Even if I Fall

Heavenly Sin

Yuqi was bored after the dark beings left. She did not know what to do with herself seeing as she couldn’t really just finish her mission and return home. She didn’t want to either, she wanted to spend more time on earth. She was learning so much about Heaven and Hell, things she shouldn’t know.

It intrigued Yuqi and made her wonder why it was all kept secret from the angels. Shouldn’t they have this knowledge on demons. If they could love they were not completely soulless. Yuqi could not comprehend why the Creator would hide such things. Was that not a form of being dishonest? Which for an angel was considered a sin?

She did not want to think about it too much. Despite the fact that the savior could be lying to all of Heaven, she did not want to get on his bad side. She figured if they knew, they would banish her to Hell for questioning the almighty Creator.

That was something Yuqi did not want. Although… No. she would not think like that. Those thoughts would just lead her into sin, and it was not something she wanted. She worked so hard to get to where she was. She could not let a demon or well, the Devil lead her astray.

Yuqi needed to get out, so she left her apartment and went to the roof to take off towards Chaeryoung work. Yuqi watched from the top of the opposite building as Chaeryoung worked inside a small restaurant. Yuqi was thinking through what she could do, and she had a plan. Unfortunately, it was not the most ideal plan, but it could get both Yuqi and Chaeryoung what they want.

Yuqi would talk to her after her shift ended. She would also have to speak to Soyeon to know if it was possible. If she did it soon, she did not know when she would be able to see the Devil again, and as much as Yuqi hated how she was feeling. The thought of not seeing Soyeon again made her feel gloomy.

Speak of the Devil, Yuqi felt the dark presence appear behind her and chuckled. Just when she was thinking of her, she appeared. Yuqi heard the footsteps stop and looked next to her to see Soyeon looking over at Chaeryoung. Yuqi noticed the elder’s cold expression and frowned.

“What happened?” Yuqi asked.

Soyeon continued to watch Chaeryoung, “No, hello?”

“We said goodbye to each other three hours ago,” Yuqi reminded her.

“Hmm, it hasn’t been all that long, has it?”

Yuqi sighed the looked back at the girl who was now leaving the restaurant, “No it hasn’t.”

Soyeon turned to Yuqi suddenly, “Have you ever wanted to see Hell?”

Yuqi grew confused by the question, “What do you mean?”

“Have you ever thought about it, visiting Hell. Or if you were to fall what it would be like.”

“Not really, although, when I was younger, I wondered what it would have been like if the angels had not taken me.”

Soyeon’s eyes grew wide from shock, “What do you mean?” She looked out at the city to not let Yuqi see she already knew what she was talking about.

“Honestly no one knows the truth about my parents, not even Shuhua,” Yuqi held onto the ledge of the building as she continued, “My father was an Archangel while my mother was a succubus. I don’t fully know what happened with them, but I know I was taken from Hell as a child.”

Yuqi glanced at Soyeon to see how she would process the information, to her surprise Soyeon seemed unfazed by the discovery.

“That’s not the full truth, you were born on Earth, but the Creator took you before your mother could return with you to Hell.” Soyeon eventually replied.

Yuqi was stupefied as she looked at Soyeon, “What?”

Soyeon sighed before she looked Yuqi in the eyes, “I know your story, Yuqi. Probably better than you do.”

Yuqi didn’t know what to say, what could she. If Soyeon knows then who else does? Does Shuhua?

“Did you know about me this whole time?” Yuqi eventually asked.

“No, not until tonight.”

“How did you know?”

“I put the pieces together. The Creator would not send any new angel down to Earth especially not one who has never seen the outside of Heaven on a mission like this. The Creator is testing you Yuqi. There is so much we must talk about.”

“So, then? Let’s talk.”

“Not here,” Soyeon shook her head, “not enough privacy. We will talk in Hell; you will finish your mission and return home. I will tell you where you can find the entrance to Hell, and we will talk there without the fear of anyone listening to us.”

Yuqi nodded, she couldn’t really argue with the Devil, “I have a plan.”

Soyeon nodded and was going to ask Yuqi to carry on until she felt the approach of a heavenly being, “Yuqi, we need to go.”

Yuqi was confused until she felt it too, “Where?”

Soyeon took Yuqi’s hand and sped off covering the angel’s aura with her own so the heavenly presence would not come after them. Soyeon was not sure where to go but she did not want to risk returning to the angel’s apartment. Returning to Shuhua and Soojin was also not an option. So, she waited until they were out of the city before she saw an abandoned factory.

The two landed safely and moved inside hoping no one had seen them.

Yuqi looked around at the abandoned building shivering from the cold, “Do you think they heard us?”

“No, we need to be more careful in public,” Soyeon responded moving towards the cold angel.

Soyeon rubbed the angel’s arms, even she was a bit chilly, but it seemed the angel was not used to very cold temperatures.

Yuqi smiled gratefully at Soyeon, “Anyway, back to my plan. Where is the entrance to Hell in Heaven?”

Soyeon looked at Yuqi questionably, “Well, it’s not really an entrance that teleports you straight there. the entrance leads you to the dark forest which you must travel through to get to Hell. It’s not a fun trip, but it will guarantee you are not followed or tracked.”

Yuqi seemed to be in thought, “How long is the trip?”

“Only a few hours if you know the way. I can draw you a map.”

Yuqi nodded, “I will need it as soon as possible.”

Soyeon furrowed her eyebrows, “What is the plan exactly?”

Yuqi laughed, “Oh right, I think I can get Chaeryoung to agree to me saving her soul. She dies in two days so I will be there to bring her home. When we get home, we can go to Hell where she can reunite with her lover.”

“She will fall then,” Soyeon said.

“Yes, she will but she will be free to be with her lover and I will not be at fault for failing the mission.”

Soyeon sighed, “It is not easy, Yuqi-ya. The pain from having your heavenly aura ripped from you is almost the same as being put through hundreds of the worst ways to be killed. Not all angels survive the fall.”

Yuqi frowned, “I know that. I will speak to Chaeryoung, if she has her memories of Heaven then she will know what she is agreeing to.”

Soyeon’s eyes went wide from shock, “She remembers?”

Yuqi nodded, “Yeah, when I approached her at that club, she spoke to me about it before she made me drink something really gross.” Yuqi’s face scrunched up from the memory of the toxic drink.

Soyeon laughed, “It was alcohol, darling. You aren’t used to it or have a tolerance against it. No wonder you were so out of it when I found you.”

Yuqi blushed from embarrassment, “Right.”

Soyeon chuckled at the shy angel before she looked at her seriously, “Did she say how she remembered?”

“She just said she learned from the last reincarnation.”

“Huh, that is strange.”

“Is it even possible?” Yuqi asked.

Soyeon knew it shouldn’t be. The girl should not have any memory of Heaven or Hell as a human. There was only one explanation, but she did not want to upset the angel. Soyeon took a deep breath as she looked at Yuqi who was looking to her for answers. The angel was beautiful even the dark, the only light coming from the full moon, Soyeon could see the angel’s adorable features.

Soyeon was still holding her arms trying to give her some warmth. She moved closer to the angel and placed the angel’s arms around her waist as she hugged her. Yuqi was surprised by the action but let it happen. She liked Soyeon holding her, she could not deny that.

Soyeon whispered loud enough for Yuqi to hear her, “It isn’t possible but the reasons all link to your birth, darling. It is hard to explain, but I am sorry. I am the reason all this is happening to you. The Creator is testing your loyalty to Heaven and to him. He needs to know you are on his side.”

“What? Why? How are you involved?” Yuqi asked holding onto Soyeon a little tighter.

“Go to Chaeryoung tomorrow and finish this. We will speak as soon as you arrive in Hell,” Soyeon stepped back as she took off the necklace she was wearing and put it in Yuqi’s hands, “Wear this when you leave Heaven, and I will leave the map in your apartment,” Soyeon looked at the angel one last time, “We will meet again soon, darling.”

Soyeon walked out the factory and took off before Yuqi could fully comprehend what was happening. The angel was extremely confused by what just happened. What did any of this have to do with her birth? And the Creator was testing her? There was so much she still needed to know.

Yuqi decided to leave the factory and head home. She would talk to Chaeryoung first thing tomorrow and finish this. she wanted to find out the truth from Soyeon, she wanted to understand what was happening. She could care less about her status right now, all she wanted was to be free from all the lies she had been surrounded by that she had been completely unaware of.

She was going to discover the truth even if it meant she would have to fall.

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