

Ryeowook entered the bus with a sigh, taking one of the seats closest to the door. He loosened his tie and leaned his head back, watching other passengers get on the bus as well. It's not that full, but every other seat has been taken. It's almost time for most people to go home, after all. Technically, Ryeowook is also on his way home from 'work' because he was going to get paid for this.

He replayed the events of the past hour and sighed again. He was going to get paid for this, right? It's not his fault it turned into a disaster.

As one of the last few passengers entered the bus, the driver began to close the door. But Ryeowook spotted a man running full speed to the bus station, waving his arms around like he was trying to get the bus' attention. 

"Wait!" Ryeowook said loudly. The bus driver turned to look at him with a glare and he could only smile back awkwardly as the man finally made it to the doors. "Sorry," he whispered weakly, not sure who he was saying it to, but it was unheard as the bus driver faced front again and the man sat down beside him, noisily putting his bag on the floor by his feet and trying to catch his breath.

"Are you okay?" Ryeowook felt the need to ask. He got back a bright grin and nod in response before the man looked him up and down.

"Aren't you too dressed up in a bus?" The man combed back his jet black hair, still trying to catch his breath as he continued smiling at Ryeowook. "Shouldn't you be in a limousine or something?"

Ryeowook sighed, probably for the thousandth time today, as he looked down at the suit he was wearing. "No, this was actually pretty cheap. One of the stores I know just makes suits at great quality. And, anyway, I came from a wedding ceremony nearby."

"A wedding?"

"Well," Ryeowook tilted his head as he watched the streets from the windows, "I'm not sure if it can still be called that. The wedding didn't push through because one of the grooms didn't show up."

"Oh? Really?"

Ryeowook shrugged, bringing back his attention to the man with the very charming smile. He didn't have much of a choice but to smile back. "I'm not really there for either of them. A friend of a friend said she's willing to pay someone to pretend to be her boyfriend at her ex's wedding. I was hired, but then her ex was left at the altar so I don't really know what the situation is."

"The Kim Yesung and Choi Siwon wedding?" The man's eyes seemed to sparkle as he asked. "It was an arranged marriage so they decided having a runaway groom would be the best option to make a statement to their families."

Ryeowook barely held in a gasp. "How did you know?"

The man chuckled before holding out a hand. "My name is Yesung. I'm the runaway groom."

"Oh my god. Hi, I'm Ryeowook" Ryeowook laughed in disbelief as he shook the other's hand. "This is so weird."

"Right?" Yesung grinned before leaning down to slightly his bag and show the groom's tuxedo that was thoughtlessly shoved in it. "Thanks for coming to my non-wedding. Sorry if we wasted your time."

Ryeowook laughed again. "You should be. I haven't received payment yet and I'm not sure if I'm going to."

"Ah, that's not a problem." Yesung leaned back comfortably on his seat and crossed his arms before closing his eyes to rest for a bit. Ryeowook couldn't help but admire how pretty he was. "Where's your stop?"

"Hmm?" Ryeowook asked, unsure if he heard it right.

Yesung kept his eyes closed but smiled. "Your stop. Is it still far?"

"Oh," Ryeowook looked outside, pretending to think of where his stop is but actually wondering if he should be telling a complete stranger the bus stop near his home, considering that's where he was heading. He thought of a different answer instead. "I'm actually going down in the next one to buy some food. You know. Since the wedding didn't push through, and neither did the reception with the buffet I was promised."

It was Yesung who laughed this time. Ryeowook bit back a smile at how nice his laugh sounded. I'll treat you then."

"What?" Ryeowook blinked. "You don't have to! I was just joking—"

"Hey, it's no problem." Yesung shrugged, eyes still closed. "I didn't exactly have a plan of where to go and you seem fun. I'll buy you a meal as an apology for the whole cancelled wedding thing."

Ryeowook thought for a second before leaning back in his own seat. "Alright. I'm not one to turn down a free meal. You're not gonna run away this time, are you? Mr. Runaway Groom?"

Yesung smiled widely and opened one of his eyes to see the teasing look Ryeowook had shot him. "Not if you're giving me a reason to stay."

Ryeowook felt his face heat up at the reply, which brought the other man to open both eyes and lean closer.

"Are you blushing?" He asked with a grin, leaning close enough that Ryeowook could smell the faint traces of his cologne. Yesung reached out to lightly brush Ryeowook's blushing cheeks with his hand, prompting him to turn even redder. "Cute."

Yesung finally moved away back to his resting position and Ryeowook could release the breath he didn't realize he'd been holding in. He looked out of the window, gazing at the sky to calm down his heart and hopefully stop blushing.

"You're so annoying." He mumbled with a slight pout. Ryeowook could feel the movement of Yesung chuckling from their arms that, he only now noticed, were slightly touching each other.

"Sorry," Yesung said back, not sounding sorry at all. "If you want I can treat you to another meal again someday."

"Is this how you always apologize?" Ryeowook turned to face him. "With a meal?"

"You said you won't turn one down." Yesung answered calmly, referencing Ryeowook's earlier words. "So, I'm open to buying you meals and spending more time together. I'm not one to turn down a meal either if it's with someone as pretty as you."

Ryeowook rolled his eyes at the cheesy comment before shaking his head. So annoying, he thought again as he grinned and looked out of the window, waiting for their stop.

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399 streak #1
Chapter 1: Yewook! It's so sweeet! I really want to know about their 'date' XD~ And manly Yesung just soooooo chef kiss! I rarely like manly Yesung, I even almost forget that Yesung is a man LOL So yeah, it's a nice story to remind me that Yesung is actually a man LOL
1646 streak #2
Chapter 1: What a cute Yewook snippet. I miss such sweet Yewook moments here. Wookie was just adorable to read and Yesung seems so carefree and flirty. A very nice read. Thank you for sharing ❤️
TaiShanNiangNiang #3
Chapter 1: Short but sweet :) I'm sure Ryeowook was like "What?" Lovely unexpected turn of events!