
Girl In The Rain
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"I said don't bull me and go to your girlfriend already. You look good together and she's beautiful."




"I'm going to explain. Let me explain Irene. Please?" She gently said looking straight at Irene's eyes. "I will explain everything to you." Now, she sounded desperate.




"You don't have to explain me everything Seulgi. There's nothing going on between us, why would you explain?" Irene bitterly said.




"Then I'll make a way for us to have something going on in between!" Seulgi said in determination and Irene looked at her in confusion. Slightly hiding the laughter that's about to suppress because Seulgi seemed to jumble her words.




"Like what? Searching in the internet on how to make an Aries woman fall in love?" Irene said seriously, hiding the tone of teasing Seulgi.




"H-huh?" Seulgi looked away in embarrassment. She can feel her cheeks being heated. Her hold on Irene's arm loosened. Oh, she's still holding Irene's arm. Doesn't matter, what matters right now is she's embarrassed and she just want the ground where she's currently standing at to be opened for her to be eaten. How did Irene know about that? That's the stupidest move of Seulgi way back.




"Boo!" Irene cheered, her face is now close to Seulgi. "Look at your face Seul!" Irene laughed at her, her signature ahjumma laugh. "Did bees attack my baby bear?" She said as if she's talking to a baby.




"I was just kidding Seulgi. Gosh, I love your expression. Of course I miss you and I don't care if you already have a girlfriend or none. I'm going to snatch you away from them anyway." Irene said coolly. "As long as you're willing to be snatched." She added.




"I-It's not funny." Seulgi hissed covering her reddened face.




"Hey hey hey, don't cover that cute face of yours. I wanna stare at you." She said, placing her hand on Seulgi's.




Slowly, she removed the hands covering her bear's face.




"You made me nervous." Seulgi whispers when she recovered. They are still holding each other's hands, mirroring each other.








"I thought you're mad at me."




"Why would you think that way?"




"I don't like seeing you like that with that expression, Irene. The last thing I want to happen is to see you with that face." She pouts.




Irene nodded at Seulgi and playfully glare at her. "You still want it to happen."




"Argh!" She groaned in annoyance but she couldn't hide the feeling that she's happy. She's more than happy. Happiness is an understatement. Her insides are going crazy, heart still beating abnormally.




"Why did you have to pull that stunt Irene. You scared me."




"Really?" Irene said smiling from ear to ear. "I don't know either. I just follow what Sunmi said." She simply explained while shrugging.




"What? Sunmi-unnie?"




"Yeah. She said I have to act like a jealous girlfriend. I don't even know why I bought her stupid suggestion."




Act like a jealous girlfriend. 




That statement didn't fail to make Seulgi grin. How she's anticipating to make that happen. Finally make it happen without Irene pulling a stunt. Though she doesn't want to meet that scary face of Irene earlier, it's as if she's killing Seulgi just by making that face. 




"Is she really my unnie?" Seulgi whispers and look at Irene once again upon realizing something. "Hey, the two of you are close now?" 




"Kind of. She's not that bad anyway."




"I'm happy for you!" 








"I consider Sunmi as my family. A real sister of mine and I'm happy that the two of you are getting closer." Irene rolled her eyes playfully.




"Why though? What are we anyway?" The question caught Seulgi off guard.




"I don't know Irene. Do you want to be mine?" Seulgi said bluntly which made Irene smile, she doesn't mind being straightforward anymore. She knows what she wants and she wants the girl infront of her to be hers.




"Did you plan on ripping my lips once you stepped here?" Irene said not hiding her now crimson cheeks.




"Maybe." Seulgi replied in amusement while looking at Irene's face that's as red as hers. She's glad she's reacting the same way.




"Gosh Seulgi, I can't feel my lips anymore for smiling too much!" She said, eyes full of delighted emotions. Sparkling, twinkling. Irene's eyes were too transparent that Seulgi can see those glint in them, and she wouldn't be shocked if Irene can read the same expression by looking at Seulgi's face.




"Wanna feel mine instead?" Seulgi smirk and it's time for Irene to look away and playfully punch Seulgi's stomach.




"Not too fast Seulgi. Not too fast."




"Tsk. Fine."




They stared at each other. Eyes full of longing, full of unexplainable emotions. Positive emotions because finally, after that long period of time which feels a century, they're finally facing each other right now. Feeling each other's presence, listening to each other's voices. 




"Can I hug you?" Seulgi asked her gently, lightly pouting her lips because she's somehow shy with her request. "I-I want to hug you Irene. Can I?" Irene didn't wait for a millisecond and hugged Seulgi tightly. That's the signal. 




Gosh, she missed her warmth so much.




"I missed you so much Seulgi."




"I missed you more Irene, and I'm happy you feel the same way towards me."




"I want to tell you billions of stories in my mind. Make a list about the things I missed about you but I'm afraid the numbers of paper in this world won't be enough." 




"I'm not into your metaphors Irene and I just wanna simply say i missed you in every possible and impossible ways." Seulgi replied pulling Irene closer to her, filling the minimal space between them.




"Do you still have feelings for me?" Irene asked.




"I-I do. I won't be hugging you like this if I don't."




"It's settled then." Irene said pulling away from the hug and look straightly to Seulgi's eyes.








"I'm not going to waste time anymore Seulgi. Let's be--" her words were cut off when they heard continous chants not from afar.




"Hey love birds! Mind helping us carrying these bags?" Sunmi yelled and Irene and Seulgi looked at each other, ignoring Sunmi.




"What were you saying milady?" Seulgi asked, heart still pounding so fast.




"Nevermind. Let's just help Sunmi." Irene answered her and started to walk to Sunmi and Jisoo's direction.




Seulgi smiles while watching the back of the girl walking away from her. The girl she loves. This day is one of the happiest moment ever happened in her life. Though something didn't go according to plan. She's actually planning to surprise Irene, like how she imagined while she's taking the flight.




She's planning to visit the girl in her company, give her flowers and chocolates for it to be romantic but it turned out this way. Them, meeting in a grocery store. Irene pulling a stunt making her heart dropped, but she's glad everything was just a set up and it ended beautifully.




Now, she just wanna spend time with Irene.








"I've heard a lot about you." Jisoo started a conversation while staring at Irene. Irene looked back at her and she gave Jisoo a small smile. 




Seulgi just watch the two of them. Jisoo is seated in the passenger seat while Seulgi and Irene are in the backseat, holding each other's hand. They're going to Kang's mansion where she's going to stay for good along with Jisoo who's going to stay with her for they don't know how long. While Sunmi went to a meeting because she was supposed to be in a meeting when Irene dragged Sunmi with her.




"Hope what you heard about me are good things." Irene answered squeezing Seulgi's hand.




"Of course. Everything I tell about you were good things, milady." Seulgi smirked while playfully making her brows up and down.




"Indeed. Seulgi is right." Jisoo added while giggling. "I hope we become friends." She added and Irene smiled.








"I need to expose Seulgi to you. This girl surely had the best time of her life in America!" 




"Jisoo!" Seulgi opposed while looking at Irene's expression. She just shrugged at Seulgi as if deadpanning what she just heard.




"I'm just kidding bear." Jisoo said. "You look good together, I swear. I envy the both of you." She sighs.




"Jisoo, you're going to meet that Jendeukie of yours soon. I swear." Seulgi cheered her friend up. Upon hearing the endearment, Irene furrow her brows.




"Jendeukie? You mean Kim Jennie?" Irene asked Jisoo and Jisoo's eyes grew wider.




"How did you know her? Do you know where she is right now? If so, can you tell me her exact location? I've been contacting her and I don't know where she is. Tell me where she is right now, milady of Seulgi." Jisoo said continously and Irene and Seulgi looked at each other.




"I don't know if I have the right to tell you this but she's currently at Ansan right now." Irene smiles. She can see how desperate Jisoo looked when she heard the name Kim Jennie from Irene.








Jisoo bid her goodbye to the both of them when they dropped her at the station going to Ansan. The real reason why Jisoo went back to Korea is to find Kim Jennie anyway, so she doesn't want to waste her time and just go directly to her lover.




"I'm rooting for her." Seulgi says.








"Seulgi-ya. Wake up." She felt gentle touches on her face. "Wake up bear." She heard a soft velvety voice. A familiar one.




Slowly, she opened her eyes then she met a familiar set of doe eyes owned by the person she wants to be with forever.




"Good evening, Baby." She said gently, she felt her small hands caressing her face. "The others are here." She added lightly pinching Seulgi's squishy cheek.




Seulgi blinks repeatedly. Is she dreaming or is it really happening? That Irene is inside her room, being sweet just by doing those light touches adding her smooth voice.




"Am I dead?" She unconciously said making the latter beside her laugh gently. She's resting her head on the headboard, leaning her back.




"You're not Seulgi." Irene said huskily. 




"Then why am I seeing an angel right now?" She asked innocently. Not intending to be greasy.




"Is that what you learned in States? Being corny?" Irene . Seulgi fixed her position to level Irene's.




She moves closer to Irene and stare at her face, she studied her face. "You look more gorgeous than before, milady." The endearment rolled her tongue naturally, like what it used to be before. 




Seulgi's breath touched her face, she felt her cheeks getting heated just by hearing that familiar endearment from Seulgi. "You too, baby." She replied.




"What are you doing here?" 




"CEO Kang said it's okay for me to be here." She proudly said.




"Dad? Was he the one to tell you that I finally came back?" She asked now that she realized how did Irene know that she's going back.




Irene smiled at her. "Yes."




"Gosh, I hate him! He ruined my surprise. He doesn't support me anymore." Seulgi hissed while pouting.




"So you're planning to surprise me?"




"Y-yeah. I want it to be romantic and turned out like that."




"Seulgi, Seulgi, Seulgi. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." Irene playfully said, and she caressed Seulgi's face once again. "Get up now bear, they're waiting outside."








"Our friends." Irene giggles and about to stand up from the bed when Seulgi pulled her by her waist. Making Irene land on Seulgi's bed, laying down. Seulgi hugged her tightly and Irene felt her body weakened. She longed for this intimate touch every time. Now, she can feel it directly from this person beside her.




Seulgi wrapped her arms around Irene's waist and she rested her face on Irene's chest. She smiles upon hearing the heartbeat that's as loud as hers. "Let's stay like this milady." She said and sniff Irene's scent, still addicting and she remembered something.




"What's the brand of your perfume or fabric con?"




"You're so random Seul." Irene giggles and she caresses Seulgi's locks. "I don't wear perfume and the brand of my fabric con is a secret."




"Selfish." She replied.




"Seul, they're really waiting outside."




"I don't care, I only want to be with you."




"Oh c'mon bear. You're going to have me later right after this."








"Yes, so get up and we don't want them to tease us, do we?"




Seulgi nodded her head and gave Irene a quick peck on her lips. "I'm sorry, your lips are inviting me." She said and stood up from her bed and went inside her bathroom.




Irene touched her lips while a smile is plastered on her face. That peck is enough for her to know that Seulgi still feels the same like before.








"Surprise!" Byul and Yeri said in unison when they saw Seulgi reached t

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Skyionim #1
Chapter 18: Hahahahaha love this story! Hillarious and so entertaining! Thanks author
Chapter 18: I loved this story so much, it's the perfect mix of angst and fluff and theres so much emotion. Innocent Seulgi will always be my fave <3
1060 streak #3
Chapter 18: 🧡🧡🧡
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 18: Reread❤❤❤
Chapter 18: Full of cracks. I amazed at irene with her not taking advantage of seulgi's innocence, she doesn't go that far.
Chapter 7: The 2nd hand embarrassment for seulgi 🤣
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 18: Ahahahaha that ending!!! Thank you. For making it light hearted. Enjoyed reading it! Cheers!
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 17: 🙌
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 16: I’m glad they had the talk rather than assuming and then distancing themselves.
Sir_Loin #10
Chapter 15: Yes! Joy called it!!!