Me after you

One-shot series (aespa Winter X Karina ver)
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“Your mom called me, Jimin” Yeji enters Jimin’s office after knocking it once
“What does she wants now?” Jimin isn’t giving her full attention to her friend
“She’s asking if you’re coming to the funeral or not”
“Who died?”
“Hmm?” Yeji’s eyes widened “Are you seriously asking me that or?”
“Do I look like I’m not?”
“Did you at least read her messages?”
“No, I didn’t” Only then Jimin takes her phone and read the tons of messages her mom sent her “Ohh…” Her short response after realizing who just passed away
“So are you going?”
“I need some time to think”
“Look, I know you don’t want to see your mom. But your stepfather’s children might come. I thought you’re looking for them”
“Alright, alright. I’m going but come with me, will you? I- I don’t think I can stand seeing her and having to face his kids”

“It took someone’s death for you to come and see your mom, Jimin?” Her mother nags as soon as Jimin arrives 
“I’m not here to argue with you, mom” Jimin ignores her mother and her eyes begin to look around 
“Who are you looking for?” Her mom asks
“His kids. Did they come?”
“Why do you even bother…”
“Mom!” Jimin raises her tone a bit
“His second child came but she already left”
“How long has she left?”
“I don’t know and I don’t care. She’s sooo rude!”
“After what you did to her family, isn’t that expected?” Jimin can only shakes her head “I think I’m done here” She makes her way out hoping to catch her late stepfather’s daughter.
On her way out she bumps onto Yeji who’s walking inside after parking her car
“Why are you in a rush, Jimin? You’re supposed to be heading that way?”
“Did you see a lady on your way here, Yeji?”
“Jimin… There are tons of ladies around here? How am I supposed to know which one you’re referring too?”
“Aunt Jane said she’s wearing jeans and white shirts, with black sunglasses and a red cap” 
“Oh… if that’s the one, I think I saw her at the taxi stands”
Jimin quickly runs outside towards the taxi stands. She did saw someone that fits the description getting into a taxi that has just arrived but she’s just a few seconds late to stop her

Perhaps, next time…


“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Minjeong” Ryujin helps her friend setting up the table for dinner “Plus, you don’t even know who her child is”
“I have my way” 
“Don’t tell me you’re going to spy on her every move?” Ryujin knows Minjeong is certainly that crazy to do it. Not getting any response from the latter is already an answer to her question
“Does your siblings know your plan?”
“Huh? What plan?” Minji who has just entered the house overheard it and asked 
“Nothing and you’re late” Minjeong lands a quick sharp eyes to her younger sister
“I dropped Haerin at her home after prep school. What’s for dinner tonight?”
“Short ribs stew. Go and change” 
“Okay!” In a split second, Minji is already in the showers
“I’ll settle the rest, you should go and call your brother” Ryujin takes away the ladle and continues to scoop the stew into a bowl

“Minseok, dinner is ready” Minjeong knocks on her brother’s door, not bothering to open it at all
“Okay, I’ll come in a few minutes!”

“What time are you two going to work tomorrow?” Minseok asks during dinner
“As usual. Me and Minjeong gonna leave and head to the pharmacy after you two left. Why?”
“I’m meeting my client early tomorrow, can you two drop Minji at school?”
“Ergh… I can go to school by myself, Minseok” Minji grunts “There are a lot of busses in the morning”
“I’ll dropped her off tomorrow” Minjeong answers 
“Okay, guess I’ll see you at the pharmacy then?”
“No, you won’t. I’m not going there after that”
“Huh? Why? You guys are in an argument or something?” Minseok becomes curious
“No. I quit”
“You whatt?” Now he’s surprised hearing the answer he’s not expecting 
“She’s joking, Minseok. She’s joking. She’s asking for a day off tomorrow actually” 
“No, I’m not joking. I’m really quitting” Minjeong answers firmly 
“Did you get a new job or?” Her brother ask
“I haven’t but I’m going to”
“Hmm…” Minseok places his chopsticks down
“You’re planning something, aren’t you?” No one can read her as good as her brother
“She is, she’s planning something. I heard the word plan when I came home” Minji interrupts
“Finish your meal and do your homework, Minji” Minjeong gives her a glare
“Okay, okayy” The younger surrenders
“If it has something to do with that lady…” Minseok tries to read Minjeong’s expression “Go ahead and do whatever you want” He gets his answer
“Minseok?? You aren’t gonna stop her?? You know how crazy she can be” Ryujin is surprised Minseok didn’t stop his sister from taking her revenge
“Nothing surprises me anymore ever since she did that years ago” Recalling that one particular incident “As long as you didn’t ended up in jail, I’m fine with whatever you want to do”


“I’m sorry this happened to you three, but there’s nothing I can do to help, Minjeong” Mdm Kwon says as she offers a cup of tea to Minjeong
“She’s really selling that house?”
“Emm, she is. She put it up for sale a few days ago”
“Do you know when she might come back here?”
“She’s gonna come if someone is interested to buy the house but I’m not sure when will that be either” Mdm Kwon releases a sigh seeing Minjeong like that. She knew Minjeong and her siblings ever since they were little kids “Oh right. Before I forget…” She walks towards her table and opens the drawer, taking out something from it “Here. Take it”
“What is this?” Minjeong takes the business card
“Her daughter’s business card”
“Where did you get this?”
“She gave me. She said if I can’t get in touch with her, I should contact her daughter instead. Take it. That’s the only way I could help you”

“What are you staring at?” Ryujin approaches her friend from behind 
“This…” Minjeong shows the business card to Ryujin
“Yu Jimin. Who is she?”
“That lady’s daughter”
“Oh…” Ryujin passes the card back to Minjeong “Wait… Don’t tell me?” Ryujin puts her drink down 
“No… Minjeong don’t…”
“That’s the only way, Ryujin. There’s no other way”
“Is revenge a must, Minjeong?”
The latter only nods 
“What if in the end only you get hurts?”
“Is there anything else that can hurt me now?”
“There is… You know there is…”
“I can’t think of any other way, Ryujin. I’m still gonna do it” Minjeong is being firmed
“Hmm…” Ryujin sigh “Okay then, but I’ve warned you, Minjeong”


“Are you waiting for someone?” Jimin ask the stranger who’s waiting outside of their office main entrance
“I’m waiting for Ms. Han Seungyeon” The other answer
Jimin takes a look at her watch and it’s only 7:30 in the morning. Her staff usually will only comes in at 8 or later “Ohh… She’ll be here most probably in another half an hour. There’s a cafe downstairs if you want to have your breakfast first”
“It’s okay. I’ll just wait over here”
“Okay then” Jimin bows a little before she makes her way in.
But not for long, 5 minutes later she comes out with a cup of coffee and a cup of hot chocolate 
“Would you like coffee or hot chocolate?” She offers the stranger “Or both?”
Jimin passes the cup of coffee to the latter, then she rummages through her pocket and takes out a packet of cream crackers “Here, you may have it with this” She places it next to the stranger “Seungyeon said she’ll be here in 10 minutes. If you need anything else, I’ll be inside”
“I’m good. Thanks”


“Yeji, can you come to my room?” Jimin calls through the intercom 
“Yes, Jimin?” Yeji comes in after knocking 
“Who’s that person talking to Seungyeon? She arrived earlier than me”
“Ohh… You met her already?” 
Jimin nods
“But you didn’t even bother to ask who she is?”
“Emm no. I just asked her who she’s waiting for”
“That’s our new staff for planning department. Seungyeon said she needed more people on her team since Seulgi and Lia left”
“Is one enough? Or another one is coming today too?”
“She wanted to hire two at first but she said with the new staff, one is enough. And I agreed”
“Do you have her resume? What’s her name?”
“I knew you’re going to ask about it so I came prepared” Yeji grins and she gives the file she’s holding to Jimin “Kim Minjeong is her name”
Jimin quickly read through the resume and close the file 
“Okay, inform Seungyeon to brief the new staff regarding our upcoming projects. Meeting at 10”


“Any progress with the exhibitors, Seungyeon?” Jimin asks halfway through their meeting 
“I managed to convince most of them to stay with us but I don’t think TJ’s gonna continue” 
“That’s going to be a big problem tho” Yeji can’t hide her worries “They are leading the market and if they went to them instead of us, customers will too” 
Here’s the problem Jimin and Yeji are facing, just a week ago they found out their competitor, which is also the company they worked with before they set up their own, will also hold a camping expo but a week earlier than theirs. And worst, they are stealing, okay scratch that, somehow their competitor are inviting the same companies to join. If you don’t think that’s worse enough, perhaps, recruiting Jimin’s staff to work with them, are worse enough for you?
“I’ll go to TJ after this” Jimin says
“But you already went there twice Jimin and Yuna still isn’t meeting you”
“I’ll have to keep trying, don’t I?” Jimin shoots a smile “You guys don’t have to worry about it. I’ll take care of this”


“I’m sorry Ms. Jimin. I’m afraid Ms. Yuna is not available today either”
“Do you know if she will come back to the office later today?”
“I’m not sure about that either”
“Emm, can I, just wait for her over here then?”
And like always, Jimin waited for hours and hours but the person she wanted to meet still didn’t appear. The only reason Jimin left is because the office is closing.

She goes back to her office thinking no one will be there but much to her surprise, her new staff is still there 

“Why are you still here?” Jimin walks towards Minjeong’s cube
“I’m going home now. Just finished my work” Minjeong finished tidy up her work space
“Tomorrow onwards, just go home by 5:30 even if your work isn’t done. Okay?” 
“Why? Isn’t it normal to work over time a bit just to settle the work that should be done?”
“You did enough for the 8 hours that you have. There’s always tomorrow to continue” Jimin answers before she makes her way to her office
“Then what about you?”
“Hmm?” Jimin is pulled to a stop by Minjeong’s question
“You already bring your bag when you went out, you could just go home, why are you back here after office hour then?”
“It’s my company. I should do my best for it, for my staffs too. As I should. I’ve already taken their precious hours to work for me, it’s not right for me to ask for more when they could spend those times with their love ones”
“What about you then? Don’t you want to use your precious time for your love one as well?”
This time, Jimin doesn’t give her answer instead she just shoot a smile
“For someone who just started working here today, you sure have guts and a lot of questions, Minjeong. Just go home alright? Hopefully I will see you tomorrow” And off she goes into her office.


“Hmm?” Jimin mumbles to herself when she hears passcodes being entered from the apartment opposite of hers. As far as she knows, the apartment is empty. Right at that moment, she receives a call
“What is it, Yeji?” She answers
“What are you doing?”
“Just finished my writing. Why?”
“Let’s hangout. I’ll be there in 10” 
Yeji ends the call before Jimin could give her answer and now she has no choice but to quickly get ready and go downstairs 


“Did you broke up with Eunbi?” Jimin asks after they make their orders 
“Huh? What makes you think that way?”
“Because it’s friday night and you always spend the night with her”
“Ohh… We’re still together, she has to go back to her hometown, family matters”
“Then why did you ask to meet me?”
“Just because… It’s been a while since we hangout don’t you agree? We both have been busy trying to resolve the issues with our upcoming expo” Yeji finished her drink in one shot
“There’s something else you want to tell me, is it?” Jimin knows her best friend well
“Emm… Hmm…” Yeji still shuts her lips tight 
“Are you short of money?” 
“Emm nope” Yeji shakes her head 
“You are planning to propose to Eunbi but you need my help?”
“Not that one either” Yeji still contemplates 
“Hwang Yeji” Jimin gives the latter one last chance before she leaves 
“She’s back”
“She… Her… Your ex”
“Ohh? That’s it?”
“Emm… What else do you want me to say?”
“No. Nothing… None… Surprisingly you are taking this news well?”
“It’s been a year anyway” Jimin shrugs “I wonder if that’s her… hmm…”
“What is it about?” Yeji’s turn to ask
“Someone entered her apartment this evening”
“Oh right, I almost forgot that your apartment and hers are facing each other but I thought she already sold it tho?”
“I don’t know, that’s what I thought too. Probably a new tenant” Jimin tries to brush it off
“What if that’s really her?”
“So what if it’s her?”
“Will you be alright?” 

Will I be alright…


Jimin just finished signing all the documents she needs to sign in her office when she hears a ruckus happening outside.

“What are you guys arguing about?” Jimin goes out to see the situation herself. Ren is confronting Minjeong at her cube.
Realizing Jimin is there, Ren calms himself down. Seungyeon who is also there to ease the situation explains to Jimin what it is all about.
“So, you’re accusing her of stealing the investor’s list from your laptop and she then erased it?” Jimin asks Ren just to make sure she hears it right
“Yes” Ren nods 
“Do you know why she does that?”
“I don’t but I’m sure she’s going to give the list to our competitor”
“Do you have proof to back you up?” Jimin asks again
“I saw her stealing glance when I entered my laptop password yesterday evening, and when I came this morning, the list is gone. Who else could have done it if not her, she was the last one to leave the office yesterday” Ren stands his grounds 
“Do you have anything to say, Minjeong?” Jimin asks the other who has keep her quiet since the beginning 
“I did not do it and I certainly didn’t know the password for his laptop”
“You did it. I know you did it!” Ren doesn’t give up
“Alright, go back to your cube Ren. I’ve heard enough. Surely you have a backup of the list, go and find it. Let me solve this issue” Jimin instructs Ren to leave, so does everyone else. She then goes back to her office to check on something.

Jimin comes out 30 minutes later.

“Minjeong, come with me” She calls the latter and heads out of the main office with all eyes on them.


Getting inside Jimin’s car, Minjeong finally opens .

“Where are we going?”
“You shall see”

And Jimin drive for nearly half and hour before she makes a right turn and parks her car at the parking area.

“Where are we?” Minjeong looks clueless 
“You really have no idea where we are or are you just pretending?” 
“I wouldn’t ask if I know”
“Look at the signboard and memorize it. It might be useful later” Jimin says before she drive back to the office after getting her answer.

The office turn silent when Jimin steps inside with Minjeong. 

“Ren, come into my room. Minjeong, go back to your cube” Jimin gives her instructions 

Once Ren comes inside, Yeji who also join them, closes the blinds.

“I’m giving you a chance to come clean, Ren” Jimin says with her arms crossed 
Ren still gives the same answer. He insisted that Minjeong is the one who did it.
“One last chance, Ren” Jimin voice become stern but the latter still doesn’t want to change his stance.
Not having any other way, Jimin turns her desktop and shows the cctv recording to Ren
“So tell me what did you see? In my eyes, that is clearly not Minjeong” Jimin pauses to see Ren’s reaction
“Recognize yourself?” 
Ren’s face turns pale
“H-how-? I- I thought the cctv is broken?” 
“I had it repaired a few days ago since issues keep on arising” She pauses the video
“I still can’t believe what you’re doing, Ren. You are one of the longest staff I have and this happened??”
“I- I… Emm… I…” Ren stutters 
“I don’t want to hear your reasons. I’m sure there’s a deal between you and them. Pack your bag and leave or I’ll report you to the police” Jimin sounds disappointed “That’s the least I can do to repay you and your hardwork”


Seeing Ren packing his stuff and leaves without a proper farewell causes quite a stir in the office. Jimin goes outside to tell the others the situation to avoid any rumors 

“I know you guys are wondering why I fired Ren today. He accused Minjeong for something that she didn’t do and it was actually his own doing” Jimin takes a deep breath “I understand this company is unstable now, and I’m sure Ren isn’t the only staff the other has approached with an offer. I won’t stop you guys if you want to leave but I beg you, please don’t take the same path as him. I’ll leave my office open for you to do what needs to be done. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your hardwork, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart” Jimin takes a bow, quite long before she clocks out of the office with mixed feelings.


The next day Jimin arrives at the office later than the others. Somewhat expecting but it still hurts her seeing only 2-3 people remains in each departments. Regardless, she can only blame her incompetent for it. 

She goes to the pantry after putting her stuff down at her office. Waiting for the coffee to drip, Seungyeon joins her.

“Enough for two?” Seungyeon approaches 
“Emm…” Jimin nods with a faint smile
“Wish your smile is bigger” Seungyeon says trying to lighten the mood.
Jimin takes a deep breath, a lot of things are running in her head and there’s something she need to ask Seungyeon. An answer she needs to hear. Hopefully the one she wanted.
That’s when their eyes meet.
Even before Jimin could ask, seemingly knowing what she would ask, Seungyeon answers her
“I ran away before she could approach me, Jimin. I even blocked her number. So you don’t have to worry about it” 
Seungyeon is staying. 
The answer Jimin is hoping.
“Thanks, Seungyeon. Seriously, thank you” Jimin lift her face up, forcing the tears to stay still inside her eyes.
“I hope whatever that’s happening now, and has happened, won’t affect you that much, Jimin. I left that company and followed you because I know you’re much more than that” Seungyeon pauses and then she looks at all the staff that’s remained “And they stayed because they trusted you. They know eventually things will be alright once you get your head in the game again. Show them who you are, bring the Jimin that I know back, will you?” Seungyeon shoots a smile as she passes a cup of coffee to Jimin before she leaves the pantry 


“I’ll be there in a sec, Minjeong” Ryujin is finishing up with her last customer before lunch break. Once the customer leave, she takes off her lab coat and goes outside. Minjeong is waiting for her at the round table.
“What’s for lunch?” 
“Steak and pasta”
“Again?” Ryujin asks while her hands are busy taking out the food container from the brown bag
“Emm, again. If you don’t want to eat them, go and order something else” 
“Hmm… Did something happen at the office?” Minjeong eating the same food for 2 days in a row only means one thing.
Something is bothering her.
Or maybe in this case someone?
“A lot has happened” It’s only been a month and a half she’s working there but yeah, a lot has happened.
“Regretting your decision? It’s not too late to pull out. I missed having you here as well” 
“Why aren’t you getting a new part timer?” Minjeong tries to change the focus to Ryujin instead
“Well, I’m still hoping you will come back and work with me”
“You do know that’s not going to happen, Ryujin”
“I know but who knows? People change” Ryujin purposely emphasized on the latter part
“I don’t”
“Emm, we shall see” 


Trying to clear her mind, Minjeong takes a walk after dinner. It’s friday night, streets are more crowded than usual. But no matter how crowded they are, no one can escape Minjeong’s sight. No one especially her little sister.

“Kim Minji??!” Minjeong is surprised seeing her sister outside of a cafe, wearing a blue jeans apron when she’s supposed to be at the academy “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at your math class?” 
“Mi-Minjeong… I- I can explain” Minji takes a few cautious steps back, her eyes lurking around, trying to find a shelter
“I told you not to take any part time job, didn’t I?” Minjeong is getting closer and she’s only a few inches away to grab her sister
But luck is on Minji side when a passerby gets between them and Minji quickly hides behind the latter.
“Hear my explanation first, sis” Minji pleaded 
“I don’t want to hear it, you’re going home now” Minjeong take a step to the left trying to reach Minji, but her step is followed by the person that’s covering her sister. When she goes to the right, the same thing happened. 
“Excuse me??” Minjeong is annoyed and she takes a look at the person who’s covering her sister. She’s a bit stunned when she realizes who the other person is
It’s Jimin. Jimin is that person.
“I certainly did not try to cover your little sister. She’s controlling my movement” Jimin explains, she was just coming out of the cafe when she accidentally gets in between the two.
“Oh, you two know each other?” Minji notices the changes in Minjeong’s expression 
“If you don’t mind, can you step aside” 
“I- I would love to do that but your sister’s grip is too strong” Minji is still holding Jimin arm tight
“Just this time, only once, please stop my sister before she gets me” Minji suddenly pushes Jimin towards Minjeong before she runs away.
Surprised by the action, Minjeong almost fall on the road, luckily Jimin manages to grab Minjeong and pulls the latter towards her. 
Minjeong somehow is in Jimin’s embrace for a few seconds before both of them realize the situation and they quickly pulled apart.
“Sorry about that” Jimin says “Are you hurt anywhere?” 
“I’m alright, Ms Jimin” Minjeong tidy herself “I’ll excuse myself first” And just like that, Minjeong leaves.


“Wooahhhh” Jimin almost lost her footing when she’s pulled by someone from behind the tree
“Is my sister gone?” Minji asks, in whisper
“Emm, she’s gone. Probably heading home, I don’t know”
“Pheww” Minji releases a sigh of relief “Thanks for your help just now” She bows to Jimin
“How are you going to survive at home tonight?” 
“By not going back home?” There’s no way she’s going to be safe if she comes home tonight
“Have a place to stay?”
“I- I didn’t think about that yet. But I’m going to think about it now”
Jimin looks at her watch and it’s nearly 10 
“Just come and stay at my apartment if you want” Jimin suddenly offers plus she has one unused bedroom anyway 
“Can I seriously stay at your apartment tonight?” Minji asks quite eagerly 
“You seriously aren’t worried huh? What if I’m a bad person?” Jimin is honestly surprised that the younger doesn’t hesitate not even a bit
“Emm, I’m not worried because my sister trusted you”
“Hmm? Trusted me?” Jimin raises her eyebrow
“What do you mean?”
“I watched you guys from a far, for a bit. My sister looks different a little when she’s with you”
“And you think that’s a good thing?”
Minji nods to Jimin’s question 
“But it could mean for something bad” 
“I’ve lived with her longer than the duration you know her, so trust me on this”


“Why are you still outside?” Minseok just arrived home after a gathering when he sees Minjeong at the yard
“Waiting for Minji to come home”
“Ahhh, she won’t” Minseok takes a sit next to his younger sister “She told me she’s busted so she’s staying at her friend’s home”
“So you knew she’s doing part time work instead of studying?”
“She asked for my permission, Minjeong. And I allowed her”
“She’s supposed to focus on her study, Minseok. University entrance exam is just around the corner”
“I know but I wanted her to live the life she wanted”
“Well she can only do that if she gets a good education” Minjeong argues back
“Hmm… Ever since dad left us, don’t you feel like our family has changed?” Minseok looks at his sister intently 
“It’s not logical for us to stay the same”
“I know but I wish you didn’t change completely. I know I should’ve told this to you years ago but I guess I was also out of my mind during those times” Minseok than takes out something from his bag “When was the last time you ate this?” He shows a foot-shaped sour lollipop to his little sister 
“I don’t know. 10 years ago?” 
“Emm, you’re right. It used to be your fav, dad always bought it for you but you stopped when he left” 
“It reminded me of him and I don’t want to think about him”
“I know, but is it worth it Minjeong?”
“Is it worth it to stop liking something that you love because of someone that is no longer important to us?” Minseok places the lollipop on Minjeong’s hand “It took me this long to realize it too, till Minji talked to me about it. She might be younger than us, but she’s definitely much more mature than us about this. And seeing the two of us changed just so that mom and her can have a better life and us lose our teenage life just like that, perhaps she wants to return that life to us now” Seeing the lollipop still untouched, Minseok takes it and unwraps it before she gives it back to Minjeong “Minji travelled for 2 hours just to get this for you. She also told me to tell you this, she’ll do the exam well, you don’t have to worry about it and she wishes you trusted her more” Minseok gives a pat on Minjeong’s back “Let’s live the life we have lost, Minjeong. Live the life you really want for yourself”


“Why are you tiptoeing?” Ryujin catches Minji walking towards her room early in the morning
“Shhhhhhh” Minji looks nervous, worried Minjeong will come out and scold her
“Minjeong isn’t here. She went out”
“Oh, okay, phew” Minji releases a sigh of relief “She left something for you on the dining table” Ryujin tells and she goes towards the fridge
“Do you know where did she go?” Minji ask as she walks to the dining table and she sees a sticky note there
“Camping, maybe. She said she won’t come home tonight” Ryujin takes a sip of her strawberry milk “What did she write there?”
“This” Minji shows the note to Ryujin.
-Thank you-
“She also cooked braise short ribs for you. It’s on the stove” Ryujin points towards the pot “Did something happened to her?” Ryujin asks as she’s surprised seeing Minjeong behaving like that so early before she left this morning 
“And your carrot cheesecake is in the fridge” Minseok who just come out of his room interrupts “Welcome home troublemaker” He ruffles Minji’s hair on his way to the kitchen.
Ryujin passes the chocolate milk and a banana to him
“What happened last night? Minji didn’t come home and surprisingly Minjeong didn’t stay up all night waiting for her? Did those two fights?” Ryujin fires tons of questions to Minseok
“Huh, quite the opposite. Well umm they did almost got into a fight but someone stop them before they could get into trouble” He takes a bite of the banana “But I guess Minjeong took it well. So I don’t know, let’s just hope we will see a different Minjeong starting today”
“We probably already are. She cooked Minji’s favorite dish and she went for a camping.….” 

Another things that Minjeong once loved to do with her dad.


“Kim Minjeong? Is that you?” Someone calls her name from behind and she remembers that voice well
“Hi Uncle Lee” Minjeong turns around and bow a little towards him
“It’s really you?” Mr. Lee is happily surprised seeing Minjeong there that he gives her a hug “How long has it been since I last saw you here? 10 years?” He loosened the hug and takes a deep look at Minjeong
“Emm, 10” Minjeong answers him
“What are you doing here?” Mr. Lee asks “Are you alone?”
“Camping. I wanna do camping here for a night. Is there any empty spot left?”
“Really?? You wanna camp here? That’s great news!” Mr. Lee is so eager to hear that “You’re lucky cause we do have one empty spot, they canceled it this morning. Come, I’ll bring you there” He starts to walk towards the said area “You don’t mind if I tell Mrs. Lee that you are here right? She misses you a lot and been wanting to see you for so long”
“Emm, I don’t mind. I’m planning to visit her too”
“Okay, I’ll bring her here. Maybe we can go out for a lunch together later?”
“Emm, I’m okay with that too” 
And then they arrived at the empty spot, situated at the corner, quite far from others and there’s only one more camping spot next to her that is still empty
“Do you need help to set up your tent?”
“It’s okay Uncle. I’m planning to take my time setting it up and see if I’m still good at it or not”
“Okay, but if you need anything I’ll be in the main lodge” Mr. Lee gives Minjeong another hug “It’s really good to see you here again, I’m glad you grew up well” He meant it well and Minjeong understand that “I’ll see you for lunch”


Minjeong comes back to her tent after lunch and sees a tent has been set up at the empty spot next to hers. Seems like no one is at the tent or so she thought until she heard a zipper being opened.
Somehow their eyes meet each other’s 
Both are unable to utter any words and keep their silence
Mr. Lee comes at the right moment to break it
“You found your spot well, Jimin” 
“Hi Uncle. Yes, I did” Jimin smiles “Had a great lunch?”
“Of course I did!” Mr. Lee looks at Minjeong with a warm smile “Oh right. I forgot to introduce you, remember the little girl I told you about last time, Jimin?”
“The one that you haven’t met for years?”
“Emm, that one. You’re looking at her now” Mr. Lee points towards the other “Minjeong is her name”
“Oh… Hi” Jimin waves awkwardly and Minjeong hesitates to wave back
“Hmm… Why does it feels like you two know each other?” Mr. Lee can sense it but before he could get further into it, another camper looks for him “I have to go. Enjoy your stay Minjeong, Jimin” 

“Hi” Jimin greets the other when Mr. Lee left “I’m sorry about last night”
“It’s okay, I’m sorry too on behalf of my little sister”
“Emm…” Jimin nods “I’m going to get some firewood, do you need some?”
“I’m good. Thank you”
“Okay. I- I’ll go ahead then” 

That… was suffocating…


“Mi-minjeong, watch out!!” Jimin shouts as she dashed towards Minjeong to catch the other from falling. A loud thud follows.
“Are- are you alright?” Jimin asks, she could still feel her heart beating fast. She was just fast enough to catch Minjeong although they both eventually fall onto the ground with the latter on top of her.
“Emm, I- I’m alright. But your arm is bleeding” Minjeong quickly pulls herself away from Jimin and helps the latter to sit on the chair
“Wait here” Minjeong goes inside her tent and comes out with a first-aid kit
“I’m alright, Minjeong. I can just wash this off” Jimin tries to get off the chair to go to the washroom but Minjeong stops her from doing so 
“You can’t afford to get sick at time like this, right Ms. Jimin?” 
“Hmm… Right. I can’t” Minjeong’s words somehow brings her back to the reality her company is facing. Jimin just sit there, not uttering any more words till Minjeong finishes wrapping her arm with a bandage 
“Thank you”
“Emm… Thank you for catching me too just then”

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279 streak #1
Chapter 3: So good 🤧🥰
279 streak #2
Chapter 2: 🥹🥹🥹
279 streak #3
Chapter 1: cutie chapter 🥰
22 streak #4
Chapter 4: So far, I love all the chapters… they’re all soft and sweet and not in cringey way… I’m hoping to see more updates in the future authornim…
blanketlove 93 streak #5
Chapter 1: omg.... its so good... jimin ks the sweetest person ever to minjeong 🥺
Chapter 4: Welcome back, author!!!! kyaaaaaaa.... i'm so happy to see you again here hehe...

I love their journey towards each other's feelings. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, author ^^
Chapter 4: This is the first time I've read your stories and I just have to tell you, they're beautiful; the way you express their personalities, the stories behind them and how they develop their love it's just perfect. Thank u for sharing this with us; and you can come back whenever you want to, cuz as far as I can read, everytime you do, you bring magic with you.
Chapter 2: wow the emotions are on the mark
Author-nim... how are you?
odeill23 #10
Chapter 2: wow this one was so good