"

"ert! There are children here!"


Jongwoon scolded the hero for his inappropriate speech and lunged at him with his dagger ing forward. However, Kyuhyun effortlessly seized his wrists and used the momentum against him to slam him against a wall, before putting a knee between his thighs and pinning his captured wrists above his head. Jongwoon had a crush panic and tried to struggle, but the hero stopped him by holding his waist in place. Kyuhyun's eyes were practically shining with mischief as he leaned in while fondling his waist and bottom.


"Be careful, Yesung. What if you accidentally stabbed yourself? I'd hate that because I'm supposed to be the only one who can stab you."


Jongwoon's brain got short-circuited by both the hero's face so close to him and his innuendo that got imagination… N-No! Don't think about it! Don't fall for the distraction scheme! He quickly shook his head and reminded himself that Kyuhyun didn't have any feelings for him, that the hero only out of boredom. He is a villain. He shouldn't be swayed by the hero's words!


"Let me go!"

"No can do~ Yesung, I finally got you in my palms. Why would I let you slip out of my grasp again?"


Oh no… Kyuhyun was dead set on capturing him for real today! No wonder the hero tried to sweep him off his feet many times but he wouldn't go down without a fight! Luckily, he knew the hero's weakness, one that he could easily exploit. However, Jongwoon felt extremely embarrassed just thinking of pulling the said move but it was now or never!


"I said, let me go!"

"Yesung, Yesung, how many times do I have to tell you that letting you go is at the bottom of my to-do list?"

"Let me go… please…"


Jongwoon glanced up and held the hero's gaze, blinking slowly while biting his lip.





It worked! Although he didn't know why, Kyuhyun always froze whenever he called the hero's name while holding their gazes, and left an opening… just like now!


"Everyone, help me!"



He seized the chance when Kyuhyun stood stunned to call for help. The strays army instantly jumped at the hero and kept him busy, creating an opportunity for Jongwoon to get away from the iron grip. While the taller man was dealing with a bunch of stray cats and dogs hanging from his body, Jongwoon made to escape the scene.


"Wait, Yesung, don't go—"






Jongwoon left a quick peck on the hero's cheek and ran away. This, too, he didn't know why but Kyuhyun also froze every time he caught him off guard and pecked his cheek. So, he had plenty of time to run away….



Next time, he'll definitely defeat Kyuhyun and become the best villain!




A few days later…




"Holy crap! I almost got caught!"



Jongwoon complained about his last encounter with the hero from a sanctuary of his hideout, a charity vet clinic. His true identity was Kim Jongwoon, a kind-hearted vet who opened a clinic that treated animals for free. He always thought his choice of occupation was awesome. Not only did he get to help animals, but he also secretly gained more helpers and information this way. Every pet and animal in this metropolis all obeyed him. Just one order and he could easily destroy the city. The problem was, he didn't want to do that. In reality, he wanted to be just a normal vet but he still went down a villain's road because...


"Appa… Daddy… I failed you again…"


He looked at a photo frame on a table of two men smiling at the camera. One of them carried a boy in his arms while the other man held the boy's hand— his fathers and him. Both of his fathers were exceptional villains in their glorious days. Appa Leeteuk, the man who was holding the boy's hand, was a very famous mc who used his superpower "charmer" to trick influential people to donate their fortune to charity organizations that saved stray dogs. As for his Daddy Heechul, the man carrying the boy was a well-known superstar who used his superpower "charming" to charm people and trick them to donate their fortune to charity organizations that saved stray cats. Both of his parents were big figures in the villain world and he aspired to be like them. However, nothing seemed to ever go his way… The best he could do was become the hero's plaything, a foolish plaything that fell for the player…


"Urgh, why do I have to fall in love with Kyuhyun of all people? Last time, he almost caught me because I was being an idiot being swayed by his sweet words. Maybe I should lay low until I learn how to control my heart…"






"Oh, welcome to Little Cloud's Friends! How may I help… you…"

"Hello, my cat is—"






Jongwoon ran into an examination room and slammed the door shut. What the hell! Why was Kyuhyun here!!? Did his identity as Yesung get exposed!!?


"Doctor? Are you alright? If you're okay, could you take a look at this cat? He's been acting restless lately."


A cat? Jongwoon carefully peeked through a small gap after opening the door ajar. Indeed, the hero was carrying a beautiful grey-haired Persian cat. Huh? Maybe it was a coincidence that Kyuhyun happened to find his clinic. That's right. He had always been careful with his villain persona and his costume was flawless. There was no way Kyuhyun could have found out the truth! With his confidence restored, Jongwoon stepped out and smiled sweetly at the hero.


"Hello! My bad, I forgot to turn off the light in here. What can I help you with?"


Instead of answering him, Kyuhyun swept his gaze up and down his body, causing him to shift nervously.


"Is something the matter…?"

"You look great in this outfit."

"Oh, thanks?"

"Your beautiful smile is quite refreshing too."

"Umm, I-I don't think you're here just to compliment me, right?"

"Of course, I want you to see my big boy here, though I don't mind if you want to see my other big boy too~"


Jongwoon accidentally bit his tongue at the taller man's innuendo. WTF! Did Kyuhyun just… Blushing darkly, he found his eyes wandering to— no! Bad eyes! Dirty eyes! Look up!


"Please stop teasing me. It's not fun at all and I know you do this with other people too, not just me."

"No? I only flirt with you alone?"


Liar. Jongwoon bit his lip and looked away. Kyuhyun flirted with his villain persona too but blatantly lied about it. As expected, the hero only saw him as a plaything.


"Whatever. Please hand me the cat so I can take a look at him."


Jongwoon took the cat and examined it closely. However, he couldn't find anything wrong with the feline (except it was a bit too chubby). So, he decided to just ask the cat using his superpower. However, the Persian cat refused to talk even though it looked like it had something to tell him. It looked almost as if something threatened the feline to stay quiet. In the end, he couldn't find anything wrong with it.


"He's very healthy and happy, though a bit chubby. You don't have to worry about him."

"Hm~ I see~ Can I come here again if something happens to him?"

"Of course, it's my job after all."

"Then, are you free after this? You see, this is my first time raising a cat. I'd love some advice from you."


At first, Jongwoon planned to turn down the hero. However, he changed his mind after realizing that he could use this chance to find the hero's weakness. Yes, everything was for the sake of improving his villain tactics. It had nothing to do with the way Kyuhyun held his hand intimately and kissed his cheek! Absolutely not!




A few weeks later…



The only thing that he learned from the undercover mission was that Kyuhyun was a big liar. Every time Jongwoon hung out with the hero, he always asked whether Kyuhyun flirted with other people or not but the man always said no. He decided to test the hero by going out as Yesung again. However, Kyuhyun actually flirted with him harder and became more touchy too. Hell, he almost got kissed on the lips so many times! Yet Kyuhyun still told him the next time they met (as Jongwoon) that he only had his eyes on him! What a big liar! Jongwoon was tired of being played with by the hero so he decided to put an end to their meeting, as both Jongwoon and Yesung.


"Jongwoon~ Where should we go this weekend? My penthouse?"

"... I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Jongwoon? What's wrong?"

"I hate you."


Jongwoon didn't wait for a reply and ended the call. No, he won't be swayed again. He wouldn't let himself get distracted when he had something bigger to take care of. Tonight, he will rob a bank. He had been too kind and lenient as a villain but not anymore. Tonight, he will make the city realize who is the true villain.



Jongwoon put on the mask and stepped out into the night.





Jongwoon called for help from the army of rats to cut off the bank's electrical power by biting the cables to shred. When the central bank of the metropolis was engulfed in darkness, he quickly snuck into the building through a ventilation system guided by his rat friends. Soon, he arrived at the main reception room of the bank and coolly dropped down from the vent. Yes! That was a perfect landing! He stood up and brushed his clothes while looking around. As he expected, the emergency power had activated so the lights in the bank were on. The reserved power was enough only for the lights though, so the vaults should still—


"Oppa! Did you come here to save us?"


What? Jongwoon turned to the cheerful voice and saw a familiar little girl waving at him— the girl from months ago who found a new pet thanks to his power. Wait, he just noticed that not just the girl, there were other people huddling in the corner right behind him, including the bank's employees. But he just came here? Why did everyone already gather here?


"I come here to r—"

"Oppa, be careful! That scary uncle is behind that door!"

"No, I—"

"Thank you, Hero Yesung! We can't thank you enough for saving us! You cut off the power so the criminal got trapped in the safe. Now, we just have to wait for Hero Kyuhyun to take care of them."


Jongwoon flinched when a male bank employee called him a hero. He was a villain though and he was here to rob the bank. Unfortunately, it seemed like someone else also had the same idea. He just had to deal with this villain but for now, he had to clear the misunderstanding.


"Listen, I'm not—"


His heart stopped beating for a second when he saw a red dot moving on the girl's forehead. His body moved without thinking and he lunged at the girl, just in time for a bullet to fly over their heads and hit a wall instead. He nudged the little girl who was shell-shocked towards her mother and turned around to see the shooter. Suddenly, his rat friends who were hiding in the vent squeaked in panic so he was able to dodge another bullet aiming at his head. He quickly leaped to the side and hid behind a counter, before carefully peeking over it. Under the dim light, a scarred-face man dressed in an orange inmate jumpsuit was laughing maniacally. In the man's right hand was a custom blazing red firearm. Impossible!


"Captain Marker!"

"Hahaha! I see, my reputation is still second to none despite being held in a prison for years!"


Captain Marker was one of the deadliest criminals who wielded a fearsome superpower— no miss. As the name suggested, once Captain Marker aimed a gun at anyone, he would never miss. Jongwoon was extremely lucky that he survived both shots. Wait, since when did Captain Marker break out of the prison!!? Most importantly, how was he supposed to fight against Captain Marker? He only knew basic combat training and had only a dagger as a weapon! True, he could order the army of rats to swarm the criminal and bite him to surrender. However, some rats would definitely die from Captain Marker's bullets. He didn't want any of his friends to get injured but he couldn't let these innocent people get hurt too! What to do, what to do! Jongwoon's thoughts raced insanely. Damn it, if only Kyuhyun—






"I finally found you~"


Jongwoon suddenly got cold sweats hearing a familiar voice. Gulping nervously, he slowly peeked over the counter and saw Kyuhyun standing on the debris of what was once the bank's roof. At the same time, Captain Marker was buried under the debris after Kyuhyun landed exactly on top of him. Although the hero was smiling ear to ear, his eyes shone dangerously that Jongwoon felt like a deer in headlights. C-Crap! Run away! He had to run away—


"Where do you think you're going, hmm?"


In a blink of an eye, Kyuhyun showed up right in front of him with his super speed. Looking closely, Jongwoon realized that the hero was burning in fury. Oh no! Did he cross the line by robbing a bank? Will Kyuhyun finally get rid of him? He closed his eyes and prayed to heaven that his death wouldn't be too painful. However…


"Please tell me that you were joking. You didn't hate me, right?"


Kyuhyun suddenly pulled him into his embrace and held him desperately, but Jongwoon was too busy panicking over the hero's question. What did Kyuhyun just say again…?


"H-Hate you? What? But—"

"I know you're Kim Jongwoon, from the beginning ever since our first meeting. I just play along with your game all the time because I think you're cute."


"However, you aren't cute anymore. Jongwoon, how could you seduce me and leave me hanging? That's why I think that it's time to finally make a move so I approach your real identity. Everything was going well. We were happy spending time together but then you told me that you hate me."


Kyuhyun lifted his chin up and looked into his eyes, causing his heart to race faster.


"You didn't hate me, right? Jongwoon, I can't bear it if that's the truth."

"You didn't just play with my heart…?"

"I'd never do that. Jongwoon, I love you. I meant every word I said."

"K-Kyuhyun, I—"


Jongwoon's eyes widened. While they were talking, Captain Marker had somehow already crawled out of the pile of debris and aimed his gun at Kyuhyun's back. Without hesitation, he flipped their bodies and swapped their positions, using himself to shield the taller man.


"Kyuhyun! Watch out!"






The bullet hit his back but didn't pierce through. It hurt so much that Jongwoon immediately dropped all of his weight into the hero's arms who helped him kneel down. He could feel the warm blood drench his back and shoulder. He wheezed in pain as Kyuhyun took out his mask and caressed his face affectionately.


"Tsk, another miss. But this time—!"





There was a loud crashing noise behind him and Captain Marker suddenly went quiet. If he wasn't in tremendous pain right now, he'd have looked back to see what happened. However, he was in so much pain that he couldn't even sit straight, just leaning on the hero while whimpering.


"K-Kyuhyun… it hurts…"

"Jongwoon, don't say anything and look at me."

"N-No… There's something I must tell you before I-I— ngh…"

"Jongwoon, you'll be fine, just—"

"I love you."


Kyuhyun was stunned by his sudden confession for a short while but regained his wit after he whimpered in pain again.


"Yes, I know that. I love you too."



After confessing, Kyuhyun pressed his lips on his own and stole any cries about to escape. Knowing that he was going to die anyway, Jongwoon didn't shy away from the kiss and returned it as enthusiastically and passionately as the giver. He even tugged the hero's jacket lapel to pull him closer and whined. Kyuhyun chuckled against his lips before thoroughly ravishing his mouth with his teasing tongue that completely melted him in the strong arms. Gosh, Kyuhyun kissed like a pro and it felt so good to be held by him, so good that he felt the pain slowly subside…


"You're fine now, honey."



Dazed by the kiss, it took Jongwoon a few blinks to realize what the hero meant. He looked down at himself and grasped after seeing that the blood had stopped and the wound completely healed. There was a single bloodied bullet rolling on the floor between them.


"What? How…?"

"My cute dummy, I have a healing factor so I heal you by sharing my saliva. Most importantly, I'm also immune to bullets so don't ever do that again. You scared me."

"I can't help it. My body just moved on its own because I love you."

"How cute~"


Jongwoon blushed intensely but happily let the hero peck his pouting lips. Now that he knew Kyuhyun loved him back, there was no need to pretend anymore. He snuggled into the taller man's chest and drew a fond chuckle from him.


"I know what you want but not now. Jongwoon, I want you to close your eyes and cover your ears."

"Eh? Why?"

"Just do it for me, alright?"


Kyuhyun looked over his head to the crowd that had been watching them quietly.


"You guys should do that too."


After he obediently did as the hero told, he was rewarded with a short sweet kiss before the man pulled away. Then, he waited in darkness and silence until warm hands suddenly held his face and a gentle velvety voice greeted him.


"You can open your eyes now."


When Jongwoon opened his eyes again, Captain Marker was nowhere to be found. Although there was a large pool of blood where the criminal used to be and… What was that red lump on the floor? Kyuhyun then came to block him before he took a better look and carried him up.


"Let's go to my place. I need to thoroughly check that you're fine."


Of course, Jongwoon knew what the hero actually meant. However, instead of scolding him like how he used to do, he actually put his arms around Kyuhyun's neck and kissed his cheek.


"Yes, please inspect me as much as you want, my hero."





Later on, when Jongwoon lay in Kyuhyun's arms, his back aching but otherwise happy, his skin sporting red bite marks everywhere, his lips and s red and slightly swollen, he pondered about his career path seriously.



Maybe I'm not fit to be a villain...



"Yes, honey," the hero suddenly said, "you're too kind to even pretend to be a villain, though I'd say that you're very fit to be a hero's wife, mine, to be specific."

"What? I didn't say that out loud…"


Jongwoon gasped while his boyfriend smirked at him too amusedly.


"K-Kyuhyun… don't tell me…"

"Yes, I can read people's minds. Gotta say though, Jongwoon, your thoughts are really fun to read, especially when I throw innuendo at you and your imagination runs wild or how you repeat again and again that your heart goes crazy because of me~"


So, he couldn't hide anything from Kyuhyun from the beginning? Jongwoon groaned and hid his burning face in the hero's broad chest, wishing to just disappear from the world. At the same time, he thought that he made the right choice, giving up on a villain job. Who would want to be a villain with this OP hero around? Plus… Kyuhyun's wife… he actually… sort of… kind of… liked how it sounded…?


"I love how it sounds too, especially when you say it yourself."

"Ahh! Stop reading my mind!!"




Author's note:


I didn't know I need superhero Kyuhyun and villain Yesung in my life until I saw this prompt. Thank you for requesting it! I had sooo much fun writing this~ (And yep, this is yandere Kyuhyun and that Captain Marker was brutally killed for hurting Yesung LMAO)

Also, head up, I'm going to get a booster shot next Friday (probably Pfizer). So, if I didn't post next Sunday, it means I'm too sick to do so. (Hopefully I'll be fine though!)


Take care and love you! <3

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Chapter 6: Oww I love this Chapther 💙
400 streak #2
Chapter 11: I love story from 3rd person, just like I love your story with Seulgi in it (OR WOOKIE!). Please make more like this XD
Chapter 4: Little sweet Wookie is such an angel 💙
Still a kid though, with his love of ice cream and giraffe 😁
Love Yesung as a single parent and Kyu as a patient bf who goes all the way to win Wookie's heart
Chapter 3: Started to read this even though it’s like September 😂!!! It’s so cute and I live for domestic Kyusung! Arranged Marriage is also one of my fav tropes too!! I love it especially when the couple started hating each other but since they’re “married” and have to live with each other. But slowly they garner feelings for each other since they see each other everyday
Chapter 8: this is probably my favorite one here i love love love this plot so much
Chapter 6: oooooooohh i felt the pain in kyu when he thought ye ran away omg this was so nice
Kyusungftw #7
Chapter 11: Wow this is new. From other than kyusung's pov. So creative!

And so many references. Can i believe this is actually happen off cam 😃?
_MyName_ #8
Chapter 11: Oh to be a part of Suju staff, the things you would see and hear :D
This is a fun story, interesting to read it from someone else's point of view ^^
LongingForWeekend #9
Chapter 6: I love this chapter 🥰
Kyusungftw #10
Chapter 10: So heartbreaking when kyu being pushed by the kids 😭 and poor the kids had bad experience before. At least they are together happily.

Never bored with long chapter. In fact, i always wish it is a long one 😆 Hope you fully recover. Don't worry and take your time, i always wait for you.